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The Human Side

Page 12

by Cori Garrison

  Rebecca picked up her cell phone and dialed. “I’ll call John Marshall. He’ll let me know what her status is.” She said as she dialed. John Marshall was the charge nurse on days in the trauma wing. After a few minutes, she was transferred to his portable. “John? This is Rebecca Johns. I was calling to check on the status of a patient of yours. Randy Cash. Yes, the police officer. Oh. Okay, well thank you!” She hung up and looked at Shawn with a perplexed look on her face.

  “Well, what did he say?” Shawn prodded.

  “He said she was released this morning. Her partner, Jeff, transported her home.” Rebecca repeated the charge nurses’ information.

  Shawn looked back and Rebecca with a concerned look on her face. “Well that bothers me for a couple of reasons. Why didn’t Stacy know that and didn’t she say that Randy didn’t have any family? Who is going to take care of her until she’s able to get around without crutches?”

  “Maybe you should drop me off at the house and go have a talk with Stacy. It seems there is more going on then we realized.” Rebecca said reassuringly. “We’ll get to the bottom of it. I have a feeling I might know what the problem is, but let’s see what you find out.”

  “What do you think it is?” Shawn asked her. “You don’t think that Randy is blaming her for getting shot do you? Or maybe Stacy is in some kind of trouble for not following some sort of protocol?”

  “Honey calm down. Let’s not jump to conclusions until you’ve heard what she has to say okay?” Rebecca patted Shawn’s thigh.

  Forty minutes later, Shawn pulled up in front of Stacy’s apartment but didn’t see her car parked anywhere in the lot. She knocked on her apartment door anyway, just to make sure she wasn’t home. When she received no answer, she looked around wondering which apartment was Randy’s. The mailboxes, where are they? Hopefully they have names on them. She lucked out when she saw the name Cash on the box marked 115. Shawn turned and walked quickly to the door marked 115 and knocked. Damnit, she is going to have a hard time getting to the door, that was stupid of me.

  She waited a few minutes and knocked again, calling out “Randy, this is Shawn Evans. I came by to check on you.” She listened for any kind of movement. Less than a minute had passed when she heard a week voice answer her. “Give me a minute, I can’t move very fast.” She heard Randy say. “Don’t rush, take your time and be careful.” Shawn answered, stepping back to patiently wait for her.

  A few minutes later, a pale-faced Randy opened the door while trying to balance on her crutches. She was trying to think of some sarcastic thing to say, but she was too exhausted to come up with anything. “Sorry, I’m not moving too quickly these days.”

  Shawn moved forward without an invitation. “Here, let’s get you back down. I’m sorry I bothered you, but Rebecca and I checked in at the hospital to see how you were doing. Imagine our surprise when we found out you had been released.” She carefully led the officer over to the couch, where she helped her sit down and then carefully maneuvered her legs up.

  “Yeah. They said they had done as much as they could for me there. Everything else that I need could be taken care of at home. I have a physical therapist coming out starting tomorrow to work with my leg. I’m not so good with these fucking crutches though, I’ve jarred my leg more times then I want to think about already!” Randy said with frustration.

  “Does my sister know you’re home?” Shawn asked carefully.

  Randy looked up into her eyes. “I don’t know. I haven’t seen your sister since the night of the shooting.”

  Shawn could see the hurt in Randy’s eyes. Oh boy, she’s got it bad for Stacy and I bet Stacy figured it out. Still, that’s no reason to desert your friend, especially when she just took a bullet for you. I’m going to have to talk to Stacy.

  “Well, never mind about that right now. What can we do to help you?” Shawn asked squatting down to her level. “Rebecca can’t help out a lot physically right now, but she can be as bossy as the next person!”

  Randy looked at her in confusion. “You don’t have to do anything. Why would you want to? You hardly even know me.”

  Shawn smiled. “Because I know what it’s like to be alone. If it weren’t for my sisters and now for Rebecca, I wouldn’t be here. I know you don’t have any family so that is where friends come in.”

  Randy sighed. “I don’t know how to thank you. I was just lying in bed wondering how I was going to do everything when I can’t use both hands and I am not supposed to bear weight on this leg at all yet.”

