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Holiday Loves

Page 58

by Parker Huntington; BB Easton; AL Jackson;Amo Jones;Giana Darling;Kennedy Ryan;Saffron Kent;Alex Wolf;Crystal Kaswell;Tia Louise;Vanessa Fewings;Odette Stone;Harloe Rae;Jayne Frost;Ashley Jade;Ava Harrison;Amelia Wilde;Claudia Burgoa;R. Linda;Bethany

  “I want to fuck you.”

  She nodded, lifting her ass to give me access to her sweet pussy. Releasing her arms, I slid the head of my cock over her entrance, a groan erupting from deep in my chest when she sank down on top of me.

  “Open your eyes,” I grunted.

  Her lids fluttered open, cornflower orbs locking onto mine as she moved against me. But I needed more. Lacing our fingers behind her back gave me the closeness I craved. As if she knew what I wanted, she lowered her forehead to mine, increasing the pace until she was slamming into me with every thrust.

  “Kiss me, baby.”

  Her mouth found mine, and her tongue dipped inside, twisting and tangling and teasing. I felt her stiffen as the first wave hit, but instead of riding it out in a frenzy, she slowed her rhythm to a grind.

  “Yes…yes…” she mumbled as she finally gave in. To all of it. To me. To us.

  “Lily…” I growled, following her over the edge. “Tell me you feel it. You do feel it…right, baby?”

  One final thrust, and I was buried so deep I wasn’t sure where I ended and where she began. “Stay,” I breathed.

  Stay with me.



  I tried to see beyond that. But I couldn’t.

  * * *

  Cameron’s hand clamped down on my bobbing leg as the limo glided onto the exit ramp. “This won’t take long,” he said, stroking the inside of my thigh. “Promise.”

  Offering a thin smile, I nodded, wondering why I was even here in the first place. Yes, we had great chemistry. And the sex… I never knew sex could be that good. But thats where it was supposed to end. In a few days Cameron would be gone. And likely, he’d never think about me again. We wouldn’t exchange numbers. There would be no late-night calls. This was what we had. A few stolen moments, and then we’d both get on with our lives.


  Shaking my head, I stared out the tinted window, pushing Cameron’s request to the back of my mind, along with the whispered words that had tripped from his lips when he was inside me. He didn’t mean them. Any more than the promises Brad had made when he’d shown up at my apartment after we’d broken up. Like a fool, I’d believed him, even letting him back into my bed. I thought that if I could get him to accept my choices, then maybe he’d bring my parents around to my way of thinking.


  “What is it, Lily?”

  Snapping out of my haze, I turned to find Cameron looking at me with concern. “N-nothing. I’m f-fine.”

  I pressed my lips together to keep from frowning. My stammer had barely made an appearance since last night. But thinking about my parents or Brad tied my tongue into knots.

  The limo coasted to a stop in the shadow of the stadium. It looked much smaller on tv. Squinting, I looked out the window, craning my neck to get a better view. “You’re p-playing here?”

  “Not just us. There are six bands. We’re mid-lineup.”

  Nodding, I fiddled with the hem of my t-shirt.

  “Just a few more minutes, Mr. Knight,” the driver cut in over the intercom. “We’re waiting on security. There’s a lot of press around.”


  My gaze snapped to the vans parked a few yards away, and my mouth went dry. “I’m j-just going to stay in here.”

  Chuckling, Cameron took my hand. “No way. It’ll be fine. You’re with me.”

  But I wasn’t. My smiled dimmed when our eyes met, and before I could help it, I said, “Look, I’m glad I’m the girl g-getting the Cameron Knight t-treatment this week, but I could have done without t-this excursion.” Dropping my gaze to our joined hands, I whispered, “It makes it harder for me to pretend.”

  “Pretend what?”

  He tipped forward trying to catch my attention, but I didn’t look up.

  “That I’m not just a girl you’re killing time with between shows.”

  Silence hung heavy between us, and when I couldn’t take it anymore, I lifted my gaze. Cameron’s expression was blank, but there was something in his eyes. A glow, like a tiny ember. But just as quickly it disappeared. And he smiled a smile I’d never seen. Detached. Like he’d pulled it out of a jar. “There’s nobody I’d rather be killing time with than you, Lily.”

