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Bent Over A Barrel Bundle: Western Cowboy Romance (Full Length Novels)

Page 51

by Lolita London

  It was as she was sitting on the porch having a coffee at the end of a long day of work that the opportunity to do more than flirt finally presented itself. She looked up at the sound of the door opening and saw her aunt step out. The older woman sat on the swinging seat beside her.

  “Not the same lights as New York,” Katherine said as she looked up at the star-filled sky.

  “It is beautiful,” she replied.

  “You seem to be enjoying your time on the ranch,” Katherine went on.

  Carla was suddenly on edge at the mention of enjoying herself and she wondered if her aunt had noticed the way she acted around the twins. The next comment appeared to show that wasn’t the case.

  “And you’re definitely throwing yourself into the work here,” Katherine said.

  “And I have the blisters to prove it,” Carla replied and laughed as she showed her free hand.

  Her aunt was silent for a few moments before speaking again.

  “I need to fly back to Delaware tomorrow evening,” she said. “Do you want to come with me?”

  Carla tensed. Going with her aunt was the last thing she wanted to do. She didn’t want to be too eager to refuse though and remained quiet for a few seconds as if she was contemplating the idea.

  “No,” she eventually said. “I guess you’ll be busy and you don’t need me getting in your way. It’s probably better that I stay here.”

  “You’re sure,” Katherine went on.

  Carla took a sip of her coffee then nodded her head.

  “I can be of more use here,” she replied.

  “You seem to be getting on OK with James and Brad,” Katherine said. “So just keep doing what they tell you and you’ll be fine.”

  Carla was on edge again as she waited for her aunt to say more, but a grin threatened to spread across her face when the older woman remained silent. It was definitely a sign that Katherine was unaware of what was going on between her and the twins. She suspected that when one of them got her alone the last thing she would be was fine, but the idea of that excited her. With her aunt out of the picture for a few days, it would provide the perfect opportunity to find out how far things would go when there were no interruptions.

  “How long will you be gone?” she asked.

  Katherine shrugged her shoulders.

  “That depends how the discussions about the divorce go, but hopefully only a few days,” she answered. “I’ll give you a call when my plans for coming back are settled.”

  “OK,” Carla said.

  They continued to chat about the divorce then life on the ranch until Katherine got up to walk back inside. Carla finished her coffee before following and her mind remained on what might take place in her aunt’s absence. She lay long into the night imagining what it would be like to lose her virginity, but her eyelids began to droop as the tiredness of another working day on the ranch caught up with her and she eventually fell asleep.

  Chapter Four

  “Is your aunt off on her travels again today?” James asked as they walked in the direction of the stables the following morning.

  It was a leading question and Carla suspected that both men already knew that Katherine was flying back to Delaware that evening. She wondered what that meant to them and hoped they were thinking the same as her.

  “Yes,” Carla answered. “She told me last night that she was leaving today.”

  “And…, you’re going too?” Brad asked.

  “She did ask me to go,” Carla replied.

  There was a thrill to playing the game and she kept silent as her anticipation rose. She knew the next question would come.

  “And you said?” James encouraged her.

  “I said…, I didn’t want to get in her way,” Carla told them. “And that it was probably best that I stayed here.”

  She didn’t need to look to know that the two men would be smiling. James opened the stable door when they got to it and they walked inside without any more being said. Carla knew the cleaning routine off by heart now and stepped over to get the two pitch forks. She moved back to hand one to Brad and they stood and watched as James started to walk the horses out of the stalls.

  “So your aunt’s leaving you in our care?” Brad said and Carla turned to see the smile spread across his face.

  “I guess so,” she replied. “Should I be worried about that?”

  “Didn’t I tell you already when you first got here that I don’t bite,” he teased her.

  “I seem to remember you did say that,” she said as she stepped forward towards a stall. She looked back over her shoulder before walking inside. “Maybe you should try it. You never know, you might even like it.”

  Making the cheeky comment made her heartbeat hammer. She was being a tease to a handsome man, but the smile on his face widened to show that he liked it and that excited her.

  “Maybe I will,” he said and moved towards the next stall. “Maybe I will.”

  “The stable won’t clean itself,” James said when he walked back inside and saw they hadn’t began working.

  “Sorry boss,” Brad joked and looked at Carla.

  The pair of them started laughing as they got on with the job. It put a halt to the flirting for a while, but it started again when they finished the work. There was a building tension that was unmistakably sexual in nature and Carla wondered where it would take her when her aunt finally departed the ranch.

