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Bent Over A Barrel Bundle: Western Cowboy Romance (Full Length Novels)

Page 7

by Lolita London

  “I was…, umm, just talking to myself,” she said.

  The red on her cheeks revealed her nervousness in his presence and he was sure that the attraction he was feeling was reciprocated by the pretty school teacher he was staring at. That bode well for his chances of getting what he wanted, but for now it was time to play the school pupil and he just nodded his head. His eyes dropped to the curve of Mary’s hip as she walked in front of him to the door of the schoolhouse and opened it. The gaze of the other pupils came to him when he walked inside, but he just kept facing forward as he was led to an empty desk.

  When he sat down at it, Mary leaned in close to open the lid and took out two books and a pencil. It got him the fragrant smell of her soap and he discretely breathed it in. The feminine scent played on his senses and he found himself dreaming of them locked together in a tight embrace, but he shrugged the thought away as she began speaking quietly.

  “Pages 1 to 10 in this,” she said as she indicated a book. “Write them out neatly, so I can see what your level of competence is and we can take it from there with lessons for you.”

  “Yes Miss,” Tom replied.

  Mary couldn’t stop the slight shiver that slipped down her spine when he spoke the words. There was definitely something about the new boy in class that was getting to her. The inappropriate feelings she was unable to stop concerned her and she knew that she shouldn’t be having them, but then the new boy wasn’t a typical student. There was no doubt about that and when she returned to the table at the front of the room, she glanced in his direction to catch him looking away from her.

  “This is going to be trouble,” she let out, but a question from one of the younger pupils got her attention and she finally concentrated her energies on teaching the class again.

  The rest of the morning passed quickly as she was kept busy by the class and the occasional glance across at Tom showed that he was getting on with the work she assigned him. When she saw the hands on the clock showing twelve, Mary rang the bell to signal lunchtime and grimaced at the screech of chair legs as every child hurried to get outside into the sunshine.

  “There’s no need to rush,” she cautioned them as she walked across to the window to look out.

  She watched for a few seconds as they sat on the grass to start eating the food they carried with them from home. It was only when she turned back that she realized that everyone didn’t leave the schoolhouse building when she rang the bell.

  “You can take a break if you want Tom,” she said.

  He looked up at her and she saw the smile spread across his face as he spoke.

  “My father insisted that I go back to the farm this afternoon to help out,” he said. “I’ll just finish this work first before I go.”

  He set his gaze on the books in front of him again and Mary left him to it. She walked back to the table to sit down and ate one of the sandwiches she prepared that morning. It was ten minutes or so before she heard the sound of Tom getting up.

  “Just be professional,” she said under her breath.

  The words were no help and her pulse was already beginning to race when he approached the table. She tried to retain her composure as he loomed over her, but she was fighting a losing battle. A glance up showed the smile on his face and she was immediately flustered.

  “I’ve finished,” Tom said and held out the book.

  “That’s fine,” Mary said. “I’ll look at it after lunch. You can go outside if you want.”

  “Don’t you want to do it now,” he said.

  Mary wanted to be the one in control of the situation and she’d intended for her comment for him to go outside to end the encounter quickly. It seemed that Tom wasn’t going to play along though.

  “No, it’s the lunch hour,” she told him. “I’ll look through your work when it’s over and the other children are busy.”

  “Sure,” he said. “Aren’t you kind of young to be a teacher?”

  The question caught Mary by surprise and she got even more flustered.

  “What?” she let out.

  “What age are you?” Tom asked.

  “I’m eighteen,” Mary blurted out.

  “I mean that makes me older than you,” he went on with a grin. “Most of the teachers that taught me before were older women in their forties or fifties.”

  “Yes, well…” Mary started, but she didn’t get the chance to say more.

  “It’s strange to be under the control of such a pretty young teacher for a change,” Tom interrupted. “I must say I like it.”

  Mary couldn’t stop the tinge of red blossoming on her cheeks as the compliment tripped easily of his tongue. Just having him so close was unnerving her like she could not believe. She wanted to tell him to back off, but stumbled over her words.

  “Look, I umm, think…., that…”

  “Did you come to Oakford just to work in the school?” Tom asked.

  “That’s really none of your business,” Mary answered as she tried to control her racing pulse.

  The effect that Tom was having on her was something she was unused to and she wasn’t quite sure how to deal with it. She couldn’t deny to herself that she was attracted to him, but she also knew that it was inappropriate for a teacher to have those feelings for a student. That he was actually older than her made no difference as far as she was concerned and there was also the little matter that she was actually in town to meet a man that she’d all but agreed to marry. She tried to take control of the situation.

