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Bent Over A Barrel Bundle: Western Cowboy Romance (Full Length Novels)

Page 10

by Lolita London

  The slight sense of embarrassment she always experienced at being unable to contain her desires was there, but she easily pushed it aside as she spread her legs apart. She found herself dreaming about Tom watching her do it and she let out a rush of breath. Closing her eyes, she slipped a hand between her legs and touched on the wetness that was already staining the white material of her panties. Just that soft caress was enough to make her back arch up and in her mind it was the fingers of a muscular student that were stroking along the outline of her pussy lips.

  The idea of losing her virginity to Tom filled her mind. It seemed wrong to her, but that only stoked her hunger for it and she dropped her butt down to the bed as she brushed her fingers more forcefully on her panties. The urge to get them out of the way became too much to resist and she clamped her legs together and dragged the wet material down. As soon as she got the panties off, Mary spread her legs wide open again. This time her fingers touched on slick skin and she needed to bite her bottom lip to hold in the groans that threatened to come out She knew she was alone in the house, but was still self conscious about making too much noise.

  Her breathing grew ragged as she stroked touches along her soaked slit and it was all too easy for her to get her fingers in between her already swollen pussy lips. The rush of hot blood came on stronger as she teased her fingers on soft, pink skin and her buttocks clenched tightly together as her ass lifted up. Sweat prickled on her forehead as she started to lose control. The blush of red colored her cheeks as she imagined herself staring at Tom’s erect manhood when it was stirred to life by his adoration of her curves.

  “Such a bad girl,” she let out as shame mixed with exhilaration in her mind.

  There was no stopping though and she stiffened two fingers to ease them deeper. The pleasure burned through her as she impaled herself on them and imaged it was Tom’s erection taking her virginity. She let out a whimpering cry as the fantasy raged out of control in her mind and it made her start stroking her fingers in and out of her wet pussy. Her body responded to the touch to make her want more of it.

  She fucked her fingers in with a yearning to get to what she wanted and as the tension gripped her body, her back arched up from the mattress again. Bringing her free hand between her thighs, she massaged her fingertips on her clit in a circular motion and it made her squirm. She was closing in on a climax and the desperation for the relief it would give her made her pump her fingers in and out of her pussy with even more relish to take herself all the way.

  Her mouth slowly opened and she pushed her head against the pillows as the tightness in her body caused her back muscles to strain almost painfully. Driving herself on to make the tension break was making her gasp and when the flood of heat was finally released she dropped down to the bed and closed her legs tightly. It trapped her fingers deep inside and the quivering of her pussy walls rippled around the penetration to send her climbing the heights of her passion.

  Her body was on fire as the ecstasy of the moment ripped through her petite frame and she kept her legs tightly squeezed together to try and hold on to it for as long as she could. She only parted them again as the shudders of the orgasm began to die away and she eased her fingers back out as she lay gasping for breath. The slight shame returned to her mind as she calmed down, but she knew there was no way she could have stopped herself.

  Her thoughts focused on Tom and what she was going to do and say when she saw him again. It was unlikely to be before Tuesday and since it was only Friday, that gave her a few days to consider the situation she was in. She wasn’t sure if that was good or bad.

  “Too much time,” she let out as the confusion tumbled through her mind.

  Anything could happen before then and as she lay trying to recover on the bed, Mary felt like she was on a ride that she couldn’t get off. Things were spiraling out of control with a new life in Oakford that was barely even started and she wondered just where it was going to take her.

  Chapter 11

  Mary tried not to let the irritation show on her face, but failed to stop it coming through in her voice as she spoke.

  “Can’t I just meet with your son?”

  “You will eventually when things are less hectic on the farm,” Jenny Addison replied.

  The darkness of a Sunday evening was beginning to draw in and when Mary saw the wagon coming to a halt in front of Mrs. Lester’s home, her hopes rose that it was a positive sign. The news that Jenny just came for a quick chat on her way to the town store was a let down and she was unable to stop the annoyance welling up.

  “I really need to see him,” Mary went on.

  “Why?” Jenny asked and narrowed her eyes.

  “Because…,” Mary started, but her comment tailed off immediately.

  She wasn’t in a position to tell the truth, which was that a growing infatuation with a student was putting her at risk of cheating on a fiancé that she’d never even met. They were the same man, but she didn’t know that. Her hope was that meeting Jenny’s son would show her she was going to be with a man that would love and cherish her. That might bring her to her senses and steer her away from a relationship that she knew was inappropriate considering she was practically promised to another. The words to explain that were impossible to say and it was Jenny that broke the silence

  “Because what?” she asked.

