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The Conquered Brides Collection

Page 57

by Renee Rose, Ashe Barker, Sue Lyndon, Korey Mae Johnson

  “Bend over the bed, please.”

  The words sent a shiver of nervousness traveling down my spine, but I knew better than to disobey. With tentative steps, I moved toward the bed, spreading my fingers wide as I placed them on the mattress and bent over. I could feel Antony behind me and I tensed, waiting for the first crack of the leather against my arse, but he seemed happy to make me wait. I could hear his breathing and I longed to look over my shoulder at him, but instead I stayed in position as he’d ordered. The longer he waited, the more anxious I became until I was practically a bundle of nerves.

  When the leather strap came whistling down on my bare flesh for the first time, it was almost a relief. That relief lasted for half a second before the searing pain set in.

  “It is one thing to disagree with me, Cecily,” he said, ignoring my whimper. “It is quite another to voice it in such a disrespectful manner.” Down came the strap again, so hard and fast and imparting pain I would not have believed possible considering the pleasure it had brought me the night before. “I will never speak that way to you in front of John, or the child you carry. All I ask is for the same courtesy. Is that understood?”

  “Y-yes, sir,” I whined, knowing very well what came next.

  Antony did not disappoint. His aim was swift and true, the strap smacking down on my quivering cheeks again and again until the tears flowed freely down my cheeks and my feet were hopping in time to the strokes. As soon as he’d finished—I assumed that it had only been a dozen, though I hadn’t been able to concentrate on counting—he dropped the strap to the floor and caught me up in his arms, kissing and murmuring reassurances as he wiped my tears away. “Shh, it’s over now. There’s no need to cry.”

  “I really a-am so-rry,” I said, sniffling through my tears.

  “I know, my dove. And I just want to ensure that you will think before you speak next time. I wouldn’t ask you to do anything that would harm you, and I think meeting a neighbor might be good for you. You never know, you may take to each other.”

  I strongly doubted it, but rather than saying so, I offered him a weak smile and let him wipe away my tears. When I’d calmed down, he gave me a quick kiss on the lips before setting me on my feet again.

  “Come, let’s get you dressed.”

  In moments I was in a fresh chemise and the burgundy gown I’d admired. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I noted how it brought out the blue in my eyes and highlighted my fair complexion. I was well pleased with it, but I couldn’t begin to think what Antony must think when he looked at me.

  “You look lovely,” he said as he drank me in. He said it with the warmth and sincerity I’d come to expect from him, and to look at him, you’d never know that he was thinking of another woman as he looked at me.

  I quickly decided to leave it at that and thanked him for the compliment.

  “Wash your face and then come back into the kitchen. I’ll slice up the bread for you.”

  I nodded my assent and did just as he’d asked. When I reached the kitchen, Antony had a tin plate in his hand which he’d covered with a cloth. John was back to sitting in the stool, waiting, it seemed, for my arrival. When he saw me, he smiled bashfully.

  “You look very pretty, m’lady.”

  “Thank you, John,” I replied, surprised by his generosity.

  “I can take you to the Gerald’s farm, if you like.”

  “Make sure you wash your hands and face first,” Antony answered for me.

  “You… you’re not coming?”

  “I’m afraid I have things to tend to here. As big a help as John is, he’s only a boy. I need to see how the farm held up in my absence.”

  “But I…”

  “You have to get used to doing things on your own eventually, Cecily,” he told me gently. “Today is as good as any other day.”

  “Well, then perhaps tomorrow—”

  “I think not,” he interrupted, chuckling. “But I admire your effort, my dove.”

  Knowing then that I was well and truly defeated, all I could do was wait until John returned, which wasn’t long. He was all too happy to go over to the neighbors’ and kept up a steady stream of chatter as we made our way there. He told me everything he knew about Mr. Gerald, though he didn’t have much to say about his new wife. Either he didn’t care to investigate such things, or there hadn’t been much time. I rather got the sense that he’d been kept quite busy in his father’s absence.

