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Winning Her Heart

Page 13

by Harmony Evans

“Was that better than an ocean view?”

  Jasmine lifted her head from Micah’s chest and blinked her eyes open in disbelief. Their frenzied lovemaking had mellowed into a strange silence, and she was relieved that he had spoken first.

  “If I say yes, can we do it again?” she teased.

  His smile reached his ears. “Of course. I guess that means you don’t mind staying in for the night?”

  She shook her head. “As long as you and I are together.”

  He slapped her butt, and reluctantly, she rolled off his body.

  “I guess I’d better get the food. I’m starved.”

  She sat cross-legged and watched Micah pad into the bathroom. A few minutes later, he came out with a towel wrapped around his waist and a robe in his hand.

  As he helped her into the garment, a sense of peace washed over her.

  Micah kissed her cheek. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded. “Yes, just hungry. I’m going to wash up while you get everything ready.”

  Alone in the bathroom, she peered at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed and the glow in her eyes wasn’t due to the lighting.

  It was time to admit that she was in love.

  She turned on the hot water tap and the steam rose, clouding her reflection. After rinsing out her mouth, she cleaned her face and her body with a wet washcloth. Though she wasn’t ashamed of what they’d done, she knew she wouldn’t be able to eat if she felt sticky and sweaty.

  Still, she couldn’t rid him from her heart, nor did she want to. He was lodged there, a reminder that sometimes being able to sink into someone else made all the stress and worry disappear. At least temporarily, she mused, as she slipped back into the robe.

  Jasmine stepped out of the bathroom and held in a gasp. A round table was in front of the window, complete with a white tablecloth, china plates and silverware. A bottle of wine served as the focus between two pillar candles.

  Micah turned toward her and smiled. “The food is still warm, thank goodness.”

  He lifted the silver domes off the plates and set them on the desk nearby. After that, he poured two glasses of wine and they settled into their chairs.

  They enjoyed an easy banter throughout the meal of kale salad with apples and pine nuts, New York strip steak with baby red potatoes and carrots, and chocolate cake for dessert.

  Jasmine devoured it all, plus two glasses of wine. She sat back in the chair, thoroughly stuffed. “Everything was delicious. It’s like you already knew what I wanted.”

  “I do know what I want.” His voice turned husky. “I want you.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “If that’s true, why didn’t you call me? Why haven’t I heard from you?”

  Jasmine clenched her fists, afraid that she’d lost control of her feelings for Micah. She didn’t bother to disguise the hurt she’d been holding inside ever since their night at the winery.

  “I mean I’ve got to fly all the way to New York City to find out what’s going on with us?”

  Micah folded his arms and stared at her. “Is that the only reason why you came here, for an answer?”

  She shook her head. “No, as if you couldn’t already tell, I missed you.”

  “I think we’ve both proven how much we missed each other.”

  A smile twitched at the edges of his mouth. “I didn’t call you because I didn’t want to pester you. I know you have a lot on your mind.”

  “Yes. I’m very worried about the restaurant. Lucy still wants to hand it over to me, but I’m not ready and I don’t know if I ever will be. She’s even threatened to shut it down permanently, because she doesn’t want it to be a burden to me.”

  He got out of his seat, took her hand and led her to the couch. “Then let me help you.”

  Jasmine bit her lip. “How?”

  Micah pulled her into his arms. “Tomorrow I want to bring you to my restaurant and show you how I do things.”

  “But Lucy’s is tiny in comparison to Society Red.”

  “Yes, but there are certain ways to run a business that apply no matter what the size.”

  Jasmine tilted her head. “That’s true. I know there are some things that I want to change from a marketing perspective to attract more customers.”

  Micah nodded. “If you’re going to bring more people through those doors, you want to make sure you’re ready.”

  A warm glow spread through her at the concern in his eyes. “I’d appreciate any help you can give me, but what about us?”

  He grinned. “I’d hoped you forgotten about that thread.”

  Jasmine fumed inwardly. Why did men always try to avoid talking about relationships? Was it built into their DNA?

  She flattened her hand on his chest. “Not so fast, buddy. I do have a brain with this body.”

  Micah stroked her hair and his tone sobered. “I know you do. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  She couldn’t help but melt inside, because she knew in her heart that he hadn’t meant to hurt her.

  “I just want to know where I stand,” Jasmine said, taking the blunt route.

  He took a deep breath. “We’re getting to know each other slowly in a way that matters only to us. There’s no timeline here.”

  She bit her lip, wondering if no timeline also meant no commitment. She’d been down that road before, although in hindsight, it was a blessing that she’d never pursued something permanent with her exes. Maybe a wait-and-see approach was actually a good thing because it left space and a chance for true love.

  Jasmine nodded. “I agree. We’re both very busy, but I’m afraid that I won’t see you that often. I know that you rarely come home to Bay Point.”

  “Now I have a reason.” She frowned and he continued in a hasty tone. “Not that my family isn’t important, but they will always be around.”

  No they won’t.