  Shawn laughed. “You’ll get used to the crutches; hopefully you won’t have to use them long. Let me get you something to eat and then I’ll make sure one of us is back by here this evening to help you with whatever you need.”

  An hour later, Shawn left Randy’s apartment and noticed that Stacy’s car was in her parking space. She knocked on her door and waited.

  Stacy opened the door with a frown. “What are you doing here?” She asked Shawn.

  “Well hello to you too. I was down the way, helping a certain police officer who can’t get around very well. But then, you’d know that if you would have visited her at all. What is wrong with you Stacy? How could not visit her for more than a week?” Shawn said with annoyance.

  “I didn’t realize I had to answer to you Shawn. I’m an adult and whatever I chose to do or not do isn’t any of your concern.” Stacy returned the annoyed tone.

  Shawn pushed past her into the apartment and turned to face her. “When did you become so selfish? That woman was your friend and she saved your life by taking a fucking bullet for you without thinking twice about it. Why are you avoiding her like she did something horrible to you?”

  “I’m not being selfish Shawn. I didn’t ask her to fucking jump in front of a maniac with a gun, she did that all on her own. Her fucking ego had to get shot so she’d be a hero.” Stacy shouted.

  Shawn stared at her. “Are you really that dense? You didn’t have to ask her to jump in front of a maniac. She did it to protect you, because that’s what people do for those they love. Are you really going to stand there and act like you don’t know she is in love with you?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about Shawn and neither do you. Randy knows that I am straight and I have no interest whatsoever in anything romantic with her. I am not attracted to women.” Stacy said turning to mess with some paperwork on her counter.

  Shawn watched her for a minute. “Oh my God, Rebecca is clairvoyant! She’s right though. You know there is a saying that he who doth protest too much. You know what I think? I think you are attracted to at least one female but you can’t admit it. What? You don’t want to be a lesbo like your sisters are? In the meantime you could at least pull your head out of your ass and be compassionate to her.” She held out her hand to Stacy. “Here is her fucking spare key. If you’re not going to use it, please give it back to me so that I can help her.” Shawn turned, opening the door and slamming it behind her as she left.

  When Shawn reached home, she told Rebecca everything that had happened. Rebecca gently rubbed her back while she spoke, trying to calm her down. “Baby, she’s going to have to figure it out on her own. Either she embraces who she is on her own or she’ll be miserable. We can’t force her. She’s probably scared.”

  Shawn leaned to kiss Rebecca’s lips. “I know. I overreacted. It’s a big step and maybe she is gay or maybe she’s just attracted to Randy, who knows. I just can’t believe she’s being so selfish.

  “Let’s go to bed baby. You can attempt to put your arms around me and I’ll pretend I’m not as round as a potbellied pig.” Rebecca smiled, attempting to change the mood.

  Shawn laughed. “Come on piggy, let’s go.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “I might need to see just how much I can still reach!”


  Randy was sitting back in her recliner when she heard another knock at the door. “Jesus Christ, now who is it?” She struggled to get up, careful not to lose her balance and jar
her leg again. The last time she did that she almost passed out from the pain. She opened the door, not expecting to see Stacy standing there.

  Stacy was still irritated with her sister and was trying to maintain a non-chalet attitude but when she saw Randy’s pale face and the dark circles under her eyes, she melted.

  “What are you doing here?” Randy said in an emotionless tone.

  Stacy shifted nervously. “My sister said you were home, so I figured I would come see if you needed help before bedtime.”

  Randy didn’t make any move to let Stacy in. “What makes now any different than the past week?” She questioned.

  Stacy sighed. “Christ, can we not get into it? I came down to help you, do you want my help or not?”

  “I don’t need your help now or at all.” Randy answered flatly, trying to turn on her crutches so she could close the door. Unfortunately, her crutch caught on the edge of the door causing her to lose her balance and jar her bad leg. Her face went ghost white as she caught herself. Stacy leapt through the open door and grabbed her around the waist, keeping her from falling.