  The closer it came to the time she would be left alone with the twins the more Carla’s excitement turned to a growing panic and there was no stopping the doubts that began to creep in her mind. She was aware that it was first time nerves and tried to brush them aside, but it was proving to be more difficult than she thought. Her aunt came looking for her later in the afternoon and they walked back to the ranch house together.

  “Are you sure you’ll be OK?” Katherine asked.

  “Of course,” Carla replied with conviction. “I’ll be fine.”

  It was a confidence that she was faking though and she was really trying to keep her nerves in check. They were combined with an expectation of what might be about to come her way that night and she knew that she wanted more than fantasies.

  “Well, just be sensible,” Katherine said.

  The underlying warning in the words came through to Carla, but it was as much as her aunt said.

  “Of course,” Carla replied. “All I’m going to do now is have something to eat, relax then go to bed to get some rest for work tomorrow.”

  “Good,” her aunt said. “I just need to finish my packing, but I’ll see you before I go.”

  Carla nodded then headed towards her bedroom. She grabbed a towel to go and have a shower then dressed in jeans and a t-shirt when she was dry. The kitchen was empty when she walked inside and she quickly made herself something to eat. When she heard the sound of her aunt in the living room, she went to see her.

  “All set?” Carla asked.

  “Yup,” her aunt replied. “Brad is just getting the truck and I’ll head off.”

  “Well, have a good trip,” she went on. “I hope you get everything sorted.”

  “You and me both,” Katherine replied.

  They heard the sound of the truck coming to a stop in front of the ranch house and Carla went to pick up the bag sitting on the floor. She placed it in the back of the truck when they got outside and hugged her aunt. The older woman got in the passenger seat and the vehicle set off down the dirt road immediately. It left her standing alone in front of the property, but she eventually turned to walk back inside. She went to make herself a coffee and sat at the kitchen table to drink it. When she finished it, she washed the dishes then moved out to the porch and sat on the swinging seat.

  It was where she was when James returned from mending some damage to a fence at the border of the ranch. If things went as she expected, he was the man that was about to take her virginity. She watched as he unsaddled the horse and led it in the stable. The tension rose when he came back o
ut and walked towards the ranch house in the growing gloom of evening. A smile spread across his face when he caught sight of her.

  “Has your aunt left?” he asked.

  Carla nodded her head.

  “Brad is driving her to the airport,” she replied.

  “When did they leave?” James went on.

  Carla lifted her hand to look at the watch on her wrist.

  “About an hour ago I guess,” she told him.

  “That means Brad will be gone for around another hour or so,” James said. “So…, it’s just the two of us.”

  Carla expected him to come and sit beside her on the swing, but instead he told her he was going to have a shower first and disappeared inside the building. It left her sitting alone, with her imagination working overtime about the idea of James taking her virginity. He seemed in no hurry to get back to her and it was around twenty minutes before she heard the sound of movement. She got up to walk inside and found him standing at the drinks cabinet in the large living room.

  “Does my aunt let you do that?” she asked as she stepped in the room.

  James raised his eyebrows as he turned to look in her direction. He held up the bottle of whisky.

  “This is mine,” he said. “All I want from the cabinet is a glass…, or should I make it two glasses.”

  Carla’s pulse was already racing and it was making her tremble. There was a sense of expectation in the air and it was more exhilarating that anything she’d experienced before. She remembered drinking at the party that got her grounded. It was fun at the time, but led to her throwing up all night. She didn’t want to go through that again, but knew that some alcohol would take the edge off her nerves.

  “Sure,” she agreed. “I’ll have a drink.”

  She walked further inside the room and heard the clink when James picked up the glasses. He handed them over to her when they were standing only a foot or so apart and she held them out as he opened the bottle and poured the dark liquid.

  “Cheers,” he said as he took a glass from her and knocked it back.

  Carla lifted the whisky to her lips and tilted her head back. She was surprised by the burning sensation in her throat as the liquid went down and couldn’t stop the coughing fit. It took her a few moments to get her composure back and she saw the expression of humor on James’s face when she looked at him.

  “That’s disgusting,” she said in a hoarse voice.

  He laughed as he lifted the bottle to pour himself another shot of whisky.

  “I can’t tempt you to another one then?” he teased her.

  Carla shook her head.

  “No thanks,” she replied. “How can you drink that stuff?”

  “I like the taste,” he said then emptied his glass again. “It’s a nice night,” he went on. “We should go and sit outside.”

