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Handcuffs and Hot Fudge [Après-Ski 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 10

by Zara Chase

  She almost shouted with relief when she felt the mattress dip beneath his weight. His hot breath peppered her damp skin as his hair flopped against her backside and he leaned over her to kiss her buttocks.

  “Ah, sweetheart!”

  The naked avarice, the raw hunger in his tone moved her to tears. Tears of anticipation and pleasure. He sounded like a drowning man brought back from the brink, which in some ways she supposed he was. He had been floundering in an abyss of anger and self-disgust since Flavia’s murder, afraid to live because he didn’t think he deserved to. Jodie was equally sure that he did and intended to offer him good reason to. She owed that much to Flavia.

  And to herself.

  “Let me make love to you, sweet Jodie.”

  “Yes,” she replied breathlessly, her spirit soaring because it was the first time he had referred to the act as anything other than fucking. “Yes, I want you to so bad I think I might die from expectation.”

  The sound of his laughter made her shiver. “Can’t have that now, can we?” He parted her slick folds and inserted several fingers inside of her. “You’re ready for me,” he said, as though there had been any doubt about it.

  “More than ready, Sir.”

  Finally, just when she thought she would run out of patience and start making a few demands of her own, he grasped her hips in a firm hold and slid the tip of his cock into her. Unsurprisingly he was still fully, flagrantly aroused. She closed her muscles around him as he delved a little deeper, afraid that he’d tease her by withdrawing. He didn’t. Instead, he cautiously worked his way into her, groaning like a man in pain. Every cell in Jodie’s body sprang into life and delicious shivers traveled the length of her spine—a paradox of pleasure and longing.

  “Ah, sweet darlin’!”

  He withdrew almost all the way, eliciting a wail of protest from Jodie.

  “Want some more?” he asked in a teasing tone.

  “As much as you can give me,” she replied, her voice strained, pleading.

  “You got it, babe.”

  He slammed back into her, hard and deep, his loaded balls crashing against her buttocks. He was right about the cock ring. It agitated the walls of her cunt as he picked up the pace, his breath coming in heavy grunts as he branded her with his thick length. His body was a steamy prison over hers, she a willing captive who would never apply for parole.

  “Shit, baby, you’re so frigging tight, it’s blowing my mind. You okay?”

  “More than okay. I feel like you’re splitting me in two, between you, that ring and the plug thing.”

  “I’m hurting you?”

  He made to withdraw, but she closed her vagina muscles around his cock, clinging to him with superhuman strength—a product of desperation.

  “Don’t you dare!”

  “Okay, babe, if you’re sure, let’s do this thing. He plunged deep and hard, stunning her senses, intensifying the sharp, tangible need she felt for him. Only him. She moved with him, pushing back to meet his thrusts as they set up a rhythm that spiked her lust, reinforcing the animal magnetism that existed between them. She felt current gathering deep in her body, a low pulsating need she was unable to control. And yet Ty was still rock hard and showed no indication that he was losing control.

  “Ty, I…”

  “It’s okay, darlin’.” He grabbed her hair, wound it around his fist, and tugged her head backward, giving her nipples a sharp jolt as the clamps resisted. “Let it go, baby. This one’s for you.”

  His persuasive words, spoken in a thick, husky voice that belied his seemingly endless self-control, had the desired effect. He plunged into her harshly again, her stomach went weightless and a violent wave of heart surged through her.

  “Yes, Ty, don’t stop!”

  Breathing heavily, he gave it to her harder, tugging more aggressively at her hair, and Jodie’s orgasm detonated like an incendiary device. It left her panting, gasping for air as her pulse skittered in her veins and a white hot explosion of carnal sensation blasted her body. She cried out his name as she milked his cock like a woman with a point to prove, wild and abandoned in a manner she hadn’t previously know she was capable of feeling, much less expressing.

  When she was able to breathe again, she realized that Ty was still buried deep inside her, still rock hard, but he’d stopped moving, giving her the time she needed.

  “Okay?” he asked.

