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Holiday Loves

Page 60

by Parker Huntington; BB Easton; AL Jackson;Amo Jones;Giana Darling;Kennedy Ryan;Saffron Kent;Alex Wolf;Crystal Kaswell;Tia Louise;Vanessa Fewings;Odette Stone;Harloe Rae;Jayne Frost;Ashley Jade;Ava Harrison;Amelia Wilde;Claudia Burgoa;R. Linda;Bethany

  I smiled at the blond who parked herself in front of me. She wasn’t much of a replacement. It wasn’t even a good dye job.

  Eyeing the brunette, Logan patted the cushion beside him. “Take a seat, darlin’. I’m Logan. But you already know that.” She giggled, her fingers still twined with her friend’s as she tucked in beside him. “This broody fucker is Cameron.” He gave the blond a once over. “Why don’t you see if you can lighten his mood?”

  The blond wiggled between Logan and me on the couch. “I’m Candy.”

  Of course you are.

  “Nice to meet you, Candy.” Pushing to my feet, I drained my beer, looking anywhere but at her. “What’s everybody drinking?”

  Candy crossed her legs, her foot grazing the back of my calf. “I’ll take a shot.” She smiled. “I lose my mind when I do shots.”

  “Shots all around!” Logan hooted, waggling his brows at me. “Candy’ll take two.”

  I chewed the inside of my lip to keep from rolling my eyes. “Be right back.”

  Pressing my palms on the bar, I leaned forward, shouting loud enough to get the bartender’s attention. “Four shots of Jack.”

  While waiting for the drinks, I shifted my attention to Lindsey, standing with her back against the bar, surveying the room. “That didn’t take long,” she said, the smile in her voice evident.

  Tossing a twenty down for a tip, I sighed. “What are you talking about?”

  Shrugging, she sipped her drink. “I’ll say this: she was pretty. But she wasn’t really your type, was she, Cam? I mean, she actually spoke in full sentences. Even had a few witty comebacks.”

  My stomach flipped when I recalled Lindsey and Lily’s exchange at the rehearsal. I never did find out what that was all about, but the burning in my gut told me it wasn’t good.

  I knocked back one of the shots the bartender placed in front of me. “Oh yeah? What were the two of you chattering about?”

  “Not much. I just told her to enjoy herself.” Meeting my hard gaze, she took the red swizzle stick from her drink and swept her tongue over it. “While it lasts…”

  While it lasts?

  “Groupies…they all think they’re ‘the one.’” Lindsey snorted. “I told her to make sure she got cab fare tonight.” Her gaze drifted across the room to Candy. “It’s a good thing.”

  “She’s not even here, Lindsey.”

  I wished she were. Wanted it so bad I was seriously thinking about ducking out and begging her to see me.

  “Sure she is,” Lindsey quipped. “I saw her ten minutes ago on the dance floor.” Wrinkling her nose, she dropped her swizzle stick back into the glass. “I figured you and your new friend chased her out of the VIP area.”

  “It wasn’t her. She doesn’t even know where I am.”

  “Of course she does.”

  “How would—“

  Lindsey’s laughter cut me off cold. “I had to tell her. In case she was lucky enough to get photographed with you again, I wanted her dressed appropriately. That outfit she was wearing at the rehearsal was atrocious. And those pink sneakers? Hideous.” A smile curled her lips. Malicious. Just like her. “I’m sure they all look the same in the dark, but I can’t have the public thinking you’re banging a homeless girl.”

  Looking down at her hand as she patted my chest, I shrank from her touch. “Don’t give it a second thought. I took care of it for you. She’s Chad’s problem now.”


  Surely she couldn’t be talking about Chad Dyer, the drummer from the D-list boy band that was so far down the tour roster they were practically playing a breakfast show. Could she?

  “Dyer,” Lindsey confirmed. “From Crimson Five. That’s who Lily was dancing with.” She snorted derisively. “If you could call it dancing. It looked more like he was humping her leg. Chad has no manners. They’re perfect for each other.”

  If I wasn’t on a mission to get to the dance floor, Lindsey would’ve learned a thing or two about eating her words. But I was gone before she’d finished her sentence. Pushing my way through the bodies in the VIP, I scanned every face in the crowd, heart pumping so fast I thought it might jump out of my chest. My blood heated under my skin when I saw Lily’s long, blond hair whipping from side to side as Chad shimmied down her body.

