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Bear In Mind (A Billionaire Shifter Romance) (Atonement Book 1)

Page 5

by Wolf, Terra

  "Beg your pardon ma'am?" He turned back to face her, his heart speeding up a bit, hope beginning to enter his system.

  "She's headed back home to get her bearings before she moves on elsewhere. I think she said her flight leaves today. I'm sorry young man, that's all I know. Hopefully it helps." She gave him a quick up and down, as if assessing him.

  "If you truly love her though, you had better get moving. Take it from me, she'll want to hear from you as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the less chance she'll take you back. Now go!" She made an adorable shooing motion at him, and he smiled, running towards the stairs. He shouted a thanks over his shoulder and barged through the door, flying down the steps.

  In his car, he used the voice feature to call one of his business contacts, who just so happened to be the owner of one of the biggest airlines that operated out of the city.

  "Jeff, it's Derek. I need a favor." He proceeded to tell him everything he knew about Keri and where she might be going. His contact balked at first, but when Derek pointed out just how far he was willing to go to find her, he backed down. Nobody liked it when Derek Roy took a personal interest in how their business was doing.

  As he made his way towards the private airfield that housed his jet, he waited impatiently for word on Keri's flight. When Jeff came back on the line, he immediately felt another sharp spike of hope.

  "Derek, her flight is scheduled to land at 7:30pm your time, at Gate 7-A. Best of luck, and don't ever ask me to break rules like that again." The line went dead, but he didn't care, he had the information he needed.

  Another phone call to plan his own flight path, and Derek fired up the jet, a fierce, animalistic look in his eyes as he took off, pushing his plane as fast as it would go. If he caught some favorable winds, he could arrive with enough time to be there when she got off the plane. His bear roared in agreement, waking up for the first time since everything had fallen apart. He found himself growling in excitement, thrilled with the chase.

  He wasn't going to let her go, not without telling her to her face everything that had happened. She was worth more to him than that he vowed.


  Keri emerged off the plane, her heart heavy. The last time she had been on a plane was when Derek had flown her off for a romantic getaway in the mountains. It had been a far more enjoyable ride than this one. Right now, she wanted desperately to be anywhere but the airport, filled with so many happy couples and smiling families.

  She was headed back home to her parents house for several weeks while she recovered her life and set forth again. It had been a hard decision to make, but seemed to be the best option for her at the time.

  Thoughts of home cooked meals and sunsets on the front porch were passing through her mind. The last thing she expected to do was meet Derek's eyes from across the Concourse.

  Frozen, unmoving, she blinked several times to see if this was real. His image never wavered like before though, and he was holding a sign with her name on it. She walked slowly, her fight or flight instincts warring with each other. Neither of them won and she ended up simply stopping in front of him, doing nothing.

  "Hi," she said in a flat, monotone voice filled with suspicion.

  "Just hear me out okay? If you don't like it, I promise I'll leave you alone and never bother you again. I just can't let you go without explaining, you mean too much to me."

  She didn't say anything, but after a moment's thought she put her bags down, giving him a chance to say his piece. There was no denying that she still cared strongly about him, and all his other actions over the past few weeks should at least count towards hearing him out she figured.

  "So, it's true, I was only there that night because my friends dared me. I was supposed to pick up somebody, and make them fall in love with me, then leave them. I'm not hiding that nor denying it." She raised an eyebrow at that, wondering where he was going with it.

  "That's all that was supposed to happen, this girl was supposed to fall for me. Nowhere was it in the agreement that I was supposed to fall in love with her. With you. " He paused briefly there but rushed on before she could interject.

  "I love you Keri. With every fiber of my being. I would follow you until the end of time."

  Now he stopped, aware that a few bystanders had stopped and were doing a poor job of listening to him spill his heart to her. Ignoring them, he pushed on.

  "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you right away, I should have done so from the start," he stopped as she nodded her agreement. When she didn't tell him to stop though, he continued on.

  "I'll never lie to you again Keri, please, come home with me. Let me show you that the past few weeks, those truly were the real me, and not some act," he laughed painfully then.

  "I flew across the country, and probably broke the law finding out where you were going, just so that I could stand here like some poor fool, pouring my heart out to you, begging your forgiveness. I still can't believe I let you go this long without attempting to explain everything." He was pleading now she saw, as her mind raced.

  He seemed so real, so genuine in his pain and desire to make things proper with her. The crowd had grown around them now to several dozen people, all looking at the spectacle of this man in front of her, wondering how it would end. Her heart was beating faster now, as the two of them stood there in silence, simply looking into each other's eyes.

  "Give him another chance!"

  The two of them turned to stare at the person who had shouted at them. When another person echoed the sentiments, then another, they looked at each other in surprise. The crowd continued to grow, and they begin cheering the two of them on. Her heart had already been leaning in that direction, but when she couldn't keep the small smile off her face, the crowd erupted into cheers. It went wild when she looked Derek in the eyes and nodded her okay.

