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The Human Side

Page 4

by Cori Garrison

  Jackson wrapped his little arms around her neck, laid his head on her shoulder briefly before leaning back and squealing at her again. She giggled and kissed his face. “How can anyone not melt when you turn on your charm?”

  “Yes, we are going to have to keep an eye on him. He could charm anyone into being his slave.” Sam laughed as she hugged Rebecca, sandwiching the baby between them. Jackson squealed with glee and grabbed a handful of his mom’s hair.

  “Ow, you little booger!” Sam exclaimed, working to pry his little fist open to release her hair.

  Jenna called from the kitchen letting them know the food was out and ready for them to grab what they wanted. Rebecca deposited the baby on the living room floor near a basket of toys and went to get some food.

  She hugged Jenna as she entered the kitchen. “Thank you girls so much for bringing this over, I really wasn’t up to making anything.”

  “Well, to be honest, we were feeling a little down tonight so we thought maybe we could keep each other company.” Jenna said with a smile.

  They settled in the living room again, eating while chatted about anything and everything; except the elephant in the room. After they were done eating, Rebecca moved to the floor to play with Jackson for a while.

  Two hours later, they said their goodbyes and Rebecca was once again alone. She locked up the house and headed upstairs to get ready for bed. Fifteen minutes later, she was tucked in bed and flipping through the TV channels when her phone buzzed on the nightstand. She reached for it, assuming it was Sam texting to say they were home.

  We are home. We love you. She smiled. She was so thankful that they were in her life, she couldn’t imagine going through this without their support. Love you too, thanks again. She hit send on her reply and before she could lay her phone back down it buzzed in her hand.

  Damn, speed texting. Rebecca laughed. When she looked down at the screen her heart skipped a beat. Can I come in? She read the ID again to be sure her mind wasn’t playing tricks on her. Her eyes went wide as she jumped up and ran to the window to peek through the blinds. She saw Shawn’s car sitting in the driveway and could see her outline in the front seat. She ran down the stairs, flung the front door open, stopping as Shawn headed towards her on the sidewalk.

  With tears streaming down her face, Shawn didn’t stop walking until her arms were wrapped tightly around Rebecca. “I am so sorry baby, can you ever forgive me?” Shawn managed to choke out the words as she felt Rebecca shaking against her.

  Rebecca leaned back from Shawn, taking her hand in her own she pulled her in through the front door, closing it behind them. “Honey you have nothing at all to be sorry for, nothing at all. I can’t believe you’re standing here in front of me!” She reached her hand out to gently touch Shawn’s face as if needed the contact to confirm that she was indeed there in the flesh.

  “I have so much to talk to you about; so much to tell you.” Shawn said, hoping that she could manage to articulate what had taken place over the past week.

  “Shh.” Rebecca said as she placed her fingers on Shawn’s lips. “Right now, all I need to know is are you here to stay?”

  “I am, if that’s what you want.” Shawn said hopefully.

  “Then we can talk in the morning and you can tell me everything. I need you to tell me everything.” Rebecca said as she took Shawn’s hand in hers. “Right now though, I need to feel you. I need to love you. Because I do, love you. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone and I don’t ever want you to forget that.”


  Rebecca wrapped her arms around Shawn’s neck as they stood in front of their bed. Our bed. Oh God, thank you for coming back to me baby! She pulled Shawn’s head down and as their lips met, she felt instantly that something had changed in Shawn. She opened her eyes and looked into the blue ones she had loved for so long. In them she saw love and something that surprised her; vulnerability.

  She whispered “Thank you for coming back to me. Thank you for trusting me with your love.” She leaned in, kissing Shawn with all of her heart and soul. She wanted Shawn to feel all that she felt but couldn’t express with words.

  The kiss deepened as Shawn’s hand slipped across Rebecca’s jaw to the back of her neck, pulling her closer. How did I get so lucky? I’m never going to let you go again. She broke the kiss, slowly pulling Rebecca’s t-shirt up and over her head. “Rebecca, you mean the world to me. You are so beautiful, so caring and loving. I don’t know how I ever got lucky enough to have you love me, but I don’t care. I am not letting go of you.” She knelt down and wrapped her arms around Rebecca’s waist and pressed her cheek against the growing baby bump. “You both are my world; I’m sorry that I let my fear get in the way of that.”