  “Randy, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Please don’t pass out on me ok? Let me help you sit down.” Stacy pulled Randy’s arm around her neck and helped her to the chair.

  Randy let out a string of expletives as she settled in the chair. She closed her eyes tight, willing Stacy to be gone when she opened them. Much to her annoyance, she was still standing in front of her. “Please just go. I don’t want your help.” Randy pleaded.

  “You may not want it, but you need it. Now I’m going to get your pain medicine because I’m sure you need to take it now. Where are your pj’s? I’ll help you get changed.” Stacy headed towards the coffee table where she saw pill containers sitting.

  “Stacy, please. I’m begging you. Just leave me alone.” Randy closed her eyes, trying to keep the tears escaping.

  Stacy turned quickly when she heard the break in Randy’s voice. Oh please don’t cry. I can’t take seeing you cry. Goddamnit, why can’t you just let me help you?

  “Hey.” She said gently as she knelt down by the chair. “Hey, I’m not going to leave. I’m sorry I didn’t come back to the hospital to see you. I was just dealing with some stuff and I’m sorry. Please, just let me help you ok?”

  Randy took a deep breath. “Fine, can we just get this over with?”

  Stacy chided herself internally for being such a bitch. “I’ll be as gentle as I can. Here is your medicine.” She handed Randy two pain pills and a glass of water.

  Randy obediently swallowed them and handed the glass back. She waited while Stacy returned the glass to the kitchen and came back to help her out of the chair. They maneuvered their way down the hallway to the bathroom.

  “I can do this part on my own.” Randy said defiantly.

  Stacy tried to hide her smile. “Okay, I’ll be waiting right here. Call me if you need me.”

  Randy managed to get in and not-so-gracefully sit down on the toilet. Pain shot through her leg and hip like a hot knife. She flushed the toilet and then tried to get herself into a standing position without putting weight on her leg, but couldn’t manage to get the right leverage. Finally she huffed and muttered to herself. “You there?” She called out.

  “Right here. Do you need help?” Stacy answered immediately.

  “As much as I hate to admit it, I can’t get up.” Randy grimaced as she finished the sentence.

  Stacy slowly opened the door, trying to avert her eyes. “Okay, I’m going to lean down and you put your arms around my neck and then we’ll stand up.”

  Randy nodded and as Stacy leaned down, she put her arms around her neck. She could smell Stacy’s perfume and she had the urge to turn her head to kiss her neck. As she stood up fully, she tried to ignore the fact that Stacy’s breasts were pressed against her own and her own sweats were down around her ankles. “We didn’t think this through very well. My sweats…” She finished lamely.

  Stacy raised her eyebrows as she leaned back to look at Randy’s face. “Well, let’s see. How about you steady yourself with this crutch for a minute ok?” She handed Randy a crutch to hold on to. “I’m going to close my eyes, lean down and pull your pants up ok?”

  “Oh for Christ’s sake we are both women. You don’t have to close your eyes; you’ve seen it all before.” Randy stated empathically, trying to cover the butterflies she felt. This is not exactly what I had in mind when I dreamt about getting naked with her. Ah well, here goes nothing!

  Stacy leaned down quickly, grabbing the waist of Randy’s sweats and carefully pulled them up. Unfortunately, she could not do it quickly for fear that she would hurt her leg in the process. To her consternation, she also realized that Randy was not wearing underwear at all. She was finally able to get them up and she felt Randy’s other hand back on her shoulder. She looked up into her face, which was inches from her own. They stood there for a moment, eyes locked. Stacy saw Randy’s eyes flit down to her mouth and back. Oh God. She involuntarily leaned slightly forward.

  The spell was broken when Randy’s good leg began to shake from the strain of standing on it with all of her weight. She swore under her breath. Fucking perfect timing. I feel like as weak as a two year old.

  Stacy moved to offer her the other crutch. “Let’s get you in bed before your leg gives out. I don’t think I could carry you.” She smiled, trying to break the tension.

  Randy gave a half-hearted smile back and maneuvered her way down the hallway, while Stacy walked closely behind her. Once in the bedroom, she sat carefully on the edge of the bed. Stacy immediately knew that lifting her legs was not something she could do at this point, so she carefully lifted them and then helped her move back.

