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Love Beyond Boundaries (A Scottish Time Travel Romance): Book 12 (Morna's Legacy Series)

Page 18

by Bethany Claire

  “I am sorry, lass. There is nothing I can do. We will hold it if ye wish to pick up yer luggage sometime tomorrow. Or we can have it shipped to the address ye are visiting, but that can take up to five days and will cost ye a rather hefty fee.”

  I crossed my arms in an effort to keep from launching myself across the table at her. “I’m sorry. What? Your airline loses my luggage, and I’m supposed to pay a fee to have it delivered to me. I don’t think so, missy.”

  Embarrassed, I felt myself flush. I’d never called anyone missy in my life. It wasn’t cool, and I knew it.

  The woman furrowed her eyes at me, and I saw her reach to lay a hand on the phone next to her, as she pointed her other phone in my direction.

  “Doona ye ‘missy’ me. I am doing my job, but that doesna mean I have to accept a berating from ye. Ye are welcome to wait or come by tonight or tomorrow, or ye can pay the fee and have it shipped. The choice is yers, and if ye cause any more trouble or raise yer voice again, I will have no choice but to call security to escort ye off property.”

  The threat should’ve been enough to calm me, but it had the opposite effect. Just as I opened my mouth to scream at her, I felt a heavy hand gently touch my shoulder. I whirled toward the sensation in response to the unexpected contact.

  A man so tall, muscular, and ridiculously gorgeous stood in front of me that I knew immediately this had to be the man Ross had spoken of.

  The stranger didn’t immediately address me, instead he spoke to the woman behind the counter.

  “We shall return after the next flight has landed for the lass’s luggage. Thank ye for yer time and help.”

  Without another word, the man gently tugged on my arm until I stepped out of line. Once we were far enough away that the person behind me could step up to the counter, he spoke. “Good morning, lass. I’m Orick. I recognize ye as Allanah from the picture Ross sent us. Forgive my intrusion into the situation. ’Tis only I thought it best if we avoided having ye handled by security. ’Twould not be the warm welcome into Scotland that I’d prefer ye have.”

  I huffed, the knowledge that I was no longer totally alone in a foreign country relaxing me just a little. “You’re right. I’m sorry you had to do that. I…we really don’t have to wait. I can get back in line and pay the fee.”

  He shook his head and began to walk away, summoning me to follow him. “I willna hear of it. ’Tis nearly lunch anyway. Gillian and I shall drive ye into the city. We can enjoy a leisurely lunch and a chat, aye?”

  Knowing there was really nothing I could do about any of it at this point, I reluctantly agreed. “Okay, sounds good. Thank you for picking me up.”

  “Not at all, lass. And doona worry about what just happened. All of us at Cagair are quite accustomed to fiery lasses, I can assure ye of that.”

  “Great.” I mumbled under my breath, as I resigned myself to one more day without Ross.

  Chapter 34

  The news of Allanah’s delayed luggage was no tragedy as far as Ross could see it. If anything, it meant he had a little more time to get his wits about him, to consider his options, and to work up his nerve to go and speak to the woman he’d been so intent on never seeing again.

  He was over Silva. When he thought of her, he no longer felt the tremendous pain and longing he’d felt for so long at the mere mention of her name. Still, he couldn’t deny the truth of what was once between them and how important to him she’d once been. How important she always would be. No matter how much he wished she wasn’t.

  The shower had done wonders for him, but Allanah’s angry phone call had set him on edge once again.

  He couldn’t blame her for being angry. Travel is trying even when everything goes right. Not only had she landed without luggage, she’d also been expecting a different set of circumstances upon her arrival there. He would’ve been none too pleased himself.

  Sighing, he sat back down on the bed in the spacious room, twisting to look through the paned window onto one of the many grassy expanses just beyond the castle.

  Was Sydney right? Was his best course of action to tell Allanah about Silva the moment she arrived here?

