A Diamond at Midnight

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A Diamond at Midnight Page 3

by Anne Rainey

  “Get out! You aren’t welcome here, Cain.”

  Anger and passion warred inside his body. He flew across the room until he stood directly in front of her, grabbed her arms, then growled, “I go where you go. You are in danger, Diamond. You may not realize it, but you are no longer safe alone.”

  “I’m not safe with you!” She flung back, rage showing in her gorgeous features, as she attempted to yank herself out of his arms.

  In a calmer tone, he murmured, “I have enemies who know of you. They wish to hurt me by killing you. So, from now on, I am your shadow. Like it or not, I don’t really give a damn. I go where you go.”

  Diamonique rolled her eyes. “What are you talking about? You aren’t making any sense.”

  Cain released her and sighed. “Sit down. I have a story to tell you.” She was hesitant, but in the end, she sat quietly and waited for him to continue. “Sareena knew about you, Diamond. She knew I cared for you, and she sought to make me pay by going to the Dark Dominion. They tortured her, after she told them all about the ancient blood that flows in your veins. My ancient blood. They killed her.”

  “Go on.”

  “The Dominion will do anything for power. They’re twisted and depraved and believe that an ancient’s life force gives them immeasurable power, makes them stronger. It’s nonsense, of course, but there’s no reasoning with them. Their leader, Rafael, is deranged. He takes innocents and turns them immortal against their will. Crazy as it sounds Rafael thinks the stronger a person’s willpower the more potent the blood. He learned very quickly that I have a very strong will and he’ll do anything to harness that power for himself. I turned out to be the perfect prey because I had no ties. No family. My father had already tossed me to the street and forgotten about me. A nobody. More importantly, I was tough, determined. Rafael gets a real high off of forcing the stronger ones to their knees. It’s a form of pleasure to him. With me he had a lot of time to play because I refused to submit...at first.” Diamonique shuddered, but he continued. “Once you have Dark Dominion blood in your veins there is no escape. As part of the initiation, you’re put in a dark soundproof room. The sensory-deprivation brainwashing they put the new recruits through is sheer hell.” He shuddered thinking back to those awful days. When no one was around, he’d prayed for death but was never granted such luxury.

  “They don’t give you any blood for the first three days and nights, then on the fourth evening you’re given a few drops. Barely enough to survive, but more than enough to start your cravings.” Cain swallowed back the bile that rose up at the thought of how he’d begged for more. “Insanity comes quickly.”

  She narrowed her eyes, clearly suspicious. “I’ve heard horrible rumors of The Dominion, and I remember what you said they did to you, but why me? Why would they want me when they could just come for you?”

  “With me they would have quite a fight on their hands. I figured out how to separate myself from them. But with you, a mere fledgling, they could drain you dry before you even realized what was happening.”

  “How many of them are there? Can I fight them?”

  Two strides and Cain was kneeling in front of her. “They are a small group, but you will have no chance against them. They have been around much longer than you, love; longer than me. If they come anywhere near this apartment, I would sense it immediately. No matter how much you wish me gone. It’s not safe.” Cain hoped he was telling the truth about keeping her safe. The alternative was too horrific to consider.

  “Why would you sense them and I wouldn’t? What aren’t you telling me, Cain?”

  Damn, she was too smart for her own good sometimes.

  “The one who started the small band of rebels, Rafael, is my creator. He’s had it in for me since Lucas, his son, left The Dominion. He blames me because I helped Lucas escape.” He paused. “If Rafael comes sniffing around, I’ll sense it, which is a good thing. The bad is Rafael can also find me. ”

  “It just figures that you would be able to pick out a twisted vampire at fifty paces. What I don’t understand is why Rafael has waited until now to hunt you.”

  “I’m not sure. Maybe he didn’t think anything he could do to me personally would be enough. Since he learned about you, he knows my Achilles heel.”

  “How nice, comparing me to a body part.”

  He chuckled at her disgruntled attitude and stood.

  She watched him, wary.

  “So, you see now why I must stick to you like glue?”

  She nodded and looked away.

  He took that moment to examine her apartment. Cain liked the colorful décor. She’d always had a penchant towards ancient Egypt, and her choice of furniture and wall hangings clearly reflected that. “You have a nice place here.”

  “Thank you, but don’t get too cozy, you’re only staying long enough to eliminate the threat, then you’re gone.”

  He grinned .“Of course, love.”

  Chapter Four

  Diamonique rose abruptly, dismissing Cain as if he were an insect, then started walking down the hallway. She could feel him following close behind. She turned and growled, “What are you doing?”

  “Scanning our surroundings for any sign of a threat. This is something you should be doing as well, Diamond.”

  Automatically, she sent her mind outward. When she found no evil presence lurking, she let out a heavy sigh. “I sense nothing.”

  He nodded. “I don’t think they’ve found you, yet.” He shrugged. “I don’t suppose I could talk you into coming with me to my two hundred acre, well guarded property, where I’ll be on my own territory?”

