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Billionaire's Fake Fiancee

Page 20

by Eva Luxe

  “Wild,” I chuckle, shaking my head as I set my bag down and take a seat.

  “Six hundred CCs, dude. You have any idea how big that is?”

  “No clue,” I admit.

  “Okay,” Joey says, leaning forward, his hands clasped. “Four, 450 is like a double D on any normal chick. She has six-fucking-hundred!”

  “So they’re big?”

  “Monsters!” Joey cackles, collapsing back onto his bed. “Say, what happened to you? Everyone was saying you just left or something?”

  “Yeah, I wasn’t feeling it,” I say, telling a bit of a half truth as I stretch, feeling the knot in my back that’s been annoying me since pre-season.

  “What, are you going soft on me, buddy? The year hasn’t even started yet!”

  I have to laugh. Joey is the most determined partier I’ve ever met. The guy basically has the three Bs on his mind: booze, broads and basketball – and boobs. Okay, the four Bs.

  “Nah, I dunno I just –” Should I tell him? He’ll definitely think I’m going soft if I tell him I was pining away for some virgin freshman that doesn’t even know who I am…

  Ah, fuck it. He’s going to find out sooner or later.

  “It’s this girl, man—”

  “Gahhhh!” Before I can even finish, Joey’s groaning. I knew he’d react like this. “Dude, it’s opening weekend! And you’ve got ‘a girl?’ What are you talking about?”

  “I know, I know, I know,” I say with a deep sigh. I mean – he’s right. “But I’m not off the market yet. I just…I have to land this chick!”

  “So what’s the problem? You’re Tommy Mason…”

  “She doesn’t know who I am!”

  “Say what!?” Joey can’t believe it.

  “She knows now,” I explain. “But there’s another thing. She’s a virgin.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Joey says. “Pump your brakes.”

  Eyes wide, Joey actually gets out of bed and stands right in front of me. He’s looking at me like a visitor at the zoo looks at a poisonous snake they’ve never seen, or some sort of rare breed of dog that they’re not sure how it’s going to behave.

  “A virgin!?”

  “Yeah, man,” I say. “And I know what you’re going to say. But you should see this girl—”

  “I don’t care if she looks like fucking Kate Upton! What the Hell are you thinking?”

  “Dude, she lives right down the hall—”

  “What!?” Joey clasps his head like it’s about to roll off his shoulders. I have to stop myself from laughing. “This just gets worse and worse!”

  “Skip me the lecture, man. I just got back from class.”

  Joey starts to speak – but stops and sits down on his bed. He looks at me, thinks, frowns, then sighs.

  “This must be some chick,” he finally says, giving in slightly.

  “She is, man,” I think, smiling to myself. “And she’s gonna be mine.”

  Chapter 9 – Grace

  Partners, I think. I can’t believe it.

  “You should e-mail your professor,” Shannon tells me, pacing the tiny amount of floor in the center of our room. I told her the whole thing. How Tommy sat down next to me, volunteered us as a team and spent the rest of class trying to look down my shirt. She was furious, but I’m not really sure if I’m mad or not.

  Sure, he’s presumptuous, cocky, domineering and unapologetically arrogant. But…when I think about his eyes going over my body as I tried to take notes, I find myself smiling.

  Tommy is the biggest guy on campus – and not only by reputation I’m sure.

  And he’s got his eyes on me. Me! Grace Kennedy, the shy, blushing virgin from smalltown Connecticut. Who wouldn’t be flattered?

  “I don’t know,” I tell Shannon. “Do I really want to be that girl on the first day of class? The one complaining about her partner being the hottest guy on campus?”

  “Hottest guy on campus!” Shannon mutters to herself. “Look, I’m just trying to look out for you! I don’t want to see you getting hurt.”

  “I know! And I appreciate that. You’re being so sweet.” And I mean that. I’m so happy to have ended up with a wonderful roommate like Shannon who I actually get along with and who cares about me.