  “Okay doesn’t begin to cover it,” she replied, her voice sounding as dazed as she felt. “How do you…I mean, how can you last so long?”

  “Self-control. I’ll teach you.”

  She snorted. “Good luck with that.”

  “You ready to play some more, darlin’, or do you need more recovery time?”

  Play some more? She’d already come twice. He must mean, was she ready for him to come. Sure she was. He’d more than earned the right.

  “I’m at your disposal, Sir.”

  She didn’t expect the sharp slap to her buttocks that he delivered and was unsure whether it was meant as a punishment or a reward. He hadn’t spanked her that hard before, but she breathed in, sucked it up, and earned a chuckle of approval from him. Then he swore, grabbed her hips in a tighter hold, and really went to work on her. His motion was hard and punishing as he set up a hot, slick tempo, filling her to capacity with his glorious cock. Teasing her senses with the intoxicating friction.

  “Still want Leo inside you?”

  “I never wanted Leo,” she replied, panting as she struggled to keep pace with him. “Only ever you.”

  “You’ve got me, darlin’. You’ve got everything I can give you. Now, let’s really get it on.”

  Ty suited his actions to his words, gyrating his hips so he could sink deeper, bringing her satiated body back to a state of bewildering need. She felt his cock fill and thicken deep inside of her and knew he was close. Finally. She gripped him harder and kept pace with him, even though she was now dripping with perspiration and tiring fast. But he’d done so much for her. The last thing she wanted was for him to feel disappointed by her lack of stamina.

  “That’s it, babe.” He groaned the words as he ground himself into her. “Now we’re really fucking. I’m gonna come for you, darlin’. I can’t hold back anymore.”

  He emitted a low, animalistic sound and his breathing became fractured as he cried out and his cock did a frenzied, pulsating dance deep inside of her. She was barely conscious of him shooting his load because, incredibly, she came again as well. A reaction, she supposed, to his own uncontrived pleasure. It was less intense this time, but exquisite shards of sensation still swamped her reason and flamed her blood.

  He was still breathing heavily when he withdrew from her, removed the butt plug, released the handcuffs and clamps, and flopped on his back next to her.

  “You okay?” he asked, grinning like all his birthdays had come together.

  “More than all right,” she replied, sounding stunned. “I’ve never had three orgasms at once before.”

  “Get used to it.” He ran a hand gently down the curve of her face. “You were incredible.”

  “You didn’t do so bad yourself.” She ran the fingers of one hand across his glorious chest and tangled them in the wiry hairs. “I had no idea it could be so…well, so rewarding.”

  “Glad to be of service, ma’am. Just give me a moment’s recovery time, then we’ll shower.”

  “Hmm, of course.”

  “I’d love for you to stay the night with me,” he said a short time later as they shared the large shower stall that he’d insisted upon carrying her into because he deemed her legs wouldn’t support her. After what he’d just done to her, he was most likely right about that. “But we have to try and maintain appearances.”

  “No fraternizing with the help.” She sent him a teasing smile. “I know. You already said.”

  “Darlin’, I’d love to shout about our relationship from the rooftops, but if any of the other teams found out, it could get you all ki
cked out of the competition.”

  “Damn, I hadn’t thought about that. Those narrow-minded bigots might think pillow talk would give us an unfair edge?”

  He laughed. “Something like that.”

  “Ha, like we’d waste our time talking about food.”

  “You have to feel sorry for them, sugar. They most likely never get to feel the way we just did.”

  “I guess,” she said as he cut off the water and wrapped her in a towel.

  They made their way down to the lounge and Leo was there. Jodie blushed to think what she’d seen him doing earlier and that he’d seen her topless, but Leo seemed totally unfazed.

  “Welcome,” he said easily, giving her a chaste kiss on the lips.

  “Er thanks, I think.”

  “Did you need to talk to me?” Ty asked. “I’ll just walk Jodie back to her hotel.”

  “No need.”

  “Perhaps not, but I want to.”

