A Diamond at Midnight

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A Diamond at Midnight Page 2

by Anne Rainey

  “Fine. Speak.”


  Cain couldn’t help himself; he so enjoyed watching Diamond get all riled. She was just so damn delicious when her face heated and her breasts rose and fell in agitation.

  “Good girl.” He hoped to piss her off more. He was rewarded when she stiffened her spine and stuck her impertinent nose in the air. Good. He’d take stubborn any day over the cold, empty look he’d seen in her pretty, green eyes moments earlier.

  “You stepped over the line when you took Sareena to bed.”

  She swiped her tongue over her lips and licked the remaining droplets of his blood into her voracious mouth, causing his body to ache for her touch. “She meant nothing to me. There was never anything more than sex and only that once. Why must you read more into it?”

  She smirked at him, which set off his own anger.

  “It’s always just sex with you, Cain.”

  Cain looked her over with renewed interest. “Who says?”

  Chapter Two

  “I don’t suppose you’re here to tell me that you’d decided to join dear Sareena in death like a good little boy?”

  Laughter rose up at her question. “I think you know me better than that.” He leaned in close and whispered, “I’ve always been a very bad boy. Don’t you remember, love?”

  He watched Diamonique subtly move away, as if his voice affected her more than she cared to admit.

  “Tell me why you’re here so you can leave me in peace.”

  He bobbed his eyebrows mischievously. “I have no desire to leave you alone. I’m here to stay.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest, which only emphasized the perfection of her tits, and growled, “You leave or I will. Your choice.”

  He stepped forward, watching in heated fascination as she stepped back once more. “Do you really wish me to leave, love?”


  He smiled at her quickly uttered word, spoken with just the slightest hint of a quiver. “I think you’re a little liar, Diamond.”

  She visibly cringed, then said, “What has Sareena’s death to do with me? Out with it, Cain.”

  “In time you will see. Soon, my love.”

  Diamonique went instantly rigid. “Don’t call me that. I am no longer your anything.”

  He rolled his eyes and ground out, “You are way too sensitive, that was always your problem.”

  “You don’t know crap about me, Cain. You were too busy stabbing me in the back to get to know the real me.”

  “Don’t, Diamond. It’s in the past,” Cain snarled.

  Anyone else would have trembled in fright, but not Diamonique. She had never truly been afraid of him. Perhaps that had been the allure. He didn’t know, and he didn’t have the luxury of time to find out. His enemies were near and soon they would find Diamonique. He couldn’t allow that.

  “Why don’t you want to talk about your flaws, Cain? Does it damage your perfect ego?”

  Cain stepped closer, staring into the most beautiful emerald pools he’d ever seen. It was the first thing about her he’d noticed. It had shocked him that he’d actually taken the time to notice something on a woman other than the more feminine elements of her packaging. That in itself had been a novelty.

  She’d blindsided him with her sweet innocence that first night. He’d watched her walking down the street as if she hadn’t a care in the world, her strides so full of energy. Without even knowing it, she’d tempted him. When he’d held her in his arms, her body molding to his as if made specifically for him, he’d gotten sucked in. Maybe it was the longing he sensed deep inside Diamond , the fire that no one else had ignited or even the goodness of her heart. Perhaps it had been all three but the last touched him more than anything. Right now, however, her enthralling eyes were all but shooting brilliant sparks at him, searing and exciting him all at once. Damn, the woman was lethal and unknowingly seductive in her rage.

  And he always did enjoy standing a bit too close to the fire.

  His lips kicked up at the corners, as he automatically drew his gaze downward, drinking in

  the exotic sight of her. Her dress molded to her perfect curves, driving him insane with need. In the past, she’d been partial to reds and blacks, but tonight she wore a green, crushed velvet thing that made her skin fairly shimmer in the moonlight.

  Christ, her beauty brought him to his knees every time he saw her; a temptation he’d never been able to resist. A walking wet dream. Diamonique was the kind of woman that made a man want to possess her, all the while knowing it was impossible. After all, how did one go about owning a bolt of lightning?

  “You like to get me angry, don’t you, Diamond?” Cain searched her face for some sign her resolve to stay mad at him had weakened. He hated to admit it, but he wasn’t comfortable with knowing he’d hurt her. Once, long ago, they’d often argued and debated. Cain had taken pleasure in their little game of matching wits. Their relationship had never been dull or stagnant. But the hurt she tried unsuccessfully to hide tore pieces from him.

  Diamonique snorted. “Do us both a favor, Cain; don’t pretend that I hold some special place in your world. I know better.”

  Feeling guilty, Cain winched. “It was a hundred damn years ago! Will you never forgive me for that tiny lapse in judgment? If you would only listen to my side you might see that it’s not all what you think.”

  She quirked an eyebrow. “Oh? And how many sides to a blowjob are there?” Her tone was dry as she turned from the railing and began walking away.

