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‘abuse’, definition of 4–6
acceleration 160
Albert, David 176n, 255n
Albert, Michael xii, 2n, 192n
Allen, Woody 25
Althusser, Louis 17
ambiguity 50, 81–2, 85–6, 179
analogy 9–10
Andreski, Stanislav 1, 10, 42, 46, 194n
anthropology 183–5
anti-foundationalism 173n, 196
argument from authority 11, 56, 178–9
Aristotle 31, 33, 68, 71
Aronowitz, Stanley 242, 243
arrow of time 13n, 125
astrology 59, 65, 77, 175
atomic theory 69, 126–7
axiom of choice 8, 42–4, 171, 247
Badiou, Alain 171–2
Barnes, Barry 80–85, 175n, 193
Barthes, Roland 4, 37
Baudrillard, Jean 3n, 4, 7, 137–43
Bergson, Henri xii, 170
Big Bang 98–9, 125, 143n, 149
Bloor, David 79–85, 175n, 193
Boghossian, Paul 2n, 184n
Bohr, Niels 77, 242
Bourbaki, Nicolas 34, 45
calculus 47, 127n, 150–55
Cantor, Georg 29n, 39n, 40, 43n, 44n
Cantor’s paradox 29n, 45n
cardinal 43n
countable 43n
of the continuum 43n
cardinality of the continuum, see power of the continuum
cardinals, transfinite 146
catastrophe theory 127–8
Cauchy, Agustin Louis 21n, 151, 155n
chaos 13n, 125, 128–36, 140–42, 143n, 181n
Chomsky, Noam 2n, 10–11n, 177n, 189–92, 257
Cohen, Paul 43n, 171, 247
compact space 8, 21–23
complexity 135, 181n
continuum hypothesis 43, 171–2
Copenhagen interpretation 12, 13n, 76–7
corroboration 60n
countable 39n, 43n
criminal investigations 56–7, 66–7, 75, 76, 91–2
‘Culture Wars’ xii, 174n
d’Alembert, Jean 151
Darwin, Charles 65, 81, 185
Debray, Régis 167–70
Deleuze, Gilles xvi, xix, 3, 7, 145–56, 158, 194
denumerable 39n, 43n
Derrida, Jacques xviiin, xx, 3, 7, 244, 250
determinism 129–33, 177–8
discovery, context of 76
Duhem, Pierre xviin, 62n, 66n
Duhem–Quine thesis 66–7
Eagleton, Terry 187n, 189n
Ehrenreich, Barbara 2n, 192n, 196n
Einstein, Albert 4, 58, 64n, 65, 68, 81, 98–9, 115–23, 138n, 180n, 185n
Epstein, Barbara 2n, 187n, 189n, 192n
Euler, Leonhard 51–2
evolution 54n, 65, 68, 78
‘fact’, redefinition of 92–4
falsification 59–65
Feyerabend, Paul 50, 59, 72n, 73–9, 92n, 94n, 175
fluid mechanics 100–107, 177, 242
Foucault, Michel 120, 145, 151, 250
Foucault pendulum 81
Fourez, Gérard 92–4
fractal geometry 125, 127, 142, 157
frame of reference 116–20
inertial 71n
Frege, Gottlob 26, 38, 104, 108
Fuhrman, Mark 57n
Fuller, Steve 12n, 90n
Galilei, Galileo 68, 70, 71n, 74n, 81, 116, 118, 185
geometry: differential 4, 111, 245
fractal 125, 127, 142, 157
non-Euclidean 4, 137–40, 163
Riemannian 138n, 146
Gödel’s theorem 44–5, 125, 126, 128n, 145, 164, 167–70
Gross, Paul xvin, 2n, 86n, 143
Guattari, Félix 3, 7, 145–51, 156–8, 194
Halley’s comet 61, 64–5n,
Harding, Sandra 186n, 251–3
Hayles, N. Katherine 101–3, 112n, 242
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 150, 154–5n
Heisenberg, Werner 77, 242
Hobsbawm, Eric 195, 246
Holton, Gerald 2n
Hume, David 12, 26, 53, 57, 60
incommensurability of paradigms 50, 67–73
induction 57–8, 60–1, 65
imals 151–5
instrumentalism 50, 55n
integer 25–8
Irigaray, Luce 3, 97–113, 194, 242, 245
irreversibility 13n, 157
jouissance, space of 8, 19–23
justification, context of 76
knowledge, redefinition of 81n, 184–5
Kristeva, Julia xv, xviii, xixn, 3n, 4, 5n, 7, 37–47
Kuhn, Thomas 50, 59, 67–73
Lacan, Jacques xv, xvi, xviiin, xix, 3–5, 17–35, 46, 103, 104, 194
Lagrange, Joseph Louis 154, 155n
Laplace, Pierre Simon 61n, 125, 131
Latour, Bruno xv, xviin, xixn, 3, 4, 7, 85–90, 115–23, 193
Laudan, Larry 49, 59n, 66n, 83n
Lechte, John 3n, 38
‘Left Conservatism’ 196–7
Levitt, Norman xvin, 2n, 86n, 143
linearity 104n, 111, 133–5, 138, 140–1, 157, 243–5
Lodge, David 241
Lorentz transformations 118
Lyotard, Jean-François 3, 125–8, 181, 243–4
mathematical induction 25
mathematical logic 25–33, 38–45, 107–10, 128n, 167–72
Maudlin, Tim 67n, 70–2, 176n
Maxwell, James Clerk 55n, 132
‘memory of water’ 140–1
Mercury, orbit of 64, 65n, 74n, 76n
Mermin, N. David xv, 79n, 99n, 116n, 118n, 121–3, 175n
metaphor xvii, 9, 24, 37, 41, 107, 120, 137–8, 177
Milner, Jean-Claude 17
Möbius strip 18, 142–3
‘morphogenetic field’ 242, 244
Nanda, Meera 94–5
Neptune 61, 64n
‘New Age’ 73n, 191, 198, 242–4, 255n
Newton, Isaac 6–7, 68, 118, 151, 185
Newtonian mechanics 55n, 61–4, 66, 71n, 83, 99, 118, 134–5, 139, 164
nonlinearity 104n, 111, 133–5, 138, 140–1, 157, 243–5
nuclear fission 98–9
number: imaginary 23–5
irrational 23–4
natural 25–7
real 21n, 39n, 43n, 133, 153n
paradigms 50, 67–73
‘paralogy’ 128
Peano, Giuseppe 38, 167
Pinker, Steven 38n, 176–7n
Poincaré, Henri 132–3
Pollitt, Katha 2n, 194, 196n