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Knight Moves Book 3

Page 13

by KB Winters

  I jumped, startled to find him awake and my cheeks went red hot. I extracted my hands from his body and did my best to keep them to myself—which was impossible in such a small bed. “Good morning.”

  “It’s about to be,” he growled, rolling and pinning me under his naked body.

  When we finally stumbled out of bed and into the shower, it was nearing lunch time. My heart sank as I remembered what Ryker had said the day before. He had a flight to catch. I couldn’t remember the specific time, but I knew it was rapidly sneaking up on us. He sauntered into the kitchen as I was pouring two cups of coffee from the French press carafe.

  “Mmmm, that smells amazing.” He wrapped an arm around my waist as he came up from behind me and smelled my neck. “So does the coffee.”

  “Smooth,” I replied, rolling my eyes playfully. “Here.”

  He released me and took the cup I offered him. He paused at the counter to doctor it up with milk and a drizzle of honey, before joining me at the table. “What’s your plan for today?”

  His question threw me off. Without a job, I had nowhere to be, and now that Tori was gone, that stress had been lifted as well. I was left with a clear calendar for the first time in years. It wouldn’t stay that way for long. At some point, I’d need to hire movers, rent a storage space for all of Tori’s belongings, and start working on my own move back to Kentucky. But, all of that faded as I looked across the table into Ryker’s eyes. “I’m not really sure. I could uhm, give you a ride to the airport.”

  “Aha. So, you’ve had your fun and now it’s time to shuffle me off?” Ryker’s eyes were bright with an amused glow. “Seriously, though, Ev. What’s next? When are you leaving to go back to Kentucky?”

  I sighed. “I don’t really know. I just made the decision a couple of days ago. I need to call my mother and see if she knows of any spaces available to lease so I can start my own studio. And, I’ll need to find my own apartment because there’s no way I’m staying with her and her husband.”

  Ryker nodded and looked down at his coffee, considering my words as he swirled the dark, steaming contents. “Well, if that’s what you really want, then just let me know if I can help in any way. I know a few people out that way. I could make some calls.”

  “I’ll let you know. Hey, we’ll practically be neighbors,” I joked, desperate to lighten the mood again.

  “If you want, I did have a plan B that you might be interested in.” I set down my own mug and waited for him to continued. “Miss Darcy’s dance academy, the little studio that I showed you when you were visiting, sure looks like it could use a little love. I think we could even find someone who would let you stay with them while you get everything up and running.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath. Was he saying what I thought he was saying? “Ryker…I…”

  He abandoned his mug and reached for my hands, taking them in his from across the table. His thumbs brushed the back of my knuckles with a lover’s caress. “I’m serious, Ev. I want you with me. I can’t imagine us not being together and now that that show is out of the picture and you can move wherever you want, I want you with me. Come to Oklahoma.”

  His steady voice was spiked with a subtle twinge of urgency, as though his life depended on my answer being yes. I wanted to say yes, so badly. To let myself fall into the beautiful, serene picture he painted with his words. But, struggled to let myself fall into the world he wanted to create with me. “I don’t have that kind of money, Ryker. I’d have no way to rent it. As it is, I’m going to have to ask my mother’s husband for a loan. The only way I’m going to get that is if I move home, or at least, Kentucky. Oklahoma is—”

  “Everlie, this isn’t about money,” he interrupted. “This is about us. If you want to be with me, and come to Oklahoma, and be with me on the ranch, and build some dreams, then we’ll make it happen. This isn’t about your bank account, Ev. It’s about your heart. What do you want?”

  My hands shook, but Ryker only held them tighter. “I want to be with you, Ryker. I do.”

  A slow, relieved smile spread across Ryker’s face and my heart jolted into overdrive as I smiled back, matching his growing excitement. “Then, let’s get you packed!”

  “Really? Just like that?”

  Ryker stood and pulled me up from the table. He cupped my face in his hands and brushed my cheeks with his thumbs. “Just like that. I love you, Everlie Harmon.”

  “I love you too, Ryker.”

  He kissed me soft and sweet, but with a hint of heat that was a secret promise for what would come later. When we broke apart, he kept his hands on my face like I was a treasured jewel. “In all this madness, we’ve spent way too much time missing each other and being alone, scared and confused. So, let’s not waste one more day.”


  * * * *

  ~The End~

  Woo-hoo! We hoped you LOVED Everlie and Ryker! Can’t get enough of the super sexy Navy SEAL? As a big thank you to our subscribers, we’re giving away the never to be releasedKnight Moves Exclusive Bonus Chapters for FREE!