  I decided that I liked the boy. He seemed bright, though perhaps a little shy. He looked like a hard worker, which I knew Antony must require in a son. Until that very moment, I hadn’t thought what kind of life my child would lead, but I supposed that if I had a son, Antony would raise him to be the same. Strangely, the thought didn’t bother me nearly as much as I would have once suspected.

  “There it is,” John told me, pointing at the white farmhouse that loomed ahead.

  “Hmm,” I answered noncommittally.

  “I’m sure she’s nice.”

  I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, embarrassed that he knew I was nervous. “How do you know?”

  “Mr. Gerald wouldn’t have married her if she wasn’t, just as father wouldn’t have married you.”

  The frank sincerity in his voice made me smile. He certainly was his father’s son. “Alright. If she’s mean, can we make an excuse to leave?”

  “I promise,” John replied, so solemnly that I had to feign a cough to cover my laugh.

  As it turned out, I needn’t have been so worried. Mrs. Gerald, who introduced herself as Julia, was indeed very nice. She was of an age with me, and short with round curves, thick, curly brown hair, and a smile that was impossible not to return.

  She’d taken one look at me and ushered me in, insisting I take a seat before I’d even introduced myself. “This bread smells heavenly,” she declared, putting in on the table. “I have some fresh-churned butter that would go nicely with it.” She excused herself and then returned not only with the butter in hand but a pitcher of milk as well.

  “You know,” she said, turning thoughtfully to John, “our goat just had its litter. Would you like to go to the barn and see? I believe Mr. Gerald is feeding them now and I’m sure he’d be delighted to have your help.”

  John’s eyes went wide as saucers and I knew at a glance that he wanted nothing more, but he turned to me first. “Is it alright, lady mother?”

  Both surprised and touched to hear him address me so, I couldn’t manage anything beyond a nod of assent. It was enough for John, who raced out of the room as though he was being chased.

  “He seems like such a helpful lad,” Julia commented as she poured a glass of milk and pushed it toward me.

  “He is.” I took the cup from her and sipped it, just to have an excuse not to speak. At first, I felt a bit uncomfortable now that we were left alone, but Julia had an affable air about her and it was impossible to stay so for long.

  “You’ve only just moved here?” she asked, her brown eyes sparkling. “Why, I’ve only been here for a few weeks myself!”

  Long before the visit was over I found myself relaxed enough that I didn’t even realize how long we’d been talking. I hadn’t had many women that I trusted enough to confide in back at Hohenzollern, but during that time of my life, I had to be careful who I put my trust in. Here, Julia and I were equals and she had nothing to gain by hurting me. I was surprised by how refreshing it was to share with someone who I knew wouldn’t use my thoughts and feelings against me.

  When the door opened and John came running in, followed by who I assumed could only be Mr. Gerald, I glanced to the window. To my surprise, the sun was already beginning to set.

  Julia seemed to see it at the same time and jumped to her feet, wringing her hands as she looked from the window to her husband. Mr. Gerald was a tall man and well-muscled from, I assumed, long hours in the fields. He cut an imposing figure and made it more so by the fact that he looked at his wife without speaking. “Forgiv
e me, William,” she began, before he’d said a word. “Mrs. Jennings came by to introduce herself, and I…”

  “Spent the whole afternoon talking and not getting one bit of housework done,” he finished, his voice deep and stern. “Nor do I see dinner on the table, wife.”

  “It won’t take me long to—”

  “Forgive me, Mr. Gerald,” I interrupted, standing to my feet. “The fault is mine. I’m afraid I’m new here and don’t know all the rules yet.” I gave him my most charming, courtier smile. “And I should have mentioned earlier that my husband and I would like to invite you to dinner this evening.”

  Mr. Gerald raised an eyebrow. “Indeed? How very kind of you, Mrs. Jennings. I’m afraid we won’t be able to this evening, but we would love to share a meal with you and your husband soon. Julia, I believe you made enough last night to make another meal. Why don’t you serve the meat with some of that fine bread I smell? That will be enough for me.” There was no mistaking the look of relief that crossed Julia’s pretty features, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she too was spanked by her husband. “In fact, why don’t you send some home with Mrs. Jennings? I know how much her husband enjoys a good piece of meat.”