  My heart stalled as his declaration sank in, and I shifted my focus elsewhere. That’s when I caught sight of my reflection in the glass, and the tears shimmering in my eyes. Screw that.

  With each passing moment, I fortified my reserves. And by the time the door swung open, butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth. Thanks, mom. Years of living with her insults, and I could brush off anything.

  Cameron scooted out first, then reached for my hand. “You ready?”

  The glow was back, warming his hazel eyes. A trick of light. Or something I wanted to see that wasn’t really there.

  Lacing our fingers, I ignored the electricity sparking under my skin. “Sure am. Lead the way.”

  * * *

  Pushing through the throng of photographers, I slipped my arm over Lily’s shoulder. She burrowed closer to my side, her eyes on the ground. When it was apparent I wasn’t in the mood for a chat, the paparazzi began their taunting.

  “Cameron! Who’s the flavor of the week?”

  “Who’s the hot piece, Cam?”

  “Look over here, sweetheart! Say cheese.”

  Lily shuddered, her steps faltering as she tried to keep up.

  “I’m sorry.” My voice rose over the fracas. “Just a few more steps.”

  What the fuck was with all the media?

  Ninety percent of the time there was nobody at the venue. That’s when I saw Lindsey in the distance, arms folded over her chest, a smirk tilting up one corner of her mouth. I might’ve known she was behind this. A little pay back for the band’s disappearing act.

  In my haste to get to the field, I nearly plowed down a photographer who stepped in front of me. I’d seen the guy before. He was notorious for getting the best pictures. Candid shots of celebrities spewing obscenities or lunging at him.

  Pointing the camera at Lily, he whistled. “Show me your tits, sweetheart. I’ll make you famous,” he jeered, his camera clicking frame after frame.

  Lily’s head snapped up, her eyes going wide as the color drained from her face.

  “You motherfucker!” I roared at the guy, but Lily’s hand clamped down on my arm before I could rip out his throat.

  The photographer snickered, hiding behind the camera he swung in my direction. Blind rage propelled me forward, but Lily whirled to face the dude before I had the chance.

  “Cameron—d-don’t,” she hissed through clenched teeth. “This asshole is just trying to g-get under your skin. And believe me, he isn’t worth it.”

  She continued to stare the guy down as her hand found mine. A small smile hitched her lips as she linked our digits, then proceeded to pull me from my spot. I kept my eyes on the back of her head as she marched us toward our destination. She was amazing, this girl.

  Grinding to a stop, I spun her around. “Come here, you.” Ignoring the shutters clicking all around us, I crushed my mouth to hers. It took her a second to yield, to allow me this one gesture. I wasn’t hiding her in the dark. I wanted her with me in the light. For everyone to see.

  Breaking away from Lily’s kiss when I felt a tug on my sleeve, I looked down at the perfectly manicured hand, then up to Lindsey’s face. Her expression was nothing short of murderous.

  “Come on,” she spat, pushing past the photographers who scattered as we walked.

  They got what they wanted. The money shot. With Lily back at my side, I dropped my hand to her waist. “Good job, baby,” I said, planting a kiss on her temple.

  “Wh-what the fuck was that?” Shell shocked, she glanced behind us. “Are they always so obnoxious?”

  “Nah. They just wanted a couple pictures of the prettiest girl out here.”

  She snorted, her shoulders relaxing as we made our way across the field.

/>   “Who’s that?” she whispered, lifting her chin to Lindsey’s back.

  “The wicked witch of the west, or as she’s more commonly known in the business, Lindsey Barger.” I looked down at Lily, arching a brow. “Our manager.”

  Logan brushed past Lindsey like she wasn’t there. “Hey man, it’s fucking crazy out there, right?” His gaze flickered from me to Lily, and his brows lifted. “Hey, um, Lily. It’s good to see you again.” He hesitated for a beat before leaning in to kiss her cheek.

  “Hi, Logan.” Lily gave him a brilliant smile. “How’s it going?”

  “Can’t complain.” He moved to her side as we ambled toward the group of chairs in front of the stage.

