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Paranormal After Dark

Page 429

by Rebecca Hamilton

  “See? My mom’s pretty damn cool,” Cade said, squeezing Ever’s waist. “You wanna be invisible? She’ll help.”

  Ever giggled. She met Grace’s gaze and smiled. “Thank you, Mrs. Bourdain. Your home is beautiful.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart. It’s always more beautiful when my boy is home.” She pinched Cade’s cheek. “Go get dressed, silly! Everyone will be arriving shortly.”

  * * *

  “I’M SORRY IF my room’s a mess. I wasn’t planning on bringing company up.” Cade slipped a key in his doorknob, and the lock clicked.

  “You lock your room?”

  Cade paused, realizing for the first time just how strange it was to lock your bedroom in your own house. “I don’t…” He took a deep breath. “I don’t trust my dad.”

  “Oh.” Ever laid a hand on his arm and stepped forward, fitting neatly into his personal sphere as if she belonged there. “That’s hard.”

  Cade wished there weren’t a sweatshirt between her palm and his bicep. He wanted to feel the softness and warmth of her skin directly on his. With just an innocent touch, she’d set his body on fire. He gazed down at her, so close but not his.

  Not yet.

  “Yeah. Gotta do what you gotta do, right?” Cade shoved open his door and held out a hand for her to go first. “After you.”

  He watched as her gaze traveled the room, and he tried to see it from her point of view. The walls were maroon, making the large space feel cozier, he thought. He had a poster of Cernunnos on one wall, and a naked goddess image on the other. His furniture was a matching set of cherry wood; he had a feeling Ever’s bedroom had mismatched furniture and walls covered in images she loved.

  He wanted to see her room. Be there in her space, like she was sharing his now.

  “It’s what I expected,” Ever said with a smile.

  “If you wanna have a seat, I’m gonna go change.” He pointed to his adjoining bathroom.

  He left the door cracked so he could still hear her.

  “What’s your costume?” she asked.

  He grinned at his reflection as he yanked off his T-shirt. “Something that will look good next to yours.”

  “I’m so nervous,” she said, her voice small in the other room. “Will you protect me?”

  Cade couldn’t stop the burst of desire he felt at hearing her voice as he stood in his boxers in the bathroom. He wanted nothing more than to walk out there, take off that pretty dress, and make her his. She wasn’t even his girlfriend yet. But something about her made him feel so… primal. Possessive.

  “Don’t be nervous,” he answered, shrugging into his shirt and nimbly fastening the buttons. “I won’t leave your side.”


  He was silent as he zipped his pants and tucked in his shirt, his emotions toying with him.


  He squirted some gel in his hands and smoothed his hair back. The finished product looked pretty damn sharp.

  He opened the door to find her just on the other side, her pretty face screwed up as if her stomach were in knots.

  Gods, he just wanted to hold her. To wipe that worried look off her elfin features, to feel her heartbeat against his.

  She gasped. “You look amazing!”

  “Bond. James Bond,” he answered, deepening his voice in a corny effort to make her laugh.

  He succeeded, and her titter filled the air.

  He walked forward, catching her face between his hands. “Never worry around me, Ever. I promise I won’t leave your side. Not now, not ever. I would promise you anything.”

  Their gazes locked. Cade wanted to kiss her; he needed to kiss her.

  Ever had other ideas. She stepped into his arms, hugging his waist. She didn’t say anything; just held him tight, her cheek pressed to his chest.

  She felt so fragile in his arms. She was delicate, like a butterfly. He spread his hands across her shoulder blades, reveling in the warmth of her skin beneath the thin lace of her dress.

  This was Ever in his arms. The girl he’d watched for years and never thought he could have.

  “You ready?” he asked, gently tugging from her embrace.

  She smiled, and it lit up the room. “Yes.”

  * * *

  CADE WAS ALL-too-aware of Ever on his arm as he escorted her downstairs. The party had already begun — Rémy and Grace Bourdain stood just inside the front door, welcoming guests as they arrived.