  I knew then, coupled with the stern look that Mr. Gerald gave me, that he knew I’d been lying about the invitation. That didn’t bother me much, as long as it kept my new friend out of trouble. I feared she wouldn’t want me to come calling again if she was punished because of my foolishness.

  I thanked the pair of them and even gave Julia a brief hug before we accepted a covered plate of meat and went on our way. John had been given the gift of a baby goat, so he’d ignored the exchange entirely and spent the entire walk home chattering on about his goat. I had to reassure him half a dozen times that his father would let him keep it, and even then I wasn’t sure he believed me.

  Antony gave me a broad smile when I showed him the plate of meat that I had brought home with me and talked enthusiastically with John about the new goat, promising that they could find a baby bottle to use to feed it. “Perhaps we should go into town tomorrow to get a few things,” he remarked over dinner. “We could find some fabric for your new dresses, Cecily.”

  “As you wish,” I replied, listlessly poking at my food.

  “Is something the matter, sweeting?”

  “No, no, of course not.”

  After the meal was finished, John was dismissed to go to the barn to tend to his goat and I began to clear the dishes from the table. Antony came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “What is it, Cecily? You hardly said a word and you didn’t eat at all. Is something wrong?”

  I turned to face him, contemplating how I’d tell him when the words broke free all on their own. “I lied, and I think Mr. Gerald knew it. And now I fear that Julia will be in trouble on my account.”

  “Shh, calm down, sweeting. You can tell me everything and we’ll figure it out.”

  It had seemed like the right thing to do at the time, but as I explained it to Antony and felt the disapproval in his gaze, I knew that I would have done better to have said nothing.

  “I see,” he said when I finished.

  “And now I fear that he won’t want her to speak to me,” I said miserably.

  “That won’t do,” he said, clucking his tongue. “She’s the closest neighbor we have, and you need another woman to talk to. I doubt much harm has been done, but if you wish, I’ll speak with William. In the meantime, I know one wife that will be getting punished tonight.”

  “Oh, Antony,” I gasped, my head snapping up as I looked at him with wide, pleading eyes. “Please, no. I didn’t mean any harm.”

  “I know, darling, but in trying to get Julia out of trouble, you’ve just put yourself there. Next time, offer to cook dinner with her, or help her clean house. But you’re not to lie for her or anyone else. Think what kind of example you’re setting for our boy.”

  Hearing him called ours made tears sting my eyes just as much as the reprimand had. “I’m so sorry, Antony.”

  “I’m sure you are, my dove, but I can’t let something like this go by unpunished. I’m going to the barn to fetch John. When I send him in, I want you to kiss him goodnight and then go to your room and wait for me in the corner.”

  I held my tears back long enough to greet my new son and kiss him goodnight. “Thank you for helping me today,” I whispered before pecking his cheek.

  John only blushed and ran for his room, but I got the sense that he was pleased.

  It was a feeling that I could not share as I went to the bedroom and waited. Left alone with my thoughts, I quickly became antsy and began to pace the room until I heard the sound of footsteps approaching outside the door. When Antony opened the door, I was sitting in the chair staring morosely out the window.

  “What am I to do with you, Cecily?” he asked with a long sigh.

  “I don’t know what you mean, husband.”

  “Do you not? Well, then let me enlighten you: when I tell you to do something, I mean it. And that includes when I tell you to wait for me in the corner.”

  My skin flushed with warmth. Somehow it had escaped my mind that he’d told me to stand in the corner.

  “It seems that I have more than one point to make tonight.”

  “Please, Antony—”

  “Hush, sweeting. Your mouth has already gotten you in trouble once today. Let’s let that be enough, shall we?”

