Erotic Short Stories 1

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Erotic Short Stories 1 Page 6

by Lynn Hagen

  I pulled my phone from my back pocket. It was pink and decorated in a thousand shiny, fake diamonds. Darren grazed his hand over mine before taking my phone and dialing his number. His phone rang. Satisfied, I took my phone back. “When’s a good time to call you?”

  With his demanding job, I didn’t want our phone call interrupted by a phone call.

  “How about I call you when I leave here?” Darren tucked his phone into his front pocket. His heated gaze swept over me, making my cock twitch in my tight jeans. “But I have to go now.”

  “Okay.” I practically floated from the station. Finally, after months of flirting and stolen glances, I had a phone date with the hunk. I giggled in joy when I got outside.

  “Take that, Tyler.” But as enthused as I was, once I got home, the excitement kind of dwindled. My apartment wasn’t that big, and as flamboyant as I was, you’d think my place would be amazingly decorated. What if Darren wanted to come over? What would he think of my home? Why was I worrying about something as dumb as my apartment?

  Because I really wanted Darren to like me.

  The seven hundred square feet were dismal. I lived in a fourplex, my place on the top right. My neighbor across the hall had to be a drug dealer judging by the many different people who knocked on his door day and night. The couple below me thought arguing was an Olympic sport. The unit across the hall from them belonged to a single mother with two teenage sons.

  It was all I could afford working as a secretary for a struggling law firm. I’d thought about getting another job, but they were scarce these days.

  As soon as I locked my door, I tossed my keys aside and kicked off my shoes. I strode to the kitchen and grabbed a vitamin water from the fridge. After I took a long swig, I parked my ass on the couch and flipped through channels as I waited for Darren to call.

  Around eleven, I dozed off.

  * * * *

  I woke the following morning sore from sleeping on the couch, and pissed that Darren had brushed me off. I’d felt the vibes and knew he was interested, so why no call? Were all law-enforcement officers unreliable when it came to their personal lives? Or had I somehow forced Darren’s hand and made him feel obligated to give me his number?

  My life truly sucked.

  Bummed, I called Reggie. If anyone could cheer me up, it was my best friend. I’d known him since high school and we hit it off right from the start. He was like the twin I should’ve had. We were so much alike that we could’ve been separated at birth—though my mother continually denied Reggie was her long-lost son.

  “Need you over here,” I said as soon as he answered.

  “Oh, poor baby. Are you still upset that Roland stood you up?” he asked. “Do you want me to march down to the station and kick him in the balls?”

  I laughed. Reggie was the type of friend who would help me bury a body, no questions asked, then take me out for drinks afterward.

  “No, it isn’t about my brother.” I wish it had been. That would’ve made the rejection more bearable. I still couldn’t understand why Darren hadn’t called. He seemed just as into me as I was into him.

  “Well, I can’t drop everything and be there,” Reggie said. “I’m already at work. Do you want to talk about it now, or wait until I get off?”

  Not really feeling the need to spill my guts over the phone, I said, “It can wait.”

  “Are you sure? I have the time.”

  How Reggie wasn’t fired from his restaurant job was beyond me. He took breaks whenever he felt like it, clocked in late, and had argued with more than one customer. Even though Reggie worked for his uncle, if I’d owned the joint, best friend or not, he would’ve gotten canned by now.

  Just saying.

  Sighing, I relented. “I finally got Lieutenant Spears’s phone number, but he never called me last night like he promised.”

  “So why didn’t you call him?”

  That was a damn good question and one I hadn’t thought of. “I didn’t want to seem like I was bugging him. I asked when he wanted me to call, but he said he’d call me.”

  Reggie laughed. “Since when do you let that stop you? The David I know would’ve called regardless. Hell, you would’ve blown up his phone until he answered.”

  True, but I hadn’t wanted to be a nuisance. I really did like Darren. More than I realized, and that thought shocked me. Then again, it shouldn’t have. When I set my sights on a guy, I put all my efforts into him. I should just forget about Darren and find someone who was into me, but he was all I’d thought about for the past four weeks.