  “Look Tom,” she said. “You have to understand that I’m your teacher and…”

  “I appreciate that you are going to help me learn,” Tom cut in to stop her words and the smile flashed across his face. “Maybe I can return the favor, so if there is anything you want me to teach you…, just let me know.”

  Mary’s mouth dropped open at the cheeky comment, but she didn’t get the chance to respond as Tom went on.

  “I better get back to the farm,” he said. “My father won’t be happy if I don’t get my chores finished.”

  Mary could do nothing but watch as he turned and walked to the door. He glanced over his shoulder at her before walking out and it was only when he was gone that she closed her mouth. She couldn’t stop herself and got to her feet to hurry to the window, so she could watch as he walked out of the gate and disappeared in to the distance. Her gaze slid down from his broad shoulders to his taut butt and she was unaware of the smile that lit up on her face. She was quick to wipe it away and lifted her gaze when she realized how intently she was staring at his ass.

  “This is crazy,” she let out quietly, but the smile spread across her face again as she thought about his last comment.

  He was definitely flirting with her and she knew that she should have put him in his place and made him stop. The problem was that she liked it and she suspected he wouldn’t have stopped no matter what she did or said. She’d dreamed so often of having a man bring some passion into her life and was certain that Tom was someone that could do it. She suspected he definitely would if she gave him the slightest sign of encouragement and that was the dilemma that filled her mind as she walked back to the table at the front of the room.

  She came to Oakford as a mail order bride with the intention of meeting and marrying a man. That she hadn’t even met him yet was a concern, but her aim was still to go through with that plan if she could. The appearance of Tom and the unexpected attraction she felt was a complication that she really could have done without, but she suspected that it wasn’t just going to go away. She let out a sigh as thoughts tumbled through her mind faster than she could cope with, and by the time the hands on the clock showed one she’d made no real sense of them.

  Ringing the bell brought the students back inside the schoolhouse and she found herself both glad and disappointed that Tom wasn’t one of them. It gave her the chance to concentrate her attention on teaching the class properly, but she occasionally found herself staring at the empty chair where h
e’d been sitting that morning. She couldn’t shake off the thought that things were about to run out of control in a way she might not be able to stop.

  “This is going to be trouble,” she let out quietly when she caught herself gazing at the empty chair again and she tried to put thoughts of a handsome blonde farm boy out of her mind.

  Chapter 8

  There was no way the handsome blonde farm boy could stop thinking about a pretty teacher as he walked away from the schoolhouse and headed in the direction of his home. Tom wished he could have gone back inside for the afternoon, but suspected that might be pushing things too far with his father. They usually stopped work for lunch at around two on the farm and he wanted to be back for that. He wondered if it was noticed that he was gone that morning, but it was too late to worry about it now.

  The curse played on his lips as he thought about his father’s commitment to the farm and the fact that it meant Mary couldn’t come to live there straight away. At the same time, that very scenario was giving him the opportunity to play the game he was at the school. Pretending he was just a student gave him a chance to tease a cute teacher and he knew he wanted to keep doing it. A grin spread across his face as he left the outskirts of the town and walked out into the open countryside. It would take him around thirty minutes to get home, so there was plenty of time before he would be expected to show his face at the farmhouse for lunch.

  His thoughts came back to the flirting he enjoyed with Mary that morning and the image of her cute face and luscious curves came to his mind’s eye. There was no stopping the fantasies starting to play out and he found himself dreaming of what it would be like to see beneath her dress and get a better view of her gorgeous figure. He wanted to do a lot more than just look at it and the rush of hot blood started to get him erect as he walked along.

  There was only empty countryside around him, with no one in sight, so he made little effort to fight off the arousal and as the fantasies came even more to life in his head there was no stopping himself becoming fully erect. He remembered the night before when he was in his bedroom and unable to do anything about his excitement coming to life. That wasn’t the case now and he could easily find a quiet spot to give himself some relief. It wouldn’t be the first occasion he’d done that since they moved.

  In his old home there was somewhere for him to go when the arousal became too much to cope with and that returned his mind to the sexy older neighbor that used to tease and toy with him. She never turned him away once when he went to her door and he knew that he would get the relief he wanted. One of her favorite things was to watch him get hard and play while she teased him with glimpses of her body. It usually ended with them both naked and her taking over the job of making his cum shoot out. His favorite was when he got to kneel between her spread legs and splash his load all over her pretty skin, but that was only one of the ways she let him end things.

