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Girl Fun One

Page 13

by Miranda Forbes

  “Lady? Are you, O-K?” Asked the gorgeous schoolgirl, obviously worried by all the groaning and gasping and believing that something was wrong.

  I tried to answer, to say that I was fine and that I’d be out in a minute, but I was wanking too hard to even catch my breath. And a few moments later, something terrible happened that somehow actually managed to make me even hornier than before.

  Whether I’d forgotten to lock the door or if there was some kind of ‘override button’ that the stewardesses could use in an emergency, before I knew it, the Japanese schoolgirl was actually watching me wank. And as my pussy ejaculated for the seventh time in a row, the look of pure shock and disbelief on her face soon turned to one of childish curiosity as she began to giggle at what she saw.

  At the beginning of my favourite ‘Adult Japanese Schoolgirl’ videos, a gang of giggling classmates always watch from the doorway as the two girls quietly fuck each other, unaware of the fact that they are being watched. And now, as a gorgeous, giggling schoolgirl stood watching me in real life, the thrill I received was so intense that the next time I ejaculated, some of the honey actually splashed onto the front of her skirt.

  It was only at that moment that I actually realised what I’d done, how I had deliberately left the door unlocked in the hopes that this might happen. And so when it looked as if the girl was actually rushing back to her seat, I was so terrified by the thought that she might not come back that, despite my exhaustion, I actually reached out to her with my hand and begged her not to go.

  Luckily however, as it turned out the schoolgirl was just dashing back to her friends to say something along the lines of, “Hey, come and see what the white lady is doing. It’s really funny.” Because the next thing I knew, I was on the verge of passing out as more than half a dozen giggling schoolgirls all crowded around the toilet’s doorway, curious to see a woman fist herself unconscious.

  I couldn’t understand a word of what they were saying, but the sound of their voices still thrilled me so much that I couldn’t have stopped wanking if I’d tried. But from the way that they were giggling and coaxing each other, it was clear that they were saying something along the lines of, “Go on. I dare you. I doubledare you.” And with my fist still buried wrist-deep inside my pussy, I whimpered with anticipation and my heart skipped a beat as I wondered what it was that they were daring each other to do.

  In the end of course, the girl who stepped forward was so beautiful that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, or at the very least, to kiss her gorgeous ruby lips until I passed out with delight. So when she slowly bent forward to kiss me on the lips, it was more satisfying than anything that you can imagine. And as she reached out her delicate porcelain fingers to touch my smooth, naked pussy, I yelped with overwhelming ecstasy, there was a flash of white light, and then everything went dark.

  When at last I finally woke up, a stewardess was knocking on the door to tell me that the seatbelt sign was on and that I had to return to my seat. And although I was in a panic about returning to the seat in such a terrible state, it turned out that the schoolgirls were even more conscientious then I’d thought.

  * * *

  While I was unconscious, the girls had actually brushed my hair for me and reapplied my makeup. And since my own skirt and knickers had been completely soaked with honey, the girls had left them in a plastic bag and dressed me in one of the short blue pleated skirts and a pair of the white cotton knickers that I had lusted after for so long.

  So needless to say, with legs as long as mine, I received quite a few lustful leers from the men on the plane as I skipped back to my seat, bent over to push the plastic bag into the bin.

  As I sat down to fasten my seatbelt, smiling gratefully at all of the Japanese schoolgirls who were seated around me, I struggled in vain to remember the Japanese word for “Thank you.” And once we had touched down at the airport and I was forced to wave goodbye to all of my new friends, I would have given almost anything to spend my life with them.

  As it was however, I was now standing in the heart of a city where gorgeous 18+ Japanese schoolgirls were an everyday fact of life, wearing a skirt so short that my knickers were visible while I was standing up. And although I didn’t even have a change of clothes, I was too busy fantasising about Japanese pussy to really give a damn.

  I’d been in such a rush to get to Japan that I hadn’t even bothered to pack a suitcase. But luckily however, I still had my credit card and a few hundred pounds in cash that I could convert to Japanese yen. And so having bought myself a new knee-length skirt and pair of black satin knickers from a handy airport store, I went out to the nearest taxi stand and set out to fulfil my dream.

