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Valaisha Defenders: An Incredible Fantasy (Gateway Trilogy Book 2)

Page 18

by Lara Rose Lee

  “We need to get out of here. It is not safe.” Bryden said as we ran out of the room and saw more damage around. We headed towards the hall that led downstairs to the dungeon and noticed the closer we got the debris was terrible. As we got to where the door was half off its hinges and opened; we saw it was blocked entirely with stones from the wall and ceiling and other debris. If they were in there, they were trapped.

  “I wish there was a way to contact them and let them know we are here,” I said concerned about the kids. “If they knew they would teleport out to us.”

  Bryden was very quiet, and I wondered why? Then as he kept looking at me, I understood why. I began shaking my head, “No, no I refuse to believe that!” I said and started to yell their names. Then I began to take my shield to push and remove the debris while screaming their names. There was so much debris, and it seemed to go so far into the dungeon, yet I refuse to give up. Just then Bryden began to help me remove the debris.

  “Mom? Dad?” I heard from behind us. I turned and flew into my daughter’s arms.

  “Thank God!” I said as I hugged her. “Were you all in there?” I asked indicating the debris.

  “Yes, we all were until we heard the walls caving in. Galen and I told everyone to hold hands and teleported out just in time.” She explained as I finally loosened my hold on her. “We heard you yelling our name and followed your voice.”

  “We have news for you both, but we need to get the people to safety.” Bryden was saying as we walked back up the steps stepping over debris along the way. Galen was at the top of the stairs waiting.

  “Dad, that was already done. We only came back to see if we missed anyone. Good thing we did too.”

  “We need you two to teleport us to Cainya so that we can tell your parents at the same time.”

  “Okay let’s go then,” Galen said, as we all held hands and teleported to Cainya and the wild storm there. “Mom? Dad?” Galen began to yell.

  “Can you think about them and teleport us to where they are instead of us looking,” I said over a loud crash of thunder that shook us.

  “Good idea.” He said as we took hold of each other’s hands again. Suddenly we were in a cave, and many people were huddled down inside. Galen looked around. “This is Delbert mines.” He said recognizing it. “Has anyone seen my parents?”

  “We are here, son,” Derrik said from the back as he and Kristana made their way towards us.

  After the hugs, Bryden pulled us away from the people to talk privately. “Shannon and I were able to disable the machine on Valaisha. The storm is slowing there.”

  “You located where the machines are?” Derrik said excitedly.

  “We figured the only logical location would be off the coast, due to it would need the water to create the moisture to build up the clouds,” Bryden explained

  Derrik thought then said, “The only island it would be on is the deserted island of Reeva. We could have the kids teleport us there and check it out.”

  “Wait, we need to prepare Because the men on the other island already warned the others. That is why the storm has intensified out there. I am also sure they are preparing for our arrival too.” Bryden said just as the ground began to shake and we began to lose balance, and I felt arms go around me to keep me steady.

  “That is new,” I said because it wasn’t caused by thunder as the ground still shook and slowly began to intensify.

  “How sturdy is this mine?” Bryden asked still keeping me sturdy on my feet.

  “Quite sturdy,” Derrik said as Kristana held onto her husband. And we could hear the people gasping and crying out in fear.

  “We need to destroy those machines now before they destroy our worlds,” Galen said. “We can teleport into the rooms and disable the machines and teleport back out faster than they would catch us. I could take my mom and dad and Rayna, you take your parents, and we will do this at the same time.”

  “Have your abilities ready. How we got out, is because of Shannon’s shield ability. You all should have seen her, she has gotten more powerful with her shield and can control it now as a weapon.” Bryden said sounding proud of what I can do.

  “At least teleporting will be much easier than how we got to Greenbryer island. We flew using my shield as a cover against the storm.” I said trying to keep my balance.

  Just then the ground shaking intensified so intensely that I did lose my balance and fell along with a few others. I tried to stand but couldn’t the rocking was that intensified.