  Seth grabbed my arm when I shoved past the velvet rope. “What’s up?” he said, alarm written all over his face.

  Shrugging out of his grip, I waded into the mob, eyes locked on the pretty boy’s mess of wavy, black hair. Chad had Lily pressed against him, one arm snaked around her waist while he waved the other over his head like a douche. My fists clenched reflexively at my sides as I took the last few steps.

  Grabbing Chad’s shoulder, I yanked him backward. “Get off her!”

  Lily lurched forward, teetering on five-inch heels. “W-what the hell?” she slurred, glaring up at me when I pulled her to my side.

  Chad’s face lit up. Idiot. “Hey, Cameron. What’s up, man?”

  “Let me go,” Lily demanded, squirming out of my grip and nearly falling on her face.

  My heated gaze shifted back to Chad. “Did you give her anything?”

  His eyes widened. “What? No way. We were just dancing.” Lifting his chin indignantly when I remained unconvinced, he smirked. “I didn’t do shit, man. I don’t need no roofie to get a girl.”

  Knocked back to reality when the first cell phone camera flashed in my face, I unclenched my fist. Several more flashes quickly followed.

  With Lily tucked close to my side, I pushed our way through the tight circle of bodies around us, leaving Chad in the center with his mouth hanging open.

  Swiveling her head back to the dance floor, she squirmed in my arms. “Lemme go! I wanna d-dance some more!”

  “Calm down,” I growled as I maneuvered her through the front door.

  Breaking free from me again, she jabbed a finger in my chest. “You! W-what the fuck is your p-problem?”

  Dropping my gaze to my shoes when a couple slid past us, I waited for the door to glide shut before catching her wrist. “What’s your problem?” Pulling her toward the concrete stairs, I nudged her onto the first step before she fell on her face. “You’re fucking wasted, Lily.”

  “So!” Her chin trembled as she tried to stay upright. “What d-do you care?”

  I brushed my thumb over the pale pink lipstick smeared at the corner of her mouth. Her lips were warm and soft. And fuck, I wanted to kiss her. Slipping my hand to the back of her neck, I pulled her mouth to mine. Peppermint and Lily invaded my senses.

  She made a clumsy attempt to push me away, but when I broke the connection, she fisted my shirt and dragged my lips back to hers. When we finally came up for air, I swept a tangled lock behind her ear.

  “I care, Lily.”

  My declaration triggered something in her alcohol-soaked brain. “D-Don’t like to me! Do you even k-know what I had to do to g-get here? I begged someone to cover my shift at the bar. Begged. And I’m probably g-gonna lose my j-job now.” It took two tries, but she finally made it to her feet. “Go b-back to your date.”

  I curved my hand around her elbow. “Sit down before you fall.”

  She batted me away. “J-Just so you know, I’ve got a d-date too. Ch-chaz. You saw him.”

  I raised a brow. “You mean Chad?”

  Her pretty eyes glazed over. “Is that his name? Whatever. He’s p-probably waiting for me right now.” She tried to scoot around me but tripped over her own feet. Looping an arm around her waist in time to keep her from sliding to the ground, I eased her back down on the step and knelt in front of her.

  “Chad won’t be waiting for you. Not if he knows what’s good for him. And I’m not here with a date. You were supposed to be my date.”

  “B-but Lindsey said…”

  “She lied. Now, why didn’t you tell me you had to work?”

  “I-I don’t know.” She hiccuped, shaking her head. “Embarrassed, I g-guess. You s-sure she lied?”
  Mumbling to herself, broken thoughts continued to spill from her lips. Obviously, the girl had zero tolerance for alcohol.

  My parents didn’t let me go to parties.

  Recalling her confession in the limo, a knot formed in my stomach. Her coming here, that was on me. And if I wouldn’t have found her…If she would’ve gone back to the hotel with Chad…

  Pushing the thought aside, I cupped her cheek, tilting her face to mine. Her lids fluttered closed. And I didn’t care that people were all around us. Or that we might get photographed. I leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her mouth. “Let me take you home, pretty girl.”

  Not “let me call you a cab” or “let’s go back to the Mansion.” I wanted to see her place. Find out where she lived. Wake up in a bed that belonged to her. Not some rented space.