  Cain promptly choked. Jesus, the woman had a wicked tongue. Instead of hurling insults, he could think of at least a dozen other things much more enjoyable for the use of such a wicked weapon.

  If she’d only give him the chance to explain.

  The sight of her leaving cemented his determination to get back in her good graces. He had to make her see reason. Both their lives depended upon it. Cain followed quietly at a discreet distance, curious as to what she was up to now.

  Lord in heaven, he loved the way her hips moved. Her sexy, round ass had just the right amount of sway. Could she be completely oblivious to her own attraction? He didn’t’ think so. She wasn’t blind, nor was she stupid. Diamonique knew how men watched her. Wanted her.

  But she had no real idea how she affected him.

  Cain wanted her, and he despaired at the thought of never having her again. Never being able to feel her sweet body beneath his, writhing in ecstasy. Diamonique had a body designed for sex. An unwanted thought of her giving all that unrestrained passion to another man sprang to his mind—another seeking bliss at her total lack of inhibitions. Touching her silky skin and lapping up the rapture she emitted with every thrust of her hips. Cain felt a wild urge to howl at the moon. Shit. She’d been the only woman to slide so effortlessly inside his heart. A heart he’d thought had shriveled and died long ago. And she’d somehow made him want to be...civilized. The things he’d felt had been foreign to him.

  Before he’d met Diamonique, Cain had liked making people as miserable as he. When he’d begun to slip, going soft, he’d pulled back. It had been a survival instinct to push her away. He’d never intended to alienate her completely, only to put some emotional distance between them. That was the single reason he’d gone to the club that night. That was the reason he’d let Sareena hit on him. He had wanted to prove to Diamonique, prove to himself, that he was fine without her, that he didn’t need her. That any warm and willing body would do. He’d wanted to put her in her place.

  Then things had gone to hell faster than a fallen angel. Shit, what a mess.

  Deep down, Cain knew—no matter how much he wanted to believe otherwise—she’d never forgive him. His Diamond was too stubborn for that. Too damn stubborn. Besides, he had his own agenda. And there was no room for her in his future. But, first, he had an obligation to see to her safety, and he couldn’t do that if she kept walking away from him.

  Damn it!

  Watching her stroll reg
ally down the street drove his libido into overdrive. On the other hand, maybe while keeping her out of harm’s way, Cain could soften that hard shell of hers and have another taste of her sweet flesh. Even as the thought came into his mind, she turned a corner and he very nearly lost track of her. When he saw the shimmer of her dress in the moonlight, his breath met the air in relief. When he spied the man leaning against a building watching her, Cain knew what she was after. His pretty Diamond was still hungry. Apparently, she’d been trying to ditch him so that she could feed in private. She’d not had enough when she’d taken his vein.

  An unfamiliar feeling invaded, took hold, and created a burning sense of urgency for him to stop her.

  He swiftly searched his memories, but Cain was loath to think of a single instance where he’d seen her feed from another male. Of course, the two of them had exchanged blood, which was another of his own rules he’d gladly broken. Cain never exchanged with other vampires, it created too much of a bond, a mind link that was only broken by death itself. He’d never wanted a link to anyone, so he’d never given his blood to anyone, only taken.

  Once again, Diamonique had mixed him up, so friggin’ thoroughly that he could only think of her. Of touching her. Watching her face light up with laughter. Feel her body quiver with pleasure, as she tasted his blood. Revel in her orgasm, as he’d tasted hers. He’d done the unthinkable when he dropped his defenses and let her drink her fill from him that first time. They’d made love and it had been beautiful. If he were honest with himself, he’d admit that he’d never made love before Diamonique. Sure, he’d had sex with plenty of women. Over the centuries, he’d never denied himself the pleasure of a woman’s body. But with Diamonique, it had been wholly different. He’d wanted to bring her pleasure. Giving her satisfaction had thrilled him, made him feel alive.

  After she’d left him, he’d made every attempt to get Diamond to link with him, but she’d refused. After awhile he’d given her the privacy she’d craved, but he’d continued to watch over her by slipping inside her mind unnoticed.

  Now he stood frozen, as he watched her touch the human male, licking and suckling playfully at his neck. Even in the darkness of the alley, Cain could make out the lustful look on the stranger’s face; the hard bulge in his jeans. Cain’s body vibrated with fury as the man wrapped his arms around Diamonique, drawing her closer to him, fitting her curves to his. His instincts kicked in, and he eagerly allowed the beast in him to rise as the man thrust his pelvis into Diamonique.

  With nocturnal speed, Cain flew through the alley and jerked them apart. Diamonique’s anger showed in her brilliant green eyes, but his attention was already on another part of her face. His nostrils flared to life at the sweet hint of blood that was staining her plump lips. It still dripped from the man’s neck. The stranger looked up at him, dazed.

  Dazed and horny.

  Cain would kill him with his bare hands.