  She taught him to embrace and enjoy his kinks and not be ashamed of them. He’d taken her advice to heart and his fantasies came to life with her. While she let him lose his virginity to her, the fun they enjoyed together was about so much more than just straight sex. Tom found himself thinking about her chastising him when he wanted to do more than to just let her watch. It got him the taste for spanking and even more so on the occasions where she let the tables be turned.

  A shudder trickled down his spine as he walked along the deserted country road and when he saw the small clump of trees he was coming up to, he knew he was going to stop. His erection strained and rubbed against his denim pants as he hurried along, but it wasn’t his sexy older neighbor that he was thinking about when he got off the road and out of sight in the thicket of trees. As he loosened the buttons at his crotch, it was Mary that was on his mind and he imagined what it would be like if she chastised him. His grip was tight when he wrapped his fingers around his erection to stroke it.

  He closed his eyes and fantasized that he was lying across Mary’s lap as she punished him for being a bad boy. His legs trembled as his excitement grew and there was no stopping what he started. He imagined the crack of a riding crop or cane lashing across his exposed cheeks and it made his hand stroke faster along his stiff length. The build up of pressure in his balls lifted them up tightly against his body and he slowed the pace to keep himself on the edge as the fantasy continued to play out in his mind.

  The idea of the roles being reversed was what tipped him over the edge. He imagined himself ordering Mary to ease her panties lower to expose her bare cheeks for a punishment. The thought of his palm cracking down on soft, white flesh made him gasp and as the scenario took hold in his mind, he knew there was no more holding back. His hand was a blur as he stroked furiously to bring things to an end and his knees buckled to make him drop down as a long string of cum erupted from the end of his cock. It made him groan and he didn’t let up until he completely emptied every last drop from his balls. His groans got louder as the pleasure peaked in his body then slowly ebbed away.

  “Dirty pervert,” he let out with a grin, but he knew he couldn’t have stopped himself.

  Masturbating wasn’t really what he wanted to do and he vowed to himself that the next time he lost control it would be with Mary. He was in no doubt that she was attracted to him. It was in her eyes when she looked at him and her nervousness when he was close to her was another sign. He suspected she would fight the emotions she was experiencing because of the teacher pupil relationship and also that she came to Oakford to be with someone. That he was the man she was to marry would remain a secret as he played out the game and he wondered if her reluctance would hold her back or whether the dam would break and she would give in to her feelings.

  “Only one way to find out Tom,” he said and the grin grew wider on his face as he let the power return to his legs then buttoned up his pants when he got to his feet.

  He glanced either way to see the road was still deserted before stepping out from the trees and continuing on his way home. When he got there he went to where he was supposed to be working and carried on with what he began before sneaking off to the schoolhouse that morning.

  He’d started back home when it was just after twelve and when he reckoned it was close to two o’clock, he made his way back to the farmhouse. His father was already sitting at the table eating and he tensed for an expected outburst. When it didn’t come he knew his disappearance from the farm wasn’t noticed. It gave him the confidence that he could get away with it more than once.

  “How was your morning?” his mother asked when he sat down at the table.

  “Busy,” he said and kept the smirk from his face.

  “Did you get the work finished?” his father asked.

  “Not yet,” Tom replied.

  “Then you weren’t busy enough,” the retort came back.

  “Then I’ll try harder this afternoon,” Tom snapped.

  “I’ll believe that when I see it,” his father said testily.

  The brief exchange of words was over quickly. Tom shook his head, but ignored the last comment of his father when his mother put a bowl of soup and some bread in front of him. If the older man remained in a bad mood then that was all well and good as far as he was concerned. It likely meant he would be left alone to get on with the chores around the place. That suited him fine and would give him the chance to sneak away on Thursday when Mary was working again.

  As he sat in silence eating, he knew that was exactly what he was going to do.

  Chapter 9

  “So how was your first day back at work?” Annie asked.

  Mary closed the door of the schoolhouse and walked across the room to drop on a chair at the table before she said anything.

  “It was fine,” she replied.

  “Well that’s an underwhelming response if ever I heard one,” Annie went on and laughed. “I can’t imagine the children gave you any trouble when I left. They can be a bit fidgety sometimes, but they are well behaved for the most part.”

“The ones you introduced me to the day before yesterday were no problem,” Mary replied. “But did you know there was a new student starting.”

  The confused expression spread across Annie’s face as a frown creased her brow.

  “Nobody told me about a new student,” she let out after a moment of consideration. “Who was it?”

  “He said his name was Tom Saunders,” Mary answered.


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