  Lily blinked at me with trusting eyes as I pulled her to standing. “Can we have s-sex?” she asked in a loud and surprisingly clear voice. So loud that a small cluster of people nearby, fighting off the cold so they could get their nicotine fix, turned to stare.

  “Inside voice, baby,” I chuckled as I tried to get her feet moving in the same direction as mine.

  “B-but I want to,” she insisted, fisting my shirt for balance as we walked. “Have s-sex with you.”

  If she wasn’t so drunk, she’d see the fire in my eyes. The desire. Any other girl, and I’d have her up against the wall in one of the dark alleys between the buildings. But this was Lily. And if she didn’t pass out before we made it to her bed, I’d give her everything she wanted. And more.

  * * *

  By the time we made it to the front of the building, Lily got her second wind. I managed to wave down a cab and, ducking inside, I pulled her in after me. As soon as the door closed, she tried to climb on my lap.

  The cabbie twisted in his seat, ignoring the girl trying to rip my clothes off. “Where am I going?”

  Catching Lily’s hands, I forced her to focus on my words. “I need your address for the driver.”

  Giggling, she tried to plant a kiss on my mouth. Or near my mouth.

  “Lily,” I said sternly. “Give me your address.”

  She thought about it for a minute. “It’s.. um…sixty-six-oh-six Maple…Mapleshade Lane.” Pleased with herself, she returned her focus to undressing me and her hand slipped under my shirt.

  “Did you get that?” I asked the driver, trying to keep her palm from sliding any higher, or God forbid, any lower.

  He nodded, turning the volume up on the radio as he pulled away from the curb. Every few minutes, his eyes drifted to the backseat where I was making a lame attempt to fight Lily off. As the miles ticked by, her desperate attempts intensified.

  Fisting her hair, I brought my lips to her ear. “If you don’t stop,” I growled, “I’m going to tie you up.” She groaned, fingers sinking into the tender skin on my stomach. “And I won’t fuck you.”

  Whatever drunken haze had overtaken her, the threat made it to her foggy brain. Because she quit squirming and tipped back, blinking at me like I’d just told her there was no Santa Claus.

  “Patience, baby.” One chaste kiss and I deposited her on the seat beside me.

  Winding her arm around mine, she yawned and rested her head on my shoulder.

  I thought she’d passed out, but when we coasted to a stop moments later in front of her apartment complex, she sat up straight. The groping resumed as I wrangle the cash out of my pocket for the fare.

  Lily managed to make it out of the cab without face planting but tripped over her heels a second later on a piece of uneven concrete. Since the rest of the sidewalk was in the same state of disrepair, it was either carry her the rest of the way or risk a broken ankle.

  She pulled a face when I crouched. “Climb on my back.”

  Propping a hand on her hip, she shook her head dramatically. “I can w-walk.”

  “You can barely stand. Now, do what you’re told.”

  With a huff, she climbed on board and cinched her legs around my waist. As I struggled to my feet, she stuck one hand in the collar of my t-shirt, scoring her nails across my chest. And then she bit my neck.

  “I swear. If you don’t quit, I am going to tie you up.”

  Telling her I wouldn’t fuck her was not only a lie, it was a damn lie. It would be a miracle if we made it to her apartment without getting naked in the bushes.

  After following her mumbled directions to a small alcove, I stopped in front of the first door, and she slid off my back. My jaw came unhinged when she snatched the key hidden under the welcome mat.

  “Why don’t you carry this with you?” I asked, prying the key from her hand and shoving it in the lock. “Anyone could break in.”

  Waving her hand dismissively, she stumbled over the step and into the pitch-black apartment. “Tess is always l-losing her keys.”

  Frozen in my tracks, I let the door slide closed behind me. “Who’s Tess?”

  Light flooded the hallway where Lily stood, her skirt in a pool at her feet. “My r-roommate.” Wrinkling her nose, she fumbled with the buttons on her blouse. “She’s at her boyfriends.” Exasperated, she gave up on the little seed pearls and dragged the shirt over her head.

  My agitation over the whole Chad debacle had all but disappeared, but something else flared up when I saw Lily in her flimsy pink bra and matching panties. Jealousy. At least I think that’s what it was. Because I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to fuck her against the wall or go back to the club and kill Chad for getting anywhere near her.

