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Are you with me? (Trinity Series Book 3)

Page 10

by Regina Bartley

  Guess we had a lot more in common than I thought. I couldn’t wait to find out more about her. All the times that I’d daydreamed about her didn’t compare to having her right by my side. She was a mystery in many ways, but so much about her was already engraved on my heart. The anticipation of knowing everything about her had taken over, and I wondered if she felt the same way.

  “What’s your bedroom like?” I blurted out.

  Really? Of all the questions blooming in my mind, I chose the oddest one to ask. I must’ve sounded like a total perv. You would’ve thought that I’d never had an adult conversation before.

  She cleared her throat, and looked over at me. There was no retracting the question now. It was already out there.

  She didn’t seem to mind. “It’s big.” She grinned. “I have an entire wall of bookshelves overflowing with books, and an old desk that I’ve had since I was like ten. My walls are painted in a light lavender shade, and I have like twenty pillows on my bed. I love pillows. And my window,” she paused. “It’s perfectly positioned for the morning sunrise. I painted this stained glass looking wind chime when I was in elementary school, and I have it hanging on my window. I took all the noisy chimes off of it, because it was loud and obnoxious. But you should see it in the morning. It makes these blue, green, and purple colors dance across my wall. It’s beautiful.”

  I could see it in my mind like she painted me a picture, and it was beautiful.

  If she ever saw my room, back at home, she’d think it was plain. Lee had fancied it up a bit over the years, practically taking it over, but it never felt personal.

  “That sounds great.”

  “It used to be, but I hate it now. After years of being cooped inside the house, I dread those four walls.” Her voice faded off.

  I didn’t push or ask more questions, because I didn’t want her dwelling on it. It was my ultimate goal for us to have a good time this weekend. I didn’t want anything standing in our way.

  “You ever been to Little Rock? We’re staying at The Anderson,” I told her.

  “A long time ago,” she replied. “I’m excited to go back though.”

  When her eyes met mine, I nearly swerved off the road. She was dangerously sexy, and could easily stop me in my tracks. Not smart when you’re driving seventy miles an hour on the expressway. I had to find a way to keep my eyes on the road, and off her body. She was wearing blue jeans that were filled with holes, and all I could focus on was the smooth pale skin that was showing through.

  I cleared my throat.

  “You okay?”

  “Oh yeah. I’m good.”

  “Tell me more about you,” she probed.

  “What do you want to know?” I asked taking her hand once more. I rubbed soft circles along her finger with my thumb, and it just felt right. Like the two of us had been long time partners in life. Everything seemed easy with us, except when it came to the feelings of other people. We’d never satisfy other people’s opinions, but it was nice to have the comfort when it was just us.

  “How about your family? Tell me more about them.”

  We settled into a heartening conversation as I told her more about my family. The time flew by, and the city approached us before we knew it. The bright lights lit up the night sky. Little Rock wasn’t the biggest city I’d been to, but certainly one of the nicest.

  We had been together for only a couple of hours, and I was already wishing that the weekend wouldn’t have to end. Somewhere in the back of my mind I was wondering if Fox had tried to call yet. If he knew that she wasn’t home. If he’d flipped out yet, knowing that he had zero control of the situation.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said, snapping me away from my traveling thoughts.

  And just like that, nothing else mattered.

  Little Rock was going to give us some amazing memories. I could feel it.



  Josh carried both of our bags through the glass revolving door of our hotel. He headed straight for the front desk, expecting me to be following close behind him. I wasn’t though. I was too busy taking it all in. The place was extravagant with lavish sculptures, and coral blue water fountains. He must’ve dropped a fortune for a room there.

  When he looked back over his shoulder and smiled at me, my knees grew weak. That little dimple on his cheek was adorable, but those eyes. Meow! I could get lost in that sea of blue.

  He held up the key card to our room, and waved me over with a nod of his head. My feet moved of their own accord.

  As I stood next to him waiting for the elevator, I felt a familiar buzz from my back pocket. It started about thirty minutes before we arrived into the city, but I’d been too scared to look at the screen. I knew it was Fox. It was only a matter of time before he realized I was gone. He’d probably already alerted my parents, and sent out the search party.

  Josh reached for my hand, and I took hold of it as we entered the elevator. I put all thoughts of home in the back of my mind, far back, where I wouldn’t think of it again for the rest of the night. If I were only getting one night of freedom, then I didn’t want to diminish it with negative energy. I’d check my phone later to make sure there wasn’t an emergency, but no way was I calling him back.

  We stepped out of the elevator onto the seventh floor.

  “This way,” he said as he gave my hand a gentle tug to the left. The burgundy carpet lined the hallway as we made our way to the very end. Seven forty-nine was what the gold-plated sign next to the door read.

  He pushed the card into the slot, and with a soft click he opened the door.

  “Wow,” I said as I made my way inside. “This is pretty amazing.”

  There were two large beds in the middle of the room, covered with paper white comforters. They both looked like big puffy clouds, plush and soft. There was a flat screen television hanging on the wall, a small sofa, and a miniature fridge. It reminded me more of a condo than a hotel room. I’d stayed in many hotels growing up, since my parents travelled a lot for work. We usually stayed in fancy places, but this place was different. This time was different. It was like seeing the world for the first time as an adult.