  Perhaps so, but he couldn’t bear the thought of it. What if the knowledge made her want to turn right back around and return to the States. It would break his already shattered heart. The first trip to see his mother had tried him beyond what he knew he was capable of. He truly wasn’t sure he could make himself return without Allanah by his side.

  Silva. What would he say to her? How would it feel for him to see her again? What would she think about his new relationship? Would she threaten to tell Allanah if he decided he didn’t want to?

  Too many questions coursed through his mind. Questions that would only be answered if he simply got on with it and went in search of his ex-wife.

  Running an anxious hand through his still-damp hair, Ross rose from the bed and set about the dreaded task.

  Busy noises echoed down the long bedchamber hallway of the castle, the excited sounds of everyone visiting down below.

  The thought of walking into the room where everyone was gathered and getting Silva’s attention caused his feet to slow. They suddenly felt as if they were filled with lead. He startled at the sound of his name being called from behind him.

  Silva. He’d know her voice anywhere. It was forever embedded into his mind and heart.

  He turned toward her, all of his nerves drifting away as he lay eyes on her.

  She looked different somehow. Tired. In truth, downright exhausted. But at the same time, there was a peacefulness in her eyes, and her smile was genuine as she walked toward him.

  “Ben has been asleep for half an hour, but I was waiting for the sound of a door closing in the hallway before stepping outside in the hopes it would be you and I’d be able to catch you.”

  He walked into her arms as she extended hers toward him, quickly falling into an embrace as familiar to him as the sound of her voice.

  “Ye did lass. Ye caught me.” He stepped away and returned her smile. “Is Ben yer son?”

  She nodded, and he noticed that her eyes glinted with pride at his name. “Yes. Would you…” She hesitated, and he hurried to reassure her.

  “Aye, lass. I would love to see him.”

  She nodded again and turned back toward the door she’d come out of. She kept her voice low as she spoke. “We will have to be quiet, but he’s a pretty sound sleeper. I’m sure we’ll be fine.”

  Ross took a deep breath as he followed Silva into the bedchamber, his eyes quickly moving to rest on the small packable crib set up next to the four-poster bed. As he approached and gazed down at the sleeping child, who even at first glance looked so equally like both his mother and father, all he felt was joy.

  The anticipatory resistance that had lodged itself in his chest melted away, and a peace settled over him.

  Before him lay the child of the woman he’d once loved more than anyone, and yet he felt no jealousy, no remorse for how things now were, no regret that she or the child lying between them wasn’t his.

  While he would never forgive himself for the pain he’d caused her, he now knew for sure that they were both exactly where they needed to be. Their love for one another had been necessary, and their eventual love for others inevitable.

  Love. The word sprang up in his mind, once again taking him by surprise, but this time it lingered, and it settled itself deep into his heart. And he knew it was true.

  He’d once loved Silva.

  Now he loved Allanah.

  And this love was different. Greater. He knew so much more now. Not only more of himself, but more of the world. He now knew what loss was. He knew what he wanted. And somehow, all of those things made the love that was so surely burning inside his chest more pure than his love for Silva had ever been.

  The second she arrived, he would lay out his feelings for her.

  “What are you thinking, Ross?” Silva’s voice pulled him from his thoughts and back into t
he moment.

  “He’s a handsome wee lad, lass.”

  She smiled again, nudging her head toward the doorway. Quietly, they tiptoed from the room.

  “You look really good, Ross. Are you…are you good? Part of me was worried you’d be angry that we came here. I was hesitant, but Morna was so insistent we just felt we couldn’t say no.”

  To his surprise, he was able to answer her effortlessly. “Aye. I am better than I have been in a verra long time.”

  She reached out to squeeze his hand. “I’m sorry about your mother, Ross. Griffith has kept us informed. I even went to see her myself a while back, but she didn’t remember me.”

  He sighed. He’d not thought of how hard this had to be for Silva until now. In so many ways, she’d been more of a child to his mother than he had. She’d been there in the time following his supposed death when he had not.

  “She would now. She often finds herself back in the months before I…” He paused, knowing she understood. “I left. We’ve spoken of ye often. Ye know that she loves ye, aye?”