  “I mean – I get it. You’re flattered. I would be too! But how do you really expect this to work out?”

  Shannon pulls her chair up beside me and takes a seat. Her face twists up like she’s trying to remember how to balance a chemical equation.

  “Like…Tommy Mason, famous player and basketball star, sets his sights on you, Grace, the freshman virgin.” I cringe slightly at her summary of the situation. “He decides to what – give up his playboy ways, date you, take your virginity and stick with you? Marry you before he goes pro and starts fucking every model and actress in the country?”

  Wow, way to just crush my soul, Shannon!

  “I mean, when you put it that way…” My voice trails off as I think about what she said. It does sound ridiculous. Tommy barely knows me. Why would be care so much about me to give up on all the hordes of screaming fan girls ready to rip their tops off and pull their skirts up at the sight of him?

  Maybe he likes a challenge?

  But is that all I want to be to him? A challenge? That’s not sustainable. Once the thrill of trying to get in my pants wears off, he’ll be back to his old ways. That’s assuming he even sticks around long enough to convince me he’s a good guy.

  It’s bugging me that I’m even thinking about this. For some reason I feel like it shouldn’t even be a thought in my mind. Tommy’s reputation alone should send me running for the hills. But there’s something very attractive, on a purely primal level, about a guy who has as much experience as he does.

  Losing my virginity to some scrawny high school boy who would fumble around my body with no idea what he was up to was never an attractive thought. Being shown what to do by Tommy – having him lead me down a road that could only lead to mind-blowing ecstasy, is a thought I can’t shake from my mind.

  I just have to say it.

  “Yeah, but…can you imagine the sex?” Shannon’s eyes go wide and she looks at me like I just pulled off a Grace mask and am suddenly someone else.

  “What?!” Shannon exclaims. “What the – you’re a virgin, Grace!”

  “You don’t have to remind me of that.”

  “You haven’t even had sex, and you’re dreaming about what it would be like to fuck Tommy!? Have you heard the stories about his dick!?”

  The image of the shower encounter flashes into my mind.

  “Heard about it? I’ve seen it, Shannon.”

  “Oh, that’s right,” she realizes. “Have you even…I mean – how far have you gone with a guy anyway? Blowjob?”

  I shake my head. She looks at me like I’m an alien.

  “Okay, so just handjobs then—”

  She stops when she sees me slowly shake my head. This time, she looks at me…almost like she feels bad for me.

  “I know,” I say with a sigh.

  “Awwww,” Shannon finally exclaims. “You are too cute.”

  “Stop!” I say, getting up and pacing across the room to the window. I look out over the parking lot toward the rest of campus. It’s a huge school and there are students everywhere. A bus goes by and I realize just how far away from home I am. And for some reason, for the first time since I arrived, it excites me.

  “Grace,” Shannon says behind me. “I’m just looking out for you. You know that, right? It’s not like I’m jealous or anything – okay, maybe I’m a little jealous that Tommy thinks you’re a hottie, but I just don’t want you to get hurt. I think you should stay away.”

  She’s right. She is. Just because I’m away from home, at a new school, excited to try new things and am being hit on by the number one stud in school, doesn’t mean that I should throw all reason out the window and listen to my vagina.

  Biceps and abs only get you so far. Maybe if I had already giv
en away my V-card it would be different, but my first time should be special. I have so many friends from back home that ended up drunk in the back seat with some older guy who didn’t care about them, and they regretted the whole thing immediately after.

  How will I feel if I end up at some party with Tommy and lose my virginity in some dirty bathroom or on the floor in the back room or quickly in his room while his roommate is out? And how will I feel when I text him the next day and never get a response?

  No, Shannon is right. I have to put aside my animalistic desires and listen to reason.

  Tommy Mason is off limits!

  Chapter 10 – Grace

  The walk to sociology is extra long today, and not just because I had stats on the other end of campus. It’s because I’m dreading seeing Tommy.

