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The White Arrow

Page 24

by P. H. Solomon

  "What are you going to see Hastra about?" Makwi jogged beside Ralda to keep up. "You seem in a hurry."

  "Uh, got talk. Something wrong." Should he tell Makwi? He pointed to his head. "Memory follow me. She hear me on it."

  "Can't wait, huh? Must be something important."

  Ralda remembered to nod rather than shake his head for yes. "Something wrong Gweld." His hands flitted that Gweld was acting strangely.

  "Yeah, he's been a bit off at times but that's just concern for Athson." They rounded a corner and Makwi dodged an elven messenger. "He's calmer now that we're back here."

  Ralda almost nodded his head for disagreement, then shook it. "Not right still if not right then." He stopped, stooped toward Makwi, and pointed toward his own eyes. "See eyes glow once. Ezhandun." Kralda slid away at the end of the rope in his mind. Ralda couldn't let that happen again if he knew something. Even if he slid toward his own death somehow, he had to do something.

  Makwi's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about? His eyes glowed?" The dwarf eyed the length of the street in both directions. "We can't just accuse him of something. We need to be sure."

  Ralda lifted his hands to forestall the dwarf. "Go talk Hastra. She know." He wasn't cutting this rope. Not this time. The rope slithered across the snow. He'd say something, do something. "You go with me."

  "Sure, I'll go. But let's get Tordug. He'll help us. But you must tell me all that you know while we go." Makwi adjusted his belt as he set out with Ralda again.

  Ralda swallowed his frustration with his language limitations and told Makwi all the things that left him suspicious. He described as best he could seeing Gweld's eyes glowing in the mirror at Ezhandun. Makwi asked questions, and Ralda patiently answered. He talked about Gweld letting the Bane into the shelter and how he was never around for long times. He related how agitated the elf was about the bow and Athson, almost ready to fight just before they saved Limbreth from the river. "No memory he there at big wind. Where he then?"

  Makwi stroked and tugged his beard all during the conversation. "You know, as much as I hate to say it, since Gweld's been with us through so much, you may be on to something. I don't remember him with us when the trolls started in on the mules. He just showed up after the whirlwind. And then there was what happened in Howart's Cave. He tried to go on past the gate after it pushed me away, and the gate threw him back. There was even a flash of light. If there's something different about Gweld in some way, maybe that's why it tossed him back." Makwi glanced to Ralda. "Let's find Tordug and tell him even if we can't find Hastra. I think we need to have a talk with Gweld. Tordug should be just up here in the ranger offices, assisting with troop plans."

  Guards stopped them from entering the grounds at the ranger's complex. All the bustle confused Ralda. Makwi got a message to Tordug, and they waited for the old dwarf. Ralda fidgeted with impatience. Why not go to Hastra now? "No wait. Go Hastra. Talk."

  "Just wait and let's talk this through. We don't even know where Hastra is right now." Makwi tugged his beard and his voice sounded like a growl as he spoke to the guards. "Can't you go find him?"

  One of the guards regarded them. "We're on alert because of the trolls. Only ranger personnel within the area now."

  Makwi pulled a crumpled paper from his pocket, smoothed it with his hands, and showed it to the guards. "We've been working with you rangers for several days. This is a pass signed by Sarneth."

  The elves eyed the pass and called for an officer, who read it over and eyed Makwi and then Ralda. "I'll have to confirm this."

  Makwi's face flushed. "I just need to speak with Tordug. Can you send him out?"

  "I'm here." The elder dwarf stepped into the light at the gate. "What's all this about, Makwi?" He turned to the elves on guard. "Ralda and Makwi are with me. They might know something useful."

  "We do." Makwi motioned to Tordug, and when the elder dwarf stepped closer, Makwi lowered his voice and spoke in Tordug's ear.

  Tordug's bushy eyebrows rose, and he glanced at Ralda. "This is true?"

  Ralda nodded, and his hands fluttered about the details. "We go talk Hastra."

