Knight Moves Book 3

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Knight Moves Book 3 Page 5

by KB Winters

  “Are you coming or not?” Bennett asked, impatience rising in his tone.

  “Why should I?” I slammed the spoon back to the counter, splattering chili in a messy ring where it landed. “Fuck!”

  “Because it’s your job, your duty.”

  “Duty? Don’t give me that bullshit, Marshon.” I scrubbed the mess with a kitchen towel, and while I railed against Bennett’s statement, I knew he was right. Technically, I’d told Boss I would finish the job, and I hadn’t held up that bargain if there was more to be done.

  “Listen, Ryk, I know this isn’t what you want, but please, we need you. Come on, get on a plane, I’ll buy the first round when we put these bastards away for good.”

  I sagged down, bracing my arm on the counter. “Text me the info for the flight.”

  “Will do! See ya soon, man.”

  Bennett clicked off the line, and before I even sat down to eat—not that my appetite was there anymore—I had a text with all the flight details. I smirked at the irony that I’d just been at the airport the morning before, dropping off Everlie, and now, less than forty-eight hours later, I’d be making my way back. My sarcastic smile fell as I started contemplating what I was going to tell Everlie. She hadn’t expected a visit from me for at least a month. How was I supposed to explain I was coming into town but couldn’t spend much time with her? I’d have to come up with yet another story…another lie.

  The idea turned my stomach sour and I pushed away the still steaming bowl of chili. I was so tired of lying to her, of telling half-truths, and making excuses, each one more flimsy than the last. It was time to stop the cycle. If Everlie and I had any shot at a real future together, I had to tell her the real reason I’d been in Vegas, and the truth behind my sudden return.

  I got up from the table and went out to the back deck, Bowie close on my heels. I stared out over the expanse of land, dark and quiet, a crescent moon silently looking down on the empty fields. If Everlie was beside me, I’d have her in my arms, watching the sky together. God, I was turning into a pussy.

  I smiled anyways, no longer caring if my rough exterior was melting away. I knew I was a well-trained SEAL. Technically a badass. But, no one else’s opinion mattered. Except Everlies. And God knew she was worth turning into a marshmallow for. That’s what she deserved. A true gentleman who would take care of her and provide the life she deserved.

  All except for the times when she deliberately told me to drop the gentleman routine…a shudder ran through me at the thought of having her in my bed, in the back of my truck, along the creek side. Her naked body washed in starlight and mine for the taking. Each time we’d been together, she’s unleashed a little more, letting herself go as she turned over control to me.

  She was perfect.

  I dialed her number and sank down to the top step on the deck. I scratched Bowie’s ears as I waited for her to pick up, wondering where she was, what she was doing, and, even more curious about what she was wearing.

  “Ryker!” She answered, her voice shaky, like she was out of breath. My mind flashed to her beneath me, moaning and panting with pleasure. I blinked the image away and shifted my focus, the reminder of what I was really calling to tell her hit me like a bucket of cold water to the face.

  “Hey gorgeous. What are you up to?”

  “I’m at the gym, actually. The choreographer emailed over a list of workout routines to prep me for rehearsals. I guess they didn’t want me sitting around for three weeks eating chips and chocolate all day.” She laughed and I smiled at her easy and bright tone. She sounded happy.

  “Well, I have something I wanted to talk to you about, but I can call back since you’re working.”

  “No, no, I’m just wrapping up. Go ahead.”

  I rubbed the back of my neck with my free hand. “It can wait. I’ll give you the short version. I’m flying back to Vegas tomorrow.”

  Silence reverberated back at me and I wondered if she dropped the phone. “You’re coming to visit? Already?”

  I laughed at her obvious shock. “Yeah, it’s a little complicated. Listen, Everlie, I’ll explain everything once I get into town. Can we do dinner tomorrow night? It might have to be kinda late, but I want to see you as soon as I can.”

  “Umm, sure. Yeah. Just, uh, call me, I guess?”

  “I will. I promise. I can’t believe I get to see you tomorrow.”

  She laughed, although there was an uncertain quality to it. “Me either!”