  “I should introduce you to my father,” Cade murmured as they stepped off the staircase onto polished hardwood floors. “But I don’t want to…” He trailed off, at a loss for how to explain why he wanted to keep Ever away from Rémy.

  “Why?” Ever asked when his answer wasn’t forthcoming.

  “He’s just over the top.”

  “My mother is the same way, so I’m prepared. But how are you going to introduce me without my name?”

  He pursed his lips. “Good question. Fake name?”

  “Do you think he knows who I am?”

  Cade shrugged. “Maybe. Probably.”

  “I can’t imagine anyone else in Coalhaven is known for their eye color.” Ever pointed to her mask. Her beautiful eyes were clear and bright — and definitely visible. “It’s probably silly to think no one will know who I am.”

  “You do have the most extraordinary eyes,” Cade murmured, touching her jawbone with the backs of his fingers. “I could stare into them for hours and never get tired.”

  A red blush crept up her neck, and she glanced at the floor. “Thank you.”

  “Here’s what we’re going to do.” He took her hand. “Tonight, your name is Rose, like that chick on the Titanic movie. ‘Cause that dress looks like it came right off the set.”

  “I thought the exact same thing,” Ever said, smiling.

  Rémy usually cut a suave and sophisticated character, but in his Gomez Addams costume — alongside Grace as Morticia — he looked more so than usual. Not to mention Cade was flabbergasted to see his demure mother in a dress cut so low.

  “Father,” Cade greeted Rémy. “This is my date, Rose.”

  Rémy smiled his usual false, smarmy grin that he reserved for women. Cade hadn’t paid it any mind until now, standing in front of the man he knew had cheated on his mother. Rémy grasped Ever’s hand and bowed to kiss it. “It is a pleasure, dear Rose.”

  Cade had just enough time to think Hey! We faked him! before Rémy straightened and looked straight into Ever’s eyes. His father’s surprise wasn’t nearly as noticeable as Cade’s as he turned an approving look on his son.

  He knows. Shit! How did I think this would work?

  “Feel free to make yourself at home, Rose. Have a good time tonight.” Rémy bowed, then turned to his next guest.

  Cade tried to forget his father’s knowing look as he and Ever helped themselves to appetizers. Rémy hadn’t said anything more in the hour since, so it was possible Cade had misinterpreted it. Maybe his dad had just thought how beautiful Rose was, even in her mask. Maybe he was surprised that Cade had brought someone other than Allie to the party.

  Cade introduced Ever to his covenmates as Rose, and watched in amusement as she attempted to hide her eyes from them. To their credit, everyone greeted her with friendliness. They asked her if she was Wiccan, and if she was considering their coven. She responded enigmatically, “I have my own.”

  The one exception was Allie.

  She approached them as soon as she arrived, cutting a swath through party goers as if she were splitting the tide.

  “Hey, handsome.” She slipped an arm around Cade’s waist and squeezed. She was dressed as a Playboy bunny, complete with tuxedo corset, bunny ears, and tail.

  “Allie.” He gently pushed her away and indicated Ever. “I’m here with a date.”

  Allie did a double take. “Excuse me?”

  Cade groaned inwardly. Of course she’s gonna make a scene.

  “Can we please talk about this later?” Cade hissed, glancing a
t Ever. Even though part of her face was concealed, he still noted the amusement.

  Allie, however, was not amused. Her glare could have curdled milk as she hauled her arm back to slap him.

  He closed his eyes and waited for the impact. He deserved it, and he wasn’t about to block it and accidentally hurt a girl. But the blow never came. He opened his eyes to find Ever’s arm in front of his face, her fingers wrapped tightly around Allie’s wrist.

  “If anyone is going to ‘hit’ Cade, it’s gonna be me,” she said, her usually sweet voice deep and strong. “And I don’t mean that literally.”

  Cade stared at her, shocked. Not only had she blocked the hit; she’d laid claim to him sexually.

  Holy shit.

  Allie huffed, yanking her arm from Ever’s grip. She flounced away, her long blonde wig swishing.