  Tordug glanced at the elves and then back to Ralda. "That's enough for now. Let's go and see her. I could use a break and a meal." Tordug turned to the guards. "Let them know inside that I'll be back later. I don't know when." He exhaled a heavy sigh and stroked his beard. "Let's go." He led Ralda and Makwi away. When they got out of earshot, Tordug murmured to both of them. "Best not to talk about Gweld around the elves. He's popular, especially since he got back from our trip. Tell me more, though." His brow furrowed with a frown. "We don't need any of this now."

  They discussed Ralda's information, and Makwi added his own as they traversed the distance to the Broken Bow Inn in hope of finding Hastra.

  Tordug paused away from the inn and anyone listening. "I wish you'd said something much sooner, Ralda."

  Ralda shrugged. "Say to Hastra off boat. She busy. Me busy. Talk now. Think days. Not want say bad about Gweld, so me think long."

  Makwi chewed on one side of his mustache a moment. "Yeah, you did the right thing. Best not to falsely accuse someone, especially since it's Gweld. But you're right, he's never around sometimes, often when it matters or something unusual happens like at that shelter with Limbreth."

  Tordug turned for the steps and the door to the inn. "Well, let's go see Hastra. She'll know what to do, if anyone. She probably needs something else to think about besides that arrow and Athson. He's been trouble since Limbreth left."

  The dwarves clomped up the steps, and Ralda took one stride to reach the porch, its boards groaning beneath him. He eyed the door with a groan himself. Low doors and only slightly higher ceilings bothered him. He stooped and felt like he held his breath as he squeezed into the crush of bodies and noise of chatter inside. Better than that Troll Neath or one of the dwarven shelters in the mountains, at least. But they needed a quiet spot to speak with Hastra.

  Eyes followed Ralda across the room, and he heard people speak of his presence and wonder about more giants. His snort sounded loud in the room regardless of the noise. His people wintered much farther away than the trolls marched. It was just him, and people should know better than to dream false hopes. Others around him muttered about the dwarves leaving along with the Grendonese.

  Makwi started up the stairs, but Ralda checked the dining room Hastra now used as an office of sorts. She sat in a chair with a slight snore escaping her lips. Ralda whistled for Makwi as Tordug entered the room. Hastra stirred awake at his whistle, but Ralda waited for Makwi’s response. The dwarf peeked over the rail on the stair. "She here." Makwi clattered after them into the room.

  "Nice to see you all." Hastra's weary gaze took them in for a moment. She rubbed her upper abdomen as if in discomfort and straightened her blouse. "But by your faces, this looks serious."

  "Withling, Ralda has been thinking about some incidents from our trip, and he thinks you should hear them." Tordug sat by Hastra and motioned to Ralda.

  "That's right, you wanted to speak when we arrived. I'm sorry, Ralda, but this arrow and Athson have been on my mind. Not to mention these rumors of Rokans in the city." She patted Ralda's cheek as he went to one knee near her. "Go ahead and tell me."

  The room cramped Ralda, and sudden sweat beaded his forehead. He longed for open lands. At least they'd been through some of those on their travels. He liked the mountains, though they reminded him of when Kralda died.

  He told Hastra of his misgivings from what he'd seen. Makwi added his own observations. All the while, Hastra's eyebrows rose and fell either one at a time or together. She listened to their whole tale without comment, and when they were done, she turned to Tordug. "What do you think?"

  Tordug scratched at his beard while he bared his teeth. "I don't like what I hear. I wish we had noticed this sooner, but we were just concerned with living through each day most of the time. The thing with the eyes bothers me. Same with the incident in Howar
t's Cave." He shook his head. "I don't remember Gweld being around when that whirlwind struck or just before it." He paused and grunted, twisting his head in thought. "He scouted an awful lot. It seemed good at the time, but with all this, something seems off. What do you think, Withling?"

  Hastra pursed her lips. "I'm puzzled enough to speak with him about it." She sat up straight, her eyes wide. "I've asked him to have a good talk with Athson tonight. It's a perfect opportunity for him if he's really up to something." She rubbed her chin and pointed a finger toward Ralda. "Now that you mention it, his watch was always when something happened with the Bane." Her gaze encompassed them all. "We need to find them if we can."

  Ralda offered his steady hand to the Withling as she stood with a grunt. "Where they go?"

  "We can start with the ranger barracks." Hastra motioned to them all. "Lead on. I'm not too fast at the moment. Seem to be off more these days." She shrugged one shoulder. "Bad time for it. Tordug, can they spare you?"

