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The Human Side

Page 2

by Cori Garrison

  Jenna took two quick steps towards Sam, grabbed her by the hand and turned to lead her towards the stairs. Sam followed silently, not knowing where she was being led to, but trusting Jenna. Jenna glanced in Jackson’s room as they walked by. Satisfied that the baby was still sleeping soundly, she led Sam into their bathroom. Wordlessly, she pulled Sam’s tank top over her head, kneeling to pull her shorts and underwear to the floor. She stood and turned the shower on and stripped her own scrubs off in two quick movements.

  Their eyes met and Jenna could see the need in Sam’s. Oh baby, I hate to see you hurting. She pulled her in the shower behind her and closed the door. Her hand briefly caressed Sam’s cheek before she pulled the shower head down and motioned Sam to turn around. Jenna silently washed Sam’s hair and body before she let her hands wander over Sam’s smooth skin. She reached up, pulling Sam’s head down to kiss her. Sam’s hands went to her shoulders, pushing Jenna against the shower wall and deepening the kiss.

  A flurry of emotions marched across Sam’s face, and Jenna knew all of them by heart. God, I’ve had never loved anyone so deeply, with such abandon that it scares the hell out of me. She quietly whispered the words she knew Sam was waiting for; the words Sam needed to hear. “I love you Sam.”

  Sam kissed her again with an almost desperate quality. She moaned at the feel of Jenna’s naked curves against her own. How does she know what I need? What did I ever do to deserve her?

  Sam kissed her way down Jenna’s body as the shower sprayed over them, carefully lifting Jenna’s leg to brace her foot on the shower seat and knelt between her legs. “Baby, you are so beautiful and I love you so much.” She mumbled as she gently kissed her thighs.

  Sam poured all of her emotions into loving Jenna. Thirty minutes later they stepped out of the shower together and dried off.

  “Do you want to tell me what has you so upset baby?” Jenna said quietly has she pulled the brush through Sam’s long hair.

  “My mother called.” Sam said quietly. She could feel the tears welling in her eyes and tried to stop them. Damnit! Why do I let her affect me so much?

  Jenna watched Sam’s face in the mirror, waiting silently for Sam to finish. She leaned slightly and gently kissed Sam’s shoulder. I swear, I will drive to South Carolina and slap that bitch. Why can’t she just love her daughters like a normal parent?

  “She called to ask me, rather tell me, to turn Stacy away.” Sam shook her head and closed her eyes. “She didn’t even ask about Jackson.” The tears were back and now trailed down her cheeks; her shoulders shaking as she cried.

  Jenna stepped in front of her, knelt down and pulled her against her. “I’m sorry baby. I know it hurts you and that hurts me. I wish there was something I could do to change things with them.” God I hate this. No one should be rejected by their own parents. She silently held Sam as she cried, stroking her hair.

  “I don’t know how Shawn has dealt with this for so many years. How does she not let it kill her spirit?” Sam wondered aloud.

  “Baby, Shawn isn’t made of stone. It affects her more than you know. You may not see her cry or get angry about it, but it affects her. Shawn shuts herself off from everyone. That’s her way of coping with it, which isn’t healthy. Someday she is going to have to deal with it instead of burying it with sarcasm and walls. As much as it hurts me to see you cry, I would much rather have you cry because at least you’re acknowledging that it does hurt you.” Jenna smiled encouragingly.

  “I really hope that she can make this relationship with Rebecca work. She is the happiest I ever remember her being. She really loves her; I can tell by the way she looks at her.” Sam replied.

  “Me too baby, me too. Let’s get dressed and go take our son out to dinner okay?” Jenna hugged her tightly again and kissed her forehead.


  “What time did your sister think she would be here today?” Rebecca asked as she and Shawn took a quick break at work.

  Shawn looked at Rebecca. She was sitting in a chair with her head laid back and her eyes closed. How did I not know that she was interested in me for three years? Was I blind? Her eyes followed the gentle curve of Rebecca’s neck, thinking about how she loved kissing that exact spot.

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?” Shawn asked as she brought herself back to reality.