  Rebecca’s hands gently guided Shawn back to her feet, turning her around so that the backs of her knees bumped against their bed. She whispered in Shawn’s ear as she nibbled her ear lobe. “I need to be with you. I need to feel you. I’ve missed you so much.” She kissed her way down Shawn’s neck, trailing her tongue as she went. Her hands unbuttoned Shawn’s shirt and slid it off her shoulders and reached around to unhook her bra, letting her nails rake Shawn’s skin as she let it fall to the floor. She let out a low moan as she cupped Shawn’s breasts and squeezed them, letting her thumbs rub the nipples that were already erect. “Lay down baby.” She guided Shawn back on the bed and then reached to unbutton her jeans, pulling them off with her underwear and tossing them aside. Her eyes caressed Shawn’s entire body from her face to her breasts and then down over her toned stomach. She quickly stripped off her own sleep pants and t-shirt.

  Shawn kept her eyes locked on Rebecca’s, lying still, though she wanted nothing more than to sit up and pull her down on top of her. “Come here.” She held out her hand to Rebecca.

  Rebecca shook her head slowly and then knelt down on the floor, lifting one of Shawn’s legs and gently kissing from her ankle up to her thigh in a slow, seductive way. Her eyes were still locked with Shawn’s and she could see their color turning darker as she grew more aroused. She slid herself up over Shawn, kissing as she went until she lay on top of her.

  “Please tell me again that you are here to stay? I can’t bear the thought of you leaving again. I love you so much and you are not any of those things that you said about yourself. You are everything to me.” Rebecca said softly, her voice pleading.

  Shawn gently grabbed her arms and rolled her over on to her back, looking down at her. “I am here to stay, for as long as you’ll have me. I am done running. I know what I want; I want you and our baby.” She leaned down and kissed Rebecca softly. She felt Rebecca’s hands tangle in her hair, pulling her into the kiss harder.

  Shawn shifted to straddle Rebecca carefully so she didn’t put her weight on the baby and began kissing her way down Rebecca’s neck. She heard Rebecca’s breathing change as she found the areas she knew triggered her arousal.

  Passion began to fuel their movements and Rebecca rocked her hips up against Shawn, her need becoming more urgent. She felt Shawn reach the sensitive skin on her hips and she couldn’t stay quiet any longer. “Baby please, I need to feel you. I need you to touch me.” She begged.

  Shawn shifted lower, biting gently at Rebecca’s inner thighs, letting her tongue lead her to the next sensitive spot where she bit again. Rebecca jerked and tried to guide Shawn’s head with her hands. Shawn slid her hands up the backs of Rebecca’s legs, spreading them apart. “You… are.. so.. beautiful.” She said between kisses and then softly licked Rebecca’s clit.

  Rebecca’s hips pushed against Shawn wanting more and she was rewarded when Shawn pulled her in with a gentle suck. “Oh my God. More baby, I need you… I need more of you.” Rebecca shuddered as goose bumps covered her skin.

  “Mmm, you are intoxicating. I could do this forever.” Shawn moaned as she continued to suck and lick while Rebecca squirmed, rolling back and forth on the bed, clutching the comforter. Shawn gave in; admitting to herself that she couldn’t wai
t any longer. She dove into Rebecca with her tongue, licking as she pulled out and then slid two fingers in, curling them to stroke her spot.

  Rebecca arched her hips to force more contact, gasping as she felt Shawn once again licking her clit as she stroked her fingers in and out making sure to maintain contact with those ridges that drove Rebecca higher and closer to orgasm. “Oh, mmmm, I’m gonna cum baby. Oh my God, you make me feel like I’m in heaven.” Rebecca panted out. She suddenly stiffened and Shawn felt her muscles tighten around her fingers. She slid up and lay next to Rebecca, not removing her fingers just yet.

