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Bent Over A Barrel Bundle: Western Cowboy Romance (Full Length Novels)

Page 39

by Lolita London

  “Yes, that’s it. Cum on me. Do as you are told.” He said, pulling my legs farther apart, and sliding two fingers into my mouth. I immediately sucked them, the feeling intensifying through my body until my teeth were lightly chattering against his fingers, and I could feel my whole body shaking, and when I came, it was so powerful I felt myself literally trying to climb away from him, but he held me tight against him. I felt myself get extremely tight against him, and he sucked air in through his teeth and began slamming me harder against him. I must have been screaming at the top of my lungs, sounding like I was speaking in tongues. My body went limp as the spasms ripped through me, and at the same time, he gripped me tighter and I felt his hot cum shoot into me. It seemed to last forever, this feeling. It seemed like every time we made love, my climax got more and more intense. I had no idea how I was going to handle the next time, it felt like I had just been ripped in half, and it was glorious. I laid there on him, completely unable to move, breathing like I had just ran a marathon. I just kept murmuring, “I love you. Oh, god, how I love you.” He murmured back at me, something unintelligible. Apparently my husband was as thoroughly drained as I was. He finally let go of my legs, and I groaned as the strained muscles readjusted. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and nuzzled his head into my shoulder. My body felt so amazing, it was almost divine. Any ill will I had towards him about the occurrences of the last 24 hours were gone. I wanted to be with this man forever, there was no doubt. I loved him with the deepest parts of me, and I would give myself to him fully, with no reservations. I laid there with him still inside me, and we both fell asleep cradled by the warm water, joined with each other body and soul.

  A few days later, we were eating breakfast on the veranda, giggling and playing footsie like the head over heels in love newlyweds that we were. A car pulled into the driveway, and Doctor Smith got out. He waved to us solemnly, and climbed the stairs. “Good morning, doctor, would you like to join us for breakfast?”

  “No, thank you, I’ve already eaten. I just thought you might like to know what happened after we departed the other day.”

  Jack and I looked at each other, wondering what this could be about.

  The doctor sighed deeply. “Unfortunately, Lillian did not make it through the birth. It seems she had a bleeding disorder, and since she hadn’t received any prenatal care, we were unable to prevent it.”

  I gasped. “Oh no! Is the baby ok? The baby made it, right?” I dreaded hearing his answer. I may not have liked the woman, but even I wouldn’t have wished her that fate, and I certainly didn’t want anything bad to have happened to her child. A barely concealed smile crossed his face, but he cleared his throat, not wanting to seem inappropriate, considering the distressing news he had just delivered. “Excuse me, I don’t mean to smile. It’s just that- yes, the baby is just fine. She is a healthy, happy baby girl. And that’s why it took me a few days to come back here- I’ve been busy caring for her. You see, my wife and I decided to take the baby in as our own.” He could no longer maintain his composure, and the smile spread wide across his face. I jumped up and threw my arms around him, and Jack patted him on the back in congratulations, his smile matching the doctor’s. “Oh, my goodness, that’s wonderful! You finally got the child you’ve been waiting for all these years!”

  He nodded, emotional, quickly wiping his eyes. “That is exactly what my wife said. I sent for her to come to my office, and I explained to her what had happened. I asked her if adopting her is something she would consider, since we’d never discussed it. She took one look at the child, picked her up, and said ‘I’ve been waiting a very long time for you.’ It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. She was instantly in love. You should see her, she’s positively ecstatic, and such a natural. It’s like she’s been a mother for years, she knows all the right things to do.”

  I sat back down, wiping the tears from my own eyes. Jack nodded, still grinning. “I can’t even express how happy we are for you, Doc. And how wonderful for the baby to have gone from being unwanted to being accepted into a loving family that had been wanting her all their lives.”

  Doctor Smith shook his head. “That’s the thing- for all the terrible things that woman has said and done, when it all came down to it, she loved that baby. I could see it in her eyes. Just before she went, when we were still fighting to stop the bleeding, she put my hand over mine and asked me to please take good care of her baby. And that’s all my daughter will ever know- that her birth mother loved her and wanted the best for her. We’ve named her Lily, to honor the woman that gave us this beautiful gift.”

  The tears that I had just successfully wiped away began flowing again, unfettered. What a miraculous ending to a horrible tragedy. We all drank coffee and chatted for a while, the doctor telling us every tiny little thing the baby had done, from the hint of her smile to the sound of her coo. He was every bit the glowing daddy. We made him promise to bring his wife and the baby to dinner, and he departed. Jack held his arms out to me and I curled into his lap, still high from my happiness for the doctor.

  “Jack, my love, I need some money.”