  My research partner…what a disaster. How am I going to get anything done when I’m sitting next to those muscled shoulders and arms? Maybe I can convince him to wear baggy sweatpants and a parka every day to class so I don’t have to look at him. But that doesn’t solve the issue of his male model face. Maybe I can get him a Yoda mask.

  I’m sticking to my guns though. I don’t care what he says or how many sneaky glances he shoots at my tits. Shannon talked sense into me and I know what I have to do. I even did something this morning to guarantee I don’t give into my primal desires when I get to class. I masturbated in the shower.

  It’s been a while since I did that, but I knew I had to get my hormones under control somehow. I’ve never really been into doing that regularly. My friend Kelly back home was way into porn and sex toys and loved telling us all about what we should be doing and what ones we should buy.

  You could say I’m the complete opposite of that.

  I’ve never been into porn and the most I think I’ve ever masturbated in one week is twice. It’s not like I’m some sort of prude – I just want intimacy. I want another human being, that cares about me, to caress me and touch me and explore my body while I explore his and I want to know we’re both doing it together.

  But I woke up this morning and knew something had to be done.

  I know guys sometimes wake up with morning wood, and I guess I woke up with the lady equivalent. My hormones were taking over like an invading foreign army and Tommy was leading the charge. If I didn’t do something before sociology I think I might have just let him take me right there in the lecture hall in front of everybody.

  So I grabbed my towel, headed to the shower, praying he wasn’t in there like before, and took care of business.

  I tried not to picture him while I did it. I tried not to think about anyone or anything and just focus on myself. It was a job that needed to be done and that was it. I got a couple of flashes of his naked body and that monster hanging between his legs, and almost gave up out of frustration. But eventually, I was able to get myself there without too many X-rated thoughts about Tommy.

  I consider it a small victory.

  But there’s only so much a little tickle in the shower by yourself can do to suppress your urges, and mine are starting to come back as I walk across campus. I’m starting to debate actually skipping, but that’s not a longterm solution, and I don’t want to miss the second day of class. What would my professor think?

  No, this is something I need to start dealing with. I have an entire semester to get through. I grit my teeth and try to think about nothing as I finish my walk to the sociology building. I funnel into the hallway with the rest of the students, my eyes darting through the crowd for Tommy’s broad shoulders. But I don’t see him.

  I step into the lecture hall with everyone else and find a seat close to the one I had last time and take a deep breath. It feels hot in here, but it’s probably just me. My heart isn’t racing, but it’s definitely warming up for an event.

  The rest of the class filters in and I check my phone. Three minutes until start.

  Where is he!?

  A girl who looks like she just rolled out of bed with a hangover tries to take the seat beside me, but I stop her. “Sorry, my partner’s sitting here.”

  She looks at me with that, “seriously?” look, but turns around and takes a seat by the wall. I take a deep breath and check my phone. Class is about to start and he’s not here! Someone takes the seat on the other side of me and I set my bag on the empty chair to my left. I don’t know why I think it’s necessary for him to sit next to me. We won’t be doing research while class is going on.

  And then Professor Gengris walks in.

  “Hello, hello, hello,” she says confidently, setting her bag down on the large table at the head of the hall. “Everyone having a good start to the year? Studying hard, I’m sure? Staying in, getting your work done?”

  That draws some laughs throughout the hall. Half the freshman look lost and the other half look like they’re still drunk.

  “Okay, I’ll go easy on you today,” she says. She starts talking about immigration and groups that have come to the United States and why, but I’m zoning out.

  Where is he?!

  My hand tightens around my pen as I absentmindedly take down the notes from the board. After all that’s been on my mind, how nervous I’ve been to come to class today, and he doesn’t even show up? What a dick!

  Such a superstar move. Tommy Mason doesn’t need to go to class. Why would he? I’m starting to get the full picture now. I’m sure the school has told all the professors to go easy on him. He’s a star basketball player on his way to the pros. There’s no way they’re going to risk losing him because of a bad grade in sociology. I roll my eyes. No wonder he thinks he’s the king. And what’s worse, I realize, is that this means I’ll be doing the research paper by myself.