  “I said, what time is your sister supposed to be getting into town?” Rebecca repeated without opening her eyes. She was mentally judging whether they would have time to make it home for a quickie before Shawn’s sister would be there. She felt like she was in a constant state of arousal right now. She wasn’t sure if it was the pregnancy hormones or if it was just her intense attraction to everything about Shawn. She decided it was both.

  Shawn looked around quickly making sure they were alone in the break room and quietly leaned down to Rebecca’s ear. “Why? Do you have something or rather someone to do before she gets here?” She whispered in a low tone.

  A quiet moan escaped Rebecca’s lips. “Baby, you can’t do that. You know when you whisper in my ear, it drives me insane. If you don’t quit, we won’t make it out of the parking garage tonight.”

  Shawn laughed and moved away. “Well let’s get the rest of our shift over with so we can get home then! I’ll see you later baby.”

  Hours later they clocked out and headed to the garage. Rebecca waited until the elevator doors closed and they were alone before she pressed herself back against Shawn’s body, reaching back to grab the sides of her legs. “I need you.” She said in a low, husky voice and moved away just before the elevator doors opened. Two can play this game!

  Shawn quickly stepped around her, grabbed her hand as she passed, practically dragging her to their car. Fifteen minutes later they pulled into the garage at home. Rebecca was out of the car and inside the house before Shawn could even get out of the car. She stepped through the door and saw Rebecca’s scrub top laying on the hallway floor. She looked around and saw her bra lying on the kitchen island. Following the trail of quickly discarded clothing, she stepped into the living room and was greeted by the sight of Rebecca laying on the couch, waiting for her.

  “I need you Shawn. Please, I can’t stand it any longer. I need to feel you against me, inside me.” Rebecca pleaded as Shawn walked towards her.

  Shawn obediently knelt down next to the couch, tugged Rebecca’s scrub pants and underwear off and tossed them aside. “What do you need baby?” She played the role she knew Rebecca wanted her to.

  “I want to feel you inside me. I need to feel you inside me baby.” Rebecca whispered, her eyes simmering.

  Shawn leaned over and kissed her stomach softly, making her way up to her mouth. She traced Rebecca’s lips with her tongue and slid her fingers between her thighs. Rebecca was soaked already; she imagined she probably had been most of the day at work. She smiled into Rebecca’s kiss. “You are so wet. Is this what you want?” She said as she slid two fingers deep into Rebecca.

  “God yes!” Rebecca groaned. “Oh my God that feels so good!” Her hips arched up into Shawn’s hand. “Oh my God, I’m coming!” Rebecca’s eyes went wide with shock.

  Shawn kissed her deeply as her orgasm subsided. “Wow” She said as she pulled back. “You weren’t kidding were you?”

  “Oh my God, I am so embarrassed. I practically came before your fingers were all the way in me!” Rebecca covered her eyes with her hand. I’ve become some sort of sex freak with Shawn. God, why did I waste three years of mind blowing orgasms because I was too scared to admit I was gay.

  Shawn laughed. “Don’t ever be embarrassed about coming for me, no matter how quick or how often. I don’t mind at all.”

  “Oh God, we have to hurry. Your sister will be here any minute!” She scrambled out from underneath Shawn, looking for her clothes that she carelessly discarded on her way in to the house and smoothing her hair. Oh my God! I’m so embarrassed.

  The doorbell rang and Shawn shot a quick look at Rebecca. “You better hurry and thro
w your shirt on!” She giggled as she opened the door.

  “I’m here!” Said a younger version of Shawn standing on their front porch.

  “I can see that.” Shawn said stalling until she felt Rebecca slide up to her side. She smiled wickedly and turned to her. “Rebecca, this is my baby sister, Stacy.” Nodding towards the blonde.

  “I’m so happy to meet you Stacy and I’m so glad you’re here! Please come in.” Rebecca motioned her inside. She tried to act as collected as she could; feeling very self-conscious about her disheveled appearance. Please dear God, do not let her figure it out.

  Stacy laughed and stepped inside. “Am I interrupting something? I can circle the block a few times if you need me to.”