  “This must’ve cost you a fortune,” I assumed.

  He placed the bags on the beige colored sofa. “Nope.” He shook his head. “My parents actually paid for it.”

  “Really?” My nose scrunched up.

  He wrapped his arms gently around my waist, and pulled me closer to him so that we were standing next to the window. It had the most magnificent view of the city.

  “When I told them I wanted to get away for the weekend, my Mom offered to book me a suite. Who was I to turn down a free room?”

  I laughed. “Of course. You wouldn’t want to upset your Mother,” I played along. I nestled my head into the crook of his neck, closing my eyes gently. “Would they be upset if they knew that I was here with you?”

  His cheek rested against the top of my head. “They know,” he replied. “Well, my Mom knows. I told her that I thought you’d be coming with me.”

  I couldn’t believe that his parents were okay with that. I mean he was nineteen, but surely, they wouldn’t want him spending a weekend getaway with a girl. However, I did like how open and honest he was with his Mom. They must’ve been close.

  “When I told my Mom that you were coming, she asked if she should book one or two rooms.”

  “And…” I lifted my chin up so that I could see the amusing smile on his face.

  “I told her one room with two beds. No expectations remember?”

  I remembered, but I wondered what he’d think if I did have expectations? I was only human after all.

  “You want to go grab something to eat? I know it’s kind of late, but I’m starving,” he admitted.

  That sounded great actually. All of that initial anxiety had really worked up an appetite inside me. “I’d love to. I’d like to change my clothes though, and use the restroom.”

  “Sure. Go. Ge
t ready.”

  I scurried off into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. The first thing I had to do was look at my phone. As much as I hated to, it was important to at least check the texts. I only wanted to know that everything was okay, aside from the temper tantrum I was sure that he was throwing.

  My stomach dropped when I saw that I had twelve missed calls already. Of course, I knew there would be a lot, but actually seeing the number caused a lump in my throat. Time felt like it had slowed down as I stared at the messages. My chest was growing tighter by the minute.

  Text message after text message was coming in at an alarming rate. Some of them were vague, but most of them more explicit than I ever imagined they’d be. Fox was ballistic. He was threatening, he was angry, but the worst of all was worry.

  Wasn’t my note enough?

  The last message said that he’d come looking for me, and he wouldn’t stop until he found me. I set the phone down quickly, and as soon as I did, it vibrated again.

  Nope. I shook my head violently, and looked up into the mirror.

  Turning on the cold water, I splashed it up onto my face, rubbing my hands along the length of my neck. It felt like my body was on fire from the heat of my nerves. My stomach lurched, so I took a few deep breaths, in through the mouth and out through the nose. I couldn’t lose it, but that familiar nauseous feeling was taking over. I knew this feeling. It happened at home a lot when I got too upset or when my thoughts would get jumbled.

  “Gwen.” A soft knock came from the outside of the bathroom door. “You okay?” He asked me.





  “Yeah,” I cleared my throat. “Be right out.”

  After rushing to change my clothes and gather my wits, I leaned forward across the sink. My palms were resting on the bathroom countertop.

  “You got this,” I told myself. It was essentially a pep talk, but hey, it worked. I promised myself that I wouldn’t look at my phone again, and that this was going to be a good night. It had to be. I couldn’t waste the only chance at freedom I’d ever gotten. I had to make the best of it.

  We had to settle on a twenty-four-hour diner, because it was so late. But I didn’t mind. I didn’t need some fancy restaurant. Any food was good enough for me, especially with such great company.

  Josh and I slid into the cold booth seats. It was the only available seat in the house, but it wasn’t bad. We still had a window so that we could look out and see the busy street.

  A couple of people walked by and I followed their footsteps until they were out of sight.

  “What are you thinking about? You seem lost in thought.” He was very observant, or maybe I was just easy to read. Either way, I found that trait of his to be quite endearing. He saw that on my face too, because his grin stretched wider.

  “Honestly, I was thinking about you,” I admitted. Being alone together in this environment made me feel a little bolder, and not so afraid to say what I was thinking.

  “Good thoughts or bad?”

  A blush crept up my neck and to my face. I could feel the head radiating from my cheeks. “A little of both, I guess.” My heart rate increased, and my stomach tightened. It didn’t take much for him to turn me on, and we had enough sexual heat between us that I was sure we could cook the diner’s bacon on it.

  His eyes grew darker, and I shifted in my seat. I wasn’t going to be able to sit across the table from him for an entire meal if he kept looking at me like that. My panties were going to melt into hot lava and pour right into the dirty diner floor.

  When his tongue slowly moved between his lips I stared intently wishing I could kiss him again. “Can we get this order to go?” I blurted out, not even afraid of what he’d think.


  We took our doggie bags of food and headed back to the hotel. I don’t know why we thought that we could eat. I mean I couldn’t speak for him, but all thoughts of food had flown right out the window.