  Yes, I knew I had a contradictory personality. It drove me insane. I was confident enough to go after what I wanted, but as soon as I felt a guy was rejecting me, self-doubt was all over me, kicking my scrawny ass.

  The first time I’d seen Darren was right after I’d broken up with Tyler. I’d marched down to the station, ready to demand my brother arrest him for being an asshole. Darren had just transferred there from another district. I’d been lust-struck, and hadn’t been able to get him off my mind since then.

  “I swear,” Reggie said, interrupting my thoughts, “Tyler fucked your head up. You need to forget all the crap he said to you and get back to who you were before dating that asshole.”

  “You know what? You’re right. I’m gonna call him.” I looked at the clock on my wall. It was ten in the morning and Darren was probably knee-deep in work, but what the hell. I needed to know why he’d brushed me off.

  “Don’t you let him give you any lame-ass excuses, either. You’ve been harping about him for a month now. Either let that geriatric god fuck you or move on.”

  “He’s not that old,” I argued.

  “He’s old enough to be your father, David. While I think that’s a bit creepy, whatever blows your skirt up. Just give me the details after you’ve gotten into his bed.” Reggie snickered. “Tell me if he smells like Bengay.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yuck it up, asshole.”

  Darren might be much older, but he still had a rocking body. His biceps stretched the short sleeves of his uniform shirt, and his pecs were damn impressive. I could only hope to be that in shape when I reached his age.

  Whatever age that was. I’d never asked. I didn’t care. All I wanted to do was run my fingers through that full head of dark hair while I rode his cock.

  “You’re the only guy I know with a daddy complex,” Reggie said. “Just do me a favor and never bang mine.”

  I shivered. Reggie was good-looking, but he’d gotten those looks from his mother. His father wasn’t butt-ugly, but he wasn’t gorgeous, either. He was too round around the waist for me, and besides, I wasn’t into straight or married men. “I can promise you that I won’t.”

  “Hey, what’s wrong with my dad?” Reggie sounded offended, but I heard the laughter in his voice.

  “He’s married,” I reminded him. “And straight.”

  “Well, there is that.” Reggie said something to someone on his end, then came back to me. “Gotta go. Uncle Pete is throwing a fit about me talking on the phone.”

  “Gee, I wonder why,” I said. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  After I hung up, I called Darren. The phone rang five times. I’d started to hang up when a deep and sensual voice said, “Lieutenant Spears.”

  I froze, unsure what to say. But my dick had no problem reacting to his masculine voice. It perked right up, making my pants even tighter.


  How did he know it was me? Oh yeah, he had my number. Duh. He must’ve programmed it into his phone. “Hi.”

  God, I’m such a dork.

  “Hey, handsome.” I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was smiling. “Sorry about last night.”

  “That was why I called.”

  “Shit got crazy around here and I didn’t get home until three in the morning. I didn’t want to wake you.” I heard someone talking in the background and figured he was busy.

  “I can call later.” Though I didn�
�t want to. Shit, Reggie was right. I’d turned into a complete pussy. The old me would’ve already been arranging a date.

  “No, no. Hang on. Let me close my office door.”

  I paced my small living room, biting my lower lip. Damn it. I needed to grow back my spine. I wanted to hunt Tyler down and kick his ass for all the disparaging things he’d said to me.

  “That’s better,” Darren said. “How was your night?”

  Who cared about my night? That wasn’t what I wanted to talk about. “It was fine. So when can we get together?”

  That was more like it.

  He chuckled and I melted. “Anxious to get me alone?”

  I grinned as I pressed my palm into my flourishing erection. “What gave that away?”

  “Why don’t you come down to the station around lunchtime?” Darren said. “I’ll make sure we have at least forty minutes to ourselves.”

  He was inviting me to lunch, but in my mind, he was really inviting me down there for sex. “Okay. I’ll see you around noon.”