  Chapter Three

  He pushed Diamonique further away from the human. She stumbled, lost her balance and fell to the ground. After glancing back to make sure she was unharmed, Cain centered his concentration on the man. He wrapped one hand around the mortal’s neck and squeezed, then jerked the man into the air so they were eye to eye. Slowly, he pressed his fingers inward, he could feel the fragile bones groan under the pressure of his grip, determined to bring the man out of his lustful trance in the most painful way possible.

  Cain waited and watched as realization dawned. Then, with predatory satisfaction, he reveled in the horror lighting the man’s eyes, before he began thrashing about, his lips blue from lack of oxygen. Pitiless as the devil himself, Cain allowed his lengthened incisors to gleam in the dark alley, dipped his head and licked the trickle of blood that still oozed from where Diamonique had scored the man’s neck. He smelled her scent and it fueled his rage further.

  Cain raised his head and callously stared as the man started to choke, uselessly flailing his arms and legs. He wanted him to suffer, measure by measure, until he’d squeezed every bit of life from his body. In his mind, all he could see was Diamonique’s tongue stroking. Diamonique’s lips suckling. A killing frenzy blocked out every rational thought.

  Then a whisper of sound registered. Only Diamonique’s soft voice could penetrate the layers of rage that was upon him. She was pleading, her desperation and grief stopped him cold. “Please don’t, Cain.”

  The sadness in her voice was the only thing capable of bringing him back to reality.


  Cain spun around and growled, “You wish for him to live?”

  She nodded.

  “Why? Do you care for this one?” If she said yes, he would snap the fop’s neck.

  Diamond belonged to him. No mortal or immortal would have her and live.

  She shook her head. “I don’t even know him. He was only a means of sustenance, nothing more, I swear it.” Her shoulders slumped.

  Cain searched her gaze. Finally, he released his hold, satisfied that she was not attempting to deceive him. The human fell to the street like a clump of dirt, then gagged and coughed as he attempted to drag precious oxygen into his starving lungs. Cain merely stepped over him, grasped Diamonique’s arm and hauled her out of the alley. He needed to get her alone, out of the city, away from other males. Never had he experienced anything as intense as this feeling of…what?


  Cain wasn’t the type to get jealous. Women had simply never meant enough to him to inspire such powerful emotion.

  Until now.

  “Come with me,” Cain growled, grateful when Diamonique acquiesced.

  Within seconds, they both shifted into the shape of dark-winged creatures and took to the night sky. Diamonique’s small, delicate form easily kept pace beside him. The memory of teaching her how to shapeshift and take flight came to him unbidden. He still heard Diamonique’s sweet laughter filling his mind as she teased him to keep up. Cain ruthlessly forced the memory away. It wouldn’t do to break concentration several hundred feet in the air.

  He flew until he reached the edge of the city. When he spotted a clearing in a small patch of woods, Cain descended, changing back to his clothed human form as he landed and Diamonique followed suit. The instant her feet hit the ground he clutched her by the shoulders and brought her around to face him. They stood so close he could feel her quick choppy breaths on his neck, feel the rise and fall of her breasts. But the vision of her mouth on the man in the alley had yet to leave his mind.

  “You have no idea what you do to my head, do you?” His words came out harsher than he’d intended.

  She closed her eyes, as if gathering herself, then whispered, “What do you want from me? Why bring me out here?”

  “You are in danger, Diamond.”

  She shook her head, and he watched a tear trail down her cheek. Suddenly, her image blurred and too late she was gone. Lights and colors were already dancing on the ground and over the cliff’s edge, filling the spot where she stood with warmth.

  Diamonique was gone, and he hadn’t told her about the Dark Dominion. He hadn’t been able to tell her why her life was in danger. But he would find her. She might be able to hide her presence from others, but never him. Even though he’d left her alone these last one hundred years, he’d never truly been far away.

  Cain closed his eyes and let his soul seek hers. It was easy enough, considering how many times he’d done it over the years. Her life essence was a sparkling light inside his dark soul. It only took seconds to see that she’d gone to her townhouse.

  Predictable. He would go to her, explain the peril she was in and then he would take her somewhere safe. Once he knew for certain he’d eliminated the threat to her life; he would take his time in coaxing out the Diamond he’d known so well. He’d show her immeasurable pleasure. Cain would bathe her in it, and once again, she would lower those damned walls and let him in.

  When he dematerialized and reappeared outside her apartment building, Cain closed hi
s eyes and sought his beautiful Diamond. Their blood bond brought her image to him with ease. She was standing in her living room, her mind a flurry of activity. Her thoughts were on fleeing the city. Damn good idea, but she’d be leaving with him, not alone.

  He’d lost her for too long already. Suddenly, he no longer cared about his enemies. All he wanted was to feast on her body. To seal their bond further.

  Cain allowed his body to dissolve into a thousand particles of mist. He soared upwards and slipped inside her apartment, unnoticed. Once again solid muscle and flesh, he cleared his throat.

  Diamonique swung around, startled.

  “You do not take proper precautions, love. It’s too dangerous for you to let down your defenses so completely. I taught you better than that.”


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