  We talked for another ten minutes, and then she had to go finish her work out and get home. Tori and her had plans to go out for dinner. We said goodbye and I stayed out on the back porch for what felt like hours, staring out into the night, until Bowie came over and nudged me with his nose, whining to go back inside and warm up.

  “Okay boy,” I said, pushing up from the wooden deck.

  It was time to come clean.

  Before I left Vegas, Everlie would know the truth.

  All of it.

  Chapter Eight


  An uneasy feeling settled over me as I waited for Ryker’s call the next evening. I was happy we’d be together again—especially since I’d expected it to be at least a month or two before he’d be able to leave the ranch and come visit. But, no matter how thrilled I was, there was a small doubt nagging at me. I had no idea why he was coming into town so suddenly, and considering he had something else going on, I knew it wasn’t a trip to see me. Or, at least, not exclusively.

  The entire situation was bizarre and confusing. I was pacing the living room when Tori emerged from her bedroom, decked out in her work makeup. “Still no call?” I shook my head. Tori came into the living room, fished a pair of her shoes from the cubbies by the front door, and sat on the couch to slip into the sling back heels. “And you really have no idea why he’s here?”

  “Nope. The whole thing is so weird.”

  “Maybe he just missed you.” She stood up once her shoes were on and made her way to the mirror by the front door to check her appearance once more.

  “Maybe,” I replied, though I remained unconvinced. If he was truly just coming to see me, he would have let me pick him up at the airport, he would have agreed to stay with me, instead of the hotel he’d stayed at the last time he was in town.

  “Well, kitten, as much as I’d love to stay and say hi to your beau, I gotta jet. One of our girls, Cassandra, hasn’t shown up in a couple days and I gotta fill in.” Tori rolled her eyes but the truth was she loved her job as a dancer and there was no way she would trade it for any other profession. She said she was “born to burlesque”. I’d told her that burlesque wasn’t a verb, but she didn’t care.

  “Cassandra? The girl you were…dating?” I asked, not entirely sure what title—if any—Tori had with her newest fling.

  “Mmhmm. The very same. I don’t know what happened to her, she just dropped off the face of the earth.”

  I meshed my fingers together. “Wow. I’m sorry.”

  Tori shrugged and blew me an air kiss. “No worries. More for me! Anyway, tell Ryker hi, and have fun.” She winked and disappeared out the front door before I could reply.

  Fortunately, I didn’t have to wait in the silent apartment much longer. Ryker called a few minutes after Tori’s departure and let me know he’d be swinging by the apartment, within the hour, to pick me up. He sounded tired on the phone, and while I knew how grueling a day of travel could be, something told me there was so much more going on and the longer it took for me to find out what it was—the more frustrated and anxious I became.

  My body was buzzing with anticipation when Ryker finally knocked on the front door. As confused and frustrated as I was over his secrecy, I couldn’t help but smile and leap into his arms when I swung the door open and found him standing there with a gorgeous bouquet of pink and white flowers. “Hey gorgeous,” he drawled, still hanging onto the country twang he’d been developing during my visit.

  I took the flowers and let him gather me
in his arms. It felt like heaven being back in his arms, so safe and secure, nestled against his chest, but I couldn’t relax. When he released me, his face changed, and I figured he’d felt my uncertainty as well. “Everything okay?” I nodded and turned to take the handful of steps to the kitchen. I fished around in a tall cabinet for a proper vase to put the arrangement in.


  My shoulders sagged, knowing I’d run out of time to stall. I laid the bouquet on the counter and turned back to face Ryker. “I’m all right, babe. Happy to see you, of course! I’m just…confused. I don’t know what you’re doing back so soon.”

  His face darkened and the small pit of doubt in my stomach expanded to a full wave of panic. Something was definitely wrong. I braced myself against the counter, as though clinging to its smooth edge would anchor me against whatever Ryker was about to say.

  “Let’s go get some dinner, and I’ll explain everything.” He glanced down the hall before finding my gaze again.

  “Tori’s not here,” I said. “Is it about Bennett?”

  Ryker sighed, something heavy weighing it down, like the breath was hard to get out. “Yes and no. Everything’s going to be fine.” He crossed the kitchen and took me in his arms.

