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A Few Cyborgs More (Cyborgs On Mars Book 3)

Page 9

by Honey Phillips

  Fuck. What was wrong with him? He was the one who had decided that Billy would be a better husband. He was the one who left them together as often as he could, even though he had seen the hurt in Daisy’s eyes. The memory made him wince, but he forced himself to remember his marks on her skin.

  Despite his ever-present guilt, when night fell, he couldn’t resist joining them for dinner.

  Daisy gave him a welcoming smile, and it was all he could do not to snatch her into his arms. Instead, he just nodded and took his place next to her. Even with the tension thick in the air between the three of them, he was glad that he had decided to join them.

  “The Judge called. He needs help,” Billy said, frowning at him across the table.

  S-756, known as the Judge both for his official role and for his quick, decisive judgments, had recently acquired both a wife and daughter. The knowledge still shocked J-817. S-756 had been one of the cyborgs who hated humans the most, although his bitterness had never prevented him from rendering an impartial verdict.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “He thinks his family may be in danger,” Billy said grimly. “He wants some backup.”

  “Of course.” He looked from his partner to Daisy, hating the idea of leaving them. “When does he need it?”

  “He doesn’t know. He’s just preparing for trouble. Why don’t you ride down tomorrow and talk to him? Maybe we could switch off days.”

  “Makes sense.”

  “And Sarge, take your medical kit.”

  The thought that his medical skills might be needed made him shudder. He hadn’t managed to save any of his men, not even Billy. Lately, he had spent his sleepless nights learning everything he could about delivering babies, even though he was determined that Daisy would have her child in town under the care of a real doctor.

  “I’m out of practice,” he muttered.

  “You keep up to date on all the latest techniques.” Billy grinned at his surprised look, seeming more like his usual self. “You didn’t think I knew, did you?”

  He hadn’t realized that the younger man had noticed. Determined not to fail anyone who needed him again, he had tried to stay informed, even though there had been little use for his training. The process of becoming a cyborg had made them almost impervious to harm. They could be damaged, of course, but their bodies almost always healed. Only a direct shot to the brain or to the heart would prove fatal.

  Despite his reluctance, when he rode out the next morning, he took his bag along. He had almost reached the Judge’s habitat when he heard shots. Storm raced ahead, reaching their destination in time for J-817 to see the Judge bending over a small figure, blood surrounding her tiny body.

  He grabbed his bag and ran.

  His heart thudded painfully against his chest despite the efforts of his nanites to balance his system, but he managed to keep his voice calm and reassuring. Even though terror flooded his system, he was able to mask the fear. His hands didn’t shake as his skills came rushing back. The child had already lost so much blood that he ordered the Judge to provide a transfusion—there was no time to check blood types and a cyborg’s blood would be free of any illness. When he finally closed the wound with a neat line of stitches, he knew she would live. He hadn’t failed this time. The relief that flooded through him was so intense that his knees sagged, and he excused himself before they noticed his weakness.

  When he returned, the Judge and his wife were holding each other, taking comfort in each other’s presence, and the sight sent a surge of longing through him. This is what a marriage meant, he realized. Despite his attempts to encourage Daisy to turn to Billy, she was still his wife, and he was uneasily conscious of how little support he had been providing to her. He had made every effort to increase her physical comfort but he had been too afraid of giving in to his lust to even touch her, to offer her emotional comfort. That was going to change. If it wasn’t too late, if she still wanted him, he would be there for her, no matter how difficult it would be to restrain himself.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Something wrong?” Jonah asked.

  He had returned from his mission looking oddly thoughtful. Bill had managed to pry the story out of him and although Daisy was thankful that he had managed to save little Kami’s life, the idea of a deranged ex struck a little too close to home. Her nerves were a jangled mess, Bill had disappeared after hearing the tale, and Jonah had barely said a word since then.

  Daisy could hear the worry in his voice now, but it didn’t ease her tension. She scowled at him and continued pacing around the dome. The room had changed so much over the past month. Jonah and Bill had done everything they could to make it a home for her and the baby. Between them, they had managed to rustle up a couch, create a bassinet, and even found a rug for the floor. But as much as she appreciated the changes, she would have been happier to have an empty dome and the Jonah who had held her in his arms and made her think everything was going to be all right.

  “Are you in pain?” he asked.


  “What’s the matter?” He was on his feet immediately, stopping her in her tracks as he placed a warm hand over her stomach, probing gently. “Is it the baby?”

  “No, it’s not the baby. Is that all you care about?” To her dismay, an angry tear rolled down her cheek. How ironic that anger rather than sadness had driven her to tears.

  “Daisy. What’s wrong, baby?”

  The endearment was too much and she burst into tears. With a soothing noise, he picked her up and carried her to her chair, sitting down with her in his lap, the way he had done the very first night. In spite of her upset, she couldn’t help but nestle against him as he rocked her soothingly.

  When her tears finally subsided, she was afraid he would put her back on her feet, but he continued to hold her and she felt him bury his face in her hair. Had he missed this just as much? The thought made her scowl and she started to sit up.

