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A Few Cyborgs More (Cyborgs On Mars Book 3)

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by Honey Phillips

  As magnificent—and bleak—as her surroundings were, they couldn’t distract her completely from the tall cyborg sharing the rover with her, driving the awkward six-wheeled machine with an easy competence that she envied. The fact that he was a cyborg hadn’t bothered her for long—even their limited conversation had made it quite clear that he was definitely human, even if some of his parts were made of metal. But his humanity was even more disturbing. She was acutely aware of him, of his size, of the heat radiating from his body, of the fresh, spicy scent coming from him. She snuck a glance at him from under her lashes, only to have him catch her looking. He grinned, a wide, charming smile, and an answering smile began to curve her lips before she ducked her head away.

  If only he weren’t so handsome. Richard had been handsome too, with an equally charming smile, and it had taken her far too long to realize the depths of depravity concealed behind that smile. She shuddered at the memory.

  “Are you cold? Would you like me to turn up the heat? I’m afraid I don’t pay much attention to the temperature anymore.”

  Why did he have to sound so genuinely concerned?

  “No, I’m fine.” She pulled the big coat tighter around her. “Is that part of being a cyborg? Not feeling the cold?”

  “It’s not so much that we don’t feel it. We’ve just learned not to pay attention.”

  His eyes were shadowed, and she remembered that the cyborgs had been here on Mars when the temperatures were much lower than they were now. Their work had raised the average temperatures and increased the atmospheric pressure to the point where a pressure suit wasn’t required. Unfortunately, while the cyborgs didn’t need supplemental oxygen, humans would until the terraforming had advanced to the next stage.

  “Was it bad here? When you came?” she asked tentatively.

  “Bad? It was dark and cold and dangerous. We didn’t have anything in the way of comfort, and the few humans we interacted with treated us like shit.” He stared off into the distance, then flashed her another grin. “But you know, even then I didn’t hate it. J… Jonah was always at my side. And I was doing something important. That’s why I joined the military in the first place—to make a difference with my life.”

  A reluctant smile curved her lips. “You’re one of those ‘glass half full’ people, aren’t you?”

  “I reckon so. Never saw much point in worrying about what I didn’t have. How about you?”

  “I used to be,” she said quietly.

  Growing up as an unlicensed child in one of the vast government orphanages hadn’t exactly been a picnic, but the worst she’d ever encountered was a sort of benign neglect. The fact that she had been a late bloomer and looked far younger than her age had also helped. Even when the only job she could find to help work her way through college was as a waitress in a men’s club, everyone still tended to treat her as a younger sister.

  Until Richard had come along and swept her off her feet, making her feel like a woman for the very first time. She shuddered again.

  “You’re sure you’re not cold?”

  “No. Just thinking about the past.”

  “Well, don’t,” he said firmly. “If nothing else, Mars means a new future. For everyone.”

  A new future. How wonderful that sounded. She had been thinking of this trip merely as a way to run away, but maybe she needed to think about what she was running towards instead.

  “What’s Jonah like?”

  “He’s a good man,” Bill said immediately, a defensive note in his voice.

  “I’m sure he is, but that’s not what I asked.”

  “Sorry. He’s older than me and he can be kind of… gruff, but only because he cares. Not everyone understands the kind of man he truly is. He saved my life.”

  “That’s wonderful. He must be someone special.”

  “Just… just don’t be scared of him, okay?”

  “Why would I be scared?”

  “He has some pretty bad scars,” he said reluctantly.

  “I don’t care what he looks like.”

  The knowledge that he wasn’t a good-looking man actually made her feel more comfortable. In her mind, Jonah was beginning to resemble Big Tom. Not as big, of course, and scarred. A little shy, perhaps, but she didn’t mind that. The image reassured her, and she found herself starting to relax a little. They were away from the town and any chance of anyone seeing her. Jonah sounded kind of sweet. Even Bill was turning out to be a nice guy—at least so far. She wasn’t prepared to let her guard down yet, but she was cautiously optimistic.

  Definitely time to think about the future.

  Chapter Four

  Although her back began to ache several hours into the trip, it passed surprisingly quickly. Bill turned out to be an entertaining companion, quick-witted and funny. She found his boyish charm less threatening than Richard’s polished phrases and relaxed even more.

  The sun was low on the horizon as they climbed a narrow track up into one of the massive mountain ranges. The road was only barely wider than the rover and dropped off sharply to one side, but the view was breathtaking. They wound around a final corner and Bill brought the vehicle to a halt at the edge of a large clearing. On one side, a big tunnel opened into the rock face, its entrance surrounded by a jumble of rocks and debris. Several rusty carts were scattered around as well. On the other side of the clearing, a large dome nestled against the cliff along with several smaller buildings, all of them covered with the prevalent orange dust. Everything looked dirty and worn and not the slightest bit welcoming and her optimism began to fade.

  “It’s very… nice,” she said, trying to sound convincing.

  “No, it’s not. I’m sorry, Daisy. I’m so used to it that I didn’t think about how it would appear to you.” Bill scowled at the surroundings.

  “Maybe it just needs a woman’s touch.”