  Pulling her toward me instinctively, I leveled Logan with a scowl. He smirked, and I could see the questions in his eyes. But I didn’t have any answers. Only a promise to pummel him to the ground and give him a taste of the AstroTurf if he didn’t behave. He got the hint and put a little distance between himself and Lily. Sean and Christian were seated in the front row with their heads together when we strolled up.

  “Hey, asshole, about time you showed up,” Sean said, doing a double take when he noticed Lily. Jumping to his feet, he sidled over. “Hey, Lily. I didn’t see you there.” Mimicking Logan’s earlier gesture, he pecked her on the cheek.

  What the fuck was with these guys? They didn’t have manners, let alone chivalry.

  “Hi, Sean,” Lily said, beaming. “Good to see you.” Turning to Christian, she held out her hand. “I’m Lily.”

  Christian’s gaze shifted to mine as he slid his palm against hers. “Nice to meet you, Lily,” he said, barely able to hide his grin.

  Drawing her closer to me and out of their clutches, I reached under her shirt, splaying my hand on her stomach possessively. Despite my casual demeanor, my heart beat wildly against my ribs. And I didn’t even know why. These were my boys, my family, but if they said one word about Lily, I’d lose it.

  Logan looked down to where Lily and I were joined, then up to my face. Amusement danced in his eyes. Or was that concern? Before I could tell him to mind his business, the guy with the headset at the center of the stage motioned for us to come up.

  “Caged—you’ve got thirty minutes.”

  I lingered for a second with Lily while everyone else made their way up the ramp.

  “This won’t take long.” I smiled down at her before turning to follow the guys. Two steps and Lily’s pull was too much so I spun around and impulsively pulled her to me for a kiss. With my hands on her ass, I lifted her until her feet dangled off the ground. Smiling against my lips, her tongue wrapped around mine gently in that way of hers. Calming me. And if I could bottle it, have it with me always, I swear I would.

  “God, you’re sweet,” I said, easing her back to the grass.

  “Right back at you.” She gave me a playful shove. “Now go to work, Mr. Knight.”

  My stomach tightened. Because Lily wouldn’t be able to pick Cameron Knight out of a crowd. In the short time I’d known her, he’d barely made an appearance.

  * * *

  Cameron’s eyes found mine every few seconds while the band had a short meeting. But when he slid the guitar strap over his shoulder, it was like something came over him. As it was, Cameron didn’t lack for confidence. But on stage, he looked invincible. And so sinfully sexy, I had to squeeze my legs together to stop the tingling between my thighs.

  No man had ever affected me that way. Not even Brad. Especially not Brad.

  Pushing thoughts of my ex aside, I shifted all my attention where it belonged. To Cameron. And even though it was Logan singing when the music started, I knew the words belonged to the man with the hazel eyes, gazing down at me with a smile.

  Two more days. That’s all you’ve got.

  My heart stalled as the notion wrapped around my brain. And then something else took root. Hope? Austin was only a couple of hours away. Maybe our situation wasn’t that dire after all.

  Cameron’s manager appeared from nowhere, stepping in front of me, and blocking my view. “And who might you be?”

  Her tone was caustic, venom lacing every syllable.

  Counting to myself, I looked her over. She was pretty, with dark eyes and hair to match. Classic features and straight white teeth. Unlike her clients, she was dressed to the nines. Jimmy Choo pumps. An Armani suit. And a Chanel purse to finish off the ensemble. Black lambskin. Just like the one I used to have. Before I’d pawned it to pay my rent the first month I was on my own. Nobody needs a five-thousand-dollar bag, anyway.

  “I’m Lily.”

  The words flowed without a hitch. Probably because the woman reminded me of my mother. But not. Lindsey had money. Power. But no class. As much as I hated to admit it, Mom was classy. Her opinion carried weight. I should know, because it bogged me down like a five-hundred-pound anchor.

  “Do you m-mind?” I ask, tipping my chin toward the stage. “You’re in my line of sight.”

  She leaned forward. “And why should I care about that? I’m Cameron’s manager, and my word goes. I could have you thrown out.”