  “We need to go now!” I shouted as it was loud too. Rayna grabbed my hand and Bryden’s, “We will go to Kaihu to the Island of Selian.” I shouted.

  “We will go to Reeva here,” Derrik said as he and his wife and Galen took hold of hands.

  Suddenly we were on the floor in a room with the machine standing in the middle running louder than the one on Valaisha. “They must have it going at full power. That would explain the huge ground quaking.” Bryden said as he stood helping Rayna and me up.

  I looked around and noticed again only one door. “Only one way in or out,” I said. “I will stand guard with my shield ready. You two take down that machine.”

  I stood there with my shield up protecting us as Bryden and Rayna took apart the machine. We suddenly heard rushing footsteps and several men rushing in with laser guns blasting as it bounced off my shield. One man threw a canister in as all the men were wearing masks and smoke came out, but my shield didn’t let the smoke come through. Rayna grabbed my arm as I had to keep the shield up and took Bryden’s hand and teleported us out of there and to Valaisha.

  Kieran came in through the door and ran over and gave Rayna a big hug. It warms my heart seeing how they have accepted each other as sisters. Suddenly a little boy of about three came in with Cedrick rushing behind him. The little boy ran right into me, and I knelt down to his level.

  “Hello there. What’s your name?”

  “I’m sorry Your Majesty. He does this a lot.”

  I looked up at Cedrick and smiled. “I don’t mind.” Then looking back at the little boy, he shyly answered. “Raiden.”

  “Raiden, what a strong name for a strong little boy.”

  “This is Cedrick’s little brother, mom. I invited them and their father to stay with us. Their home didn’t fair much from the huge ice stones. Their mother was injured and in the hospital. She will be okay.”

  “Oh, I am sorry to hear that. I am glad she is alright,” I answered smiling as Cedrick took his little brother’s hand to go back to the suite that Kieran assigned them.

  “Mom, something is wrong?” Rayna began frowning with concern.

  “What do you mean, Rayna?” Bryden asked walking over towards me.

  “I can’t reach him? He always answers unless something happened and I feel it is bad.”

  I looked up at Bryden as he looked at me. “What do we do? We can’t just teleport in there not knowing what is happening.” I was feeling concerned now.

  “Rayna, keep trying to make contact. I have a friend who is a seer, and I will get in touch with him and see if he can see what might be happening and if he would help us.” Bryden was saying as he began to walk out of the room to contact his friend.

  Rayana’s Point of View:

  ‘Galen? Can you hear me?’ I kept trying but heard only silence. I looked over at mom and shook my head. My mom began to pace now. Ten minutes later Bryden walked in with an older man.

  “This is Nicoli, the seer I was telling you about.” Bryden turned towards me. “He will need to hold your hands to see through Galen’s eyes. It is how he works, and since you two are connected, he will use you as a conduit.”

  “I can see from the moment they arrived at their destination to their current situation,” Nicoli said as he sat across from me holding his hands out for me to take. I looked up at my mother, and she nodded for me to take his hands.

  I slowly reached to take his hands and as soon as we touched I began to see images. It startled me
so bad I let go of his hands. “I am sorry Your Majesty I should have prepared you that you will see what I see.” I looked around then smiled at Nicoli and reached out again. As he took my hands, I saw a mechanic room much like the one we destroyed on Kaihu. I saw Derrick and Kristana standing near me or rather Galen as I am seeing through his eyes. Galen looked around and was ready to take a swing with his flaming sword at something near the door when it looked as if he heard something, spinning around, his father was sending what looked like lightning towards the door and the machine. The door broke, and a canister like the one we saw, came flying through the door and began to smoke. Kristana tried to remove the canister with her mind, but not before the smoke started to overpower them and then all went black.

  “That is all I have.” Said, Nicoli, as he let loose of my hands.

  “They were ready for them. Like they were with us.” I said sounding a little panicked, “They knew they were coming. We got to do something!”

