Book Read Free

Girl Fun One

Page 9

by Miranda Forbes

  Afterwards, I was sweating. I wished I could take something off, but resisted when I recalled the time at another club when I wore a cut-off T-shirt over what was quaintly described as a crop top. I’d taken the tee-shirt off. No sooner was it over my head than a bouncer appeared. He’d thought I was undressing.

  ‘You can’t do that here.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘You can’t show your bra.’

  ‘It’s not a bra. It’s a crop top.’

  Brazenly, I’d strode onto the dance floor. I heard a couple of guys muttering that I was a tart and much worse. It hurt my feelings, if the truth be told.

  ‘What’s their problem?’ I’d said to Kelly later. ‘I wasn’t hurting anyone.’

  ‘Some people are just prudes. They can’t face up to their own sexuality.’

  We danced to an R&B set and then some 80s classic dance tracks before going outside for a swig of water.

  ‘Not bad tonight is it?’ said Kelly.

  ‘Not bad,’ I agreed.

  ‘Hey, isn’t that –?’

  ‘– Naughty Girl.’

  We returned to the floor, moving slowly, sensuously to the sexy beat. In our own space at first. Then Kelly started to move towards me and I knew what would happen next. She danced around me and we were back to back, brushing against each other, hips touching. Then, as the music changed, she turned and we danced opposite, facing each other, inches apart, and I could taste her breath. She bent her knees, legs apart, swaying from her waist, her smooth arms snaking the air. I mirrored her movements, our eyes locked and we became fused together by music and rhythm and a longing so powerful it hurt. People were watching us. I felt them watching, wondering. I loved the fact that they were looking at us. It made me feel hornier than ever.

  ‘What do you think they made of our floorshow?’ laughed Kelly, smoothing down her sweat-soaked dress. Like me, she loved the attention. I grinned back at her. But tonight, something was different. Tonight, there was something else between us. I could feel it, like an electric charge. Tonight, I wanted this to be more than just an act. I moved closer to Kelly, and as we swayed, our nipples touched and I felt a warm tingle between my legs. She didn’t move away and I wondered if she was feeling what I was feeling. I slipped my hands around her waist, pulling her towards me, our bodies pressed together. I wanted to kiss her.

  Then the music stopped. For a moment, we remained locked together. Then, blushing, she said, ‘It’s so hot in here. I need to get some air.’

  ‘I’ll come with you,’ I said, following her outside.

  Standing beneath the dark, star-studded sky, I noticed she was trembling.

  ‘Is anything wrong?’ I asked anxiously.

  She shook her head.

  ‘Do you want to go?’


  We got into her car but she didn’t start the engine. It was strange, seeing Kelly, who was usually so in control, suddenly unsure of herself.

  ‘Hey, relax,’ I reassured her, stroking her bare arm.

  She turned to look at me and I noticed that her eyes were hungry. I leaned across and kissed her on the mouth, gently at first, tentatively, exploring her lips with the tip of my tongue. She didn’t resist, and I got the feeling she was considering the sensation. Slowly, she opened her mouth and I pushed my tongue deeper inside. She started to groan softly.

  While one hand cradled her head, I let the other hand rest on her right breast, gently kneading her nipple between my thumb and forefinger through the fabric of her dress. Her nipple was already hard, and I felt a thrill of excitement at her response to my touch. Still kissing her, I carefully slipped the thin red straps off her shoulders, sliding the dress down to her waist to reveal her naked breasts. Her eyes were closed and I let my mouth move down to her left breast, caressing her nipple with my tongue, circling and darting, until she was wriggling with pleasure.

  ‘Do you like this, Kelly?’ I whispered.

  She moaned. I smiled, enjoying this unexpected feeling of power.

  She was breathing harder now, so I slid my hand down between her parted legs.

  ‘God, Kelly, you’re so wet,’ I exclaimed, pretending to sound shocked.

  She wasn’t the only one. I started to stroke her, and her moans became louder.

  ‘Shh, someone might hear,’ I warned, thinking that people could come out to the busy car park at any moment.

  ‘I don’t care,’ she breathed, clamping my hand tight. ‘Don’t stop.’