  From one of the 10,000 Adult Schoolgirl websites that I had joined a couple of nights before, I’d printed off an address in Japanese that I sincerely hoped would make my dreams come true.

  Of course, it could have just been the address of a five-star sushi restaurant, but from the look on the female taxi driver’s face when she read the address, it was clear that I was on the right track. And so having driven out to a short, narrow alley that it would have taken me a hundred years to find on my own, the taxi driver took 15,000 yen from my purse and then drove off into the night, leaving me staring at the flashing neon signs of this hidden business and praying that I was in the right place.

  The thought that the taxi driver might indeed have dumped me outside a sushi restaurant and left me to fend for myself made me feel so nervous that I was too afraid to even step through the front door. But, as the sexiest Japanese schoolgirl that I’ve ever seen in my life, having obviously dealt with a lot of shy first-timers in the past, came out to greet me and to invite me inside, I came with delight, completely ruining my new black knickers.

  “Hi! You American?” She asked so cheerfully that I fell in love on the spot.

  “Err, no … English.” I gasped excitedly, too mesmerized by her gorgeous body to even string together a coherent sentence.

  “You look for grown up schoolgirl Japanese? You want to … sexwith us?”

  “Oh God, Yes!” I panted.

  “You bring money?”

  Of course, at that moment, I would have been willing to give her the deeds to my house, if only she would give me a long, loving kiss in return. But to my bank manager’s eternal relief, once she’d seen all of my cash and credit cards, the schoolgirl took me by the hand and then led me inside the club.

  “Don’t worry.” She giggled happily. “We all 18 and more.”

  I was almost literally in heaven. Everywhere I looked in this club, women of all races and nationalities were kissing and fucking gorgeous Japanese lesbians in full school uniform. Sexy young waitresses in full school uniform were delivering drinks, and even joining in with these Lesbian-Olympics. And up on stage, the ‘Britney Spears’-style plastic pop that I’d always despised, now that it was being performed by half a dozen gorgeous Oriental temptresses in a language that always made me cum, was now the most beautiful thing I’d ever heard.

  “We sit and kiss?” Asked the adult schoolgirl, inviting me to that which I had always longed to do. And the next thing I knew we were both wrapped up in each other’s embrace, kissing and caressing each other so deeply that my whole body began to tingle and I could barely breathe.

  “You like white panties?” She teased maliciously, spreading her legs a little and licking her lips as she waited for me to stroke her pussy. “You want to touch?”

  But although I wanted to reply, my hunger was so desperate that, before I even realised it, I was down on my knees with my head between the schoolgirl’s legs, making her coo with ecstasy as I kissed and lapped at her soft, smooth, cotton-covered pussy. And as she gently slipped the knickers down around her ankles to reveal her wet, naked slit, I buried my tongue so deep inside her that it was her turn to shudder with delight.

  I honestly couldn’t tell you how long I spent licking that gorgeous schoolgirl’s pussy. But by the time that my tongue
was too exhausted to carry on, she had cum at least a half a dozen times. And, far to horny to care about the money, she begged me to let her lick my pussy as well.

  Climbing back up onto the leather settee and slipping off my black satin knickers as the schoolgirl took my place down on her knees, I spread my legs and groaned with ecstasy, petting the grown-up schoolgirl’s soft raven hair as she greedily licked every inch of my pussy and gobbled up the honey as it poured out of my slit.And a few moments later, when a sexy little waitress skipped over to ask if I wanted a drink, it wasn’t long before I was kissing her to the point of breathlessness as I fingered her smooth, shaven slit.

  Of course, no matter how much I might have wanted it, it would have been impossible for me to carry on fucking for the rest of my natural life. And so after a while, I had no choice but to stop for a short but well-earned break.

  “Is this your first time?” Asked one of the other guests in a surprisingly familiar accent as I slowly made my way up to the bar to order a Bacardi and Coke. But still feeling too worn out from my sexual escapade to even catch my breath, although I wanted to start a conversation, I couldn’t really do much apart from nod.