  Jasmine thought of her grandmother, who was getting up there in age. She was one of the most important people in her life and Jasmine knew that she had to help ease her burdens. Doing so would help Lucy enjoy the fruit of years of hard work while she still could.

  She gazed up at him. “Do you think I’m the type of woman to sit around waiting for a man?”

  His eyes grew large. “Are you kidding? I’m not going to let you go long enough to find out.”

  Jasmine slipped her arms from her robe, letting the garment pool around her waist. Her body warmed as she watched Micah’s eyes spark with renewed desire. She shoved the robe onto the floor and climbed onto his lap. His hardness throbbed against her side, and he groaned trying to adjust his body. But she pressed against him, imprisoning him, wanting him inside her and soon.

  “Make love to me, Micah,” she whispered, nuzzling at his jaw, now rough with stubble. “Make love to me so I’ll want to wait for you forever.”

  He scooped her up and carried her over to the bed.

  He spread her legs with hands hot as fire, and penetrated her slowly, prolonging the moment, inch by delicious inch, until he could go no deeper. Tears sprang to her closed eyes as Micah’s lips found hers.

  * * *

  In the middle of the night, Micah woke up with Jasmine in his arms. He slid one arm out from under her and she turned onto her side, but stayed asleep. It had been a long time since he’d wanted a woman as much as he wanted Jasmine Kennedy. There was something about her that made his mouth salivate, not just with desire, but to know her, inside and out.

  He put his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling to avoid pulling her toward him again.

  What am I going to do? His words were silent, but his mind whirred with a mixture of excitement and worry.

  The fact was there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for Jasmine. Except give up his restaurant.

  He couldn’t lose her. Not now, not when everything seemed to b
e just beginning, with every kiss and every touch. And somehow he knew that it would always be like that, because that’s the way he wanted their relationship to be. Always fresh, always new, always on the brink of something wonderful, even in the midst of unspeakable joy.

  Yet, he felt stuck, too. In the sin of omission, he dwelled in a safe space of his own making. Telling Jasmine the truth could destroy everything they were building together. He knew she wanted a relationship with him, even if she wouldn’t admit it.

  It also surprised him how easily he could see her being a long-term girlfriend. Maybe even his wife.

  Whoa, he muttered to himself. Slow down.

  But lying to himself would be fruitless. He was falling in love with Jasmine, and it seemed his feelings deepened every minute he was with her.

  Waiting to tell her the truth would be better, he reasoned. It would buy him some time to woo her, to make her his own. He would not only be her lover, but also a business mentor of sorts. Nobody held the trade secret to success. He would give her as much advice as she wanted, but it was up to her to apply it to Lucy’s.

  And when he opened up his restaurant, she would quickly find out the meaning of competition. Despite his feelings for Jasmine, he had a duty to his business partners and to Gregory to make a profit.

  He would wait, he decided as he lightly stroked her hair, and make her love him as he already loved her.

  She lifted her head from the pillow and his breath caught in his throat. Feelings he couldn’t express rose in his heart and threatened to burble to his lips.

  “Micah? Is everything all right?”

  Her voice was sexy with sleep, and he felt his body stir with primal need, a gut-wrenching desire he knew would never go away.

  Micah turned over and spooned against her, his penis so hard it hurt. But in her sleepiness, she didn’t notice, which made him want her even more.

  “Everything’s fine, baby,” he whispered.

  Though her body was warm, he drew the covers over their shoulders, and then cupped one of her breasts in his hand. Her nipple remained soft as velvet against his palm, and he bit his lip to stop himself from stroking it, molding it, until it would be as hard as he was.

  With a ragged sigh, Micah kissed Jasmine’s mussed-up hair and eventually fell back to sleep.

  Chapter 10

  Jasmine crossed her legs and slid her feet into a more comfortable position under her chair. Micah had invited her to sit in on a meeting for the third season of High Stakes Chef. The coffee contained in the heavy white porcelain mug with Magnum Vice, the name of the production company, emblazoned on it had long since grown cold.

  So had her interest in the proceedings.

  Fifteen minutes of fame, be damned. Not that he’d asked her to appear on High Stakes Chef. If he did, she would refuse and take her desserts with her.

  The conference room, located on the forty-fifth floor of an office building on Lexington Avenue, was nondescript. The long wide cherry wood table, where deals were made for the lucky and hopes dashed for the unlucky, was shined to a high gloss. There was no art on the walls, but the place didn’t need it. It was the unobstructed views of the iconic Chrysler Building that drew the eye.

  Sitting around the table were two key members of the team. She’d long forgotten their names but she’d never forget their faces.

  The director had a suntan-leathered face that had once been handsome. His blue eyes were shifty, always somewhere other than where they should be. A few times they’d landed on Jasmine, sizing her up in a not-so-subtle way, and she’d looked away. He made her uncomfortable and she wished she’d had the guts to walk out, but she didn’t want to cause trouble for Micah.

  The other participant in the room, Micah’s producer, was attractive, with a brutal laugh. She had a pixie cut, a long nose, and pursed her lips as if she had a torrent of ideas just waiting to burst forth.

  Micah was busy looking up at the large screen television, instructing the show runner to make changes to the script.