  Mary could do nothing but shake her head. It wasn’t in her nature to be rude and her parents raised her to be respectful to her elders. The irritation still bubbled up even more at the Addison family putting her in the situation she now found herself in and for once in her life she couldn’t hold it in.

  “What was the point of inviting me here just to…, just to ignore me,” she let out in an aggrieved tone. Jenny’s resigned sigh made Mary slightly guilty that her words were too harsh. She knew what was happening wasn’t the older woman’s fault. “I’m sorry,” she went on. “It’s just…”

  “No, you’re right,” Jenny interrupted. “I appreciate that things aren’t easy for you just now. All I can ask is that you wait. I know it’s not what you want to hear, but I’ll speak to my husband and see if we can get things moving more quickly towards you and my son getting together.”

  It couldn’t come quick enough for Mary, but she knew for sure that nothing would be resolved before she returned to the classroom on Tuesday. She would then be at the mercy of her emotions and if she found herself alone with a handsome, muscular student again, she wasn’t sure she would be able to resist his advances. She watched as Jenny got up on the wagon and guessed the conversation was already over.

  “Goodbye,” she said.

  “Bye,” Jenny replied and immediately encouraged the horses on to a walk.

  The hunger for a drink played on her mind straight away, but she didn’t have any with her. She thought of the half empty bottle hidden in the stable on the farm and wished she’d brought it with her. It was too late for that now and when she got to the store she looked longingly at the half bottles of whisky standing on a shelf. The urge to buy one became too much to resist, so she picked one up and put it with the other things she needed to buy.

  “Having a good day?” the store owner asked pleasantly when Jenny walked up to the counter and put her purchases down.

  “Not too bad,” she replied.

  There was silence as the woman looked down and started totting up the prices. When she finished, Jenny expected to be told the cost. It was a different comment that came her way however.

  “This is the whisky my husband likes too,” the woman said when she picked up the bottle first to put it in a bag.

  The prickle of unease hit Jenny right away and she laughed nervously.

  “That’s a coincidence,” was all she could think of to say.

  She watched as the rest of the items were packed and wondered what the woman would think if it came out that the whisky was for her and not for her husband, James. Jenny didn’t exactly consider herself addicted to drinking or think
that she had a problem with it. She still didn’t think it would go down too well in such a conservative town that she was doing it at all. Not that she was planning to confess or let anyone find out.

  “That’ll be fifty seven cents for the lot,” the woman said.

  Jenny fumbled in her pocket to get the money out and counted it before handing it over.

  “Is that you on your way home now?” the woman went on.

  Jenny nodded her head.

  “Coming here was my last chore for today,’ she said. “So when I finish and get home I’m just going to relax and enjoy Sunday evening.”

  “Well, take care,” the woman said.

  “You too,” Jenny replied as she picked up the bag and walked over to the door to let herself out.

  She stored the bag behind the seat of the wagon before getting up to it and grabbing the reins. The urge to get the whisky open was at the forefront of her mind, but she needed to get somewhere quiet first. It made her urge the horses on to a fast walk until they passed through the outskirts of the town to the darkness beyond. She carried on for a few minutes more before bringing the wagon to a halt. The surrounding trees and black night sky gave her the quiet she needed to reach behind and bring the bottle out of the bag.

  The taste of the whisky going down made her shudder and the burning sensation brought out a satisfied sigh as she wiped the back of her hand across her mouth. She closed her eyes as the warmth of the alcohol spread through her veins then lifted the bottle back to her lips. The second drink went down just as easily, but she put the cork back in place when she finished it. There was no point in overdoing it and a couple of slugs of alcohol was all she ever really needed to get the slightly euphoric sensation she liked.

  She sat for a while just staring up at the star-filled sky. It returned her thoughts to Mary and she wondered if she should have a word with her husband when she got home. His stubborn nature would probably make it pointless, but she decided she needed to try and say something.

  “Just one more drink,” she let out quietly as she uncorked the bottle again.

  She slipped it in her pocket after taking another sip of the whisky then picked up the reins to get going again. Ten minutes or so later she came to a halt in front of the stable on the farm. She expected her son to come out to see her and jumped down quickly, but there was no sign of him or her husband coming out. It suited her and she quickly loosened the horses from the harness and led them inside. Once they were in the stalls, she quickly moved to hide the whisky in her pocket beside the other half empty bottle. They would keep her going for a while and make it relatively easy for her to get a drink whenever the mood took her.

  She got water and food for the horses before moving outside to loosen the harness from the wagon and store it in the back. She then placed the cover over the vehicle and when she was finished moved to the house. James and Tom were sitting at the table and looked across when she walked inside.