  "They can. That bow is important, and we can't let a spy gain possession of it." Tordug steadied Hastra with his hands. "Let's go find them if we can. I hope nothing's amiss."

  Ralda squeezed out the door and cleared a path for a quick exit. He wanted out of the small space, but Athson meeting alone with Gweld worried him. In his memory, the cut rope hissed across the snow and ice as Kralda fell to his death. He'd grab that rope for Athson now if he could.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Hastra tottered as fast as she could after the giant and Makwi. Tordug stayed back with her, sensing her weakness. She hated her weariness just when events called for her the most. Her gaze swept the shadows along the street. With trolls across the river and Corgren's likely presence as well as the possibility of Gweld being a spy, they could be none too careful. And then there was the rumor of Rokans in the city.

  She halted. "Tordug, please go leave word with the innkeeper that I've gone searching for Athson. Just in case Zelma, Howart, or Danilla come looking for me." Of course they'd turn up something with all of this upset.

  Tordug trotted back toward the inn with a nod.

  "Makwi, Ralda, wait for me." Hastra gathered her energy and marched toward the giant and the dwarf as they waited. Her breath dragged at the fast walking. "I've sent Tordug to leave word about me for Athson's mother or the other Withlings if they return. It could be important if Gweld is up to something. I might need them too."

  Makwi guided Hastra by the elbow. "Are you not well, Withling? You seem weak lately."

  Hastra sighed. "Just old, I suppose. Long trip wearing on me." A Withling in service far too long.

  Tordug soon returned from the inn as they reached the ranger compound once again. The rangers let them past the gates with hardly a word exchanged. Tordug sniffed. "Much better this time. Had some trouble getting Makwi and Ralda in earlier. It delayed us."

  Hastra halted. Delayed? The guards saw everyone, and Gweld was well-known among rangers, if not Athson. "Tordug, can you ask after Gweld's movements this evening? They're sure to remember him. We'll check inside for anything." If only the Bow of Hart lay with Athson's belongings. He'd had it earlier, but maybe it was here, even though she never saw him without it.

  Within the barracks, rangers either slept or stood talking in groups. Makwi soon discovered where Athson slept but didn't find him. Makwi checked under the bunk. "Don't see anything here of his. Wonder where he went with his things?"

  An elf on a nearby bunk rolled over with a sigh. "Don't suppose I'll sleep much before an attack." He seemed annoyed. "Athson came by for his things with Gweld. One of them said something about his house."

  Hastra frowned. "Whose house?"

  "Athson's. Must be from Heth and his wife."

  "Quickly, we must go." She hobbled away. A sudden pit opened within her with an urge: save Athson.

  They met Tordug at the door. "They said the two of them came and went several times tonight, the last time with Athson's things."

  Hastra picked up her pace. She needed all her strength and more. They passed the guards and left the compound. "I visited the home once. I think I can find it. We must hurry."

  "No good?" Ralda's fingers fluttered in the shadows of the street.

  "I don't think so. You all have weapons? Good. I didn't know." She glanced toward the giant. "How I wish I'd spoken with you before today, Ralda. I feel Athson may be in danger. Evil was done at that house and it may be used again. Why didn't I think of it? Magdronu marks places for return with spells." She slowed at a sudden thought. "Oh, of course, that's where they'll find them."

  Makwi drew his ax. "You want me to head somewhere else?"

  "No. Come with me. You may be needed if Gweld is far more dangerous than appearances. I should have realized what was going on earlier and sent the others directly where their search likely leads. I'll speak with them later." Hastra quickened her pace until they arrived at a ramp into the homes among the trees. "This one, I think." She climbed far too slowly and wanted to send the others to the house, but they didn't know where to go.

  The walk groaned and swayed under Ralda, and Hastra stumbled, slowing her progress. She mumbled under her breath, but the giant had his uses, for which she was thankful.

  She peered ahead and slowed. "There, I think it's the third down. There's a light inside. Makwi, go check if the door bears the scene of a stag at a lake. Beautiful carving and even better painting."

  Makwi crept ahead of them and checked the door. He nodded and waved them forward. They approached, and the dwarf motioned for silence as he whispered, "I hear voices, listen."

