All at Once (It's Complicated Book 2)

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All at Once (It's Complicated Book 2) Page 6

by Brill Harper

  In all my life, nobody has ever needed comforting from me. It’s a strange feeling that comes from my heart first and spreads to my limbs. Like I could pass it from me to him just by holding him.

  We stay like that for a while until Wylder starts coming back to the present. “Thank you, little one,” he tells me and that feeling just explodes in every cell of my body.

  Is this what love feels like? When you’re warm and fuzzy and wish you could take away someone’s pain even if it means you bring it into yourself? That’s not a very good thing to feel for a summer fling, is it?

  But I do wish I could take it into myself. I wish that Wylder could be the man he was before that night, the man that Colt knows is in there, too. I wish that somehow he could need me, not just want me.

  We disentangle after a few more minutes. Small talk injects itself into our conversation to ease away the awkwardness. Even if it’s only temporary.

  I like these men, I realize as we joke together. As we loosen up so that even Wylder loses some of his stern countenance.

  “We’re losing the shade,” I say as the sun beats down on us.

  “Let’s go swimming,” Colt suggests.

  I suppose I knew it was coming when we stopped so close to their swimming hole. Colt stands and offers me a hand up. “I didn’t bring a suit,” I say, making sure the cliché is completed in the right order.

  “I know you didn’t.” He pulls his shirt over his head, revealing the body of a god. If I start drooling, I will be so embarrassed. “You were pretty brave in the kitchen last night. How are you feeling in the light of day?”

  Honestly, last night and right now seem light years apart. I’m shy and uncertain about my body, what I want to let them do to it, but then I look at Wylder and realize he stripped more than naked for me just now, and my hands find the hem of my t-shirt.

  Okay. Step one of being brave about my body has commenced as I feel the sun heat the tops of my breasts still encased in my bra.

  Colt swipes his hand down my arm. “Turn around, Bliss.”

  I turn so I’m facing Wylder, who’s still on the ground, and shiver as Colt’s hands undo my bra from behind. As it falls, Wylder’s eyes get big and he stands up, somehow gracefully. They both tower over me, surrounding me, and my skin erupts in goose bumps despite the heat. Wylder removes his shirt and my hand flies right to the puckered scar. His hand grasps my wrist firmly, like he’s going to push me away, but something cracks his resolve, and he lets me smooth over the reminder of his pain.

  “Let your hair down,” he demands, and this time I don’t argue. I don’t hesitate. I reach up and release my ponytail and watch his pupils widen.

  My hands go to the button on my jeans. I can’t believe I’m doing this. Getting naked in front of two men. Two perfect specimens of men, when my body is anything but. It’s always caused me problems, but the hungry look in Wylder’s eyes gives me a jolt of bravery. I’m not saying I’m not scared. I am. But for the first time in my life, underneath the fear is a courage I never felt before I met Colt and Wylder. I grip the waistband of my jeans and slide my hands down. “I’m not much of a swimmer.”

  “We won’t let you drown,” Colt tells me, his big hands taking over pulling down my pants while I keep eye contact with his best friend.

  “Are you scared yet, kitten?” Wylder cups my face as I lift one leg out of my pants, followed by the other.

  “Yes,” I answer truthfully. Because there is no other way to be with Wylder.

  I hear Colt’s pants rustling behind me. Then his arm wraps around my waist, pulling me into his naked body, his dick hard against my ass. “We’re only going for a swim. No funny business.”


  Wylder drops his pants in front of me while I try to figure out what Colt means. He smiles a little too evilly at my expression. He’s big everywhere. “What Colt is saying is we decided that today is too soon. We’re just getting to know each other.”

  “I see.” So they don’t want to have sex with me? I’m so confused. “I thought...”

  “Soon,” he tells me, then scoops me up and starts walking to the water.

  “Put me down. What are you doing?”

  He stalks right in with no pause, the water ice cold and shocking. Colt hollers and hoots before he dives in, and suddenly all the tension is gone. They’re like boys without a care in the world. They laugh and dunk each other, dunk me, and I forget after a time that I’m naked and just play in a way I don’t think I ever had a chance to as a child.