  Rebecca rolled quickly on top of Shawn, straddling her waist and grinding herself against Shawn’s pelvic bone. “Mmm, I am going to cum again.” She whispered in a hoarse voice as she rocked her hips. Shawn reached up to squeeze her breasts, pulling her nipples between her fingers.

  Shawn sat up and kissed her deeply as she slid her hand between them, pressuring Rebecca’s clit as she continued to rock. Rebecca’s nails were digging in to her shoulders; her head fell back as she let out a scream, peaking again.

  Thirty seconds passed as Rebecca caught her breath back before she pushed Shawn back on the bed, hungrily kissing her way down Shawn’s body. She shifted and positioned herself between Shawn’s thighs, quickly letting her tongue begin to explore the softness of the woman she loved so deeply. Shawn cried out in pleasure and tears began to trail down her cheeks. “Rebecca, I love you.” She whispered.

  Rebecca looked up into Shawn’s eyes and saw the vulnerability in them again. “And I love you Shawn.” She continued to pleasure Shawn with her tongue, flicking her clit with it and then sucking it into her mouth. Shawn arched against her.

  “Ohhh my God, I’m cumming Becca!” Shawn cried out.

  Rebecca cuddled next to Shawn as she came down from her high, wrapping one arm and leg over Shawn’s body. She needed to maintain the contact; she couldn’t bear to not touch her. She stoked Shawn’s arm softly.

  “I love you so much Shawn. I know I keep saying that, but I mean it. I want to wake up every morning next to you. I want to be there for you when you need someone. I want to bring this baby into the world, with you by my side.” Rebecca snuggled even closer.

  “I want the same things Becca. I’m so happy to be here, holding you in my arms.” She softly kissed Rebecca’s lips as they drifted asleep holding on to one another. She smiled to herself. This is where I belong.


  Sam laid quietly watching Jenna sleep, studying every aspect of her face. Her eye lashes and eye brows were auburn colored, like her hair. Her nose was delicate and small, proportioned perfectly for her delicately structured face. Sam knew beneath those lashes lay the most beautiful cornflower blue eyes she had ever seen. She reached out her hand and let her thumb trace gently over Jenna’s jawline and she couldn’t resist leaning to place a light kiss on it. Why did it take me so long to realize I couldn’t hide who I am? Then again, I may not have met Jenna so I guess the timing was perfect.

  Her cell phone vibrated on the nightstand and she rolled carefully to grab it so she didn’t wake up Jenna. The text was from Rebecca. She came home last night. We will call you later. Sam’s heart skipped a beat. She closed her eyes and said a silent prayer. Thank God she was okay.

  Sam laid her phone back down and rolled over again. Her lips curled into a smile as she thought about what they had talked about last night. She reached out and traced Jenna’s lips with her finger. They had lain in bed the night before, talking about the idea of expanding their family. This time, Jenna would be the one to carry the baby. Sam couldn’t help but stare again at Jenna’s sleeping face, wondering if their baby would share her delicate features.

  Jenna’s eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she saw Sam watching her. “What are you thinking about baby?” She said with sleepy voice.

  “That’s exactly what I was thinking about; a baby, our baby.” Sam kissed her softly. “Rebecca texted, Shawn came home last night.”

  Jenna’s eyes grew wide. “Thank God! Where has she been? How is she?” She blurted out.

  Sam laughed. “Slow down silly. She said they would call later. I’m sure they had a late night and need some time to themselves. I just hope everything will be okay now.”

  “Sorry. I’m just so relieved that she’s home and okay.” Jenna pulled Sam tight. “Now maybe we can get back to normal again.” As if on cue, they heard Jackson over the baby monitor.

  Several minutes later, Sam returned with the smiling little boy in her arms and deposited him on the bed between them. He squealed and rolled towards Jenna, grabbing ahold of her to pull himself into a sitting position. He patted Jenna’s arm and babbled “Mama, Mama.”

  Sam lay down again and they played for a while with the baby, who seemed to find it amusing that he was in bed with them. “Are you sure you want another one?” Jenna questioned Sam.

  “Are you kidding me? A miniature version of you? Now that I say that out loud, I may have to rethink it. If we have a girl, I don’t know if we could afford the shoes for both of you!” Sam teased.