  Cade couldn’t speak.

  Ever smiled sweetly. “Are you thirsty?”

  * * *

  THE PARTY WAS in full swing. Cade was relieved to have passed the night with no problems beyond Allie’s jealousy, and he was lightened even more by the fact Gilles Robidoux hadn’t shown his face. The niggling fear he would show up had worried Cade for most of the evening. He’d been ready to spirit Ever away the moment Gilles showed his face.

  As Ever visited the restroom, Cade waited in the hallway, scrolling through emails on his phone. His father’s voice interrupted him.

  “The O’Connell girl.”

  Cade looked up, catching his father poised at the end of the hall, his face impassive.

  Cade’s heart pounded. He turned back to his phone, closing out his email app as he considered his words. “She’s here with me. Not for you.”

  “I am impressed you’ve come to know her so soon. The O’Connells are notoriously wishy-washy.”

  Cade raised an eyebrow and shoved his phone in his pocket. “What do you know about them?”

  “As much as anybody.” Rémy moved closer, studying him. “Has she shown you her powers? The O’Connells come from a powerful line, son.”

  Cade remembered the day of Donovan’s attack, and the way his car had started right up after she’d fiddled under the hood.

  “I haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary,” Cade lied.

  “Keep her close, Cade.” Rémy gripped his shoulder. “Once you gain her trust, I expect you to bring her to Gilles and myself. A union with her could make you invincible.”

  Cade gently pulled from his father’s grasp. “Whether Ever has powers or not, that isn’t why I’m with her.”

  “Maybe not. But it should be.”

  The bathroom door opened down the hall, and Ever appeared, her smile alight as she sought Cade in the darkness.

  “I’m not you,” Cade said in French, then turned his back on his dad to rejoin his date.

  Chapter 19


  THE EVENING PASSED more smoothly than Ever had imagined it would.

  As promised, Cade never left her side. He went a step further and never let go of her hand unless she was shaking someone else’s.

  She received several compliments on her dress, and was even complimented indirectly as family, friends, and acquaintances congratulated Cade on his “lovely date.” Cade snuck her two glasses of wine, and she had started to feel strangely at ease. But it wasn’t just the alcohol; it was how Cade made her feel as they danced and chatted. The run-in with Allie hadn’t even ruined her fun. On the contrary, she still felt elated over it.

  Ever’s good time came to an abrupt halt when they were approached by a tall, thin blond man with a goatee and hard eyes. He bowed to Ever as he addressed Cade in a thick accent. “Who is your beautiful companion?”

  “Tonight, she’s simply ‘The Phantom,’” Cade responded without hesitation.

  Ever could hear a note of warning in his voice. He didn’t like this guy.

  Cade put an arm around Ever, his grip oddly tight. “This is Gilles Robidoux. He’s a friend of my father’s.”

  “It is a pleasure to meet you,” Ever said, though she wasn’t so sure it was a pleasure.

  “You have such stunning eyes,” Gilles said, stepping closer. “Tell me, were you born that way?”

  “I-I guess so,” Ever answered, tongue-tied. She couldn’t help it — she had to take a step back. He smelled strongly of bourbon, and there was something else about him that unsettled her. A feeling of raw power. It oozed off the man like an odor.

  “How quaint.” He straightened, winking at Ever. “I will leave you to enjoy the party. Until we meet again, Miss Phantom.”

  * * *

  “WHAT DO YOU know about that Gilles guy?” Ever asked, accepting a fresh glass of moscato from Cade.

  It was just after eleven, and the party was beginning to wind down. Grace and Rémy Bourdain were seeing people off at the door as the last of the crowd mingled in the foyer.

  Cade popped the top on his beer, his eyes downcast for longer than necessary. “Not a lot. Mom doesn’t like him.”

  “I don’t like him either.” Ever shuddered, taking a sip of her wine to calm her nerves. Cade still hadn’t looked up from his beer. Did he know something he wasn’t telling her? “He keeps looking at me.”

  Cade sidled to his left, blocking her view of Gilles. He grinned, touching her chin. “Now he can’t see you.”