  Silva swallowed and her voice was broken as she answered. “And I her.” She looked at him, her eyes glazing with tears before she continued. “Sydney told me a little bit about Allanah, Ross. I’m so, so happy for you.”

  He was happy for himself too, but he still didn’t know what sort of arrangement he should make with Silva. He was ready to tell Allanah that he loved her, but that didn’t mean he was ready to tell her all of his secrets.

  “Silva, lass, ye willna say anything to her about us, aye? She doesna know about ye. She doesn’t know about any of it.”

  Silva frowned at him. “Then you should tell her. It won’t matter in the least to her if you love her, Ross.”

  He sighed. Why could no one save him see that it absolutely did matter? “’Tis not true. She wouldna want me if she knew all I’d done.”

  Silva stared hard at him, the same frustration burning in her eyes that he’d seen in Sydney’s earlier. After a long moment, she spoke. “Let me give you a piece of advice.”

  Thoughtlessly, he interrupted her. “I’d rather ye dinna.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “Tough. You’re going to get it anyway. Learn from your past mistakes, Ross. Quit trying to control and dictate what you think the women in your life can and can’t handle. Secrets never keep for long. Your last one didn’t, and this won’t either. Believe me, the only way this can go wrong for you is if she finds out from anyone other than you.”

  Ross sighed, the truth in her words sinking in for the first time. She would have to know. He just wasn’t ready for that to happen yet.

  “Fine, lass. I know ye are right. I swear to ye I will tell her, but not this night, and not tomorrow. I’m already losing my mother. When I tell her, I know the way she’ll look at me, even if she does decide to stay. I’ve seen it in yer eyes before. I doona wish to see that yet. I doona think I could bear it. Not just yet. I will tell her. But in my own time, aye?”

  Silva nodded and leaned in to hug him once more. “Of course. This is no longer my story, Ross. It’s yours. I just want you to be happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.”

  Chapter 35

  My lunch with Gillian and Orick turned into an all-day tour of the city after the flight carrying my luggage was delayed leaving London. By the time we finally pulled onto the long driveway leading to Cagair Castle, it was close to ten o’clock at night, and I’d officially gone thirty plus hours without sleep. I’d not had a drop to drink all day, and I felt thoroughly drunk and unsteady on my feet as I stepped out of the car and onto the grounds of the castle.

  “I’ll see these up to yer room, lass. I’m sure everyone is already abed.”

  I followed Orick and Gillian inside the main doors of the castle, appreciating but not really capable of truly taking in the grandeur of the building, as I walked up the set of stairs that led to a long corridor of doorways.

  As soon as I stepped into the hallway, Ross stepped out of a door a few yards down from me. He immediately crushed me to him, pressing his mouth against mine.

  “Ach, lass. It felt as if ye would never get here.”

  He pulled away, looked me over, and grinned. “Ye look…” He hesitated, seemingly knowing better than to criticize me after seeing the expression on my face.

  “Like I got run over by a truck? I know.” I pointed to the room behind him. “Is this us?”

  He nodded.

  My feet barely able to move, I trudged inside and collapsed on the large bed as Orick set my bags down inside the doorway. I heard Ross thank Orick and Gillian before he closed the door and walked over to me.

  “Long day, aye?”

  Still in my clothes, I kicked off my shoes, pulled my hair out of the ponytail it was in, and scrambled to get underneath the blankets. I’d never been so ready to sleep in my life.

  “You have no idea.” I yawned as my eyelids began to close. “I’ll talk to you in the morning, okay?”

  And before I heard his response, sleep found me.

  While it certainly wasn’t the greeting he’d expected, he couldn’t blame Allanah for her exhaustion. Simply pleased that she was now there with him, he joined her in the bed, pulling her close as he joined her in sleep. His words could wait until morning.

  She pulled him closer as he scooted near her, and her head quickly moved to his chest.