  A hungry look crossed his face so quickly she wasn’t sure if she imagined it.

  “I’m sure that’s it.” He handed her mask back to her. “Put this on. We don’t have an airlock between the transport shed and the habitat. Looks like J… Jonah is still in the mine, but we’ll get you settled inside before I start unloading.”

  She donned her mask and stepped cautiously down from the rover, pretending she didn’t see his helping hand—or the hurt on his face at her rejection. Silently, he picked up her bag before she could grab it and led the way to the airlock. She waited until the inner door released and then stripped off her mask again as she followed him into the dome, coming to an abrupt halt as she surveyed her surroundings.

  The inside was as barren and unkempt as the outside. The scattered parts from some kind of machine were laid out in front of the big windows at the front of the dome. A metal table and two benches marked a primitive kitchen area with little more than a counter, a few old appliances, and some shelves. A small bathroom unit stood against the far wall, next to two bunks, one neatly made and the other a heap of blankets. Two bunks? A sudden suspicion had her turning to confront Bill.

  “Do you live here too?”

  “Yes, of course. I said we were partners, didn’t I?”

  “And you’re planning to stay here? With me and Jonah?”

  The color rushed to his face. “I hadn’t really thought about it. We’ve been together for so long—” He winced at the dismayed expression on her face. “I’ll move out as soon as I can get back to town to get the parts for a new module.”

  Her eyes were still fixed on the two beds.

  “Just where did you expect me to sleep until then?”

  “I have the materials for another bed in the rover,” he said hopefully.

  She sank down on the bench as the full impact of her situation swept over her. She hadn’t expected much but she had hoped for a cozy little home with her new husband, not a dirty, chilly space that reminded her of a workshop rather than a home. A space they would have to share with his partner.

  “Where the fuck have you been? And who the hell is

  The low, rough growl sent a shiver up her spine, but oddly enough, it wasn’t fear. For some reason, her body instinctively responded to the harsh voice and her nipples tightened. Her cheeks heated as she cast a glance at the newcomer who had just entered the dome.

  Her previous image flew out the window—this was no shy older man. Instead, a mountain of a man stood at the entrance, both taller and broader than Bill, with short cropped salt-and-pepper hair, and a scruff of beard along one side of his face. She caught a glimpse of dark, stormy eyes and a scarred and oddly metallic looking cheek before he turned his head away, and she realized he was trying to hide his scars.

  “Who is she?” he repeated, his voice strained.

  Gathering her courage, she stood and approached him. “I’m Daisy. I’m your wife.”

  “My wife?”

  There was no hiding the shock in his face and her heart sank. He didn’t even know she was coming? They both turned to stare at Bill. He blushed again but faced them defiantly.

  “Yes, your wife. You need a reason to start living again, Sarge—a reason other than watching over me. You deserve to be happy.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  Jonah’s voice was so tortured that she stepped closer, placing her hand on his arm. She could feel the hard, warm muscles beneath her fingers and her pulse gave an unexpected leap. What was it about this man?

  He froze and she felt the tension tightening his muscles.

  “I can’t have a wife.”

  “You already do,” Bill said firmly. “The two of you were married by proxy back on Earth. You are legally married.”

  “Legally?” He barked a harsh laugh and finally turned to face her, sweeping off his hat. The right side of his face was… not human. Metallic bronze skin covered his cheek, starting just beneath his eye and sweeping down under his shirt collar. Four vicious scars raked across his cheek.

  “Cyborgs can’t marry. You know that.”

  He was speaking to Bill but he was looking at her and her breath caught at the storm of emotion in his eyes—pain, anger, longing.

  “I have the paperwork stating that it’s legal. Who’s going to challenge it?”

  “She will. Won’t you, girl?”

  Would she? She looked into those tortured eyes, then took another look around the dome as she remembered Bill’s words. It did need a woman’s touch, and so did this man. The rumors she had heard about cyborgs replayed in her head but she discarded them. His suffering was all too human.

  “No, I won’t challenge it.”

  Her words fell into a shocked silence.

  “You don’t want to be married to someone that looks like me.” The words sounded like they were dragged from him.

  She shrugged, trying to appear casual. “Looks don’t matter to me. A pretty face can hide an ugly heart. Are you going to hurt me?”

  “What? Of course not,” he growled, and Bill echoed him.

  “Are you going to throw me out if you get tired of me or if I do something you don’t like?”

  “Fuck, no.” His eyes narrowed. “Who would do that?”

  “You’re prepared to take me just like I am?”

  His eyes ran over her, the heat in them so intense that she felt an answering spark low in her stomach.


  “Don’t say that too quickly. There’s something else you need to know.”

  Her hands trembled as she slowly unfastened her coat and let it drop.

  “Fuck. You’re pregnant.”

  Chapter Five

  J-817 couldn’t hide his shock as he stared at the small woman in front of him. Part of him thought he should be horrified, but instead he was overcome with an entirely inappropriate lust. He was already entranced by her delicate features and that cloud of red hair, but now he could see the lush breasts, the gentle swell of her stomach, the ripe curves of a fertile woman. His cock stiffened into a full, aching erection. Beyond her, he could see Billy staring at her with equal fascination.