  Shawn couldn’t suppress her laughter as she watched Rebecca blush, visible even with her dark complexion. She was fully aware that Rebecca didn’t have time to put her bra on; instead she had just quickly pulled her scrub top on. It clearly did not hide her breasts that had become even fuller with the pregnancy and her nipples that were still hard with arousal.

  “You’re not interrupting anything. We just got home from work and were waiting for you!” Shawn said, sparing Rebecca any further embarrassment. “Come on, do you want something to drink? Sam and Jenna should be here soon to help you unload your things.”

  “Water would be great if you have it.” Stacy giggled, grinning as she walked into the living room. “I’m so happy to finally be here. I feel like a ton of bricks has been lifted off my chest and I cannot thank the two of you enough for allowing me to stay here until I find a place.”

  “You don’t have to thank us, Stacy. Your family and that’s all that matters.” Rebecca said smiling.

  Stacy turned her eyes on Shawn. “How in the world did you get so lucky Shawn? You better hang on to this one!” Turning back to Rebecca, she smiled brilliantly.

  Stacy didn’t see the brief change of expression on Shawn’s face. Rebecca, however, did. Something struck a nerve there.

  The doorbell rang and Rebecca got up to answer it, expecting it to be Sam and Jenna. However, she was surprised to see a middle-aged, taller gentleman with familiar blue eyes.

  Confused, she asked “Can I help you?”

  “My name is Spencer Evans; I am looking for my daughter Stacy.” The man replied.

  Oh fuck!

  “Father, what are you doing here?” Stacy asked with as much confusion in her voice as Rebecca was feeling.

  “I followed you here. Stacy, you must come back home. This is no place for you to be.” Mr. Evans said sternly.

  “Father, I am not going anywhere. I am an adult and I am here to stay. I have a job and I will be finding my own apartment as quickly as possible. Please just go and don’t make a scene.” Stacy pleaded.

  “I am not leaving without….” He started to say, but before he could finish Shawn appeared, stepping between Stacy and their father.

  “You need to leave now. Stacy has made it clear that her choice is to stay here.” Shawn said flatly.

  “I beg your pardon young lady. I was not addressing you and as far as I’m concerned there is nothing you have to say that would be of any interest to me.” He turned, walking down the sidewalk.

  The fuck I don’t!

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Shawn yelled as she followed him down the walk. “How do you just treat your own flesh and blood like they are disposable if they don’t meet your idea of the all-American family?” Her fists were clenched tightly at her sides.

  Spencer Evans turned slowly to face Shawn and a look of disgust was plainly visible on his face. “You are not my family. In fact, this world would have been better off if you had never been born.” His voice spewed hatred and contempt at Shawn.

  Rebecca had followed after them and gasped at his words. Oh my God Shawn, oh baby! Her heart broke as she witnessed the confrontation and anger took over. She stepped directly in front of their father with her eyes burning flames.

  “Mr. Evans, you don’t know me and I don’t really care that you don’t. What I do care about is that your daughters are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known and I don’t understand how you and your wife can, as parents, throw them away like trash. You have a grandson for God’s sake, how can you turn your back on him?” She said angrily, unconsciously reaching her hand out to touch his arm.

  Spencer batted her arm away as if it had burnt him, causing Rebecca to lose her balance and catch herself against his car. “I could care less about…” Before he could finish his sentence, Shawn was in front of him with a look of complete and utter coldness on her face. “Don’t you ever fucking touch her! Do you hear me you fucking arrogant bastard? She’s pregnant with your grandchild!” She growled in an equally cold voice.

  Shawn looked up to see Sam and Jenna standing in the drive. She hadn’t realized they pulled up, much less witnessed the scene. Sam’s eyes were wide with shock. Jenna covered Jackson’s ear, holding him against her, as if she could shield him from the ignorance of his grandfather.

  “Get the fuck out of here now, before I call the police on you for trespassing and assault.” Shawn growled again. “Take your fucking homophobic, pampered ass back to South Carolina and leave us alone, you are not welcome here.”

  With that she whirled and walked blindly into the house. Spencer climbed in his car and sped away, leaving everyone else staring at each other in disbelief.

  “What the hell just happened here?” Sam demanded. “Why was our father here and what did he say to Shawn?” She stared at Rebecca waiting for answers and when Rebecca didn’t answer, she turned to Stacy. “Someone tell me what he said!!”