  “I…I…” Her words were jumbled as she drifted to sleep. “I’m sorry I was such a cranky bitch earlier. I love you, Ross.”

  Shocked, he glanced down at her, but her eyes were tightly closed, and the softest hint of a snore was already escaping her.

  He smiled, happiness flooding him. At least he knew now that his own declaration was likely to be reciprocated.

  I woke at dawn, warm, content, and still snuggled into the crook of Ross’ arm. I truly hadn’t intended to fall asleep so quickly. I’d wanted to talk to him, kiss him, and speak to him about how the time with his mother had been, but all of my desires had gone racing out the window the moment I’d crawled into bed. Sleep hadn’t been an option. My body had simply insisted that I needed it. Right then. Right there. My intentions be damned.

  It was fine, though. I knew Ross would understand. And now that I was here, we had all the time in the world to talk and be together as much as we wanted.

  Careful not to wake him, I shifted away from his arm, scooting from the covers to go in search of the bathroom. The first door I opened was a small closet, and I took the liberty of removing one of the plush robes and a pair of slippers from inside before trying the next door.

  Stepping into the bathroom, I laughed at my appearance in the mirror before turning toward the shower to turn on the spray of water. The way I looked now made my smudged eyeliner and lipstick after sex seem utterly ridiculous. Today, after way too many hours without a shower and the stress of traveling weighing on me, I looked truly terrible.

  Thankful that all of that was about to be washed away, I stripped away my clothes and stepped into the warm water. I closed my eyes and reveled in the sensation of the warm droplets rinsing away the grime of my journey. I was so lost in the pleasure of the shower that I didn’t even hear Ross enter the bathroom until he spoke next to me. I jumped and turned to see that he had his eyes covered tightly with his hands.

  “If ye doona wish for me to see ye lass, I’ll leave. ’Tis only that I thought if ye wanted, I could join ye.”

  I quickly cupped my hands under the water so I could throw some at my face and give my makeup a good scrub. Of course, I wanted him in there with me. Any excuse to look at him naked was good by me.

  I tapped on the glass so he’d open his eyes. When he did, I smiled at him and waved him over. “Get in.”

  Grinning, he removed his underwear and opened the glass door as I stepped deeper inside to make room for him. While there was room for both of us to stand, we couldn’t easily do so without touching, and my arms went around his waist instinctively as he stepped
under the water.

  Looking up at him under the spray, I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. “I’ve missed you. I’m sorry I was so short with you on the phone yesterday and then fell asleep the second I walked into the room last night.”

  He laughed and pulled me into another hug. “Doona worry about it, lass. Ye doona need to apologize again.”

  I frowned and stepped back out of the spray so I could look at him. “Again? I didn’t realize I’d already done it once.”

  He raised his brows, and there was something mischievous in his gaze. “Aye. Did ye know ye talk in yer sleep?”

  I argued with him. “I do not.”

  He shrugged, and I smiled in response. I’d missed that shrug immeasurably.

  “Mayhap not usually, but ye did last night.”

  I waved him toward me so I could hold him without getting blasted by water.

  “What did I say?”

  “Ye mean, besides yer apology?”

  I nodded against his chest.

  With his arms around me, he leaned down to whisper into my ear. “Ye said that ye loved me.”

  Nausea rose up, threatening to make me hurl right there in the shower. I was thankful that my cheek was pressed against his skin so he couldn’t see me blush. Surely, I hadn’t said that.

  Then again, I knew I’d never been more tired than I’d been last night. Maybe in my delirium, I actually had.

  “I…I…” I faltered. I had no idea what to say to him.

  “Doona worry, lass.” He kissed the top of my wet hair. “I am quite in love with ye, as well.”

  Chapter 36

  Shortly after Ross’ shower confessional, we moved back to the bed where we made love for the next hour before falling back asleep until the middle of the day. Hearing him say that he loved me had been the balm I needed to soothe my anxious mind. It meant that slowly, his walls were coming down. It meant that maybe—just maybe—I didn’t need to press him just yet. Perhaps, he would simply open up with time.


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