  Snapping my lips closed, I walked over to him and turned around so that he could undo my gown, pulling down my pantalets along with the garment. I thought that he would perhaps allow me to dress in my nightgown, but when I went for it, he shook his head. I watched with wary eyes as he walked over to the chair I’d occupied only minutes earlier and sat down.

  “Come here, Cecily.”

  Taking a deep breath and wishing for courage, I walked toward him, stopping just out of his reach. “What if John hears?”

  “He’s worked hard today and is probably fast asleep by now. Even so, the best I can suggest is for you to try to keep it down.”

  Knowing that he referred to my wails, I flushed. When he crooked his finger at me, I came forward and laid myself over his lap.

  “Good girl,” he crooned, but the praise only made me flush harder. “Some wives need constant attention from their husbands,” he remarked, gently patting my bared cheeks. “You’re going to be one of those, aren’t you?”

  Without waiting for an answer, Antony went to work, his hand smacking each cheek in quick succession. Remembering that John was asleep, I bit my lip hard to keep from crying out. I’d never been aware of how loud the spanking itself was until that moment, and I found myself wincing each time his palm smacked my flesh.

  “I’m sorry,” I moaned. “Please.”

  “I know you’re sorry, Cecily. And you don’t know how much it means to me that you came to me and told me what you’d done. But it’s my job to ensure that you don’t let it happen again.”

  “I won’t,” I promised, but Antony seemed deaf to my pleas as his hand continued to punish my poor, defenseless arse. As the spanks continued to rain down, I did everything I could to conceal my pain. I muffled my cries into his trousers, and when I began to cry, I did it silently. Antony certainly didn’t make it easy—by the time he finished my flesh felt like it was on fire. I suspected that was due in part to the spanking with the strap I’d gotten earlier.

  “On the bed,” he instructed, his voice husky and authoritative. I scampered over the bed and was sliding beneath the covers when he shook his head. “Lie on your stomach.”

  I wanted to wail that I’d already been punished, that I’d learned my lesson, but I stayed quiet except for the cries I muffled into the pillow. Antony took his time joining me. I could feel his eyes looking me up and down, drinking in the sight of my bare flesh. I wondered what he saw when he looked at me. Wallace had never seemed too impressed with my voluptuous figure, but somehow Antony made me feel that he only saw the very b
est in me. It was enough to make a woman still love a husband, even when he’d just set her bottom aflame with the flat of his hand.

  When Antony finally joined me on the bed, I turned my head to see him, but he was behind me, looming over me. At first, I feared that he meant to continue the spanking, but then I felt his hand tracing the curve of my buttocks with a feather-light caress. I could feel goose bumps prickle my skin one by one at the gentleness in his touch. Then, when he bent over and kissed my shoulder, I let out a moan that had nothing to do with pain. His lips moved over the nape of my neck, and then to the other shoulder blade. He followed the trail that the goose bumps had left for him, letting his lips taste nearly every inch of my fair skin. With each brush of his lips against my skin, I felt a shiver run through my body until I was nearly humming with the sensation.

  On and on his mouth traveled until he reached my hot, punished flesh. I tensed slightly as I waited to see what he would do. I felt the bed shift as he sat up, and to my surprise, one hand gripped my hip, lifting me toward him. The other hand snaked around, and a finger slipped into my quim, testing the wetness.

  “What a naughty girl,” he scolded, clucking his tongue reproachfully. “It seems that you haven’t learned your lesson after all.”

  “Oh, but I have!” I protested. “Antony, please, I avow it! I truly have!”

  “How could you have, when you obviously enjoy your spanking so much?”

  I opened my mouth to say that, of course, such a thought was absurd, but before I could speak, I realized that perhaps it wasn’t altogether untrue. I didn’t like the hot, throbbing feeling in my backside at the moment, that much was certain, but I couldn’t deny that the way he was treating me made me feel cherished. If that was what it took, I would endure the spankings.

  “Perhaps I should spank you a little more?”

  “No, thank you,” I whispered.

  “Ah, then whatever shall I do with you, my dove?”


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