  “He said he the world would be better off if she had never been born.” Stacy whispered in a horrified voice. She felt like throwing up.

  Rebecca turned and went inside the house in search of Shawn. She found her in their bedroom shoving random articles of clothing into a gym bag. “What are you doing Shawn?” Rebecca whispered. Baby, please don’t leave now. Don’t leave me. Don’t leave us.

  “Isn’t it obvious? I’m leaving before anyone else gets hurt. I’m like cancer cell Rebecca, I destroy everything around me.” Shawn growled.

  Shawn’s voice and eyes were dead and cold, like an ice storm had coated them in a thick sheet. Rebecca shivered against it. She reached out touched Shawn’s face. “Baby, you are no such thing. You are wonderful and I love you. Please don’t do this, you’re just upset.”

  “You will be better off in the long run.” Shawn said evenly as she turned and left the room. She hopped in her car, raised the garage door and pulled away from the house. She forced herself to not look back.

  Stacy moved away quickly from the front window. “Sam! Shawn just left in her car!”

  Sam darted up the stairs taking two at a time and without waiting she entered the master bedroom and found Rebecca standing in the same spot she had been when Shawn walked away. Tears were rolling down her face and she had her arms crossed over her belly.

  “Rebecca, are you okay? Where did Shawn go?” Sam asked gently.

  “She left Sam. She said she was like cancer, that she just destroys everything around her. She left. She left me.” Rebecca sobbed and crumpled to the floor.

  Sam knelt beside her quickly and hugged her tight. “I’m sure she will come back honey, she’s just blowing off steam and she’s hurt. Shh, it will be okay.” She gently rocked the woman as she held her, like a child who was hurting.

  “I don’t think so Sam” Rebecca sobbed harder. “I’ve never seen her like this, it’s like she was ice.”

  Jenna stepped quietly into the room. “I’m going to take the car and go see if I can find Shawn. She might talk to me. I will call you baby.” She spoke quietly to Sam as they locked eyes over Rebecca’s head. Jenna read the expression on Sam’s face. I love you.

  “Come on sweetie, let’s go down and sit on the couch. I’ll make you some tea and we’ll wait for Jenna to call us.” She gently pulled Rebecca into a stan
ding position and smoothed her hair back away from her face.

  Rebecca blindly nodded, not having the strength to speak. Her chest felt like a ton of bricks was weighing it down, crushing her with numbing pain.


  Stacy quietly held Jackson, slowly rocking him and patting his butt while he slept. Rebecca sat on one end of the couch with her knees were drawn up tight against her chest and her arms wrapped around them, staring into space. She hadn’t spoken since they came downstairs, nor had she drank any of the tea that Sam had sat beside her on the table.

  Sam overtly watched Rebecca as she sat on the other end of the couch. She was worried sick herself, but she knew Jenna was looking for Shawn and right now, that’s all any of them could do. She felt helpless as she watched her friend in such pain. She was even more concerned about her sister, though. As much as Shawn had endured from their parents, she had never seen her react like this. It was one thing for her to take out her anger on her father, but for her to run? Well that just wasn’t a typical response for her. I can’t imagine how father’s words must have hurt her. God, why did he have to show up now, when Shawn was finally happy?

  Sam jumped as her cell phone rang. She snatched it off her leg where it had been perched for the past two hours and answered quickly. “Hey baby, did you find her? Okay honey, I’ll tell her.” She laid the cell back down and looked up to see Rebecca staring at her intently.

  Rebecca felt hollow and something inside her knew that Shawn was not coming home. “She hasn’t found her, has she?” She whispered.

  “Not yet, but she is going to try a few more places.” Sam offered encouragingly, hoping the smile on her face looked sincere. Please don’t do this Shawn.

  Sam had drifted asleep with her head leaned against the back of the couch and Stacy was asleep in the rocker with Jackson sleeping soundly in her lap. Sam’s eyes opened as she realized she was drifting in and out of sleep. She turned her eyes and saw that Rebecca was still sitting in the same position; her posture reminded Sam of a child who was lost and scared.


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