  The smell of her desire was overpowering and I buried my head between her thighs, teasing her clitoris with my tongue.

  ‘You taste so good,’ I told her, between lapping at her juices. By now her body was tensing and arching, her cries louder. I continued to lick, to savour her, while my fingers played with her nipples and as she came the first time, I was aware of the music pounding insistently through the open doors of the night-club, where only minutes before we were dancing together.

  When she came again, her groans were so loud I had to cover her mouth with mine to stifle her cries. We clung to each other for a while, the sweat from our bodies mingling.

  ‘Do you want to go back inside?’ I asked, when her groans had subsided.

  ‘I have a better idea,’ she replied thoughtfully. ‘Why don’t we go back to your place and we can christen your birthday present. Thank goodness I bought heavy duty batteries. We’re going to need them.’

  Summer Camp

  by Eva Hore

  This working camp was stupid.I hated it. Why we had to watch sheep being shorn, bulls being lassoed and cows milked was beyond me. It was a ridiculous waste of time.

  While everyone was focused on the activities I decided to sneak down to the barn, smoke a joint and relax. Lying on the soft straw was as close to nature as I wanted to get.

  ‘And what do you think you’re doing?’ a voice in the stall next to where I was lying spoke.

  ‘I… er …’ I wasn’t sure what to say. Didn’t know who it was.

  ‘You’d get into so much trouble if I told anyone you were smoking down here. One spark and this whole barn would go up.’

  It was one of the owner’s daughters. She looked butch and she was eyeing me like she was interested. I thought I’d bait her, see how far she’d go.

  ‘Well maybe you should punish me then,’ I said smugly.

  ‘You know I think I’ll do just that. Get over here.’

  With the cigarette dangling from my lips I sauntered over. Snatching it out of my mouth, she drew on it before extinguishing it in a bucket of water and then grabbed me by the arm.

  ‘Get in there,’ she said, pointing to someone’s quarters.

  As she slammed the door shut I took a quick look around. The room was neat and sparsely furnished. A chair, single bed, small table and a cupboard. I tried not to giggle as I looked back at her.

  ‘You think this is funny, do you?’ she asked.

  ‘Well … yeah,’ I muttered.

  ‘Take your clothes off,’ she ordered.

  ‘What?’ I hadn’t counted on her being so forward, so keen.

  ‘Isaid take your clothes off and do it now,’ she said picking up a small riding crop that was hanging on the wall. I quickly did as she asked as she slapped the whip into the palm of her hand.

  I was excited as I stood there proudly in front of her showing her she couldn’t intimidate me.

  ‘Now sit on that chair,’ she said.

  ‘What about I just lie on the bed,’ I said coyly. Being stark naked in front of a stranger was such a turn on. I wondered what she thought about my body, how it would feel with her hands touching me.

  ‘Isaid sit on the chair. Now,’ she said menacingly.

  I sat, the cold wood causing goosebumps to appear on my skin.

  ‘Put your hands behind your back,’ she said giving me a quick slap to the thigh with the whip when I took too long to comply.

  The stinging pain shot through me as though zapped by lightening. My pus
sy began to throb and my nipples hardened. Holding my hands together she lashed rope to them and then secured me to the back of the chair. I was breathing heavily – turned on like never before. She stood behind me, her hands grabbing at my breasts and pinching the flesh cruelly. She pinched the nipples, pulling them hard until I cried out.

  ‘Quiet,’ she demanded. ‘I don’t want to have to explain why I’m doing this to you if someone walks in.’

  Standing in front of me she licked her lips as she placed the whip hard up against my neck, before holding it to my lips.

  ‘Lick it,’ she said.

  I opened my mouth and licked the leather staring up at her.

  ‘Very good,’ she said.

  Taking the whip she trailed it down over my breasts, rubbed it against my nipples, the rough straps of leather caressing my skin. My arms strained against the rope causing my breasts to jut forward, making me very aware of how vulnerable I was and wondering what she would do next.

  She flicked the whip against my heaving breasts and I moaned with pleasure as the leather tantalised my fevered skin. She began to slap my torso with it, my shoulders, my waist, my thighs. I could feel my pussy throbbing against the wooden chair and knew my juices would be wetting the seat.