  “Well, it’s great to see that you’re really getting stuck in and having a whale of a time.”

  But of course, the night was still young. And even if it wasn’t, there were still more than a dozen other gorgeous schoolgirls to fuck until I lost all feeling in my tongue. And since the club had plenty of vacant rooms where the guests could either sleep, have a shower or ‘get to know’ one of the girls more intimately, I honestly have no idea how long I spent there, gorging myself on sweet Oriental pussy until I literally saw stars.

  The girls were even willing to buy anything that I wanted, for a modest fee of course, from a clean change of clothes to a strap on dildo. And so although it was daytime when I finally settled my bill and asked one of the girls to call for a taxi to take me back to the airport, I honestly had no idea what day of the week it actually was.

  “You want … take thing with you?” Asked one of the girls, holding up the various dildos and sex toys that I’d made excellent use of over the course of my visit.

  “No thank you.” I smiled in reply. “Please keep them safe for my next visit.”

  And as I climbed into the taxi, drove out to the airport and boarded the first plane home, the only thought on my mind was how to make enough money to be able to go back.

  The thought of going another six months without tasting sweet, delicious Japanese pussy was so heart-breaking that I didn’t even dare to think about it, but by some spectacular coincidence, it seemed as though the fates had decided not to let me suffer for that long.

  “Konichiwa,” greeted a familiar voice as I kicked back in my seat.

  I couldn’t believe it. The gorgeous Japanese Schoolgirl who had been so worried about me on my first flight was now sitting only a few rows behind me. And despite having watched me wank in the toilet like a horny bitch on heat, she was still more than willing to come over and say hello.

  “Konichiwa,” I replied, trying to keep myself from cumming and speaking as calmly as I could.

  “You … go back England?”


  “I go back England too.” She explained excitedly, making me so happy that I almost wanted to cry. “I go Japan for twenty-one birthday, but live London to learn English. You live London too?”

  “Yes! Yes I do!” I panted, completely unable to contain my excitement at the thought that she might live close to me.

  “You … like girls?” She giggled mischievously, blushing with anticipation speaking very softly so as not to be overheard by anyone else.

  “Yes. I love girls, and I love Japanese girls most of all.”

  “Is that why you … playyourself when you see me?”

  And although I nodded, it was becoming clear that I didn’t really need to reply.

  “I like girls too.” She whispered. “You want come and … play sex me as well?”

  Kaz In The Changing Room

  by Eleanor Powell

  Kaz was looking for a new dress to wear at her cousin Rachel’s twenty-first birthday party.

  In Annabella’s Boutique, she found two dresses that she thought would look good on her, but which one should she choose?

  A helpful assistant, seeing Kaz dithering, came over.

  ‘Can I help you, Madam?’

  ‘Oh thanks,’ I can’t make up my mind which dress I like best.’

  ‘Why don’t you try them both on Madam? The changing room is this way.’ She ushered Kaz into a large communal changing room.

  ‘I’m sorry, Madam, but all the individual cubicles are in use,’ she explained. ‘But as you can see, at the moment there is no one else here.’

  ‘Thank you,’ said Kaz.

  Stepping out of the dress she was wearing, she took the red dress off its hanger and slipped it over her head.

  Looking at the reflection of this pretty girl, staring back at her in the full-length mirror, she could hardly believe it was herself. Her long shiny black hair cascaded over her shoulders.

  She twirled one way, and then the other, noticing the way the dress fell neatly over her slender hips, while her ‘DD’ sized boobs were showing a deep shadowy cleavage.

  ‘I’d better try on the other dress,’ she said aloud.

  ‘Sweetheart, that dress is so right for you.’ She hadn’t noticed that she was no longer alone.

  She jumped. ‘I-I’m sorry,’ she stammered, ‘you gave me such a fright.’

  She took in the appearance of the other occupant of the changing room. A tall girl, probably about six foot, not fat, but she had solid muscle.