  He swept her up in a huge bear hug, swinging her around in a circle before putting her down and cupping her chin. His lips met hers, and then there was nothing but him, her mate standing in front of her, occupying her entire world. It was perfect.

  When they finally parted for air, he picked up her bags and walked her to the exit. Instead of heading to her parents, she let him spirit her off to the hotel room he had rented downtown. Pulling up in front, she had to crane her neck to take in the entire building it was so tall.

  The door opened silently, as she followed Derek inside. She bit her lip in nervous excitement as the door closed behind them. All this time, and the two of them had still never had sex. There was no turning back this time though, she wouldn't let him even if he tried.

  "Come here," she practically commanded. For the rest of today, she was fully in charge, and intended for him to ravish her fiercely.

  Smiling, Derek approached, his suit jacket sliding off, draping over the armchair on his side of the bed. He only had the top button undone, and she stepped in close to him, her nimble fingers making quick work of the remaining ones.

  He sucked in his breath as she ran her fingers across his broad, muscular chest. Laying her head on it for a moment she simply reveled in the heat pouring off of him in waves. It seemed the more aroused he became, the more heat he generated. Vowing to see just how hot he got, she slid his shirt off completely.

  Her own arms rose above her head as he removed her shirt, exposing her voluptuous curves. His fingers explored every inch of her body as she gasped softly in anticipation of what else was to come. The touch of his skin against hers burned fire through to her core as her large breasts pushed up against his stomach, her head tilting into the crook of his neck as she nibbled her way along his collarbone, drawing moans of desire from above her.

  Grabbing her hand, Derek led her over to the bed. As he pushed her down, she stared into his eyes, watching the fires flickering within them. Knowing that he wanted this as much as she did set fire between her legs. It only burned brighter as he removed the last vestiges of her clothing, exposing her bareness to his hungry tongue.

e gasped as he wasted no time, his warm tongue drawing slowly across the folds of flesh between her legs. Her back arched involuntarily as he continued his slow progress, drawing ever nearer to the center of her pleasure without actually touching it.

  "Stop teasing me like that," she murmured at him, pushing herself closer to his mouth, hoping he would follow her instructions.

  "It only makes it better later," he mumbled back at her, not stopping his motions the entire time. He did, however, flick the tip of his tongue against her. She gasped sharply, her body contorting wildly as he repeated his movement several more times.

  "Holy shit Derek," she whispered, getting caught up in his slow, rhythmic pleasuring. Each pass brought her closer and closer to climax, but at a slow, steady pace that would make the last few moments unbearable before she exploded for him.

  "Keep telling me how you like, I love the sound of your voice," he purred, using his finger to gently push inside of her. She moaned loudly in response, unable to form words as he began to curl his finger upwards, rubbing her perfectly.

  Her hips began to gyrate towards him in time with his tongue, enhancing the connection between them. Derek never stopped, using every tool at his disposal to arouse her, and doing a wonderful job of it. She had never before felt so attractive, knowing that he was doing it simply to please her, and not for any other purpose. It was a feeling of pure desire that practically radiated off him in waves.

  Her climax rushed forth, nerves singing with pleasure as Derek pulled her tightly into him just then, preventing her from moving away. Her body contorted wildly on the bed as each successive wave crashed over her. Her mouth opened, but she couldn't find breath for words, gasping for air as her lungs heaved with the rest of her.

  Derek stood up from between her legs as she began to calm, only to be forced back into focus as his hard cock pressed against her wetness. He smiled, that wonderful smile, as she gasped yet again when he pushed inside her for the first time. The slight stretching that accompanied the pressure of him within her was simply blissful. His dick was large enough to be a challenge, but still be completely enjoyable each time.

  When he pushed her back onto the bed, she gladly obliged. His frame draped over hers as he continued to thrust into her, his ultra warm skin pressing up against her in a single smooth, sexy motion. She only resisted slightly as he pinned her hands above her head. She was so incredibly aroused by his powerful body, but it was the way he used it that truly made her love him.

  For what felt like an eternity to her, Derek made love to her, alternating between sensual gentleness on the bed, to his current state. Now he was positioned behind her, his hand on her waist as he roughly pulled her back into him with one hand. His other hand was pulling on her hair, sending just the right amount of slight pain through her, setting her body aflame with desire.

  She desperately wanted him to finish, even begging him to do so. With a roar she felt his cock enlarge, followed by the first rush of warmth exploding within her as he climaxed. His movements continued at a frantic pace for a short while longer, before he practically fell upon her, gasping for breath. His glistening skin pressed up against her felt wonderful to Keri as the two of them rolled onto their side.

  Not too much longer, she felt him begin to harden within her again. A smile upon her face, she gently squeezed herself around his cock, letting him know she was up for it.


  The next morning, he woke early, but let Keri sleep in. When he roused her later on and told her to get ready, she did so without complaint. Looking forward to the surprises he had organized for today while she slept, he quickly showered and got himself ready. The look of excitement on her face was something he would treasure forever when he told her they were going to have brunch with her parents. He had arranged the whole thing without her finding out.