  I was glad I had the day off, but the short notice didn’t give me much time to get ready. If I lucked up and Darren bent me over his desk, I wanted to be scrubbed from head to toe and smelling awesome.

  I tossed my phone aside and took a quick but thorough shower, making sure to shave my pubic hair. After lotioning my body—because soft skin is very important to me—I found an outfit that wasn’t too wild but would be easy to remove if things got hot and heavy.

  “You look fabulous,” I said to my reflection in the mirror. “Now act like you’ve had sex before and seduce his gorgeous ass.” I tucked a condom and packet of lube into the front pocket of my pants. A guy could hope.

  With that pep talk out of the way, I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone before walking my happy ass out of my apartment. The guy across the hall stood in his doorway. He handed the woman at his door something small, and she handed him cash. I quickly looked away.

  I really needed to find a better place to live.

  After getting into my piece-of-shit Camry, I drove the few blocks to meet with Darren. It amazed me that I lived so close to a police station, yet my neighborhood was riddled with crime.

  I hardly ever saw a patrol car. They were all in the Heights, making sure the well-to-do citizens were protected. Bastards. My apartment had already been broken into twice in the past year. Roland had had a fit and insisted I move, but never thought of how I would be able to afford living in a better neighborhood.

  After the second break-in, he’d added sturdier locks and an alarm system. I’d yet to figure out how the damn thing worked, but I never told Roland that. He would raise hell if he knew I wasn’t using it.

  The four blocks to District Ten were grueling. I’d never seen the traffic this congested before—and it wasn’t even rush hour. I taped my finger on the steering wheel, willing the cars ahead of me to move along.

  Ten minutes later I’d moved a single block. By the time I reached the third block, I saw why the traffic was so slow. There had been an accident. Not only was there an ambulance, but a fire truck and two cop cars.

  As soon as I cleared the accident, the road opened up. It was five minutes until noon. It would be no biggie if I was late, but I wanted as much time with Darren as possible.

  Unfortunately I ran into Roland as soon as I’d parked and entered the station. He didn’t look too happy to see me, but I wasn’t there for him. He could go suck a lemon.

  “I don’t have time for your drama today, kiddo.”

  I smirked at him. “I’m not here to see you.”

  That got Roland’s attention. He turned fully in his seat and stared at me. “Who exactly are you here to see?” His expression became serious. “Did your apartment get broken into again?”

  “Nope.” I breezed past his desk and knocked on Darren’s closed door. Roland was right behind me. He grabbed my arm and spun me around.

  “What’re you doing?”

  I glanced at his hand, then at his face. “Let me go unless you want me to kick you in the nuts.”

  Roland’s hand dropped. “Why are you bothering my boss?”

  The door swung open, and my breath was stolen by just how handsome Darren was. A big, goofy grin spread across my face as my cheeks heated up.

  “David?” Roland said from behind me, but I ignored him.

  “Come on in.” Darren waved me into his office, then turned and said to Roland, “I don’t want to be disturbed for the next hour, got that?”

  He’d been sweet to me but used his no-nonsense voice with my brother. Roland glared at me before he nodded at his boss and walked away. I grinned. It was killing Roland not to know what was going on.

  As soon as Darren closed the door, he pulled me into his arms. I was taken aback by his dominance. “I’ve been thinking about kissing you since you were here yesterday.”

  I gave him a bratty smile. “I’ve been thinking about you fucking me since I first laid eyes on you.”

  “You don’t mince words, do you?” His grin made my cock hard.

  “Not when I see something I want.” My old self seemed to have returned. Go me. “And I’m dying for a piece of you.”

  “Not sure why you want someone my age, but I won’t complain.”

  Darren cupped my cheek, bent down so he could reach my lips, and kissed me until I had no more air in my lungs. The kiss was hot, passionate, and made me grab at his thick arms for more.

  I snickered when he turned and locked his office door. He pointed to a couch that had seen better days. “I want you to sit while I make a call. It won’t take long.”

  My lower lip slid out. “But I thought you said we wouldn’t be disturbed.”

