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The Firm: The Story of McKinsey and Its Secret Influence on American Business

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by Duff McDonald, 324

  Venezuela, 74–75

  Viant, 265

  Vickers, 78

  Vieh, Walter, 35, 38, 47

  Vietnam War, 103

  Visa, 293

  Vivekenanda, Swami, 225

  Volcker, Paul, 231

  Volkswagen, 5, 79, 107

  von Braun, Peter, 120, 130

  Von Moltke, Helmuth, 140

  Voyager Fund, 316

  Wachovia Corporation, 254–55, 317

  Wagner Act (1935), 53

  Waite, Don, 223–24, 274

  Walker, Peter, 121, 206, 232, 277, 278

  Wall Street: bailout of, 285

  buying and selling of businesses by, 92

  compensation on, 119, 125

  and competition for talent, 119

  concentration of power in, 125

  and concerns about capitalism, 261

  McKinsey activities on, 230–33

  as McKinsey competitor, 264

  rise of, 119

  risk management on, 245

  shareholders as code for, 125. See also financial services industry; investment banking

  Wall Street Journal; McKinsey as consultant for, 281

  Wall Street Journal—stories/comments in: Enron, 246

  Gupta insider-trading case, 310

  Gupta-Rajaratnam connection, 313

  McKinsey influence on financial services industry, 287

  McKinsey profiles, 156

  of Ohmae, 161

  of Peters, 151

  of Romney, 1

  of Sawhill, 156

  Walmart, 254, 279, 313, 322

  Walton, Lee, 71, 95, 101, 102, 104–5, 106, 108, 117, 121, 122, 126, 134, 138

  The War for Talent (Michaels, Handfield-Jones, and Axelrod), 247–48, 263

  Warner Amex Cable Communications, 187–88

  Warner, Sandy, 253

  Warren, Michael, 284

  Washington, D.C.: McKinsey offices/activities in, 67–69, 70, 282–86

  Washington Mutual, 287

  Waterman, Bob, 146, 147–55, 180, 308

  Weber, Max, 17

  Weill, Sandy, 230

  Welch, Jack, 115, 152

  Wellington & Company, 50

  Wellington, C. Oliver, 31, 32, 37, 38

  Wells Fargo, 108, 166, 255

  Westchester Country Club: McKinsey strategy experts meeting (1977) at, 139–40

  Westinghouse Electric, 17, 18, 114, 303

  Westlaw, 323

  Wharton School of Finance and Economy (University of Pennsylvania), 20, 215

  White House: reorganization of staff at, 67

  Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance (Gerstner), 82, 304

  Whyte, William, 64

  Wiesel, Elie, 314

  The Will to Lead (Bower), 44

  Willner, Barry, 68, 70

  WilmerHale and Cravath, 310

  Wilson and Company, 18

  Wilson, Greg, 287

  Wirstschaftswoche magazine: Henzler story in, 158

  Woetzel, Jonathan, 228

  Wolf, Michael, 210

  women: at McKinsey, 106, 169–70, 207. See also specific person

  Wooldridge, Adrian, 112

  World Economic Forum (Davos, Switzerland), 311, 324

  World War II, 52, 55, 62, 95

  The World’s Newest Profession (McKenna), 260

  Wright, Bob, 189–90

  Wriston, Walter, 91

  Wuffli, Peter, 232, 253

  Yokoyama, Isamu, 164

  Young, John, 148

  Young, Lew, 148

  youth: as prized over experience, 4, 7, 80–82, 229

  Zelazny, Gene, 123

  Zumwinkel, Klaus, 296

  Simon & Schuster

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  Copyright © 2013 by Duff McDonald

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Simon & Schuster Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  McDonald, Duff.

  The firm : the story of McKinsey and its secret influence on American business /

  Duff McDonald.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  1. McKinsey and Company. 2. Business consultants. I. Title.

  HD69.C6M386 2013



  ISBN 978-1-4391-9097-5

  ISBN 978-1-4391-9099-9 (ebook)




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