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  Down and Dirty

  by Evie Monroe

  Being a single dad isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but I’ll do anything for my little girl. Taking care of Jade and keeping food on the table is top priority for me.

  Then there’s Violet. Damn! She’s hot as hell, rich, stuck up and irrational. Just my kind of girl.

  I’ll show her how a real man can make her feel. Give her a tune-up. Get down, get dirty and make her beg for more.

  If you love dirty-talking mechanics, you’ll LOVE this instalove novella!

  Down and Dirty is a standalone story. No cliffhangers, no cheating, just kindle-melting happily ever afters!

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  * * * *

  Alice and the Hatter

  Once Upon A Beast A Dirty Fairytale

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  Plush - A Billionaire Romance Series

  Plush The Prequel: A Billionaire Romance

  Plush Book 1: A Billionaire Romance

  Plush Book 2: A Billionaire Romance

  Plush Book 3: A Billionaire Romance

  Plush Book 4: A Billionaire Romance

  SEAL’d Perfection A Navy SEAL Romance Series

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  SEAL’d Perfection Book 2: A Navy SEAL Romance

  SEAL’d Perfection Book 3: A Navy SEAL Romance

  SEAL’d Perfection Book 4: A Navy SEAL Romance

  SEAL’d Perfection Book 5: A Navy SEAL Romance

  Knight Moves Series

  Knight Moves Book 1

  Knight Moves Book 2

  Knight Moves Book 3

  Dirty Duet

  Dirty Liar: An Irish Mob Romance

  Dirty Truth: An Irish Mob Romance

  Special Forces Series





  A Soldier For Christmas

  CAOS MC Series






  The Elite Military Romance Series

  Parts 1-5 Box Set Bundle

  Parts 1-9 Box Set Bundle



  Slow Burn

  On The Run


  Reckless Bastards MC Series

  Beautifully Broken

  Sinfully Scarred

  Deliciously Damaged

  Wonderfully Wrecked

  Heavenly Hacked

  Creatively Crushed

  Holiday Havoc

  Connelly Crime Family Trilogy

  Four Nights Forever

  One More Night

  Timeless Passion A Billionaire Romance

  Timeless Passion Book 1

  Timeless Passion Book 2

>   Timeless Passion Book 3

  Timeless Passion Box Set Bundle

  Football Duet

  Big Time

  Show Time

  Bad Boys Of Summer Series

  Bring The Heat

  Sweet Spot

  Spring Training


  Filthy Rich Bastard: A Fake Marriage Romance

  Happily Ethan After: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

  Line of Fire: A Navy SEAL Second Chance Romance

  Northern Lights - A Novel

  Wolf Me Baby

  Fate Interrupted


  Fairy Tales

  Alice And The Hatter

  My First Second Chance

  Once Upon A Beast

  Dreams Come True Boxset

  Holiday Fun


  Santa Baby

  Three Under The Tree

  Evie’s Books

  Knight Moves Series

  Knight Moves Book 1

  Knight Moves Book 2

  Knight Moves Book 3


  Filthy Rich Bastard: A Fake Marriage Romance

  Northern Lights

  Wolf Me Baby

  Fairy Tales

  Alice And The Hatter

  My First Second Chance

  Once Upon A Beast

  Dreams Come True: A Dirty Billionaire Box Set

  Steel Cobras MC






  Thank you so much for making our books a success! We appreciate our readers! Come chat with us in our FB Group, Bitches, Babes and Bad Decisions! We’d love to hear from you!

  Thanks to all of our beta readers, street team, ARC readers and Facebook fans. You folks are the best!

  And a huge very special thanks to Jessie! Without you, we’d all be a hot mess! (like we aren’t already!!) Thank you! *kisses*

  Copyright © 2016 BookBoyfriends Publishing LLC

  About The Authors

  KB Winters has an addiction to caffeine, tattoos and hard-bodied alpha males. The men in her books are very sexy, protective and sometimes bossy, her ladies are…well…bossier!

  Living in sunny Southern California, the embarrassingly hopeless romantic writes every chance she gets!

  Evie Monroe also lives in Southern California and when KB asked her to co-author her next books, Evie was ecstatic! Together, they’ve penned a few collaborations, Temporary Assignment, Knight Moves, Northern Lights. And the first KB/Evie Shifter book (that’s like NO OTHER) Wolf Me Baby!

  Thanks for taking a little bit of your day to spend it with us!







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