  “Not a chance, you’re not buying that baby a whole bunch of presents without me, I want in on it too,” he said. I laughed and kissed him, deeply and passionately. This man understood me more than anyone else ever had. He truly was my soulmate, and I couldn’t ever imagine being anywhere but in his arms.


  25 years later, this is still the case. I sit here watching my grandchildren play, the oldest running around chasing fireflies and giggling, 3 year old eyes full of wonder, the youngest crawling after him, trying hard to keep up with her big brother. Lily smiled at me from where she sat on the grass as her children circled her. You see, it turns out Lillian got her wish after all, for her baby to be a Hudson. She is now married to my oldest son, who was born just a tad over 9 months after she was. We always tease him about his propensity for older women. The truth is, she is the only woman he has ever been with. They grew up together, between the Smith’s frequent visits with us, and them going to school together. They have loved each other from a very young age. Jack Junior now worked with his father, learning the ins and outs of the mining business, preparing himself to take over the family business whenever I could talk him into retiring. He loved this town, loved where he had grown up. He had even demanded that his children be born here, in this house. He always talked about how he and his brother and sister were conceived and born in this house. Jack and I always smiled to ourselves, sharing a private joke. Realistically, while what he said was true of his siblings, we had no idea where he had been conceived. Maybe the house, but maybe a train somewhere between here and Florida, or in the middle of the ocean, or Jamaica.

  I hadn’t expected to become a mother as early as I did, what with my grand plans for university and conquering the world of law. It was challenging, continuing my studies while pregnant, and then with a rambunctious baby, but Jack was a huge help, as were all the people I have grown to know and love as family- our staff, the Smiths, and various other friends I have gained since moving to this wonderful place. With my huge support system, and my stubborn determination, I graduated a year early. We had our second son 7 years after the first, once I had established my small firm that had been more successful than I had ever imagined. He was 18 now, just beginning college, with dreams of becoming a famous actor. He was good at it too, he had been invited to spend the previous summer with an acting troupe in London.

  Jack and I decided we were done after 2 children, so imagine my surprise when my daughter was born, a full 17 years after we were married. I glanced over at her, rocking on the porch swing, 8 year old brow furrowed, face buried in a book, as usual. Her favorite past times were debating her brothers, and convincing us to give her exactly what she wanted. She would make an amazing lawyer one day. But, I didn’t feel like I had one daughter, I had 2. Lily had been at our house almost every day since she was old enough to ride h
er bike here. When my youngest son was born, she fawned over him like a tiny little mother, changing his diaper, dressing him, she even learned to crochet and made him blankets. She had every bit of maternal instinct her biological mother had been lacking, and she loved caring for her children. When my daughter was born, she was old enough to babysit, and she seemed to have her on her hip more than I did. Her and my daughter had a special bond, and they called each other sister, always had, even before her and my son were married. Our family is full of love, and I am incredibly fortunate to have them. Jack put his arm around me. “We did good, little lady,” he said, surveilling the scene in front of us. I smiled at him, and kissed his hand.

  “Yes, sir.”


  Mail Order Bride Western Romance

  Lolita London

  Copyright © 2015 by Lolita London

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


  She waited for the instructions to remove her bra and panties, but they didn’t come. Instead Robert seized her wrist to drag her back down onto his lap. His hand immediately went between her thighs and she instinctively closed her legs.

  “I thought you said you would a good girl for me,” he let out quietly.

  Madeline inhaled deeply then held her breath as she spread her legs open for him and the air rushed back out as his fingertips slid onto the silk material of her panties. A shiver rippled down her spine as her body responded to the intimate touch. Heat blossomed between her thighs and she wriggled around as her husband’s fingers stroked gently along the outline of her pussy lips. His cock throbbed against her ass and she let out a soft groan. There was no hiding that Robert’s touch was turning her on as the damp patch began to show on her panties and she tilted her head to the side as kisses played on her neck. His mouth slid to her ear as he continued to tease touches on the wet material.

  “You like that don’t you,” he whispered.

  Madeline gulped and her voice was shaky as she replied.


  The soft laugh in her ear made her shudder and she rocked her head back as more hot kisses played on her sensitive skin.

  “Now show me everything,” Robert demanded.

  Madeline trembled as she was made to get to her feet again and she stood with her back to him. Her legs were weak as the flood of arousal swept through her and she unhooked the bra and let it fall to the floor before she turned around. When she did, she was holding an arm across her naked breasts and knew the order would come immediately.


  “Are you sure you want to go through with this?” Madeline’s father asked.

  She heard the note of concern in his voice and almost let out a sigh. It was a question she’d been contemplating herself for the last few days and the honest truth was that she wasn’t altogether sure if she was doing the right thing. At the time of joining the mail order bridal agency, it seemed like an adventure and she knew it was likely her best chance of finding a man to marry. It was never going to happen in the small town she grew up in. The few men there that were of marrying age were already paired off and that meant her chances of meeting someone to share her life with were severely limited.