  They edged toward the door and heard from within, "Just give it to me, Athson, then rest."

  "That's Gweld's voice." Makwi reached for the door, then shook his head and mouthed the word locked.

  Hastra stepped aside. Time for one of Ralda's uses. "Kick it in, Ralda."

  The giant kicked the door with the bottom of his foot, strong as a horse. The door splintered and opened crookedly on his hinges.

  Gweld turned his head and gazed at Hastra, his face constricted into a snarl. Hastra stepped into the doorway. Gweld stood facing Athson, his back to them and his hand stretched toward the young man. One glance at Athson's vacant expression, and Hastra knew some potion had been used on him. The Archer stooped as if sick, his face pale but his arms extending the Bow of Hart toward Gweld.

  Hastra reached out with her hand. "Don't do it, Athson. It's a trick."

  She gasped. Gweld's eyes were glowing. But even worse, his pupils were horizontal slits like an animal's. "You're not an elf."

  A voice rumbled from Gweld, deep and resonant. "No, I'm not, Hastra. And you're too late!"


  Hastra took another tottering step into the room as Gweld reached for the Bow of Hart. "You will be still!" Her voice rang with sudden authority not her own.

  Gweld turned slowly toward her, his eyes alight with flames. He cocked his head. "Who are you to command me?"

  "I am a servant of the most holy Eloch. You shall not have it or him!"

  The elf, if such he was, laughed. His mouth opened, and heat burst into the room.

  Hastra extended a hand almost on instinct as much as insight.

  Flame spewed from Gweld's mouth.

  "Be gone!" Her shout met the flame at her hand and suppressed it.

  Gweld closed his mouth and glared at her. Suddenly, he ran for the shuttered window, spewing flame on the furniture as he went. He leapt through window in a crash, his dive carrying him over the walk. Darkness, blacker than the night, enfolded the elf as he fell. In an instant, tattered wings unfolded and bore, not an elf, but a beast of black scales into the sky, trailing a tail that flicked like a cat's. It roared in its passing, tearing limbs like a gale. The house shuddered in his escape.

  "Quickly, the flames!" Hastra directed the others toward the sudden fire. She limped, gasping, to Athson's side.

  The dwarves and Ralda quickly beat out the fire on the floor, but the
chairs still burned. Ralda heaved them out the ruined window with a shout of warning toward the street below, where Hastra presumed they would burned to charred heaps.

  She inspected Athson as he swayed on his feet, the Bow of Hart still in one hand. A spasm wrenched his body, and he collapsed. His eyes rolled to Hastra's face. "What was that?"

  "That was Magdronu." She touched Athson and murmured a prayer. In an instant, understanding lit her mind like a beacon. Poison. Not good in her weakness.

  "Why didn't he kill us?"

  "His power must be limited here for some reason." Hastra checked for Athson's heartbeat.

  Tordug knelt beside her. "We'll call for help, carry him to the elven healers."

  Voices called outside the home. Makwi called for help as Ralda stomped on smoking embers in the floor.

  Hastra shook her head. "There's no time. I must do it." She looked Tordug in the eye. "I may not survive this. I must take the poison into myself with this healing, and I'm not as strong as when I did it at Huffer's Post. It's what took my strength then."

  "Don't. Wait. Maybe the healers have an antidote." Tordug withheld her gently.

  "There's no time. He'll die, and all will be lost. I must." She grabbed Tordug's hand. "He was with us all along. He could have taken the bow at any time. He had to be given it. Did you see how he demanded it?"

  "How long has he been disguised?"

  She shrugged. "Who can say? But don't deter me. I must act now. What is needed is given." She turned toward Athson, who spasmed on the floor with a wild roll of his eyes. That was her fate now. But she'd escaped death years ago. If this was her final service, then so be it. "Tordug, give my sister my love. Remind Athson the bow is not for him." She jerked her head toward the destroyed window.

  "Withling, you are truly a servant."

  She looked at Tordug and found tears streaming into his beard. She managed a smile. "May your honor tower like the mountains of your home, Tordug."

  Tordug smiled through his beard and his tears, his eyes squinted almost shut as he nodded.


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