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Valaisha Defenders: An Incredible Fantasy (Gateway Trilogy Book 2)

Page 12

by Lara Rose Lee

  “And the only way to open the doors?” My mother asked.

  “The power of the shield is designed to open all the doors,” Al said as we all looked around the massive room. It was almost triple the size of the first chamber.

  My mother shook her head, “How were they to know what the new ability would be to open the door?”

  Al looked at my mother, “As you know I am more than a hologram, I am able to adapt around me as well as adapting the door to open only with your shield.”

  My mom nodded in understanding. “And you are to continue, to be my teacher to control this. Am I right?”

  “Once the shield opened this door I can now travel to the other rooms to be your teacher, yes.” Al said, “Now your majesty, let us begin.”

  “Before we do, yesterday we created a shield bomb using the light and my shield. I thought you should know.”

  Al looked in thought, “Your Majesty, you already learned what I was to teach you in later lessons, how did you learn that lesson?”

  “It was Bryden. He seemed to know somehow.”

  Al looked over to Bryden and walked over and around Bryden, seeming to study him. “Al?” Bryden asked puzzled at his behavior.

  Al walked back to his position and stiffened. We all looked at each other, and it was my mother who spoke. “He is going through his databanks researching. He is researching, as to how you knew this lesson.” My mother smiled, “Sometimes this could take a little time. He has a huge databank of information.”

  “The second prophecy made no mention of anyone with knowledge to help the light and shield; this is all new,” Al said once he was done searching.

  “Of course, there isn’t.” said a voice from behind us in the first training room. We all turned to see who it was and I recognized the Prophet himself.

  “Who are you?” My mother asked.

  “It is the prophet, Elijah,” I said.

  “Elijah?” My mother said.

  “Yes, Your Majesty. I am Elijah, and I come with a message.” He walked over to my mother and Bryden who was standing next to my mother. He laid his hands on each of their heads before continuing. “The Lord God has blessed you both with a gift to work together as one.” He then walked over to Galen and me and placed his hands on our heads. “You two were blessed with the gift of the light of God.”

  He stepped back a little and said, “God will be with you four as you do His battle for peace. Trust in Him, and he will guide you four to work together as a strong weapon against your enemies.”

  He turned towards Bryden, “You are blessed with a gift of knowledge for battle strategy and on how to use the light with the shield.” He turned to my mother, “You have a gift of the power of the shield. And you both…” He turned towards Galen and me. “Have the light of God and the flaming swords of angels.” He stood back and looked at us all. “You four are the key to end this war. Continue to work together, and at the right time you will know what to do.” He suddenly was gone in a flaming light, and we looked at each other.

  “That was the Prophet you three seen before?” We all nodded at my mother’s question. “And he sent you three to rescue me that day I was kidnapped.” It was more of a statement than a question.

  Bryden wrapped his arm around my mother’s waist. “Yes, he did.”

  “Okay then, Al? Let us begin training.” My mother said getting ready to begin.

  “Your majesty since you already know about the shield bomb I need to teach you to control them,” Al said turning towards the back of the room where there were targets that were set up.

  “What do you mean?” My mother asked Al.

  “This entire room is flameproof.” That really shouldn’t have surprised us, but it did.

  “Umm, okay then. Do you want to see a shield bomb?” My mother asked.

  “Yes, your Majesty, I want you to send one to that center target.”

  “Okay then. Come on Galen, Rayna, let’s do this.” And we did only a small version of the shield bomb, and my mother missed the target by a few inches.

  “Again,” Al said, as we re-aligned to do it again.

  Bryden walked over to my mother and stood behind her taking her hands to guide them like as if she were ready to throw. “You need to see the target like this before you throw.” He suggested and stepped back giving her room.

  My mother created the small shield, and we put the light inside. My mother aimed as Bryden showed her and this time she hit the target right in the middle. We all cheered, and my mother flew into Bryden’s arms, and as he lifted her, she kissed him. I was so happy to see her finally happy. Galen came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. “This is going to work, all four of us working together as the Prophet said.” He said over my head.