  Diamonique stiffened. “No.”

  “Be reasonable. We both know I can protect you better there.”

  “Really, Cain? Because I don’t think that’s entirely true. I think it’s better to let them come to me. I can be bait. If we go back to your fortress, it could be months before they find us. I don’t want that.”

  He started to protest, but she halted him with a hand in the air. “I refuse to step foot in that place. You can either stay here and fight or you can leave, but you’ll be alone.”

  “Have you always been so damn stubborn?”

  She shrugged, sensing her victory. “Probably.”

  Cain closed the distance separating them and swept her into his arms. “None of it matters. I’m here and I no longer want to talk. I want to feel your heat surrounding me. The tender clutch of your inner muscles on my cock. I ache to quench this endless hunger”

  He started towards her bedroom and she stiffened, scared all of a sudden. “No.”

  “Don’t deny us this moment in time, Diamond. Tomorrow we could both be dead. Let us have one more memory together.”

  Diamonique relaxed a little. “This is a mistake, Cain.”

  “No, love,” he objected, “screwing up with you, that was the mistake.”

  His footsteps continued down the hall as she stared at him, attempting to see into his very soul. She was certain he’d read her mind, because he already knew the location of her bedroom.

  Once she relaxed against his hard chest, Diamonique could swear Cain shook. Was he relieved she hadn’t denied him? Although, she was loath to admit it aloud, she still cared. For the first time since leaving him all those years ago, she didn’t feel hatred towards Cain. She felt hope instead. He was the most confounding man she’d ever known, always blindsiding her with his mesmerizing appeal and intelligent quips and comebacks. And through it all, he made her feel alive just to be in his presence.

  Cain kissed the top of her head and took her to the bedroom, but as he entered her private domain, Diamonique cringed. He’d never been to her bedroom, or her apartment for that matter. What would he think of her whimsical furnishings?

  While the rest of her apartment was decorated in dramatic colors of black and gold and red, her bedroom was just the opposite. She’d always thought it was like stepping right into the pages of a fairy tale. There were unicorns, fairies, princes
ses, wizards, and even dragons everywhere.

  The king size bed was covered by a white, fluffy comforter with the picture of a powerful unicorn embroidered into the center. She loved that comforter. Her bedside table lamp was shaped like an ominous green and purple dragon. There was a large overstuffed chair that looked plenty big enough for two—which gave her all sorts of wicked ideas for later—and the upholstery was covered in fairies of all shapes, sizes and colors. Even the wallpaper had gotten into the act.

  “This room makes me feel like an evil lord debauching the virginal maiden.”

  Diamonique smacked his chest and laughed. “You’re no more an evil lord than I am a virgin.” She shifted awkwardly. “It’s just that I’ve always loved fairy tales. Happily ever after and all that. It really does it for me. Of course, if you tell anyone, I’ll have to kill you.”

  “Are you saying no other man has ever been in your bedroom, my love?”

  “I’ve never wanted anyone in here. Until now.”

  He kissed the top of her head and whispered, “You make me want to...feel.”

  Diamonique reached up and cupped his cheek. “I’m very glad I do, Cain.”

  Neither of them spoke again as he walked them to the bed. Cain laid her down in the center; tenderness engulfed her as cotton softness surrounded her body. He began taking off his own clothes. Cain could simply will them away, but it seemed he wanted her to watch.

  He started with the shirt, undoing one button at a time until it hung open, revealing his chest. He shifted his shoulders and the shirt fell to the floor. She couldn’t take her eyes from him. When he reached his pants, she was all but bursting with need. He unsnapped and unzipped and his erection sprang free. When he made no move to join her on the bed, she frowned.

  “Undress, Diamond, then touch yourself for me.” Her shock must have shown, because he explained. “For years now, I’ve been watching you, love. I always knew every move you made. I knew each time you swept your clothes aside and slipped those delicate fingers inside that tight hot opening. I knew what you looked like. It drove me mad wishing I could be here, in this very room. Wishing it could be my fingers taking you to paradise.”

  She felt her cheeks heat. “How could I not have known? Shouldn’t I be able to sense you, Cain?”

  “Only if I wanted you to. Like the nightclub, I have the ability to cloak myself. I can teach you. Later. Do not think on any of that now. Just let me watch you pleasure yourself. Do it for me, love.”

  Diamonique licked her lips and in a flash, she was nude.


  Jesus, she was beautiful. Lush and sexy. His beautiful, rare diamond. Enthralled, Cain stood motionless as Diamonique’s left hand went to her breasts, the other to her sweet center. She arched her back and closed her eyes, fondling herself for his viewing pleasure. Two fingers dipped between her swollen labia, then back out. Cain could see her juices—smell her intoxicating scent. As she plucked at her puckered nipple, arching off the bed, Cain went wild.

