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The Kryl Queen

Page 17

by Chris Burton

  A displaced high velocity plasma burst hit the ground thirty meters from the edge of the crowd. They looked on in horror as the plasma discharge started to move towards them. Now in panic they began to realize what was happening. The plasma weapon was being aimed at them. Within twenty seconds it was all over. The Kryl had just vaporized the crowd.

  * * * *

  “What do you men the action was justified?”

  President Roslyn was in his scheduled meeting with Safrec.

  “The situation was not under control. They were about to riot again and your forces have not been dealing with the problem. We have put an end to the rioting once and for all. Word has spread quickly.”

  “You just executed eight hundred innocent people and destroyed half a mile of the most expensive real estate on this planet. And you think this is all over? The repercussions from this could be enormous. We are already struggling with our justification.”

  “Enough! If you cannot control your own people, then we will do it for you. You are not managing the situation President Roslyn. You have been given an example of what you can expect if you fail to deliver your commitments in accordance with the Earth/Kryl Agreement. Let me quite clear. Only full compliance with the required number of humans delivered on time is acceptable. We will not accept any excuses this time. You must find a way to quash those talking of rebellion. We are here to stay and non-compliance will mean an end to your race.”

  Roslyn knew he had to back off. There was no room for maneuver and at least the rioting issue had been resolved, albeit only temporarily. One thing for sure the build up of hatred for the Kryl was becoming more apparent by the day and keeping a lid on it while they waited for the day when their freedom was granted would be very difficult.

  “Safrec…the HSL list will be delivered on time and the collection centers should start to populate immediately. I have it on good authority that the security forces are ready for non-compliance this time.”

  “See that they are…and don’t forget I can read your every waking thought. I know you and Alpha are up to something and sooner or later I will find out what.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The Siege Continues

  The Kryl commanders sent a division of infantry. They had re-established themselves inside the outer main corridor area and this time they would not be removed.

  The battle moved on to the access tunnels which lead to the main bulk heads and it was here that Major Dunwoody was making his last stand. He knew they could not hold on much longer. The Kryl would soon reach the main bulkhead doors.

  * * * *

  Inside those doors, three hundred and twenty –five meters deeper into Alpha’s subterranean battle fortress, Admiral Koenig was apprehensive. He knew that Dunwoody’s troopers could not hold on much longer and that the main doors would soon be under pressure. The doors were strong, but not that strong. The Kryl would force there way through and then have access to the upper levels of the facility.

  Not that this would achieve much. Koenig gave the order to evacuate to the inner section of the base, forty eight hours before. Known as the “vault”; there was no way in and no way out. A one meter thick shell surrounded the entire vault, with the access door sealed in with a magnified field. It was completely impenetrable and even leaving would take some time, as the access door demagnetized. The vault was sound proofed, lead lined and the interior walls were super cooled to ensure no heat source would give away the fact that over seventy-five thousand Alpha personnel were within. The final precaution, there were no comms facilities, no way of communicating either within the facility or with the outside world. They were totally entombed within the vault and here they would stay until it was safe to leave.

  Theoretically, they had supplies and facilities to stay within the vault for six months. The reality was different. Two days was too long.

  Admiral Jonas Koln joined Koenig in the small makeshift ready room.

  “Well, this is very unpleasant.”

  “Yes, Jonas, but if it stops them from finding us, then hopefully they will leave quickly and we can repopulate the outer shell.”

  “They have reached the perimeter of the vault. The next hour or so is critical. According to our scanners there are over two thousand Kryl inside the base.”

  “Okay…let’s just sit tight. How are the civilians?”

  “They are not complaining yet. It’s the children though. It is virtually impossible to keep them quiet.”

  “The sound compensators should absorb their noise. I would be more concerned about the troopers. It is too confined a space to keep them at bay. How in the hell did we let it get like this? Hiding away in a vault, hundred of meters below the ground. The once mighty Alpha.”

  “We will be strong again. The message will now be at the relays, waiting for the Contingency Patrols to pick it up. They may even have it already…We owe a debt of gratitude to our scientists.”

  “Yes…but their sacrifice was necessary. If we could have gotten them back in the vault, they would have been safe; but they just knew too much. I don’t doubt that the chief scientist’s last visit here gave the game away and probably lost Clarke his life too.”

  “Yes, I miss the old bugger. Not sure I could have taken my life to preserve our plans.”

  “He may have not had much choice. His sacrifice, together with the scientists, those on the HSL list, and everybody else lost in this bloody conflict, for that matter, will not be forgotten. We will avenge each and every one of them.”

  * * * *

  The Kryl Commander gave the order to leave the Alpha facility once he was certain all the humans were eliminated. At first, he questioned why so few Alpha personnel were actually located, but the place was empty and obviously was never brought up to its true capacity when the invasion took place.