  She looked a bit out of place in Annabella’s Boutique, as she was wearing a pair of faded blue jeans, a bomber jacket that was open, revealing a sloppy T-shirt under it. On her large feet, she was wearing a pair of trainers. Her auburn hair was cut very short, while her green eyes were shaded by the longest and thickest eyelashes Kaz had ever seen. She was blatantly looking Kaz up and down, admiringly.

  ‘No it’s me that should be apologising. I’m always being told to stop creeping up on people.’

  ‘OK, don’t worry,’ said Kaz. ‘So you really think this red dress looks all right, do you?’

  ‘Yes, love, red suits you’

  She stood behind Kaz. Touching her gently on her shoulder – receiving no resistance, she moved her finger, tracing her jaw line, down to her neck, then, slowly she trailed her finger down Kaz’s cleavage. By now, Kaz felt her pussy juicing up. She was afraid to move in case the stranger stopped what she was doing.

  Hesitantly, the stranger carried on. The fingers of her left hand found their way into Kaz’s bra. She cupped the firm, large breast in her big hand, softly squeezing and kneading the fleshy breast. Pulling it out of its bra altogether, she fondled the pert nipples that had hardened and were sticking out like organ stops. Getting no objection from Kaz she pulled out her right breast, manipulating that nipple until it too was standing to attention.

  Kaz was feeling so turned on. She had never felt this way before. Her head was thrown back, her deep blue eyes were closed and she was thrusting her tits forward, to make it as easy as possible for the other girl to get to her.

  The stranger was now kissing the back of her neck. With her big strong hands, she turned Kaz round so they were facing each other.

  Bending her head, she placed her mouth over Kaz’s right tit, taking the stiffened nipple into her mouth. Gently she sucked on it, pulling on it, until it became elongated. Moving her mouth across to the left nipple, she sucked on it until it matched the right one.

  She then let her hand wander down Kaz’s flat belly, her fingers reached Kaz’s Mound of Venus, and her big hand covered it.

  Kaz gasped. Her pussy was throbbing and she knew the crutch of her knickers was getting soaked with her juices.

  ‘Shall I carry on?’ the stranger said in her ear.

ease don’t stop,’ Kaz whispered.

  Gently pushing Kaz against the wall, the stranger went down on her knees. She slid her hands up Kaz’s hips, hooking her fingers into the waistband of her knickers; she rolled them down until they were at her ankles.

  ‘Come on, Sweetheart, step out of them.’ She nudged Kaz’s legs apart, revealing the thick thatch of black hair and with her probing finger she found her engorged and throbbing clit and began to stroke it gently.

  She replaced her finger with her tongue and began sucking on the wet swollen and squishy clit.

  Kaz had a buzzing in her ears. She felt her whole pussy tingling and, oh, how she wanted this feeling to carry on for ever.

  ‘My God, you’re so wet,’ said the stranger, going back to sucking Kaz’s clit.

  Kaz was finding it difficult to stay upright and she began to sag.

  Noticing this, the stranger withdrew her finger from Kaz’s steaming slit and said, ‘Lie down, Sweetheart.’ She helped her to lie on the carpeted floor of the changing room Taking off her jacket, she rolled it up and placed it under Kaz’s head as a pillow.

  Then kneeling beside Kaz, she cupped her face between her hands and put her mouth over Kaz’s, her tongue exploring her mouth, Kaz could taste herself on the stranger’s tongue.

  Taking her tongue out of Kaz’s mouth – she left a wet trail behind her as she moved her tongue down her body – causing Kaz to gasp and wriggle, as her whole body seemed to come alive and tingled.

  ‘Are you enjoying this, Sweetheart?’ the stranger asked.

  ‘Yes, oh yes,’

  ‘Great, so am I.’ She again gave her full attention to Kaz’s throbbing pussy.

  Putting her finger into the wet interior she again began to rub the pulsating clit, gently at first, speeding up, as Kaz’s muscles started squeezing on her finger.

  ‘I-I’m going to come,’ Kaz said.

  The stranger while still strumming on Kaz’s clit had put a finger into Kaz’s pleasure hole, moving it in and out.


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