  Chapter Eight


  It’s been three days. Three days of torture and longing and an endless ache between my legs. Instead of teaching me all about sex, we watch baseball, we play cribbage, we drink lemonade on the porch and watch the sun go down. We talk about everything and nothing.

  But no one lays a hand on me. No one. No, I take that back. I get shoulder squeezes. Hair pats. Even a high five once from Colt. But nothing sexual.

  Do they not understand I have needs? They opened a Pandora’s box, let me peek into it, then friend-zoned me. Enough is enough. We’ve seen each other naked. We’ve kissed. I watched Colt come. And they have stated for the record that they want to do me this summer.

  What is the holdup?

  I never thought I’d be aching for sex. I never thought I’d be the one to instigate it. But they’ve pushed me past my limit. I’m going to have to buck up and seduce them myself.

  They’re in the den watching yet another baseball game when I finish taking a shower after dinner. I spend the extra time slathering my skin with lotion, brushing my teeth, tweezing my brows. And when I walk into the den and sit between them on the couch, both their eyes widen.

  “Is that my shirt?” Colt asks.

  I nod. “I guess I accidentally put it away in my room. I hope you don’t mind me wearing it.”

  He swallows some beer. “No, of course not.”

  I smile. Usually, I wear baggy sweats or flannel pajama pants in the evenings, but tonight, just Colt’s t-shirt which hangs to about mid-thigh. They don’t know what’s under it yet. But tonight I’m determined they will find out.

  “What are you up to?” Wylder asks.

  I shrug innocently. “Nothing.”

  “You’re up to something,” he says. “I can always tell when you’re going to be extra bratty.” He looks into my eyes and raises his eyebrows like he expects something from me.


  He’s not a boy playing a role. He’s a man who is dominant with every fiber of his being. And something about that makes me want to please him. I know his kind of control isn’t about physical strength or force. It speaks to something deep inside me. I’m perfectly fine with letting him have control when I know exactly how safe I am with these men.

  Something I never thought I’d believe. But I do feel safe. Protected. Cherished. And wanted. Despite the lack of action after skinny dipping.

  I shrug. “Just came down to spend some time with my guys. So who’s winning the game?”

  Wilder reaches for the remote. “I’d say you right now, but you’re going to have to tell us what game you’re playing.”

  “I’m not playing a game.”

  “What’s going on?” Colt asks.

  Part of me hoped just showing up with fewer clothes on was going to be all I had to do. Alas, my job is not yet done. “I’m ready now.”

  “Ready for what?” Colt asks. “Exactly?”

  “You guys said you wanted me. I told you I wanted you to teach me about sex.”

  Colt sets his beer down. “And you were told you were going to have to convince us you were ready. There is no rush. We’re courting.”

  I roll my eyes. “I’m ready.”

  “Prove it,” Wylder says, calling my bluff. “Otherwise it’s just words.”

  I take a deep breath and bring Colt’s hand under my t-shirt to the place I ached for them the most, all the while keeping my eyes on Wylder.

sp; Colt sucks in a breath and then chuckles. “Our housekeeper forgot her panties, Wylder.”

  “What a naughty housekeeper.” Wylder almost growls the words. “Let’s see.” He flips my t-shirt up, exposing me to both their gazes. “That’s a pretty pussy, isn’t it Colt?”

  “Makes my mouth water just looking at it.”

  He squeezes my thigh lightly. Anticipation sucks all the air out of my lungs as I wait for him to take it further. His thumb rubs small circles on the inside of my thigh. I want him to move his hand higher to rub those small torturous circles where I really need him.

  I’m not sure when I decided that not only was I going to learn about sex from both of them, but both of them at the same time. Probably about the same time they did, though no one has actually voiced the idea. Colt told me things would unfold naturally, and for some reason, that’s what seems the most natural.

  “Please. I’m ready. Teach me.” I pull my scrunchie out before being asked.