  As she knocked my thighs apart with the whip, I sat there desperately wishing she would touch me. Instead she demanded I open my legs wider.

  ‘Put them up on the railings on the side of the chair, you stupid girl,’ she said.

  As I did that I became very focused on my pussy. It too was jutting forward, begging to be touched. She walked around me, grabbed an ankle and tied it to the chair. Then she tied the other one. Now I was completely at her mercy.

  She ran the handle down over my slit and then back up again. I moaned wanting desperately for her to do it again. My clit was throbbing as she rubbed harder.

  ‘You like that don’t you?’ she whispered.

  ‘Oh yeah,’ I said.

  ‘What if I push the handle in further, like this. Do you like that too?’

  ‘Oh yeah, that’s beautiful. Keep going,’ I begged on the verge of coming.

  ‘Igive the orders,’ she said stopping immediately.

  There was a clothes hoist folded up behind the cupboard. She partially dragged it out and pulled two clothes pegs off it. With a glint in her eye and a smirk on her lips she strode back to me and without warning attached them to my nipples.

  I nearly screamed out but a quick flick on my thigh telling me to be quiet had me perspiring and anxious from pain. Placing her fingertips on the ends of the pegs she slowly squeezed down making the pain nearly unbearable.

  ‘Quiet,’ she hissed as noise came from my throat. ‘You like being punished don’t you?’

  ‘Yes,’ I whispered, pain causing my eyes to squeeze tightly shut.

  ‘Open your eyes,’ she demanded, ‘and keep them open.’

  With every breath I took the pegs burned into my nipples. I watched as she stripped out of her clothes. I was eager to see her nude, to have her body pressed up against mine, our pussies touching.

  She had small breasts, her nipples dark and inviting and a thick patch of pubic hair covered the triangle between her thighs. My body pulsed with desire and my nipples screamed with pain as they hardened under the pegs.

  She straddled me, her pussy nearly touching mine as she thrust a breast into my mouth. I sucked on it greedily as she ground herself further down on my lap. She held my head with her hands, smothering me as she rubbed her tits across my face. My tongue flickered out, eager to taste her, wanting to suck more, suck harder.

  Her hand slipped between our bodies and her fingers slid down over my throbbing clit. I gasped with pleasure wanting nothing more than for her to finger me, to sink her fingers deep inside my cunt and explore me before finger fucking me.

  But she didn’t.

  Dropping down further so her arse was nearly touching the seat of the chair she looked down at our pussies and then back up at me. She rocked back and forward our pussy lips just grazing each others. I was panting with desire as her palm stole down and rubbed against my wet lips.

  She pushed her chest back into me, the pegs rubbing against my nipples while her mouth tantalised my face, kissing my forehead and my cheeks before her tongue licked lazily over my top lip. I opened my mouth to receive her kiss but she pulled back, laughing as she teased me.

  Then she was off and behind me. Grabbing the chair she lowered it on the floor so my back was flat on the ground and my head resting at her feet. I could see straight up into her cunt and watched fascinated as she spread her legs and slowly lowered herself down to my mouth.

  My tongue stretched forward desperate to taste her. Her scent wafted over me, enveloping me as her pussy lips grazed my face, before rubbing her slit over my nose to part her lips.

  I moved my head and she slapped my thigh. ‘Not until I’m ready,’ she said.

  I lay there as she straddled my face, suffocating me with the weight of her body. She tasted musky, sweet and tangy. I lapped greedily at her pussy, sucking on her lips, trying desperately to latch on to her clit as her juices oozed out of her.

  ‘Oh yes,’ I mumbled into her pussy as her fingers parted my own lips and slipped inside me. First one finger, then two, then more. She smeared my juices over me, wetting my clit, smearing them down the inside of my thighs before pulling back the hood over my clit and rubbing madly.

  I sucked her harder, my tongue flickering around, trying to please her like she was pleasing me. Then something hard was probing me and I knew she’d inserted the handle of the whip, knew that finally she was going to fuck me with it and I came, came all over it when suddenly we both froze.