  As the last of his drones left the facility, he looked back at the cave. Something still did not feel right. He felt a presence…a faint stutter of electrical impulses, a large number of them beneath the surface. Was this a residue of those humans lost today in their battle? He had never fought the humans before today. They were an unusual species. Limited in brain capacity, but resilient and selfless. The residue was obviously just part of their substance. He vowed to take a human for himself; before he returned to fleet.

  The lead drone reported all Kryl had now cleared the cave. The commander gave the order to return to their shuttles. Their task here was done.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Rejoining the Fleet

  Two weeks later, a solitary shuttle craft entered the Halo 7’s rear docking bay and Jake Carter exited. He headed straight for the bridge.

  Commander Jacques had the con. He stood up as Jake entered.

  “Lieutenant Carter…welcome back. Let’s have a quick debriefing now.”

  They headed for the ready room, while the duty bridge commander assumed the con. To Jake, it looked as if Jacques was looking for something or someone to relieve the boredom.

  “Take a seat, Jake…and thanks for coming to my rescue. There’s nothing going on today.”

  “Happy to please, sir.”

  “I have read your report and corroborated the facts against Commander Smiths report. It seems you had a difficult few months. You seem to have handled it well.”

  “Yes. Thank you, sir. It has been problematic but once the CO and I came to an arrangement…”

  “I have yet to read Lieutenant Chadwick’s report. But it does seem your rescue of the Pantheon’s crew and the unorthodox towing of the Pantheon itself was well conceived and delivered. A slightly risky strategy; but it obviously worked. How long before the Pantheon is back in order?”

  “It will take a while, sir; six weeks at least. She was pretty badly damaged. Did you read my sub note about potential Kryl activity and my concern they may
have been following us?”

  “Yes…I was coming to that. You were unable to detect anything beyond your own initial findings?”

  “No. But I was obviously concerned that we could be leading a Kryl vessel to the fleet, sir. We did try everything possible to see if we could locate her and we have been keeping a watchful brief; but there has been nothing else. I am assuming my sighting proved to be nothing of any consequence.”

  “One thing we have all learned over the last few months is to never underestimate the Kryl. We are running full sensors and periodic barium sweeps. If a Kryl vessel is out there, we will find it.”

  “That’s good to hear, sir. When is my Patrol ship due to go out again? I am keen to start the Earth patrol.”

  Jacques cut Jake short.”That’s it for now, Jake. The Earth bound Patrol vessels have all long since departed and we are expecting our first briefings soon. The CO wants you back on board for now and I think he is right. You need some stability for a month or two. You need to cement your position as a senior bridge officer and your absence has probably allowed others to progress when perhaps you would have been the favored choice. The CO still regards you as his protégé. I should mention I am assuming command of the Halo in forty-eight hours. Commander Hoskins will take a fast shuttle to the main fleet and his new ship.”

  “Congratulations, sir. Do you want me to assume a Duty Bridge Command position?”

  “No…not yet. As I said, others have advanced their positions. I want you to take the main weaponry officers post for now. It’s your weakest position by experience and you need to get some hours on board. War does enhance careers, but you still need the experience. Your flitting about from one post to the next looks great on paper, but there is no substitute for continuity. Sorry Jake. This may come as a bit of a disappointment.”

  Jake was annoyed but tried not to show it.”That’s fine, sir. I am glad to be back on board and to let others take the critical decisions for a change. Will the CO be assuming an admiral’s role?”

  “Yes…that is confidential for now. He will also take some of the Halo crew with him and that may well include you, but not until we join the fleet. That could still be some weeks away. For now; get some rest and we will see you at zero eight hundred tomorrow morning.”

  Jake saluted, left the ready room, and headed for the calm of his quarters. He needed to get his head round these new developments. He expected to be commanding a Patrol ship to Earth, but instead he was seconded to a bridge position, for which he had little or no chance of advancing his career further in the next few months. Worst still, he had no chance of contacting Carla and needed her more than ever right now.

  He arrived at his quarters and was just in the process of unpacking his holdall, when Maria Shavenosky arrived. Great. That is all I need.

  “You don’t exactly look pleased to see me.”

  “How did you know I was back?”

  “I know everything. Remember I am shadowing the CO. Look, this is confidential, but Hoskins is leaving the Halo 7 and heading for the Styros Cluster main fleet in forty eight hours…I am going with him. I have not eaten this evening yet. Do you want to join me in the officer’s mess?”

  Jake sighed inwardly. He did not need this right now. But he hadn’t eaten since breakfast. Maria was good company as long as she kept her distance and if she was leaving the ship.

  “Okay. Give me half an hour and I’ll meet you there. I need to unpack and take a shower.”

  * * * *

  Jonathan Hoskins was in his quarters and just made love to his mistress. Their love-making was brief but passionate. It was clear to both of them that they could soon be a long way apart.

  “Just two days, Jonathan…and then you’re gone.”

  “Yes, sweetheart, but it won’t be long until the Halo joins the main fleet and then we can be together again.”

  “On a separate ship and you with that Maria Shavenosky in tow.”