  “Yes, I’m pregnant.” A rueful smile curved those rosy lips. “I can’t exactly hide it any longer.”

  “Did it happen on the ship?” he growled. “Did some bastard take advantage of you?”

  If someone had, he was a dead man.

  “No. It must have happened just before I left Earth.” A shadow crossed her face. “I swear I didn’t know. It wasn’t until my second month on the ship that I realized. I’m so sorry, Bill. I know I should have mentioned it before we left town, but I was afraid you would leave me there.”

  “Of course I wouldn’t have left you,” Billy protested.

  J-817 finally snatched his gaze away from the young woman. From his wife. Fuck, she was pretty. And young. And pregnant. A sudden flare of panic replaced his previous lust as he realized just what that meant.

  “She should be in town with a doctor.”

  “No!” Daisy put her hand on his arm again, impossibly small and delicate, as she stared up at him with pleading green eyes. “I don’t want to be in town.”

  “Why not?”

  “I… I don’t like crowds.”

  He snorted, despite the underlying terror still riding him. “Not a lot of crowds on Mars. You need to be near a doctor.”

  “You have medical training, Sarge. She’ll be fine here.”

  “Don’t know anything about birthing babies,” he snapped. Not that his paramedic training had helped him save the rest of his squad either.

  “I know I’ll have to go to the hospital when it’s time, but that’s months away. I’ll be fine out here in the meantime. Please don’t make me leave.”

  She was still touching him, still giving him that entreating look. The soft curve of her stomach brushed against his body and her tantalizing floral scent sent a rush of longing through him. How could he refuse her anything? Against his better judgment, he found himself putting his hand over hers, the small fingers quivering at his touch.

  “You can stay here.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. Her lips were parted, pink and soft and tempting, and he wanted more than he had wanted anything in the past eleven years to bend his head and taste her.

  “I’ll leave the two of you to get acquainted while I unload the rover,” Billy said hastily, and the words snapped him back to reality.

  He couldn’t have a wife—didn’t deserve a wife—but neither could he turn her away. He would let her stay, protect her in every way that he could, but she would be a wife in name only. And once the baby was born, he would set her free.

  When Bill spoke, Jonah stepped away, leaving Daisy feeling unexpectedly bereft. For a moment there, she had thought he was going to kiss her—and she had wanted him to.

  “What did you get in town?” he asked.

  The low, growling voice sent a delicious shiver down her spine. What was it about this man? About both of them? As much as she hated to admit it, spending hours in close proximity to Bill had ignited a spark of desire for the first time in months.

  “Just a few things for your new bride—something to eat other than those tasteless protein packs, some fabric to brighten the place up a bit. A bed.” He mumbled the last word, but Daisy caught it.

  Her cheeks flamed and she finally snatched her gaze away from Jonah. The thought of sharing a bed with someone she just met should have made her recoil, especially after her last disastrous exploration into romance, but the ache low in her stomach argued for a reaction other than distaste.

  “I can rest in the mine shaft,” Jonah growled, arresting her wandering thoughts. “She can have my bunk.”


  She and Bill spoke at the same time, but she was the one that Jonah looked at. He looked almost… hurt and she hurried to explain.

  “I’m not going to take your bed from you.” She glanced over at the bunk and tried for a lighter note. “And I don’t think it’s big enough to share.”

  The words seem to echo through the empty dome, and she realized that both men
were staring at her.

  “Expect you’re wrong about that, girl,” Jonah growled, sending another one of those delightful shivers down her spine. Before she could respond, he turned to Bill. “I’ll give you a hand.”

  Bill opened his mouth, undoubtedly to protest, but one look at Jonah’s face and he closed it and headed silently for the door. The two men disappeared, and she sank down on one of the narrow benches that appeared to be the only place to sit. Lord, what had she gotten herself into? A new planet, an isolated location, and not one, but two undeniably sexy cyborgs.

  But in spite of all the challenges ahead, she still felt more at ease than she ever had in Richard’s luxurious apartment. Yes, the place was a disaster, but a good cleaning would make a huge difference and she’d never had fine surroundings. And her new husband… The big scarred cyborg should have scared her, but instead, she felt oddly safe with him. Safe—and aroused.

  She pushed that thought aside as the baby kicked. How ridiculous to be thinking about sex at a time like this.

  The two men reappeared before she had gotten much further in her thoughts, each of them carrying a huge stack of containers with no apparent difficulty. Jonah looked at her and swore. “Fuck. You need a real chair.”

  “I’m fine,” she said smiling at him, even though her back was already protesting the narrow bench.

  He ignored her. “B-669, go pull one of the seats out of a rover. It’ll do for now.”

  “Thank you, Jonah. But I think it would be good for me to get up and walk around a little.”

  She started to climb to her feet but the awkward weight of her stomach threw her off balance. Before she could collapse ungracefully back down on the bench, Jonah had his hand under her arm and held her steady with effortless strength. He was close enough that she could catch his scent, dark and almost smoky, and she felt her body respond. She started to sway towards him, but as soon as she was on her feet, he stepped back.


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