  We heard voices in the stables. She rose leaving me lying there helpless as she opened the door a crack and peered out. Shutting the door she quickly pulled on her clothes, straightened herself up and made to leave.

  ‘Hey,’ I hissed. ‘Where are you going?’

  ‘Back to work,’ she said opening the door wide.

  I hoped no one was there. Imagine what someone would think, me lying naked on a chair on the floor with pegs still attached to my nipples. My pussy throbbed and my body pulsated not only with fear but excitement too. She laughed and came back to me. Righted the chair and untied me.

  As I dressed she left the room, turning at the door to smile at me, ‘Be back here tonight at nine and we’ll finish what we started and if you’re good I might just tie you up on the block and tackle we have out here in the shed,’ she said and then was gone.

  I hurried back to the others, my pussy saturated, my nipples aching eager for the day to finish and the night to begin.

  Losing It

  by Ashley Hind

  I remember it being the hottest day of a warm summer, and somewhere amongst the manic urgency and dripping need of that afternoon, she took something from me I never thought I’d lose. Sometimes I think it was all a dream; the events had that surreal ease that only ever happens in films or fantasy. But now when I close my eyes and fuck my wet hole with the same slapping abandon that started it all, I can still feel her behind me, her hands gripping my thighs, and the delicious slide that opened me up and shot me through with a pain that melted into ecstasy, and made me come harder than I’d ever come before.

  I hadn’t even known she was in, or I wouldn’t have been caught in the first place. The house was quiet and I had got up late after a too-boozy evening with my cousin, Mandy. Every year since her divorce she has come to stay for a couple of weeks over the summer holidays. She lives in the Somerset sticks, in a village so remote you expect her to cower in the face of modern technology such as petrol-driven transport and electricity. Due to our proximity to London, coming here gives her a cheap break, and a way of alleviating the monotony that their imposed village exile brings, particularly to her daughter, Emma.

  My husband doesn’t mind the invasion, probably because he has always fancied Mandy-With-The-Big-Tits, and she in turn i
s a relentless flirt. Emma is now in her final school year, and connected to the world of “cool” by the internet and her mobile phone- when she can get a signal, of course. That doesn’t stop my daughter, although she is a couple of years younger, relishing her role as sophisticated urbanite host, and bringer of all things amazing to her country cousin. But Emma was about to grow up, and she and I were going to stumble into something that neither of us expected.

  I love to wank, and I love to get carried away by my filthy thoughts and the sometimes insatiable needs of my body. I can be immersed in desire for hours, incapable of suppressing the rude daydreams that can have me reaching for my vibrator several times before my husband comes home to fill and sate me. That morning, I was fantasising about Mandy forcing me into submission, smothering me with her pillow chest and then sitting on my face.

  As usual, I was lying on my back diagonally across the bed, and had whipped myself into a frenzy with the vibrator alone. As my orgasm approached, I lifted my legs right up and raised my head to get a view in the cheval mirror as I plunged my fingers as deeply as possible into my hot cunt and fucked myself hard and fast. I pictured my hand as Mandy’s, a saturated, pumping blur at my wanton snatch. And that’s when I saw her, a background reflection as transfixed at the sight in the mirror as I was.

  Even when my mind had processed the information and told me that young Emma was watching my rude and noisy act, I still couldn’t stop myself. I was just too close to the finish. I always kept my bedroom door partially open for early-warning signs from downstairs of unexpected returns. Although outside the room and obscured from direct vision, Emma could see me in all my wanking glory, as clear as day in the mirror. And I could see her, mouth open and with breaths coming fast, one hand down between her thighs and clutching her crotch through her cut-down jeans.

  The sight of her lost in obvious rapture sent me towards my climax. It built with unstoppable energy, and just before it broke, my gaze lifted from her squeezing hand, up over the small swell of her breasts beneath her T-shirt, and upwards to her pretty face. For an instant our eyes met in the mirror, but the power of my release forced mine shut and sent my body shaking as I bucked against my sodden fingers and wanked the flow from inside me as the vibrator buzzed at my clit. By the time I was able to open my eyes again, she was gone.


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