  “This was your choice. You can still come with me. There will be plenty of good posts available aboard the Accura.”

  “No. I have to make my own way. I have spent too long in your shadow. I need to spread my wings. We will just have to be patient…but you need to stay away from Lieutenant Shavenosky. She is dangerous.”

  “Oh, come on. She is just shadowing me. Besides I think her interests lie with Jake Carter.”

  “Who is now back. I thought you would take him too?”

  “I did not know he was back. No. He stays with Jean-Luc here for a while. He needs to get some time under his belt. I have to be wary with Jake Carter. I will keep him close; but I don’t want to hold him back.”

  “Sounds rather familiar, but for different reasons. Jake Carter is no longer under the influence of the Kryl.”

  “No. But when we return to Earth, he may be again. He is still a key player in this. The Kryl Queen is expecting him, which means it will happen. I need to keep him close.”

  “Okay. So, where does that leave us? Not in connection with Jake…but in terms of where we are going. You still feel tied to Earth because of Sarah and your son. I have no such connection. I am happy to live my life here with you or wherever you are.”

  “So, why aren’t you coming with me?”

  “You know why! Give me the commitment, Jonathan. I need you to say it. Your relationship with your wife is over. Yes, your son is important and always will be, but you are with me now. Why should I put my life on hold when I have not got you all to myself? All Sarah has to do is click her fingers. How do I know you won’t just drop me when and if we return to Earth?”

  “We have been through all of this before. I don’t love my wife…I love you. Sarah is the mother of my son, who I love and adore and miss terribly. Oliver is the reason why I want to go home, not Sarah.”

  He leaned down and tried to kiss her, but she pulled away.

  “Goddamn it, Obeya. What do you want me to do…propose?”

  “Absolutely not. I am not interested in your planets outdated ridiculous joining ceremony. If you are committed to me so be it; but you need to show it. Perhaps this period of absence will help you realize what is important to you!”

  Obeya pulled away from him and stood up, pulling her underwear and fatigues on quickly, she was out the door within minutes, leaving her beleaguered partner sat on the bed.

  Bloody woman! I am giving her everything she wants and that is still not enough! He sighed and began to dress himself. His offer still stood and she would not take it. What did she want him to do? He already denounced his love for Sarah. Did she want him to do the same for Oliver?

  Hoskins decided to push the thoughts from his mind. He still had much to do before the shuttle departed; not least his XO’s formal commission to command the Halo 7. For now, he would walk the ship and pay a quick visit to Jake Carter.

  * * * *

  Jake had just dressed after his shower and was ready to join Maria in the officer’s mess, when Commander Hoskins arrived. Jake invited the CO in.

  “Thanks Jake. This is an informal visit. I wanted to welcome you back. I presume you are already aware that Commander Jacques is assuming command?”

  “Yes, sir. You are off to bigger and greater things?”

  “In a way, yes. I have been invited to join the main fleet in advance of this fleet to move matters forward and to assume command of the Accura. I have asked Commander Jacques to keep you on in a bridge officer posting for the next few weeks. When the Halo 7 joins the main fleet; I will probably invite you to join me on the Accura.”

  “She is a big ship, sir. I would be honored. I presume you have been promoted?”

  Hoskins laughed. “Not yet the full one. I shall be acting up as Admiral on this mission. I understand you had an interesting time on the Patrol ship?”

  Jake acknowledged the CO’s quest
ion and went on to detail the events that occurred. By the time he finished, he saw an anguished look on the commander’s face.

  “You realize they were probably following you?”

  “I doubt that, sir. We are a long way from home.”

  Hoskins sighed deeply.

  “This changes things. I am going to move you up to full Bridge Command status effective immediately. I am committed to join the main fleet and Commander Jacques will assume command here; but I want you in a position of responsibility. With the actual threat of Kryl activity, I would rather it be you than someone who has little or no experience dealing with the Kryl. This will be acting up position; but will assume a rank of Lieutenant Commander. I will brief the XO.”

  “Thank you, sir. I will not let you down.”

  Jake felt pleased with himself as he entered the officers mess.

  “That’s a very long half an hour?”

  “Yes, I am sorry. The CO came to see me. He just made me up to Lieutenant Commander and acting Bridge Commander. I am a little stunned.”

  “Then I should salute you…sir. It suits you. He kept that to himself.”

  “It’s only acting up…and anyway, you should be pleased. You will soon be shadowing an Admiral.”

  “Yes…but again, only in an acting up capacity. Jake…I have missed you and now—just as you come back—I am disappearing. I am sure it will only be brief though. He will want you on board the Accura sooner rather than later. Grab yourself some food and a drink and then we can catch up properly.”

  Jake and Maria ate and talked for an hour before it was time for them both to retire. Maria drank a little bit more than she should have.

  “I have been drinking this evening for Dutch courage.”

  “Why would you need Dutch courage?” Jake realized why immediately after he finished his sentence.


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