  His big surprise though, was what he intended after. He managed to keep that all to himself, until the two of them went for a stroll in the park near her parents house that afternoon. She must have sensed something was up with him though.

  "Derek, what's going on? You don't seem stressed, but you're definitely up to something." There was still some doubt in her voice, but for the most part he could tell she was willing to give him some trust.

  "Well, I had hoped to do this with better circumstances leading up to it, but I can't wait any longer." She was eyeing him now, wondering just what he was doing.

  When he dropped down to one knee in front of her though, she looked at him with open-mouthed astonishment. Hands clapped over her mouth, she didn't say a word.

  "Keri Anne Wilson, will you do me the incredible honor of becoming my mate in spirit, as well as flesh, by agreeing to marry me?" He had agonized over those words for hours on end, trying to decide just how to phrase it to get her to understand that it was him and his bear, in unified agreement, asking the question.

  When tears began to flow down her face, his heart stopped as he thought she might say no.

  But then, beneath the trembling, he saw her nod her head once. Then again a few moments later with a bit more firmness to the motion. Finally, she worked up the words to speak.

  "Yes, I will Derek. I will." The ring fit perfectly on her finger, and as he slipped it on, he rose to engulf her in a hug, his own fears assuaged.

  It was the best day of his life.

  The End

  From the Authors

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  Alannah Blacke's Author Page

  Sneak Peak of 'Heart Laid Bear'

  By Terra Wolf

  It was then that Morgan was grateful for the Corvette, as he cornered through the turns and made record time getting back to his place. He was relieved that there were no guests staying there or servants around tonight. Rayne and Morgan walked inside. She sat on the leather couch by the closest window and slipped off her shoes, letting them rest by the door frame. Her coat and purse were folded neatly on the couch cushion, as she looked up at him. Rising from her seat, she leaned up to kiss him as he wrapped his arms around her. Lifting her off the ground, he held her at eye level, kissing her face all over.

  He kept holding her, walking her to the furthest back bedroom, one that he never used. He kicked open the door and laid her gently down on the goose feather comforter. He hooked a finger into his tie to get it to loosen and removed it and his jacket. He could already feel the growing excitement as his pants were an uncomfortable tightness.

  Morgan stripped her bare of clothing, taking sweet time to tease and touch her everywhere. His fingertips played over her delicate skin as if she were a fine vintage instrument, ready to be played and mastered. Carefully, he moved beside her, knowing his size was an issue. He toyed with her nipples, leaned over to breathe hot on them, causing Rayne to prickle from the goose bumps. His hand went to her soft folds. His finger slipped inside and he slowly rubbed her clit in small circles as he watched her lie there and squirm. He raised over her just enough to be able to get a nipple into his mouth, sucking it as he fingered her.

  The more he kept up his endeavors, the more excited she grew. She moaned and sighed, causing him to bubble over with wanton need for her. He had to keep it calmer, else he was going to shift and scare her.

  Her back arched and her skin was flushed, a low growl slipped out of him before he could stop it. He quickly recovered and buried his face in her wet mound, licking and sucking on her soft nub. Her curves spilled over creating beautiful softness everywhere. Morgan realized how tired he was of stick-figure girls and rail-thin models. Here he had delicious flesh in abundance to
taste and love, and he was ready to feast.

  Click To Read 'Heart Laid Bear' By Terra Wolf

  Sneak Peak of 'Bear Tycoon' By Terra Wolf

  Finally, she looked up at me and I could read in her dark purple eyes that she felt safe. She never asked what happened. She didn't need to know why I was completely naked, what I was doing there or where the bear had gone. At least not at that very moment. There would be plenty of time to explain everything. I could sense her heartbeat under my arms and I was overwhelmed with relief when I saw a tiny weak smile grace her lips. They were now full and smooth, flushed with warmth.

  "Thank you," she whispered and knowing that I could trust her completely, I couldn't hold myself back any longer. I leaned down and kissed her. A tiny explosion burst in my gut and I finally felt what I had only been told existed. A true bond. A mate for life. The complete and utter surrender to another. What I wanted more than anything in that moment was to please her, to give her the same ecstasy that had ravished my body after a single kiss.

  I hooked my fingers around the straps of her dress, which had already started to dry, and waited to see if she was ready. She pulled away from me just a little without losing contact with my body and her eyes locked on mine. I could read her desire in her quick small breaths that made her beautiful breasts heave underneath the thin fabric and the flickering flames in her eyes that told me without words that she wanted me just as much as I wanted her.

  I pulled one strap over her shoulder and leaned down to kiss her milky skin, only to feel a shiver rock her. I continued to trace a line with my lips up her smooth neck and felt her recoil with pleasure, goosebumps once again covering her bare arms. I reached her perfectly shaped ear and grazed it lightly, all the while holding back on my primal urge to take her roughly, to fondle every inch of her, to squeeze and kiss her everywhere. I needed her to warm up to me and tell me with her body language that she was ready for me. She sought my lips again and kissed me harder than before, our tongues intertwining and seeking out each other in the wild, desperate way that made all my restraints fade away.


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