  “Yes, God is with us,” I said watching my mother in Bryden’s arms hugging him tight and the two laughing together.

  13 shield training

  We continued the training the rest of the day until we got it perfected. We only took breaks long enough to eat lunch then back to practice again.

  “Okay, I have an idea.” My mother began after we ended a practice session. “What if you Galen pretend to be fighting with Rayna and Bryden?”

  He looked at my mother, “I know where you are going with this.” He said. “You want to recreate the scene you saw in the vision.”

  “I need to know and learn I would be able to protect her with the shield. This new room is long enough and large enough to recreate it.” My mother turned and walked over to the wall that has the panel that turns Al on and off. She did something before turning him on.

  “Your Majesty. You want to learn to control the shield to protect Queen Rayana.” He said as he came online.

  “Yes, Al I do.” My mother said.

  “Alright, then, let us begin.”

  We all went into the position my mother saw in her vision. Galen and I were in acting like we are fighting and my mother wanted it realistic, so we used the moment as a practice also. Bryden was to be the man that saw his moment to sneak up on me as I was busy fighting. And of course, my mother was battling a man when she turned and saw me get stabbed.

  According to my mother’s vision, she had no time to yell a warning to me or use her shield, so the scenario now will be my mom’s training to be faster at pulling a shield in time to protect me.

  “Okay, let us begin training one.” Al began. Galen and I started to play fighting with my back to Bryden, and he began sneaking up towards me, and Al is to let my mother know when it was time she is to turn and watch me get stabbed.

  As soon as my mother heard Al’s queue she turned and reached her hand out quickly, and nothing happened, and I felt Bryden’s pretend knife in my back.

  “Al, nothing happened!?” My mother sounded frustrated. “My daughter would be dead.”

  “Your Majesty, let us focus on you being able to create the shield fast first before attempting the recreation.”

  “Alright. What do I need to do?” My mother asked.

  “First off, Your Majesty, you need to stop trying so hard. The shield needs to be a part of you, like an extension of who you are as that is what it is. Relax and just let it flow. Once you get that down you will be able to control it much faster.” Al said to my mother; I saw her breathing to relax. She had her eyes closed and breathing slowly.

  We all watched her and wondered what she planned to do. She was facing Al when she quickly turned towards the target and swung her arm with her other hand in front, and the shield punched through the target. She stood up and said to Al, “Like that?”

  “Yes, just like that. Well done Your Majesty.” He praised her.

  “Okay, but that was using the shield as a weapon to punch. What about shielding another person?” My mother asked.

  “The same principle only use your mind to control the intensity of the impact to shield another.”

  “So, the shield is controlled by me and my mind.” My mother said to Al. “Okay then, let
me try. Galen, there will be only one way to know if the shield will work. Have your blazing sword ready and when I say, aim, your fire at the target on that wall.”

  “Okay,” He drew his sword out, and my mom did the same as before to be quick, and before she sent the shield, she said. “Now.” To Galen, and he shot the flames out, and before it hit the target, the shield was there, and went around the flames. My mom smiled, and as Galen stopped the fire, my mom released the shield.

  “Okay, I have that down, now I need to be faster.” She looked back at us. “Let us continue to pract…” she stopped and stared off for a moment, then smiled. “We did it.” She said suddenly. She looked up at us and continued, “We changed the future. I was fast enough. But, for me to be that fast, we need to continue with the practice.”

  Galen hugged me tightly, and it was then I realized he was just as concerned about that vision as my mom. “Oh, thank God.” He said as he held me.

  “I hadn’t realized you were that concerned,” I said as he held me.

  “I trust your mother’s visions. Yes, I was deeply concerned and was all for her learning to control the shield.” Galen said still holding me.