  “Tell me what’s going on.” It was the commanding voice that always made her melt, but she refused to give in.



  “I’m just tired.”

  “Why? Aren’t you sleeping?”


  “Why not?”

  “Because I’m big and uncomfortable and frustrated,” she burst out.


  “Yes, frustrated!” She twisted around to look at him. “My breasts ache.”

  His eyes darkened to the familiar stormy intensity as his gaze dropped to where her breasts threatened to spill over the top of her dress. He started to lift a hand, then let it drop, and she gave a growl of her own, grabbing it and pressing it against the needy flesh. They both groaned.

  “That’s what I need, Jonah,” she whispered. “Someone to touch me and take away the ache.”

  He squeezed the swollen mound and she arched against his hand, but he was already pulling back, his face haunted.

  “I… I shouldn’t be doing this. Not the right man.”

  “Not the right man? You’re my husband.”

  “Too rough.” He shook his head, but his eyes were fastened on her chest. With an impatient sigh, she yanked down the top of her dress, revealing the pale mounds and dark swollen nipples. He reached for her again, without her urging this time, and closed his hand around her breast with a firm hand.

  “Oh, yes. Like that.”

  He squeezed, then tugged on her nipple. She cried out and he froze. She immediately reached out and put her hand over his.

  “You’re not hurting me. I need this.” The lightbulb suddenly went off in her head. “Is that what this is about? Is that why you’ve been avoiding me? You’re afraid of hurting me?”

  “Did hurt you,” he muttered.

  “What? You most certainly did not.”

  His body had tensed but he was still kneading her breast with his big palm.

  “Marked you,” he said, his voice tortured.

/>   “Jonah, I’m a redhead. If you breathe on me, it’ll show. You never hurt me.” Her anger suddenly came roaring back. “Why the hell didn’t you talk to me?”

  “You don’t need someone like me, Daisy. You need someone younger, better suited.”

  “Like Bill?”


  “He kissed me yesterday.”

  His body went still and when she snuck a look at him, his face was a harsh mask.

  “Maybe that’s for the best.”

  “Not if it means you won’t kiss me. I…” She forced herself to admit the truth. “I want to kiss both of you.”

  To her relief, he didn’t look horrified. He looked thoughtful, even as his hand began moving on her breast again.

  “You care for him.”

  “Of course I do, but I… care for you too.” She put her hand on his face and stroked her fingers across his scars, the way he did so often. “I’m not going to give up on you.”

  “Daisy,” he groaned, then kissed her.

  His lips were tentative, almost shy, but she wanted the real Jonah back, the one who overwhelmed her with his hunger. She bit down on his lower lip and he growled, cupping her head and holding her in place for a ruthless—wonderful—assault on her mouth. When he lifted his head, she was breathless, panting, and glowing with happiness.

  “I needed that,” she whispered, then put her hand on his face again. “Are you going to stop this time? Because I really don’t think I can stand it.”

  “Are you sure you want me? That I’m not too rough for you?”

  “I’ve never wanted anything more.”

  He growled again and climbed to his feet, carrying her to the big bed as he flicked off the lights, leaving only the dim glow from the windows to illuminate the dome. He carefully placed her on the mattress, then followed her down, kissing her with renewed passion. When she was panting once more, his lips moved from her mouth to her neck, nibbling hungrily on the sensitive flesh as he unfastened the top of her gown. He raised his head to look as he cupped one plump breast in his big hand.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured, feathering his thumb over her nipple and sending a shock of pleasure straight to her aching clit.

  His body suddenly tensed, although he didn’t slow the firm stroke of his thumb. He tilted his head a fraction as if listening, then dropped his mouth to her ear.

  “He’s watching,” he whispered so quietly she almost didn’t hear.

  Her gaze flew over his head and she could see the faint outline of a man standing there in the darkness. Bill. The knowledge sent a frisson of excitement up her spine. Jonah’s hand paused, then he took a firmer grip on her nipple, rolling it between his thumb and finger.

  “You don’t mind.” It wasn’t a question.

  “No. Do you?”

  He hesitated almost imperceptibly, then shook his head. “No.”

  He shifted his position to one side, and she realized that he was making it easier for Bill to see her. Another shudder of excitement coursed through her body and she arched her back, thrusting her breast more fully into his hands. He tugged on her nipple, harder this time, almost on the edge of pain, and it was like a live wire straight to her swollen clit.

  “Good girl,” he growled, then with one sudden move ripped open the rest of her gown, leaving her naked and exposed to both their gazes.

  Abandoning her breast, he ran a reverent hand over the swell of her stomach and down between her thighs. Her legs parted automatically and a thick finger slid through the almost embarrassing wetness. Another approving growl before his mouth clamped down on a taut peak, shockingly warm and wet, just as he swept his finger across the exposed top of her clit. Her body convulsed as she came with a startled cry, her hands clutching Jonah’s shoulders as her eyes focused on where Bill was standing in the dark beyond the curtains.

  Jonah continued to stroke and suck, sending her into a second and then a third wave of pleasure before he gentled his touch and eased her down. She collapsed back against the pillows, her body limp with satisfaction. A slight rustle reached her ears. She didn’t have to look to know that Bill was gone.