  “A much better view,” Ever said with a smile. She glanced over his shoulder and her heart fell. Donovan was veering through the last of the crowd, his gaze on Cade’s head. “Speaking of someone who can’t see me.”

  Cade glanced over his shoulder and sighed. “Fuck. Guy’s like a damn boomerang. Toss him away, he just keeps coming back.” Then he caught what she’d said. “Wait. What?”

  She smiled and pointed behind him.

  “Cade. Dude. Glad I caught you.”

  Cade didn’t bother to turn around. “What do you want, Donovan?”

  Ever chuckled, staring into Cade’s eyes.

  “So I just saw Allie. Well, a while ago, anyway. Dude, are you not hitting that anymore?”

  Ever rolled her eyes. “Thinking of you with Allie grosses me out, Cade.”

  He shrugged helplessly and mouthed, I’m sorry. Out loud, he said, “No, Donovan. I’m no longer seeing Allie.”

  “Can I… do you mind?”

  Cade blinked at Ever.

  “He wants to ‘hit that.’” Ever grinned.

  “Gods, man!” Cade closed his eyes as if he were pushing down the desire to knock the shit out of Donovan. “She’s all yours. Now go the hell away.”

  Donovan looked confused, like a golden retriever whose owner had faked throwing a ball. But instead of commenting, he turned and left.

  Cade zeroed in on Ever. “You know he can’t see or hear you?”

  “I’m so tired.” Ever yawned, covering her mouth with her glass and avoiding his question.

  “Are you ready to go?” Cade asked, still eyeing her ruthlessly.

  She grinned sheepishly. “I’m sort of an early-to-bed, early-to-rise kinda gal.”

  “Come on. I can make you talk in the car.” He took her hand and kissed her fingertips.

  As they walked to the car, Ever couldn’t stop thinking about Ollie’s declaration that she had to kiss Cade tonight after the party. What if it wasn’t as amazing as she wanted it to be? What if kissing Cade was a letdown?

  “I’m not letting you off the hook, O’Connell,” Cade said as they settled into his muscle car. He grinned at her, a slash of white in the darkness. “How do you know about my spell on Donovan?”

  As he put the car into gear and they pulled from the driveway, Ever sighed. “I saw you do it. Well, heard you, anyway. I was studying behind a tree in the courtyard.”

  He was silent for a long moment, his gaze on the road ahead. “My father said your family is a powerful line.”

  Ever inclined her head. “I think so.”

  “So it’s true? You’re a blood witch?”

  She held up her good hand and called
for her power, the pale blue glow of it dancing around her fingers. It illuminated the car.

  Cade took a hand off the steering wheel and entwined his fingers with hers. A red glow flared from his skin, the two colors merging.

  Ever’s heart beat as fast as if she were running a marathon, and maybe she was — a marathon that was steadily taking her closer to Cade. She felt his magick deep inside her, a warm breeze that rushed through her soul.

  “Your power is phenomenal,” Cade said breathlessly.

  Ever shrugged, pulling her hand from his and extinguishing her glow. “Yeah. My nah says I’m ‘destined for greatness.’”

  Cade’s magick faded more gently, dimming like a light bulb until the car was inky again. “That sounds like a lot of pressure.”

  “It is.”

  They were silent for the rest of the ride. Ever felt like a weight had been lifted. Cade finally knew what she did — that they were both natural witches. She wanted to ask him to do ritual with her, to see what kind of amazing things they could accomplish together. But something held her back.

  My father said your family is a powerful line.

  What if Cade was more like his father than he let on? What if now that he knew, all he would care about was manipulating her for his own designs?

  “I had a great time tonight,” Ever said as he escorted her to the door.

  “Glad I made you come?”

  Ever laughed. “It didn’t take that much convincing.”

  She frowned at the dark house. Nah should have been home from work by now. She must have been with Jerome.

  “Is your grandmother not home?” Cade asked, as if he could read her mind.


  “What’s wrong?” Cade reached for her hand.


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