  I looked over at my mother, Bryden was holding her from behind, and both were smiling as they watched the scene with Galen and me. I smiled at them and pulled gently away. “Then let’s get to practicing,” I said.

  After a full day of practicing it was late night, and we all were exhausted as we walked out of the training rooms, but we accomplished a lot today, and my mother improved her speed with her shield. We are all feeling more confident and collapsed in the sitting room, and the servants came in with drinks for us.

  “That was pretty awesome,” I said of our practice. “It was a good thing the room is fireproof,” I said laughing at a mistake of ours that went wrong.

  “That was pretty funny though. The look on our faces afterward was priceless, I am sure.” My mother added laughing.

  Sobering from laughing Bryden added, “Tomorrow we need to be much more careful. How about we invite Kieran to join us and let’s see what strategies we can do with her strength and speed.”

  “Great idea. I haven’t seen her much these days.” My mom said.

  Bryden smiled, “Seems she and her trainer are hitting it off. Getting serious.”

  “We need to invite him to dinner sometime.” My mom suggested. “How is she doing in her training?”

  “According to Kieran, she is doing good.” Bryden said standing and stretching, “Well it is very late. I think we should retire and get a nice early start, at practice tomorrow. I will leave a message and have Kieran join us.”

  “Great idea.” My mom said as she took Bryden’s hand he extended to her to help her up. My mom gave us a hug, and together she and Bryden went upstairs.

  Galen and I soon followed, and we both took a leisurely shower together, and after, I fell fast asleep in the arms of my man.

  The next morning, we were all dressed in our training gear, and Kieran was there with us. I hugged her as I said, “Haven’t seen you in a while. How’s it going with your trainer?” I asked her with a wink.

  She laughed, “I think I am falling for him. He is so handsome and good at his training. We talk all the time and have a lot in common.” She said all beaming.

  “You ready to train with us today, Kier?” Galen asked as my mom opened the secret door.

  “You bet I am.” She smiled and walked through with us all. She had not known about the second secret room and was puzzled as to why we stopped and watched my mom until she opened the door with her shield. “Wow, I never seen you use your shield and what is with this other room?” She said amazed.

  “It is a fireproof room for us to practice our shield bombs,” Galen said to Kieran as she looked around.

  “What shield bomb?” Kieran asked.

  Galen smiled, “Come on let’s show her.” We walked over, and my mom created a shield, Galen and I created our light and pointed it into the shield and my mother using how Bryden taught her to throw, threw the shield bomb and hit the target and it exploded.

  “Oh wow, that is impressive,” Kieran said in complete awe.

  “Can you show us what you have learned Kieran?” Asked Bryden.

  “I can show you the speed, but the strength I wouldn’t want to break your training equipment,” Kieran said as she looked around.

  “What have you learned to do with your speed?” Her dad asked.

  She smiled, “This.” She took off so fast we couldn’t see her, just a blur. Did I see her defy gravity and run on the walls and ceiling?

  I began laughing as I realized I was seeing what I thought I was seeing. I could hear her voice echo in laughter with me. “That is amazing Kieran,” I said as she ran around us and finally stopped and wasn’t even out of breath. She hugged me and laughed in delight.

  “That was very good, Kieran,” My mother said, “You learned to defy gravity.”

  “Yes, Cedrick is a wonderful trainer,” Kieran said smiling.

  “So, he has a name,” I said teasing her.

  She laughed and said, “Yes that is his name, and he is quite handsome with dreamy eyes. He likes me too.”

  “I am happy for you.” And I was.

  “Kieran, why don’t you invite this young man to dinner with us tomorrow evening?” My mother asked.

  “Can I?” She asked excitedly.

  “Yes, of course. We would love to meet him.” My mother said, “Okay now, we do need to continue our practice.”

  And practice we did, a lot of it. We have no idea when the next attack is coming, and we have to be ready. So far it seems there has been an attack on each of our three worlds. My mother has been conversing with Queen Joanita, and she heard nothing more from her informant. It seems to be a matter of waiting and guessing at this point.