  I made a concentrated effort to relax and nodded against his chest. “Okay. Let’s go to dinner.”

  “Okay. What sounds good?” He asked, looking down into my eyes. He brushed a stray wisp of hair away from my eyes. The gesture was so sweet and pure that I practically melted, setting aside my worries for a moment, and wallowed into the sheer pleasure of being with Ryker.

  “How about room service?” I asked, giving him a seductive smile. With his body pressed against mine, and our lips just a hint away from each other, it was all I could do to keep my hands from ripping off his shirt right there in my kitchen.

  “Room service sounds excellent,” Ryker growled in response, his eyes flashing with desire.

  * * * *

  We drove to Ryker’s hotel, with all intentions to order food and talk—but the second we fell through the doorway—all thoughts and plans for dinner vanished. Our lips and bodies were so hungry for each other, Ryker’s shirt was on the couch, and my fingers were at the fly of his jeans, before he even got the bolt latched. It was a different kind of room than he’d had before. Instead of a suite, it was a normal, king sized room, with a bed, dresser, and matching entertainment set. We crashed down onto the bed and became a tornado of discarded clothes, hot, searing kisses, and am urgent search of each other, as though it had been years—not days—since the last time we’d been together.

  I wasn’t in the mood for Ryker’s normal, slow tease. I was already craving him and wanted him inside me. I needed him to fill me and to be a part of him. I rolled on top of him, my thighs straddling his, pinning his hips to the bed. I lowered myself onto his strong cock, letting him fill me entirely before I rocked back and explored all the different angles and sensations our bodies could make together. Impatience got the best of me, each stride a new wave, taking me higher and higher. Ryker’s eyes were wide, and dark, watching me with captivated intent that made me feel like a goddess. I was under no illusions. I knew Ryker had bedded many women in his life, but when we came together, all of that fell away. The way he looked at me told me everything I needed to know. He wanted me. He thought I was beautiful, sexy, powerful.

  “God, I’m so ready,” I told him, my voice thick. I arched back and let his hands take over, guiding my hips in a frenzied, desperate pace, rocking back and forth, until I couldn’t stand it anymore. My body went tight, like a rubber band, and then released with a shudder. I moaned Ryker’s name over and over, not caring if anyone could hear me. Ryker found his release on the chase of my own, and the pulsing inside me was a delicious finish as I collapsed down against his chest, my body slick and exhausted.

  I had no intention of moving—possibly never again—when three loud bangs on the door started me into an upright position. I twisted to look over my shoulder and then back at Ryker. His face was hard, his jaw clenched, and his eyes blazing.

  Three more bangs followed up the first series, and I rolled off of Ryker and wrapped the sheet around my body. Was there a fire? Some kind of hotel emergency?

  “Go into the bathroom,” Ryker said, his voice tight and clipped, leaving no room for objection.

  I gathered the rest of the large sheet and dragged it with me into the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it for good measure. My hands braced against the cool door, wishing it had a peephole so I could see what was happening on the other side.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Ryker’s voice carried, loud and booming. He obviously knew whoever was interrupting our evening, and from his tone of voice, didn’t care for whoever it was.

  “Working,” the other voice grit back. “From the looks of it, you’ve been…playing.”

  My cheeks went hot.

  “Tell me what you want and then get out. Fuck, Marshon, I have a phone. You don’t need to come kicking down my fucking door!”

  Bennett? My heart raced even harder, slamming into my chest. What did he want? All my questions about Ryker’s sudden return to Vegas rushed to the surface, the frustration right along with them. I slipped into a white hotel robe, cinched it tight, and stormed out into the room.

  Bennett’s eyes snapped to me and his face twisted into a mix between a smirk and a grimace. Ryker had thrown on his underwear and swirled around on his heel to glare at me. I was obviously not supposed to be there. There was a reason he’d insisted I hide out in the bathroom. My eyes went back to Bennett and my breath caught in my throat at the logo on his black jacket.


  In bright, unmistakable yellow lettering.


  My eyes flew back to Ryker. “What the hell is going on here?”

  Bennett was the first to speak. “Oh my God, you haven’t told her?”

  Ryker pinched his eyes closed. “I was just about to.”