  If she remained in the town she was certain she would end up an old spinster, with nothing but regrets of not taking a chance when she was younger. Becoming a mail order bride seemed a drastic step, but she could see no other way out. She wasn’t the only girl in town that joined the agency. She knew of at least two others and suspected there were more.

  Madeline realized she still hadn’t answered her father and looked up to see him watching her closely.

  “Yes, I’m sure,” she said in a loud voice.

  She knew she was trying to convince herself as much as she was him and cast her eyes to the ground when she saw the skeptical expression on his face.

  “I’ll miss you,” he said.

  She brought her gaze back up and smiled.

  “I’ll miss you too,” she replied and let herself sink in his arms as he wrapped them around her in a hug.

  Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes, but she held them back. The last thing she needed was for her father to think she was unhappy with what she was doing. In truth she wasn’t, although there was definitely uncertainty in her mind. She knew that was normal when things changed and there were about to in a huge way. Madeline composed herself and put a smile on her face as she worked herself free of the tight hug.

  “Keep in touch and let me know that mother doesn’t get any worse,” she told him.

  “I will,” he assured her. “I’ll write to you weekly to keep you up to date with her condition and let you know how we are getting on.”

  “I’ll come back if you need me,” she promised.

  “I know you will,” he replied and smiled at her.

  Madeline nodded then bent down to pick up her bag from where it was sitting at her feet. She turned to step on the train just as the whistle sounded, but looked back as her father spoke again.

  “Do you have everything?” he asked.

  “Too late now,” she said with a rueful smile.

  She quickly moved inside the carriage and walked along the aisle until she found an empty seat on which she could sit next to the window looking out on the platform. Her father waved at her as the whistle sounded out again and the wheels slowly began to turn. The train chugged along slowly at first then started to gather speed. Madeline turned her head to keep watching until her father was a speck in the distance. She was setting off on a journey to a new life and really didn’t know what she was letting herself in for.

  Her gaze remained on the passing scene as the small town slowly disappeared from view. It had been her home for all of her nineteen years and apart from the occasional trip with her parents, she really knew nothing else. That was about to change and she again considered if she was doing the right thing.

  “Do you want to stay here and end up an old spinster?” she muttered under her breath.

  A blush spread across her face at the thought she may have spoke too loud, but a glance around showed that none of the passengers sitting in seats nearby were looking in her direction. She turned her attention back out of the window and watched the open countryside rolling past. The life she knew was over and she suspected that nothing would be the same again. It brought the man she’d been corresponding with to mind and she reached for her bag.


  Searching inside, she found the details of Robert Cortege to take them out. The black and white picture was grainy, but showed a handsome, upright man. The information gave his height as over six feet tall and that meant he would tower over her petite frame. The picture showed his head and upper body only and he seemed to have a powerful physique. The smart Stetson, jacket and shirt he wore gave an indication of his wealth and Madeline wondered why he would turn to a mail order service to find a bride.

  The details the agency gave her weren’t the only information she knew about her future husband. While the small town she lived in didn’t have a local newspaper, her father often brought one home from his travels for work. Madeline usually scoured them for details of what was happening in the wider world around where she lived. On occasions there were stories about Robert Cortege, which speculated on everything from his net worth to the growth and success of his company, his supposed dominating personality and the women he was said to have dated.

  He was well enough known in the region that plenty of writers and commentators producing articles for newspapers were prepared to speculate on his professional and personal life. As Madeline stared out at the passing scenery, she wondered how much of the details she’d read ab
out him were true and how much the invention of creative journalistic minds.

  There was no doubt at all that he was rich. The company his father created was one of the biggest gold depository businesses in the region. It was already thriving when Robert was given the job of running it and he’d only increased its success. This gave him riches that most people could only dream of and while he didn’t exactly flaunt his wealth, by all accounts he was happy to luxuriate in the comforts it brought him.

  Madeline guessed that the well documented facts about his professional life were more or less accurate, but suspected there was less truth and more make-believe in the stories she read about his private life. Robert was in his late thirties and there was plenty of speculation as to why he remained single. This ranged from him not having met the right woman to conjecture that he was a confirmed bachelor, that he didn’t want to risk losing part of his fortune to a divorce and that his apparent dominating personality manner meant that he couldn’t find a woman that would say yes to a proposal.

  The one fact in it all was that he definitely was still single, although that would change the following day when they tied the knot. She could barely believe it, but that was what she was traveling towards. That she was doing it with a man she barely knew, and had done no more than correspond with, made her shake her head. It seemed unreal, but she knew that she would be Robert Cortege’s wife by the end of the following day.


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