  His arm went around her waist and Carla tensed as his hand touched on her hip. It sent a shiver racing down her spine and she didn’t protest as she was led out to the porch. She moved to the swinging seat to sit down, but James remained standing.

  “Why didn’t you go with your aunt?” he asked.

  Carla hesitated.

  “I…, I just thought it was better that I stayed here,” she replied.

  “I’m glad that you did,” he went on. She held her breath as he looked at her. “Sure you won’t have another one?” he asked as he poured himself another whisky.

  “No thanks,” she told him.

  She watched as he tipped the whisky in his mouth then set the bottle and glass down on the small table beside the door. It was the moment she’d been waiting for when he turned to her.

  “You know what I want, don’t you,” he said as he held out a hand.

  “Yes,” Carla said as she reached out and took it.

  Her breath rushed out as he easily hauled her to her feet. The handsome smile spread across his face as he wrapped his arms around her to pull her close. She shut her eyes as their lips came together and the soft kiss excited her. James backed her up until she was trapped against the side of the property. Their eyes met as the kiss ended.

  “I’ve wanted to do that since I first saw you sitting in the kitchen the day you arrived,” he said.

  “Just kiss me?” Carla asked.

  He shook his head as he leaned in again. This time Carla was aware of their bodies coming together tightly as they kissed and the hardness of a growing erection both excited and scared her. As their lips parted her words came out in a rush without her even thinking about them.

  “I’m still a virgin,” she said.

  The smile grew wider on James’s face. He reached out to brush a few strands of hair behind her ear and his fingertips then stroked across her cheek.

  “I would never have guessed,” he told her.

  The flush of warmth spread across her face and more shivers rippled down her spine as his fingertips caressed on her neck. She closed her eyes as another kiss played softly on her lips. James’s hand slid up from her hip and the touch of it moving higher made her tense. She let out a soft groan as their lips parted.

  “Don’t worry,” James said. “I’ll be gentle.”

  His hand found her breast and the shiver of delight brought out a rush of breath. The gentle fondling turned to a rougher groping, but she didn’t want it to stop. The fire of desire flared between her thighs to make her squirm and she could feel the stiffness of James’s erection rubbing on her belly. Her panties grew moist as the burning heat intensified and the kiss they shared was more passionate this time. Her breath rasped out as she opened her eyes to look at him.

  “Such a pretty face,” he said as his hand came back up to it.

  Carla waited for him to lead the way and take her inside, but he seemed in no hurry to move things along. The clock was ticking towards Brad coming back from the airport and his return would only interrupt what now seemed inevitable. She wanted James’s naked body against hers, for him to be her first lover and show her just how good sex could be. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to the swinging seat. When he dropped in it, he hauled her down on his lap and she wriggled around. Her butt rubbed on hard cock and it made her want it so much.

  Another kiss rocked her head back and James’s hand slid under her t-shirt. This time his hand slid up her naked skin and she shuddered as his hand clamped over her bra. He squeezed her breast and the hunger for more gripped hold of her like never before. She yanked her head back and gasped.

  “Take me inside,” she urged him.

  “There’s no rush,” he said.

  “But Brad will be back soon,” Carla went on.

  Her words were prophetic as the sound of an approaching vehicle alerted them to Brad’s return. Carla sensed the disappointment of a missed opportunity as she sprang to her feet. The smile remained on James’s face as he turned to watch the vehicle come out of the darkness and stop in front of the property.

  “Did I miss anything?” Brad said as he got out.

  “Well…,” James said. “Carla was just telling me she’s a virgin.”

  Her embarrassment welled up at the revelation of her intimate details, but she said nothing. Brad moved to get the bottle of whisky and poured himself a drink.

  “That’s interesting,” he said as he went to sit beside his twin. “What’s her kissing like?”

  “Oh, she’s good,” James said and laughed.

  Carla saw the way they were looking at her.

  “What…, what’s going on?” she asked.

  “Remember when you asked if we do everything together?” James said.

  Carla’s sharp intake of breath was loud as the realization came to her, but she played out the game.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “Well the truth is we do,” Brad went on. “And I mean…, everything.”

  Carla’s nerves skyrocketed as the two men got to their feet and moved towards her. She felt such an innocent for not foreseeing what they were planning for her and backed away, but wh
en she got to the wall of the property there was no escape. In her fantasies she’d dreamed about which of the twins would take her virginity, but it seemed that they both would.


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