  “We can’t forget the picky eaters in our audience,” he instructed.

  “Or the thrifty ones,” the producer said.

  How about the ones that are bored, she thought and crossed her arms.

  “Write whatever it takes to boost ratings,” the director barked.

  Jasmine felt a laugh burble up in her throat and before she knew what was happening, it spilled out.

  “I thought they only said that line on television.”

  Micah turned and smiled, however the reaction from his production team ranged from shock to amusement.

  “It’s statements like that which make it clear why nonindustry people, or outsiders, should never be invited to meetings like this,” the director growled. “Why is she here anyway?”

  Micah raised his palms midchest. “Calm down. This is my show and I can bring whomever I wish to these meetings.”

  She had no idea how popular Micah’s show was, but he’d confessed last night that he enjoyed the challenge of the format. She’d also realized that filming, held in a Brooklyn warehouse, would keep him away from Bay Point for weeks at a time.

  The closer she got to him, the more she was falling in love with him. How would it feel to let him go, to trust that he would stay faithful to her, no matter in which city he happened to lay his head?

  He clasped her hand and brought it to his lips in a show of support that melted her heart, but not the tense mood in the room. Micah must not have noticed, or didn’t care, because he didn’t let go as he addressed the team.

  “Our ratings are fine. We’re popular with our viewers and even though we’re on hiatus right now, we’re gaining even more through social media outreach and streaming video sales.”

  “Otherwise, the network wouldn’t have renewed us for another season,” the producer asserted, in an obvious attempt to suck up. “I’ll get you my ideas for the set by the end of the day, Micah. I think some slight modifications would allow our live audience to be more interactive, instead of mere stooges for applause.”

  Micah nodded, released Jasmine’s hand and turned toward the screen, addressing the show runner.

  “Please make the changes we discussed and email the revised script back to me this afternoon.”

  He stood and pushed his chair back. “Let’s go, honey.”

  Ignoring the people who didn’t want her there anyway, Jasmine took one last look at the Chrysler Building.

  She looped her satchel over her right arm and with Micah on the other, swept from the room, feeling like a queen.

  As soon as the elevator doors closed, they burst out laughing.

  “I’m sorry, Micah.” She hiccupped and covered her mouth with one hand. “I didn’t mean to sound rude. I hope I didn’t embarrass you. I didn’t realize creative people could be so touchy.”

  His broad smile deflected her sudden guilt, and opened up her heart to the possibility that this man had a very forgiving nature. That was good, because sometimes she would need it.

  He leaned one shoulder against the elevator wall. “Don’t worry about them. They’ll get over it.”

  By the time the elevator got to the first floor of the building, they were packed in like toys on a shelf at Christmastime.

  They exited onto Lexington Avenue, and Micah pulled her to the side of the building. She looped her hands around his neck and gave him a kiss.

  “Where to now, superstar chef?”

  “Are you still up to lunch and a tour of Society Red?”

  Without answering, she ran to the curb and stuck her hand out to hail a cab. Seconds later, one pulled up.

  Micah strutted to the curb and opened the door before she could. “I guess that’s a yes.” He laughed, guiding her in.

  “Battery Park, please,” he instructed the cabbie.

  The taxi jolted away from
the curb and merged into heavy traffic. Jasmine grabbed Micah’s hand as the cab swung around the corner, barely missing a few pedestrians. She looked back, horrified, but the people continued on their way as if they hadn’t noticed.

  She leaned her head on Micah’s shoulder. “Are you sure we’re going to make it there alive?”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you,” he said, his deep voice, low and sexy.

  Jasmine shivered as he nuzzled his cheek against her hair. For once, the thought of a man protecting her didn’t feel wrong or old-fashioned. It felt like love.

  She glanced up and was startled to see that he was already staring down at her. The desire in his eyes was unmistakable as he trailed a finger along her jaw.

  “I’m really glad you’re here,” he said. “The day feels different.”

  “Different?” she repeated, arching a brow. “How so?”

  He looked up at the ceiling of the taxi, searching for words.

  “Brighter. Sharper.” He leveled his gaze on her and smiled. “And a little less crazy.”

  She rolled her eyes and sighed. “Being the normalizing factor in your life sounds so boring and unromantic.”

  “There’s not a boring bone in your body. And as far as romance, you’ve inspired me to think that it still exists.”

  “Really,” she said, genuinely intrigued. “I didn’t know guys cared about romance.”

  He tapped his finger on the tip of her nose. “That’s because you haven’t been with the right man.”

  Jasmine hitched in a breath. “How do you know you’re the one?” she asked, putting the last two words in air quotes.

  “Let’s see.” Micah wedged his chin in between his thumb and forefinger, as if in thought. “I’m handsome. I can cook, and I know the proper way to handle a knife and fork.”

  He turned, eyes roaming lightly over her body, and she elbowed him in the side.

  “Don’t you dare!” she warned.

  “What did you think I was going to say?”

  His wide-eyed innocence made him look even more handsome.

  “That a man is only as good as his mind?”

  Micah pinched his fingers together. “Close. Try again.”


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