  I feel the anger rising inside me, but I realize it’s probably a good thing. Maybe this will be exactly what I need to make sure I don’t give in to Tommy and stick to my guns. The more he pisses me off, the easier it will be. Right?

  But I wonder…what is he doing right now?

  Chapter 11 – Tommy

  I drain a three over Chad like it’s the easiest thing in the world – because it is.

  “Count it!” I shout, letting my hand hang in the air above his head as he frowns in defeat. Chad’s been telling me since last year he’s gonna block one of my shots, but he’s dreaming. Not only is he shorter than me, but he’s not as quick and probably won’t play ball after college. I like to fuck with him.

  I jog back down the court to get on defense and give Chad a big grin followed by the finger. He gives me one back and I chuckle.

  “Show me what you got, buddy,” I shout after him. Chad takes the inbound pass and comes straight down the court at me. He’s pissed and he’s gonna do his best to put a move on me.

  “Quit fuckin’ around, you two!” Coach Carter shouts from the bench.

  But Chad’s not listening. He heads right for me and tries a crossover, but it’s his go-to move and it’s obvious. I swipe the ball right out from under him and head down court. He’s not fast enough to catch me and I’ve got a good lead. I launch from just past the free throw line and dunk it like a boss.

  I land and turn around and give him another grin and a shrug.

  I almost feel bad as we get back to the game, but not about schooling Chad on who the bigger man is on the team. But for bailing on Grace. I know she’s gonna be pissed about me not showing up to sociology, but coach called an extra practice today, so what’s a guy to do?

  Ball takes priority. That’s what I’m going to do for at least the next fifteen years of my life. I’m not going to be a sociology professor or a math whiz or a scientist. I’m going to be blowing away the competition on the court, making millions of dollars.

  I suppose I could have let Grace know I wouldn’t be showing up, but I don’t even have her e-mail or her phone number yet, and I wasn’t about to go knocking on her door and get a face full of shit from that roommate of hers.

  I’m sure I’ll run into her later back at the dorm where I’ll expla
in things. And if she gives me shit about it – well, too bad. I don’t owe anybody anything. I come from Bridgeport, a rough town that not many people make it out of. Basketball saved my life.

  My pops left when I was young. I don’t remember much about him other than a few images here and there. People are always asking me if I hate him, but I barely knew the guy. How could I hate him? I used to wish I had a dad when I was younger, but as I got older and saw so many of my friends’ dads bail on them, or their parents get divorced, I convinced myself that it was probably for the best that he left when he did.

  My mom is a saint. If him leaving upset her, she never let me see it. She never even cried in front of me – about anything. She’s a strong woman and worked two jobs to support me, selling shoes at a local store and waitressing at night, and still found time to get me back and forth to practice and my games.

  Once I make it big, the first thing I’m going to do is buy her a big fucking house with a nice car and get her out of that town. Somewhere in the countryside. She used to ride horses when she was a girl but had to give it up thanks to life. I’d love to get her a place where she could keep horses and get back into it. She’s done enough for me.

  Nothing is going to get in the way of my success.

  I crush the rest of practice like I usually do and head to the showers.

  “Yo, what are we up to tonight?” Joey shouts at me from his locker as I finish up.

  “You’re an animal, Joey,” I say as I finish toweling off and grab my briefs.

  “Dover House again?” Joey suggests. “I hear Alpha Phi Ki Ki Ki or whatever is having a rager.”

  “Are those the girls who wear skirts and heels in the winter?” I ask. One of the sororities around here has super strict hot chick dress code and you can always spot them with their tote bags and skirts and heels trudging through the snow, even after three feet got dumped on us in a storm. Now that’s commitment.

  “Yeah, dude,” Joey says with a grin.

  “Aren’t you gonna piss off Cindy if she finds out you went to a sorority party?” I tease him. The chances of Joey ever seeing Cindy again are about as high as me switching careers to astronomy.


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