  He marched me to the couch and turned me around. “Sit, and don’t say a word while I’m on the phone, or you won’t get any dick, understood?”

  He hadn’t used the same tone he’d used with Roland, but I heard the command loud and clear. “Yes, sir,” I teased.

  His blue eyes blazed. “Very good, David.”

  Hmm. That was curious. Apparently my compliance turned him on. If that was what he was into, I’d submit to him—although I had a real problem following orders.

  When Darren got on the phone, I pulled my shirt over my head. He had told me to sit and be quiet. He hadn’t said anything about keeping my clothes on. I set it beside me on the couch, licked my fingers, and ran them over my nipples. They instantly hardened.

  As Darren talked, his gaze was riveted on me. His eyelids became heavy-lidded, like they’d done yesterday, as he watched me with intensity.

  Next, I toed my shoes off, then peeled my socks away and tossed them aside. Teasing him, I ran my hand over my chest, slid it down to my waistband, then moved it over my belly.

  “No, no. I understand.” Darren’s gaze never left me. “Yes, I can do that, Mayor.”

  Lifting my bottom—but making sure I didn’t leave the couch—I slid my pants down my thighs. I had forgone underwear, and my cock sprang free. Darren fumbled with the phone. He’d nearly dropped it but caught it before it fell to the floor.

  I took my pants the rest of the way off, loving how risqué I felt getting naked in a police station. Who would’ve dreamed that I would have the nerve? I stretched out on the sofa, lying on my back and palming my hard cock. Feeling devilish, I licked my lips before I slowly stroked myself.

  No way in hell would Darren turn me down. Not when I was putting on a show for him. He began to talk bullet-fast on the phone, trying his best to rush the mayor so he could end his call.

  When he hung up, Darren stood. “You are one naughty boy.”

  I let out a low and breathy moan. “Then teach me a lesson for being so bad.”

  I had no idea where that had come from, but I went with it. From the pure lust in Darren’s eyes, my suggestion was right up his alley. He rounded his desk and approached the couch. I moved my legs so he could sit.

  When he did, he pointed to his lap. “Drape yourself over my

  Was he really going to spank me? I became nervous, but my cock drooled at the idea. My hesitation must’ve shown.

  “I promise you’ll enjoy it.” Darren patted his legs. “Now crawl over here like a good little pet.”

  Okay. Maybe I was in over my head, but I did as he asked. I felt weird lying facedown over his muscled thighs with my ass stuck in the air, and I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for him to slap my ass.

  Instead, he feathered his hand over my cheeks. “You listen real well, David.”

  I grinned up at him. “Are you going to reward me?”

  “I can tell you’re going to be a handful.” His palm landed on my bare ass and I yelped with surprise. The smack had stung, but Darren rubbed my abused cheek. “I would fuck you right here, but I want us to be completely alone before that happens.”

  I pouted again. “Then why didn’t you tell me to get dressed?”

  “Turn over.”

  Pushing from his legs, I once again did as he asked. He curled me in his arms, then brushed his knuckles over my hard cock. My dick jerked with excitement.

  “I’ll still get you off, David.”

  My dwindling hope renewed. “How?”

  He curled his fingers around my cock and I nearly came on the spot. His hand was strong and sure as he slowly stroked me and I wiggled on his lap.

  “You have a very pretty prick, David.”

  I’d never received a compliment like that before. “Thanks. I wish I could see yours.”

  “You will.” Darren’s strokes became just a bit faster. “I’d planned on coming over to your house tonight to make up for last night.”

  The thought of Lieutenant Spears coming to my rundown apartment had panic filling me. “How about I come over to your place?” Between my crappy dwelling and my neighbors, I’d scare the man off.

  He seemed to think about that for a second. “I’ve never brought anyone home before.”

  The idea that I’d be his first thrilled me. “So is that a yes?”

  His smile had my heart racing. “That’s a yes.”

  “One second.” I reached down to grab my pants and pulled the packet of lube free. Darren took it and wet his palm. Now his stroking sent me straight into overdrive.


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