  “We’re not playing a game, Bliss.” Wylder strokes his hands down my hair. “We’re not a couple of greenhorns here. We’re men. Big men. We’ll try to be gentle—”

  “I don’t need you to be gentle. I need you to want me as much as I want you.”

  “Oh, kitten. You have no idea.”

  “Is this what you wanted, sweetheart?” Slowly, Colt eases his finger into my pussy, spreading the moisture around.

  “Spread your legs,” Wylder demands.

  When I do, Colt’s finger slips inside me. He gently works it in and out, pressing further and further into me with each little thrust.

  “She's so wet and tight,” he tells Wylder, his voice full of awe.

  “Look at me,” Wylder commands, and I turn my face to him. “Is this what you wanted? Did your little pussy lead you down here tonight?”

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  “Tell me you want this.”

  “I want this, Wylder. I need this.”

  “Good girl.”

  Colt’s finger slides back into me. I moan and spread my legs wider. I can’t help the heavy breathing and little sounds I’m making.

  “You’re so responsive,” he tells me.

  Wylder pulls up my shirt more and slides his hands to my breasts. He groans long and low as he starts squeezing them, pushing them together, running his hands over them.

  I gasp, pushing my chests up into his hands, my nipples hard against his palms. The sensations are too much and not enough at the same time.


  “Please what, darlin’?” Colt asks, adding a second finger, spreading me apart, stretching me.

  “I don't know,” I say, as Wylder continues squeezing my breasts, pulling on my nipples. “Please don’t stop?”

  I look up to see Wylder and Colt exchanging a silent message with each other before looking down at me again.

  “We won't stop unless you want us to, kitten,” Wylder says. Then he kisses me. It’s not like the rough kiss in the kitchen. It’s slower, fuller. I can feel his longing for me in it and it ratchets up my own desire.

  “We can make you feel even better,” Colt says when we come up for air. “Would you like that? Are you ready for more? Or do you want to take a break?”

  “I’m ready,” I answer even though a part of me would love to run out of here and pack my bags and go. But I don’t want to be that girl my whole life. I like being this one more. This girl who has somehow caught the interest of two men who can show her pleasure instead of fear.

  “Why don't you sit up on Wylder's lap then,” Colt suggests, withdrawing his fingers and licking them off, eyes closed.

  Something inside me just changes. Like something primal wakes up, looks around, and desires with an intensity I’ve never felt before. I want dark things. Dirty things. And these men are going to open my whole world up.

  My whole life, I’ve run from men who wanted to use my body. They didn’t care about me. They wouldn’t have thought twice about hurting me. But tonight, the shift inside me is powerful. It’s not weakness to give myself to Colt and Wylder. It’s not scary or wrong. They care about me and suddenly I want them to use me. Use my body. I want their focus solely on me. I want to be the center of their world tonight. I want to submit to their desires and lose myself in their passion.

  My body isn’t a trap anymore. It’s the key to unlocking everything.

  Wylder helps me sit up, removing the shirt as I straddle his lap. He stretches his long legs wide so I’m spread open for the two of them to see. No shame. No hiding.

  “You taste delicious,” Colt tells me, moving off the couch, “and I can't wait to taste more.” He gets down on his knees in front of me. Wylder's hands are back on my breasts, pulling and pushing them together. God, to think I hated my breasts all these years. They feel amazing now.

  After sliding his finger in and out of me a few times, Colt holds it up to my lips. “Taste yourself, darlin’.”

  My lips open obediently, and his wet fingers slide in. They both moan.

  “Such a dirty girl.” Wylder says it with such reverence that I’m humbled. Eager to be dirtier.

  Wylder grips my breasts tightly in his big hands and Colt spreads me open and takes a big lick, forcing a cry of pleasure from me. Then he really digs in.

  “Oh!” I gasp, hips thrusting in Wylder's lap, his hard dick pressing tight against my back.

  Of course, I knew about this, even if I never experienced it. I just didn’t know that having the right man’s tongue there would change my entire world.