  Jenna raised her eyebrows at Sam. “You don’t worry about the cost of my shoes when you ask me to wear them for you and nothing else.”

  Sam pursed her lips, her eyes smiling with amusement. “Thanks for the idea. I might have you do some modeling for me later.”

  Jenna laughed as she sat up, scooping the baby up with her. “Promises, promises. Come on Jackson, let’s go find some breakfast.”

  Twenty minutes later, they sat at the table in the kitchen eating breakfast. Jackson was attempting to shovel scrambled eggs with his fork, but not having much success; he gave up and was grabbing handfuls and smashing it into his mouth. Sam and Jenna were busy discussing donor profiles they had printed out from the sperm bank website their doctor had referred them to.

  “How soon do you want to start trying?” Jenna asked as the read.

  “I think we should start as soon as possible, if you’re okay with that? I don’t want Jackson and the new baby to be too far apart in age. And, let’s face it, you and I aren’t getting any younger!” Sam laughed.

  “Speak for yourself old lady. You are closer to thirty than I am.” Jenna playfully stuck out her tongue Sam.

  Sam arched her eyebrow. “Young lady, you should know that you shouldn’t stick out your tongue unless you intend to use it!”

  Jenna’s eyes widened and she glanced at Jackson, who was happily smashing pieces of eggs with his fingers. “Samantha, you are full of piss and vinegar this morning!”

  “Well, if we are going to make a baby, I figure we need to get a lot of practice in right?” Sam shrugged her shoulders. “We can work on that tonight. Right now, we need to get moving if we are going to get our errands done.”


  Stacy pulled in to the drive at Rebecca and Shawn’s house and was shocked to see Shawn’s car sitting there. She was coming off the night shift at the police station, where she had started her new job as a crime scene investigator. She was exhausted, but thrilled to know her sister was home.

  She opened the front door slowly and didn’t hear any movement. She decided she’d leave a note on the kitchen counter letting know she’d be up for a few hours but would be in her room in the basement.

  Her first week had been thrilling and exhausting. There was so much to learn, things that school hadn’t prepared her for. She had known that would be the case and she was up for the challenge. Her biggest area she would need to focus on would be the firearms qualification so that she could carry a weapon in the field.

  Most of the people she had met so far all seemed nice, even the officers and detectives. She hoped to make some friends here so that she didn’t have to feel like a third wheel, always hanging out with her sisters and their partners, not that she didn’t want to hang out with them. She had missed so much with them because of their parents ridiculous rules that she have nothing to do with her older sisters once they both came out as lesb

  Stacy had never really contemplated how hard life must be for them, at least not until her father showed up here and she had heard him spew those hateful words at Shawn. Now she flopped on the couch in the cool basement and thought about how much her life had changed in a few short weeks. She managed to make it through college, following her parent’s rules for the most part. Ultimately, her plan all along had been to graduate and immediately move near her sisters. Now she had done that, but what exactly had she done? She had been prepared for some fall-out from her parents, but she had never anticipated what it would do to her sisters.

  She sighed and pulled out her laptop. She needed to find an apartment so that she could give Shawn and Rebecca their space back. She was excited about taking the next step towards her independence. She emailed a couple of property management groups in response to a few ads she was interested in. She wanted to stay close to her sisters so that she had every opportunity to be in their lives and especially the life of her nephew. With the new baby on the way she had even more reason to be close by.

  As she was looking through the apartment listings an email notification popped up from her good friend from school. She clicked on it to open it.

  Stacy –

  I just wanted you to know that your dad called me last night. He asked me to convey a message to you because he didn’t know how to reach you. He asked me to tell you that he is giving you one more chance to change your mind about staying in Charlotte.

  What is he talking about? What is going on with you? Call me if you can.

  Stacy picked up her phone and dialed Amanda.

  “What the hell is going on Stacy?” The voice at the other end said.

  “Well hello to you too, Amanda. Sorry about my dad calling you. He’s being a complete asshole and showed up here last week, trying to bully me into coming back there with him. He said some pretty hateful things to my sister Shawn. I can’t believe he got you involved.” Stacy said, rubbing her forehead in frustration.


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