  “And we will Rayna; we will.” Assured Bryden. “We need to know where they may have taken them first. As of right now, we would be going in blind.”

  I sighed deeply, “I know you are right.”

  “They might be expecting a rescue to go down, so we need to plan this just right.” Bryden finished as I laid my head in my hands in frustration.

  19 the newcomers

  A few hours later we were all gathered in the living room discussing our next move when a male servant came in announcing visitors.

  “Your Majesties, Two gentlemen wish to speak with you. They are not from around here, and one says he is of royal blood.”

  Bryden nodded and answered, “Show them in.”

  Two men walked in, one a little shorter than the other. Their appearance was ashen as I have never seen anyone that pale. They both had black hair and red eyes. The tall man reached out towards Bryden and Bryden took the mans hand as the man bowed, “Your Majesty, I am King Xipher of Staxon, and this is my right-hand man, Kito.”

  My mouth flew open, and I looked over at my mom and Bryden as they too looked surprised. “Staxon, you say?” Bryden asked as he looked over at my mother. “We didn’t know that world was inhabited.”

  “Of course you didn’t. We pretty much keep to ourselves.”

  Bryden studied the men as he asked, “What brings you to Valaisha? And why now?”

  “My world has been observing the different worlds. We have seen a conflict happening with the three worlds of Kaihu, Caynia and here.” He stopped and looked around then continued, “We would like to offer our assistance.”

  Bryden smiled, “Of course, we will appreciate all the help we can get.”

  Right before my eyes, we were creating a new alliance with an uncharted world to help us in our war. The same world the black rocks that can kill us had come from.

  I thought I heard a moan inside my head. “I think Galan is waking,” I said out loud.

  The seer Nicoli came over and took my hands. Suddenly I began to see slowly, as Galen started to wake and opened his eyes. “Speak to him,” Nicoli said to me.

  ‘Galen?’ I said and saw his eyes open more and look around.

  ‘Rayna?’ He said, and I breathed a sigh of relief. But I observed what he was seeing, and it looked like a cell.

  ‘It is me, do you know where your parents are?’ I asked not seeing them in the cell.

  ‘I don’t know, hang on I hear something.’

  ‘Be careful.’ I said as I ended up squeezing poor Nicoli’s hands in anticipation. I saw Galen lay back down and close his eyes. My guess is someone must be coming. It felt like an eternity before he opened his eyes again. ‘It was guards, and I overheard them talking. My parents are also in cells close by.’

  ‘I can see what you see but not what you hear. You need to try and find out where you are at so we can plan a rescue. Are you able to teleport out?’ I asked him.

  ‘I just tried, and nothing happened. How are you able to see what I see?’

  ‘My dad’s friend who is a seer, he is using me as a conduit to see through your eyes.’ I explained.

  ‘That will come in handy.’

  ‘Yes it will, We also met a new Royal from Staxon. Who wants to help us in this war.’

  ‘Staxon?! I thought that world was uninhabited?’ He said in complete surprise.

  ‘We all thought so too, but he came offering his assistance. They remind me of stories of vampires on Earth.’ I began glancing at the two men, ‘They are pale with black hair and red eyes.’ I heard myself softly giggle then become serious as I asked, ‘Do you think the reason you can not teleport is that smoke bomb they threw in?’ I ask thinking.

  ‘How did you know about the smoke bomb?’

  ‘The seer was able to see the events until you blacked out.’ I explained. ‘They threw one in with us too, but my mother’s shield was able to block it.’

  ‘I don’t know what was in the bombs, but it could be some chemical to stifle our abilities.’ He was quiet for a moment, and I thought we lost the connection. ‘All except our thought communication. Be careful; it could be another trap for you all.’

  I let go of Nicoli’s hands and gasped. “What is it, Rayna?” Bryden asked looking concerned.

  “Galen believes the smoke held some chemical to stifle their abilities, all except for our telepathy. He feels they are setting a trap for us. Since their attempt failed because of mom and her shield.” I looked up at Bryden, “He warned us to be careful.”