  “Have you ever had someone eat you out before, kitten?” Wylder’s voice in my ear while another man’s mouth is on me sends extra shivers through me. This is so wrong it’s right. So bad it’s good.


  “Mmm. Good. You’re ours now. You know that, right?” Wylder asks, bouncing my breasts in his hands. His hands are big, but my breasts overflow them as he squeezes.

  “Yes,” I gasp out as Colt finds my clit, giving it quick little flicks with his tongue while he slides a finger deep inside me. Then a second. I continue to squirm and gasp as he pumps his fingers in and out.

  “Good girl,” Wylder growls before kissing and nibbling on my neck, squeezing my nipples hard, the sharp pain going straight to my clit under Colt’s tongue.

  “So then no one's touched or licked you here either?” asks Colt as his fingers slide out of my pussy and down, circling around my asshole before one finger pushes a little inside.

  “No!” I say in shock, not sure how to feel about the fingers playing around there. I clench everything, suddenly uncertain. “Is that...normal?”

  “Looks like there are all kinds of things we can teach you,” Colt says, bending his head back down. “Isn't that right, Wylder?”

  Wylder slides one hand down my stomach to my clit, while the other continues to grip a breast. “We'll teach you all kinds of ways to feel good, kitten. Would you like that?”

  Wylder's fingers slide up and down, getting wet, before circling my swollen clit slowly, while Colt continues to finger my asshole gently. This is more than I signed up for. I’m sliding out of my comfort zone until lightning zaps up my spine. I can feel my pussy throb in every nerve of my body. It’s all too much..

  “Oh, God! Don't stop!”

  “That's it, kitten,” Wylder whispers in my ear, his fingers going into overtime on my clit. “Come for us, that's a good girl.”

  My hips keep bucking up to meet Wylder's fingers, while Colt sits back on his heels and watches me writhing on Wylder's lap. When I open my eyes, I see he’s brought his dick out of his pants while watching me.

  “You know, darlin’,” he says, spreading his precum around the head and down the shaft, stroking faster but without the urgency from the other night, “we can teach you how to make us feel good, too. Would you like to learn that tonight?”

  I bite my lip as I imagine doing what he’s doing right now, stroking his big dick in my hands. I squirm against Wylder's cock, pr
essing hard under my ass, his rough hands squeezing my breasts and rolling the nipples between his thick fingers. “Yes, I want to do everything with you both.”

  “That's my good girl,” Wylder growls in my ear.

  God, I love hearing those words from him. Love knowing I’ve pleased him somehow.

  Colt stands up from his crouch on the floor, dropping his pants and boxers all the way down and off. He pulls his shirt off over his head, and I can see his hard abs, the vee of his hips, and most importantly, his big, thick cock is now jutting out in front of my face.

  Hot. Forbidden. And fascinating. I can’t stop looking at him, and I really can’t wait to put my hands, mouth, lips, teeth, tongue, and the rest of my body all over him. I’m under some kind of sex spell, and I hope to God no one ever breaks the hex.

  Colt holds himself in his hand, stroking it as he steps closer to me. He exchanges a look with Wylder behind me, and they must come to some kind of agreement because Colt steps even closer, between Wylder and my spread legs, and aims his dick at my lips.

  “Have you ever sucked cock before, Bliss?” Wylder asks me, low in my ear, sending shivers down my back.

  I shake my head, looking up at Colt. “No, Wylder,” I say quietly. They know I haven’t. They’re drawing this out. My complete surrender to all of our desires.

  While Colt strokes himself with one hand, his other caresses my cheek. “You’re so perfect for us, Bliss.” I turn my head to press a kiss to his palm, and he smiles down at me.

  In all my life, I never equated lust with sweetness. I didn’t know that sex could be nurturing and friendly even while it was raw and dirty. But I feel so secure. So necessary and needed and wanted, and I also feel like I want to be used.

  He brings the tip back to my lips and starts to rub it gently back and forth across my lips, spreading his precum on them like lip gloss.


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