  “How is she?” James asked.

  Jenny was surprised that the question didn’t come from her son. His impatience for information when Mary first arrived in town appeared to have dissipated and she wondered if he was already losing interest. It convinced her she needed to say something.

  “Can’t we bring her out here?” Jenny asked.

  “We agreed to wait until the work around here was largely finished,” James answered. “Is she OK?”

  “No she’s not OK,” Jenny said more harshly than she intended. “She’s an eighteen year old girl that is probably wondering why she’d been left on her own.”

  “Did she say something?” James asked.

  “No, not exactly,” Jenny went on. “I just got the distinct impression that there was something on her mind that was worrying her.”

  “Like what?” James asked.

  Jenny tightened her lips to hold in the curse that threatened to come out.

  “Like we have asked her to come here then deserted her,” she replied. “We maybe need to think about getting her out here.”

  “No, we should wait,” James said.

  Jenny let out an irritated sigh.

  “What do you think Tom?” she asked.

  “Maybe dad’s right,” he said.

  Jenny narrowed her eyes and stared at him. The answer convinced her even more that he was losing interest. In truth Tom knew that bringing Mary out to the farm would blow the game he was playing right out of the water and he didn’t want that yet. He wasn’t planning for it to go on indefinitely and intended to reveal his identity to her, but he suspected that one or two more visits to the school might get him what he wanted before he did that.

  “See the boy agrees with me,” James said. “So that’s it settled. We stick to the plan and bring her out here when the busy autumn period ends. We’ll have a chance then to sort things out for a wedding and Tom can get to know his bride.”

  Jenny looked back and forward from one to the other then shook her head.

  “Well, if she doesn’t stick around until then, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she said and turned away to walk to the bedroom.

  Tom picked up the cup of coffee and walked out the door to the front of the house. It was only in the darkness that he let a grin spread across his face. He knew he was playing a dangerous game that could backfire, but he couldn’t stop himself. Waiting until the work on the farm was over to get to know his bride wasn’t something he planned to do. His mind was set on being with her long before that and if things went his way in the week ahead, he was hoping that by the end of it he would already be intimate with the delights of Mary’s petite, gorgeous body. Only then would he reveal the secret he was keeping from her.

  Chapter 12

  Late afternoon on Monday came around all too quickly for Mary and when it got to almost four in the afternoon, she considered going to the schoolhouse to see Annie. After a few minutes of deliberation, she eventually backed away from the idea. She knew what her fellow teacher’s advice would be to her concerns about Tom and that would be to give in to her impulses. It wasn’t really what she wanted to hear if she was completely honest. Doing that would result in so many problems that she could think about and her instinct was to try and avoid them if she could.

  On the other hand that instinct didn’t exactly serve her too well when she was trapped in the corner of the schoolhouse by Tom and she succumbed to his kiss without so much as a whimper of protest. The uppermost concern in her mind was that she would succumb to temptation again and it was impossible for her to get that idea out of her mind. She could tell herself to be as professional as possible and act like a teacher, but if his lips brushed against hers and she could feel his muscular body pressing against her soft curves, she knew that all sensible thought would disappear from her mind.

  Mary let out a sigh as conflicting emotions vied for control in her head. She veered from taking on board Annie’s advice about giving in to the passion, to telling Tom that she was promised to another man and to leave her alone. It was torture and she would make up her mind to do one thing then five minutes later wonder if that was correct and reconsider. It was only when she fell asleep that night that she got some relief from her internal struggles. That ended when she woke up the next morning.

  A day of teaching loomed and she went through the motions of washing herself then getting dressed. She looked at herself as she sat brushing her hair and let out a sigh.

  “Just make a decision about what you’re going to do and stick to it,” she told her reflection. It didn’t help her though and her mind remained in turmoil as she went to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

  “Ready for another day at the schoolhouse dear?” Mrs. Lester asked her.

  The word came out of Mary’s mouth before she could stop it.


  “Oh…, aren’t you enjoying working there,” the elderly woman went on.

  “I am,” she hurriedly replied. “It’s just the situation with the Addison family that is on my mind.

  “Is there no sign of an invite out to the farm yet?” Mrs. Lester asked.

  Mary shook her head.

  “No,” she said in a resigned tone. “I’m still being told it’s too busy and that I need to wait.”

  She poured herself a cup of coffee and went to sit at the table. Her gaze was on the wooden surface when a touch on her hand made her look up.

  “The man’s a fool for not coming to see you,” Mrs. Lester said.

  Mary smiled at the kind comment.


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