  I looked around the room and noticed the new King strangely looking at me. “Excuse me, your majesty, for staring.” He began, “I sense,” He paused before continuing, “Something very powerful in you.”

  I don’t know why but his statement made me shudder. It was my dad who asked, “What do you mean?”

  King Xipher looked over at my dad, “A strong power yet to be freed.”

  ‘Rayna? Are you there?’ I heard Galen speak in my mind.

  ‘I am still here. Sorry, the new King just shook me up.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  I looked again over at King Xipher, and he was still watching me. ‘He said there is a strong power in me that is yet to be freed.’ As if he heard my thoughts the new King smiled at me. ‘Galen I believe he can hear my thoughts.’ Just then Xipher gave a soft nod. I couldn’t stop staring at him. In spite of his vampire-like appearance, he was quite handsome.

  ‘He can hear my thoughts.’ I said to Galen.

  “Are you still speaking with Galen, Rayna?” My mother asked, and it was then I noticed all eyes were on me.

  “Yes, I am informing him about all that is said,” I answered.

  “She also informed him about me.” King Xipher added as everyone turned towards him looking puzzled.

  “He can read my thoughts,” I added as he smiled at me.

  “I can read all your thoughts.” He said looking around at everyone. “I can do more than that.” He said walking closer to me and taking my hand then reaching for my mother’s hand he held it too. “If you all, please make a circle and hold hands.” Everyone in the room, stood in a circle, holding hands.

  ‘Hello, King Galen. I am King Xipher of Staxon.’

  ‘How am I able to hear your thoughts?’ I heard Galen ask. ‘This would not be possible without the help of your lovely wife.’ Xipher said, and I looked around at everyone in a circle, and we all just looked at each other. It was then I knew they too could hear the conversation. ‘I opened the channel so your family can hear you speak. They too can talk with you the same way as long as I keep the channel open.’

  ‘You mean everyone can hear me, and I can hear them?’ Galen asked.

  Xipher smiled, ‘Yes, I figure it would be easier to plan a rescue as a group than going through Her Majesty Rayana.’ Xipher looked to each of us. “You can all speak, so he knows you are here listening.” He spoke out loud.

  ‘I am here Galen,’ I began, followed by my mother.

  ‘I am here too, Galen.’ She said

  ‘I am too.’ My dad spoke next.

  ‘Me too.’ Kieran finally spoke.

  ‘What is this about a power Rayna has yet to free?’ Galen asked Xipher.

  ‘The light that shines through you both is strongest in her. She has yet to learn to channel that power or tap into it.’

  Noises could be heard this time. ‘Hang on again. More guards are coming.’ Galen said as it went quiet. We stood there looking at one another when Galen came back, ‘They know I am awake. I heard my parent's voices demand the guards to let us go and they only laughed.’

  ‘Galen, if we are to plan a rescue we need you to try and find out where you are.’ Xipher was saying. ‘Can you try and do that?’

  ‘I will do my best to find out.’

  ‘We will keep in touch then.’ Xipher said letting go of my hand as did everyone else. He then turned to me and asked, “May it be alright if I train you in the meantime? Your power will be beneficial to the fight.”

  I looked around at the others then back at Xipher. “Uh, Yes of course.” I had to admit I was pretty nervous. I am still new at all this, and it feels strange knowing my ability have not been unleashed to its full potential.

  “Very good, May we proceed to your practice room?” He said in a Regal way. I looked at my mom and dad, and they both began to walk with dad saying, “This way.”

  As we followed them down the long hallway to the practice room, my nerves seem to intensify. “Do not be nervous, little one. It will be alright.” Xipher said to calm my nerves. He must have sensed it, or it’s another gift he had I don’t know.

  Once at the door, my mother opened it, and we walked in. Xipher looked around, then looked at my mother. “Will you kindly open the other door please?” He asked her knowing she was the only one who could open the second door.


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