  “Oh, I can see that,” Bennett retorted, his tone dripping with sarcasm as he gave a meaningful glance at the discarded clothing that littered the floor in front of the bed. He chuckled to himself and the flare in Ryker’s eyes had me taking a step back towards the bathroom.

  “Get out,” Ryker snapped at Bennett.

  Bennett glared at Ryker, but backed off after a brief stare down. He paused, his hand on the door. “When you’re finished here, pick up your fucking phone. We have work to do.”

  Ryker didn’t get a chance to reply before he ripped the door open and left the room. The heavy door closed behind him, the latching a hollow, echoing sound, in the tense silence between Ryker and me.

  “We?” I tore my eyes from the door. “We have work to do? You’re in the—”

  I stopped. The rest of the sentence was too ridiculous.

  “Everlie…listen…” Ryker’s voice was calm and in control. “I was going to tell you everything tonight. Right after dinner,” he started, ignoring the fact we’d never made it to dinner. “There’s really no easy way to explain, so I’ll just be blunt. Bennett and I weren’t here on vacation. We’re both FBI contractors, fresh out of the academy, and working our first real mission, here in Vegas.”

  A hollow, mirthless laugh escaped from my mouth. It dissolved into insane giggles and I covered my mouth before sinking down to the bed. “Wait…wait. So, you’re an ex-Navy SEAL, turned FBI contractor, who runs a ranch on the side? Yeah. If you believe that, I have some ocean front property in Arizona for sale.”

  Ryker scoffed and raked a hand over his hair. “Everlie, seriously, I realize how this sounds.”

  “Do you?” I snapped, the giggles evaporating. “Do you really?”

  I bolted up from the bed and started gathering my clothes. “This is insane…Ryker.”

  “Ev,” Ryker said, grabbing my arm before I could reach my top. “Please, hear me out.”

  I jerked my arm away, grabbed the top, and retreated back to the bathroom wit
h my armful of clothing. Ryker let me go inside and I fought back tears as I struggled to get back into my clothes, my distracted mind making my fingers clumsy. When I left, Ryker had also finished dressing, and was waiting for me by the door. “Everlie, please, you have to believe me. I’ve wanted to come clean this whole time, but because of the mission, I couldn’t say anything. You have no idea how much it was killing me to not be able to tell you everything. But, the parts about my life as a SEAL, and my past, on the ranch, all of that is true.”

  All of the pieces worked together in my mind. It was like a puzzle had been dumped out on a table, and I was working to get them together so I could make sense of anything.

  “I’m done with everything—or, at least, I’m supposed to be,” Ryker continued. “When we brought in the group of bozos we’d been watching, with—for the FBI, I handed over my resignation. I’m not going to do this anymore. I wanted to tell you, I wanted to move back to the ranch, and start my life—with you.”

  “Then, what are you doing here? And why didn’t you tell me? I was at the ranch for a whole week and you didn’t breathe a word of this! Is it more fun this way? It’s like you’ve made a game out of blindsiding me. This has happened over and over again, Ryker. It’s lie after lie with you.” I started to shake my head. “I can’t do this.”

  My heart wrenched, folding in on itself at the words.

  “I’m sorry,” I added, barely able to eek the words out.

  Ryker grabbed me and tried to hold me, but I wriggled away and made an attempt for the door. “Everlie, wait! Please! Let me explain. I’ll answer all of your questions, I swear.”

  “You’ve had more than enough chances, Ryker Knight-Newman. The worst part about this is…I let you in, like really let myself fall, like some idiot and I trusted you. I thought you’d be there to catch me, no matter what happened next. I’m making these scary, big, life changing decisions, and you know why? Because of you. Because you gave me the confidence and the strength to pursue my dream. You were so supportive and encouraging and after the time at the ranch…” My voice carried away as I got lost in a sea of memories. Each flashing emotion sharper and more painful than the last. My eyes swelled with tears and I frantically brushed them away, not wanting Ryker to see them falling down my cheeks. “I knew you’d be there, no matter what. I was almost hoping things didn’t work out with the show, so I could go to the ranch and be with you. God, I’m so stupid!”


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