  “Okay. Can I get you anything else before I leave? I plugged your cell phone in and laid it right here on your bedside table ok? If you need anything, just call me and I’ll be here in a flash.” She leaned over Randy to pull the covers up over her. She realized once again, their faces were only inches apart. She looked down into Randy’s eyes and saw an unreadable expression there. Clearing her throat nervously, she stepped back. “Okay, well, Shawn gave me your extra key so I will be down early in the morning to help you before I go to work.”

  Randy grabbed her hand as she backed away. “Thank you.” She said softly.

  Their eyes met again and Stacy could almost feel the physical pull. She hesitated for a moment and then asked, “Why did you do it?”

  Without a moment’s hesitation came Randy’s response. “I love you. If something would have happened to you, I would have never forgiven myself.” Shit, why did I just say that? Must be the drugs; I can hardly keep my eyes open.

  Stacy looked away briefly and her thumb caressed the back of Randy’s hand. “Thank you. I’ll see you in the morning.” She quietly left the room, locking up the apartment as she left.

  Back in her own apartment, she sat at the kitchen table in silence. Her sister was right about several things. She was right when she said that Randy loved her, Randy just confirmed that. But was it just a friendship love or more? She had a strong feeling it was more, she could feel the connection when they had stood close in the bathroom and then again in the bedroom. This can’t be for real. There is no way that I am gay. What are the odds of three siblings all being gay?

  Her sister had also been right that she was attracted to Randy. She had tried to ignore it, deny it, to fight it but in the end she couldn’t change it. She had never had even a remote attraction to a woman before but she had to admit that she had wondered more than a few times what it would be like to have Randy kiss her.

  What am I going to do?

  She gave up, going to bed and falling into a fitful sleep. Stacy heard a loud noise through the cobwebs, reaching out and smacking her alarm with one hand. She blinked several times at the clock. 4:12, why the hell is my alarm going off at 4:12 in the morning? It dawned on her that the noise hadn’t come from her alarm, but rather from her cell phone, which she
had turned up full blast before she fell asleep.

  She picked up her phone and saw the flashing text message icon. She swiped the screen and pulled up the message. I’m sorry. I can’t sleep and I can’t get my legs off the bed to get up for my pain medicine. Sorry. She rubbed her eyes, sat up and shoved her feet into her tennis shoes. She grabbed her keys off the counter as she passed through the kitchen and headed out the door. She walked down the sidewalk and paused in front of Randy’s door, opening it with the spare key. “Randy, it’s just me.” She called out.

  Randy looked relieved as she entered the bedroom. “Why didn’t you text me sooner?” Stacy asked her. “I’ll grab your medicine, hang on.” She hurried to the kitchen, grabbing the bottle from the counter. “I’m sorry; I should have left it in here for you so you could reach it. Do you need to go to the bathroom while I’m here?” She asked.

  “Sure, I could use some more humiliation to keep my ego from getting out of control.” Randy tried to joke.

  “Well, I’ll try to limit the damage so you aren’t too deflated. Now let me get your legs off the bed and then you put your arms around me so you can stand up.” Stacy carefully swung Randy’s legs over the edge and Randy wrapped her arms around her neck. Stacy stood up and took a small step back so that she pulled Randy into a standing position. Once again, their upper bodies were pressed together and their eyes met.

  “I’m not sure whether I should wish for a speedy recovery or wish for a slow one.” Randy said carefully. “It might not be so bad if it means I get to see you in the middle of the night.”

  Stacy felt her face flush and she held the crutches for Randy. “I thought you had to pee?” She said, trying to change the subject.

  “Indeed I do. Of course, I’ll need help with my pants again.” Randy’s eyes smiled slightly.

  “Mmm hmm. Of course you will.” Stacy replied trying not to look at her.

  They made it to the bathroom, where Randy was able to get her pants down without help and carefully lowered herself to the toilet. “You’re not leaving?” She asked as Stacy simply turned around to give her privacy.


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