  Once we stepped inside the hotel elevator and the two of us were alone, he dropped the bags to the ground. There was a primal look in his eyes. My God it was sexy. My breath caught when his hands shot up to the sides of my neck. I was a greedy girl, and I couldn’t get my lips on his fast enough.

  Hot tingles shot through my body leaving me feeling lost in the desire. I never wanted the kiss to end, but the loud ding of the elevator broke the moment. He stepped back as if he’d barely been affected and grabbed our bags.

  “Let’s go,” he said.

  Once we were inside the room, and the door clicked shut I nearly mauled him. My hands worked magic on the buttons of his plaid shirt, as his lips devoured mine.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” His throat moved as he swallowed roughly. “We don’t have to.”

  “I’m sure,” I kissed him again, tangling my tongue in a dance with his. My hands pushed the sleeves of his shirt down off of his broad shoulders, and he rushed to throw it to the ground.

  “We should slow down,” he urged.

  I wet my lips with the tip of my tongue. “You’re right.” I wanted this night to last forever. It was my first time after all.

  Shit. I hadn’t told him that I was a virgin.

  Would it change things?

  I had done some things, but never went all the way.

  He placed soft kisses along my jaw and down my neck. An obnoxious groan escaped my lips from the warmth of his kisses against my skin. It would’ve been embarrassing, but there was no time for that. The sound of my moans must’ve turned him on more.

  His fingers gripped the hem of my shirt and I lifted my arms. He stood there, his eyes locked with mine, and pulled my shirt up over my head dropping it to the floor. I waited there, my chest heaving with my quick breaths. Instead of staring at my white, lace covered chest, he gazed longingly into my eyes. So much was said between us, yet we hadn’t spoken a word. We were linked together as one in that moment. It was intense, magnetic, the closest I’d ever felt to another person, and we hadn’t even made love.

  Feeling overwhelmed with love and lust, I reached behind my back and unhooked my bra. He was fully aware of what I was doing. He reached for the zipper of his jeans and pulled it towards the ground. The two of us were exposing ourselves in the most intimate moment.

  I breathed in through my nose, counted to three, and then dropped my bra to the ground.

  He closed his eyes for only a second and when he opened them I closed mine. I knew in that exact moment that he would be looking at me. I mean fully looking at my bare chest. I wasn’t scared, but all the pent-up anticipation caused a shiver to run down my spine.

  When I opened my eyes, he was staring back into mine once more.

  He closed the distance between us and picked me up in his arms. My legs wrapped firmly around his waist. I could feel his bulging erection pressing against my core and I knew in that moment that I couldn’t wait much longer.

  “I need you now,” I urged. “I don’t want to go slow.”

  “Okay,” he agreed before lying me down on the bed.

  He shuffled out of his jeans, kicking them to the side, and then climbed up on the bed. I chanced a quick glance at his boxers and I could see the head of his hard dick poking out.

  Sweet Mother Nature!

  He kissed my collarbone, and then a little lower. My toes curled with every inch of skin that he covered. But I didn’t know a sensation could feel so overwhelming until his tongue darted out over my nipple. My back arched, and I moaned loud enough that I thought the neighbors probably heard.

  His fingers slipped into the waistband of my leggings, and my breath caught when he lowered them down off my hips.

  He moved to the edge of the bed, and pulled them all the way off. I was completely naked. I never wore underwear with my leggings. When he stood up, it was the first time I seen him look at me. His eyes raked over my body from head to toe and I never felt more beautiful.

nbsp; I watched him as he slid his boxers off and his dick sprang free. It was like seeing a supermodel standing before me. He was rock hard all the way down. He was gorgeous, utterly perfect.

  He bent down to the side of the bed, and pulled out a condom. Flashing me a smile as he waved it in the air. Then he crawled up over me on the bed.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked me again. “I need you to be certain.”

  “I… I’m…” I paused, fighting for the right words.

  “We don’t have to,” he spat out quickly.

  “I want to. I swear. It’s just that I…”

  His brows furrowed. “What? You can tell me anything.” His hand reached out to brush a stray hair from my face.

  Just say it already. I told myself. “I’m a virgin.”

  Without giving it even a single thought, he kissed my lips. “Even better,” he whispered. “I want to be the only one to touch you, the only one to devour you, and the only one to love you.”

  Oh, my heart.

  “I love you.” I said.

  “Baby,” he smiled. “I love you so much more.”

  I wrapped my arms around his back and kissed him like there was no tomorrow.

  He promised he’d be gentle, that he’d love every inch of my body the way that he loved every inch of my heart.

  And that’s exactly what he did.



  The room was still dark when my eyes fully opened.

  What time was it?

  I raised my head off my pillow and glanced at the clock across the room. The red numbers said 2:00.

  Crap, it was only two in the morning.

  I reached across the bed for Gwen, missing the heat of her body, but she wasn’t there. My hands glided over the cold, empty sheets.

  Looking back over my shoulder, I was expecting to see the light under the door of the bathroom, but the door was wide open. She wasn’t there. It was odd. I never heard her leave the room, or even get out of bed for that matter.


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