  I laughed. Partly to hide the tinge of nerves twisting inside my belly. I had no doubt that Lindsey could make good on her threat. But would Cameron let her? With her thin frame blocking my view, I couldn’t find the reassurance I needed in his hazel eyes, so I had to wing it. And that was never good for my speech.

  “Cameron invited m-me.” Forcing a neutral expression, I counted to three. “And I don’t t-think he’d be pleased if you escorted me from the premises.”

  Two little stammers. Not enough for her to form an opinion. I held her gaze, exuding as much self-assurance as I could muster.

  “You sound awfully well educated for someone dressed in ill fitting clothes and pink tennis shoes.”

  She’d given me a compliment without realizing it, and my confidence soared. “You’d be surprised.”

  A smirk curved her lips. “You’re the one who’s going to be surprised if you think that Cameron is the least bit interested in more than a quick fuck.”

  Stunned at her candor, I welded my back teeth together. But that only served to spur the witch on. Easing into the seat next to me, she brushed a hand down her linen skirt.

  “You have no idea how many women I’ve had to deal with over the years on his behalf. Close to a hundred, I’d say.” She sighed. “Cameron doesn’t like drawn out goodbyes. I’d say he probably invited you here so I could… I don’t know…make sure that you knew the score.” After a pointed look at a group of scantily clad women gathered on the far side of the stage, Lindsey turned her gaze my way. “I keep a car on standby. If you’d like to slip away before someone else grabs his attention.”

  Doubt bubbled up, and I thought seriously about taking Lindsey up on her offer. Because it didn’t matter that she got most of it wrong. That Cameron wanted me here now. Soon, I’d be nothing more than a dirty thought that made him smile. If he even thought about me at all.

  Why not get a head start and avoid any more entanglements?

  But then my attention shifted to the stage. To Cameron. Lost in the music with his eyes closed, his fingers flew over the frets. As if he could feel the weight of my stare, his lids fluttered open and he looked right at me. And he smiled.

  “I won’t be needing a car,” I said to Lindsey. “I’m with Cameron. And he wants me here.”

  * * *

  “Again!” Logan shouted, glaring at me over his shoulder.

  I nodded, but as soon as the music started, my attention drifted to the front row where Lindsey and Lily where locked in a heated conversation. They’d been going at it for fifteen minutes, neither of them looking like they were ready to back down. Distracted, I wandered too close to the amp and feedback hissed from the speakers.

  Ripping out his earplugs, Logan stalked my way, irritation etching his features. “What the fuck is going on with you?” he growled and, following my gaze to the two women, his brows drew together. “What�
��s the dragon lady talking to Lily about?”

  Shrugging, I fiddled with the volume on my Fender. “Who knows. Let’s get this done.”

  Logan studied my face for a moment before returning to his mark. As he counted it down, I let my mind go blank. My first chord blended with Sean’s drum beat and Christian’s bass seamlessly. And when Logan’s voice floated up, filling the stadium, I lost myself in the music. Ambling over to the girls watching from the wings, I locked gazes with a strawberry blond. Not to be outdone, Logan shoved me out of the way, and soon we were vying for their attention.

  When the last chord died on my strings, Logan slapped me on the back. “Fuck yeah! It don’t get any better than that! Let’s wrap it up.”

  Tossing him a smile, I yanked the strap from my shoulder and handed my guitar to our roadie. “I’m outta here. I got plans.”

  Logan tipped his chin to mid field where a frozen image of me gazing at the strawberry blond took up the entire Jumbotron. “You sure, bro?”

  Swallowing hard, I snapped my attention to the front row. To Lily. But her focus was on the girls who hadn’t stopped trying to get our attention. “Of course I’m sure.”

  Leaving Logan in the dust, I kept my eyes on Lily as I chewed up the distance between us.

  Lindsey hopped to her feet as I approached. “We need to talk,” she said.

  Stepping around my manager, I offered Lily my hand. “You ready?” She reached out hesitantly, and I pulled her up, breathing a sigh of relief. “Later, y’all!” I called in the general direction of my bandmates as I spun us toward the exit.

  “Wait!” Lindsey ordered, rushing to follow us. “Where are you going? Pushing Lily out of the way, she grabbed my arm. “Cameron!”


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