  Lily’s eyes widened as I closed the gap between us. “You look m-mad.”

  Curving a hand around her thigh, I pulled her up so we were face-to-face. “Nope, not mad.” With my mouth on hers, I walked us into the bedroom. Unwinding her arms from my neck when I felt the bedframe against my shins, I let her fall onto the mattress. As I bent to untie the laces on my boots, her fingers dove into my hair and she tugged insistently, guiding me to the apex of her thighs.

  My thumb glided over the damp lace covering her sweet pussy. “You want me to taste you, baby?”

  She tilted her hips. “Please…”

  Dragging her panties off, I tossed them over my shoulder. She gasped when my tongue slid over her tiny bud. Maybe it was the booze lowering her inhibitions, but as she rocked against me, every filthy thought in her head found a voice. And as hot as it was, it was my name spilling from her lips when she flew apart that drove me over the edge.

  Dazed and panting, Lily watched as I shed my clothes.

  “Come here.” Catching her wrist, I pulled her to her knees. “Now turn around.”


  “I’m going to fuck you from behind.” My hand slid to her ass and I gave her a little smack. “And you’re going to like it.”

  Snagging her lip between her teeth, she contemplated for a moment before slowly turning her back to me. She jerked when I kissed the back of her neck.

  “S-Sorry,” she squeaked. “I’ve never d-done it this way before.”

  “Never?” Resisting the urge to fold her in half and plunge inside her, I took my time unclasping her bra. “Do you trust me?” She nodded. “Then put your hands behind your back.” I ran my nose along the shell of her ear when she hesitated. “You can always say no.”

  I threw that in in case she had any doubt. The choice was hers. Always.

  “Good girl,” I said when she did as I asked. Her breath hitched as I bound her wrists with the strap of her bra. “Still trust me?”


  Cupping the back of her neck, I tipped her forward until her forehead touched the mattress. My eyes stayed locked on her glistening pussy while I slid the condom into place. “God, baby, you’re so fucking wet.” I guided my tip to her entrance and paused. “Tell me you want me.”

  That you want this. All of this.

  “I do. I want….”

  One thrust, and I was buried in her warmth. A current of electricity pulsed beneath my skin. And she
owned it. Every sensation belonged to her.

  Dipping my fingers between her slick folds, I found the bundle of nerves that would send her flying. “Come, baby.”

  And she did. Calling my name, she begged me to take all of her. And in that moment, as I spilled inside her, she stole a piece of me I could never get back. Or I gave it willingly. Either way, something shifted. And I knew I’d never be the same again.

  * * *

  Rolling over, I threw my arm over my face to block the sun. Lily scent lingered on my skin. And on the sheets. In the air. But the bed was empty.

  I cracked one eye open and the unfamiliar room swam into focus. Sketches of all sizes adorned the walls. Some in frames, but most were tacked up haphazardly. I sat up, glancing over the cities and faces and streets that only existed in Lily’s imagination. It was like waking up in someone else’s dream.

  Rather than trying to figure out why I felt so comfortable here, I let the smell of coffee propel me to my feet. On the desk, amidst the colored pencils and bits of charcoal, sat a steaming mug. I took a sip. Strong and sweet. My favorite.

  Dropping onto the chair, I picked up a half-finished sketch from the desk. Pausing with the cup halfway to my lips, I examined the portrait. A man, naked from the waist up, with strands of long hair falling over his face. My face. It was perfect. Exactly how I imagined I looked when I was sleeping.

  A female voice I didn’t recognize floated from beyond the door. “What are you going to do?”

  And then Lily. “I don’t know…shit…” A sob broke free and I jumped up, looking around for my jeans. Before I could get the zipper up, a phone rang. “It’s my mom,” Lily said, panic lacing her tone. “What should I do?”

  “You’d better answer it. You know she won’t give up until you do.”

  Lily cleared her throat. “H-hello. Hi, M-Mom.”

  She must’ve put the phone on speaker because another voice cut in. “Lilian! What’s the matter with you?”

  “M-mom, l-let me explain—”

  “Don’t you ever think about how your actions will reflect on others?” I cringed as Lily struggled to answer. But her mother was having none of it. “Of course you don’t. Your father’s office has already fielded a dozen phone calls. We’ve stayed out of your business. But this…” She sighed heavily. “Grinding on some musician at a night club.”


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