  “Think you’ll be able to sleep now?” Jonah’s voice was gruff, but she ignored it and gave him a sleepy smile.

  “Absolutely. Will you—will you stay with me?”

  She knew him well enough now to know that his face closed down not because he was rejecting her but because he was wrestling with his own demons.

  “I think I should talk to Billy.”

  Did he even realize he had called the other man by his real name? She put a hand on his cheek and tugged him down to give him a gentle kiss.

  “I think that’s an excellent idea. Thank you, Jonah.”

  “I should be thanking you.”

  “Maybe we should thank each other.” She grinned up at him.

  His lips twisted, then he sat up, carefully arranging her in the position in which she liked to sleep, with a pillow against her stomach and another tucked under her neck. Her throat tightened at the realization of how well he knew her and how much he wanted to take care of her. As soon as he was sure she was comfortable, he dropped another kiss on her head and disappeared, closing the curtains completely behind him.

  She had thought she would fall asleep immediately, and indeed her body was limp and relaxed, but her mind began to churn. Was it wrong she had enjoyed that so much? That the knowledge that Bill was watching added that extra touch of excitement? That she wanted to be with both of the men she… loved? A feeling of certainty washed over her.

  I love them both. I want them both.

  Somehow, they would make this work.

  Chapter Fourteen

  He found Billy where he knew he would, sitting on the boulder at the edge of the clearing looking out over the starlit desert. He sat down next to him and waited for the other man to talk.

  “I shouldn’t have done that,” Billy said finally, his voice tortured. “I’m sorry.”

  “Why are you sorry?”

  “She’s your wife.”

  “Is she?” The question had nagged at him. “She was married by proxy to someone she didn’t know. You used my name, but it was you she was marrying.”

  “What do you mean? I got her for you. She was always meant for you.”

  “But you love her too.” It wasn’t a question.

  Billy groaned and dropped his head in his hands. “I can’t help it. I’m sorry. Even the separate living module isn’t enough. I need to leave.”

  “No.” He couldn’t, wouldn’t, let his partner leave.

  “If I stay, I’m afraid I’ll give in to temptation again.”


  “I kissed her yesterday.”

  “I know. She told me,” he said calmly.

  Billy shot him a startled glance. “Aren’t you angry?”

  “Anyone else, and I’d kill him with my bare hands.”

  “Why not me?”

  He sighed. “Because you’re my partner. Because she loves you, Billy.”

  “She loves you too.”

  “I know.” He had fought the knowledge for so long, but he couldn’t deny it anymore. As impossible as it was to believe, she did love him and, God help him, he loved her just as much.

  “I still think I should leave.”

  “No,” he repeated. “I think—I think maybe we should give this a chance.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She liked that you were watching.”

  “And you?”

  “Didn’t mind,” he said gruffly.

  “I don’t think I can just watch,” Billy admitted.

  He waited, anticipating a surge of jealousy, but that wasn’t his immediate response. The thought of two sets of hands on her, two mouths, even two cocks… No, it wasn’t jealousy that he felt.

  “Not asking you to. But it’s her choice, always her choice.”

  “Of course,” Billy said at once. “Are you sure about this?”

p; “Yeah. I am.” He stood up and put his hand on the younger man’s shoulder. “Come to bed when you’re ready.”

  He made his way back inside, hesitated for just a minute, then stripped down and climbed into bed next to Daisy. She was half-asleep, but she gave him a sleepy smile.

  “Did you talk to him?”

  “He did,” Billy said cheerfully as he climbed into bed on the other side of Daisy. He looked at Jonah and shrugged. “I guess I was ready.”

  Daisy woke up feeling warm and comfortable. Her head was pillowed on a firm, hard chest and more warmth blanketed her back. For a moment, she felt disoriented, but then she realized that her head was resting on Jonah’s chest and Bill was curled against her back. When he had joined them last night, she had wanted to explore the two of them but her exhaustion overcame her desire and she drifted off before he had done more than kiss her shoulder. This morning, however…

  She trailed her hand slowly through the light dusting of hair on Jonah’s chest and flicked gently at the silver bar through his nipple. A big hand covered hers as he growled.

  “Are you trying to start something, baby?”

  She smiled up at him. “Maybe.” Then she jumped as another hand came around to cover her breasts. She looked over her shoulder and saw Bill grinning at her.

  “You know how long I’ve wanted to do this?”

  Her breath caught as he plucked gently at her sensitive nipples, and then she looked up at Jonah to see how he was reacting. His face was an unreadable mask, but his eyes were a different story. They blazed with heat as he watched his partner’s hands on her flesh.

  A sudden spike of pleasure in her breasts, followed by a rush of slippery warmth, made her clutch Jonah’s arms.

  Bill examined his dampened fingers, then licked one. “Milk. Does that hurt?”

  “Oh no. But is that normal?” she asked Jonah.

  He didn’t answer immediately, his eyes still fixed on the damp, rosy peaks, then he licked his lips.


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