  My mother invited us to join them at the dinner she planned with Kieran’s love interest, and we accepted. I had to admit I was curious about him. It is the evening of, and my mother is ensuring all is just right with the meal plan and table settings. It is great watching her in action as it helps me to learn more about being a great queen. She is a great role model for Kieran and me.

  Along with her training, Kieran has also been taking what I call Princess lessons. My mother since last year was the one who taught me to go from princess to queen. I am still learning as I go.

  We were in the sitting room when in walked Kieran and Cedrick. He was about six feet maybe a little under, but not much. He had dark blonde hair and brown eyes and looked nervous to meet us.

  “Cedrick, this is my mom, Shannon and my dad Bryden.” At each introduction, he bowed and addressed them as Your Majesty. “And this is my sister Rayana and my brother in law Galen.” He bowed and addressed us as Your Majesty. “This is Cedrick.” Kieran put her arm through his and smiled up at him.

  “Please Cedrick, no need for formalities here.” My mother said to ease his nervousness.

  He smiled and had a pleasant smile. I can see why Kieran liked him.

  “Cedrick, how is my daughter doing in her training?” Bryden asked him being the father he is.

  “She is doing great. I enjoy training her. The first student, I had that actually listens and does as she is told.” He smiled at Kieran, and one can see he has great admiration for her. She smiled back at him. I feel what is happening is a love connection between the two.

  I can see by my mother’s look she may be a little concerned about it because there is a prodigal as a royal, one has to abide with. If this is as serious as it looks Cedrick’s status may not be suitable for a princess. I can see it in my mother’s eyes.

  “Cedrick, tell us about your family?” My mother asked.

  “My um family?” He sounded still quite nervous. “My surname is Cedrick Jerold Benedik.”

  “Benedik? You are the son of Sir Jerold Benedik who was next in line after me?” Bryden asked.

  “Yes sir, that is right,” Cedrick said.
  “Well then,” Bryden sat back and relaxed. Seems Cedrick through his dad has a status. “I will have to have lunch with your father one day soon.”

  “I am sure he will like that sir.” Cedrick was still quite nervous.

  “No need to call me sir, just Bryden please.” Still trying to get the young man to relax.

  “Yes sir, I mean Bryden.” Kieran squeezed his arm and smiled at him.

  Dinner was announced, and we all went into the dining room. The dinner was simple as it was my father’s favorite meal basseon. I finally got to see this cow-like creature called a caizon. It was furry and funny looking and raised on farms much like cattle farms on earth, to become food. A caizon is about the size of cows and smelly like cows too.

  A basseon is like a stew, served with bread. It has become one of my favorite meals to eat. I am glad for Luziann introducing it to me that day on Earth. After a great dinner, my mother had a lovely sweet dessert served to top it off along with coffee.

  I think this was Cedrick’s first time having coffee as he took a sip and frowned. Kieran leaned over and explained what it was. She then helped him add a little sweetener to it, and he tasted it again and smiled. “I could get used to this,” he said and smiled.

  When finished we all went back into the sitting room, and a servant brought in glasses of drinks for us. It was pleasant, and Cedrick seems to be finally relaxing and even laughing along with us. They did make a cute couple, and Kieran seemed happy.

  A few days later we received a message from my mother about a threatening message. She played us the message as Galen and me, and his parents sat in on a conference call, as we watched it on the big screen. An image appeared on the screen. A man with a mask began speaking.

  “To the Royals on Valaisha, Cainya, and Kaihu. We are the group called ‘True Peace Makers.’ You may have foiled one attempt, but next time we won’t be so careless, and you won’t have any idea when or where we will attack next. We have a bang of a big explosion in the making.” He laughed before continuing, “You all can train all you want; it won’t help you. I promise you; this will be the end of you all!” Then before the video ended, we could hear more laughter.


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