  He flew to her, moved over her aroused body and pinned her beneath him. Using his knee, Cain pushed her legs wide and settled himself between. By sheer force of will, he kept himself from sinking into the cradle of her warmth. He wanted this to last. He never wanted it to end. Cain needed this moment etched into his memory forever.

  Grasping her wrists in one hand, Cain raised them above her head. She was stretched out under him like an offering. He allowed his other hand free rein. He drifted his palm down her curves, to cup her soft mound, then stroked her wet folds open and sank one finger deep. Diamonique moaned and thrashed about, her breasts swayed back and forth in her struggle for completion. It was the ultimate temptation. He dipped his head and took one round breast into his mouth, sucking as much of the sensitive orb in as he finger-fucked her.

  “Cain, please!”

  Her pleading command was music to his ears. He moved to her other sweetly rounded flesh and lavished it with the same amount of attention. Diamonique lifted up, smashing her breasts into his hungry mouth. He felt his incisors lengthen. Unable to stop, Cain bit down, piercing her flesh. She screamed his name and came apart in his arms. Her blood rushed into his mouth and he drank, starved for her unique flavor. The clutch of her tight heat as her juices soaked his finger, drove his body into a frenzy of lust.

  Once her tremors subsided, Cain pulled his finger free, sucked it clean, and then licked the pinpricks on her breast. He pressed a gentle kiss to her mouth and lifted his head.

  “You give me something I’ve never had from any other woman, love,” Cain confessed.

  Her eyelids lifted, her voice raw when she asked, “What’s that, Cain?”

  “You give me the sun.”

  She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “When I’m with you, I feel warm again. My soul is brought back to life.”


  Fear resurfaced in her eyes and he hated it—-hated himself for putting it there. Cain leaned down and kissed it away, then let go of her hands and sat back long enough to flip her onto her stomach. As he came back down atop her, caging her in with his arms at either side of her head, he drove his throbbing shaft into her with one quick thrust and they both moaned.

  “Christ, you feel good,” he whispered into her ear. “So wet and tight and all mine.” The possessive words tumbled out of him, and he was pleased when he felt Diamonique gasp and nod her head in agreement.

  He held her still as he pumped into her from behind. He felt his own orgasm building, but he wasn’t finished with her. Maybe he would never be. He moved his hand beneath her hips and seized her clit between his index finger and thumb. Cain rolled the swollen nub, pinching and caressing, then sank even deeper into her tight sheath. When Diamonique’s pleasure crested once again, he moved his hips faster, harder, until he was buried so deep he never wanted to leave the safe haven of her body. This time, when she soared over the edge, Diamond took him with her.

  Chapter Five

  Cain awoke, alert and ready. Out of habit, he scanned his surroundings. A familiar scent permeated the air around Diamonique’s building.

  “Rafael,” he hissed.

  Cain nudged Diamonique awake and knew the instant she was aware of him. Her entire body stiffened.

  “Wake up, my love. We have company.”

  Diamonique shot to her feet, then looked down at her nude body. Before Cain had a chance to appreciate her lush beauty, she was covered in a pair of tight black pants, a turtleneck, and boots. He stifled the urge to toss her back onto the mattress and instead followed suit. He moved around the bed and held out his hand, “Come on, we don’t have much time.”

  She looked at his outstretched palm, then back into his eyes. “Where are we going?”

  “Not far. I only want to get a jump on them.”

  “I thought you wanted to whisk me away to your big mansion in the woods.”

  “I do, but I’ve come to the conclusion that if we run, they’ll only follow. I want this finished once and for all.”

  She nodded. “Me too.” When she took his hand, his heart clenched. Cain wanted to see it as a sign of trust, maybe even love, but he was a realist and refused to wish for things that might never come.

  He kept her at his back as he left the bedroom, his senses open to danger at all times. To Rafael.

  Just as he entered the living room, he felt the change in the air.

  Evil brought a heavy, dark scent wherever it went.

  “I see you’ve come to save your little gem. How sweet.”

  The lamp beside the couch was on, and Rafael’s blond hair gleamed in the light. Cain had always thought the man looked angelic. Too bad his nature was as black as hell itself. The six- foot-six vampire sat at one end of Diamonique’s couch, one leg crossed over the other, his huge body relaxed, as if he’d come to have tea instead of torturing and killing Diamonique.

  Cain was angry with himself for not sensing Rafael sooner. For sleeping, when he should have been alert—w
atching over Diamonique. Christ, he’d practically drawn The Dominion a map straight to her door!

  “You’re too late, Rafael. But then, what else is new,” Cain shot back, as he ran through his options. He could easily dematerialize, take Diamonique to safety, then come back and kill Rafael. But, who was to say that Rafael hadn’t already planned for that outcome. Hell, he probably had his minions all over the place, ready to do his bidding.

  “See how differently we view things, Cain? From where I’m sitting, I’m right on time.”

  Rafael in all his arrogance thought himself unbeatable. Cain would use that character flaw to kill the twisted being. “This is between you and me. Leave Diamond out of it.”


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