  “I need you to know that I’ve just had Padron on the phone with a request,” Leo said.

  “What does he want this time?”

  “A favor. He knows the restaurant closes on a Monday night but wonders if, for him, you’d cater for a private party for thirty next week.”

  Ty shrugged. “Sure, no problem. We’ve done it for him enough times before.”

  “Yeah, but this time is a bit different.” Leo paused, looking uncomfortable, which got Jodie worried. “He’s got some sort of deal going with the Russians and needs to impress them, so naturally he wants you to cater the party.”

  “Okay,” Ty said, a note of wariness creeping into his voice, “but I still don’t see why you’re looking so worried.”

  Leo scratched his head. “The thing is, Ty, Belikov will be one of the guests.”

  Chapter Nine

  “You have got to be kidding me.” Ty ground his jaw, attempting to contain the anger that surged through him. Why hadn’t Leo told Padron to go fuck himself? “Of all the barefaced nerve. Having to tolerate Belikov eating in the restaurant is bad enough. Padron knows what he did to me. How can he expect me to…”

  Leo waved a placating hand. “I know. I told him that, but he insisted I ask. So, I’ve asked.” Leo reached for his phone. “I’ll tell him ‘no.’”

  Jodie touched Ty’s shoulder. “If Senor Padron knows what Belikov did to Flavia and still wants to entertain him, he must have a good reason.”

  “Yeah, I’ll just bet he does.” Ty curled his upper lip in contempt. “And it will be financial.”

  Leo nodded, hand still poised over his phone. “Isn’t it always? It’s a Russian consortium looking to put a big chunk of change into Nevella. And if Medina Valley doesn’t get it one of the other families will because…well, because the Russians have more money than they know what to do with.”

  “And we know how they accumulated it,” Ty growled. “Bastards!”

  “I know how you feel, buddy. So does Padron, but, like I say, he wanted me to ask you. You know how he can be when he decides to pull rank.”

  “You’ve asked,” Ty replied shortly.

  “Ty, I think we should do it,” Jodie said softly. “I’ll help you cater it.”

  He looked at her askance. “You…you want to play nice with that scumbag.”

  “I’m not sure why, other than that it might help me come to terms with what he did, or ordered to have done to Flavia if I see him in the flesh.”

  “What’s to see?” Ty resisted the urge to punch the wall by shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “He acts all charm and sophistication, but he’s just a thug in an expensive suit.”

  “It sounds as though he wants to commit financially to Nevella, which means he’s not going anywhere,” Jodie argued. “So you can’t avoid him all the time—”

  “I’m not avoiding the jerk, but excuse me if I don’t want to welcome a fucking murderer into my restaurant with open arms.”

  “It sounds as though this deal is important to this valley and to Padron.”

  Jodie was doing an impressive job of ignoring Ty’s foul temper and fouler mouth. He shared a glance between her and Leo as he endeavored to think rationally. Was he being unreasonable? Jodie was probably right in that Padron wouldn’t have asked if it wasn’t important to him. And if it meant a lot to Padron then it would adversely affect Leo’s standing in the valley if Ty turned him down. Although it was thanks to Leo’s efforts that the valley had been rejuvenated, Padron’s memory could well become selective and he could make trouble when it came time for Leo to renew his licenses. Leo had done so much to help Ty in his hour of need. Make that five years. Could he really turn his back on him now?

  Besides, Ty couldn’t fight single-handed against the influx of Russians with questionable backgrounds into Nevella. They were, quite simply, a fact of life. So, it was either a case of accepting that Belikov was now a part of the scenery and living with it, or getting out of Nevella himself. It wasn’t as if he’d have to mix with him if he did cater the party.

  “Okay,” he said on an elongated sigh. “Tell Padron I’ll do it, but it’ll cost him.”

  “You sure?” Leo asked.

  “Yeah, but I can’t guarantee I won’t poison that bastard Belikov’s food.”

  “Thanks, bud,” Leo said, finally getting to pick up his phone. “I’ll let Padron know.”

  “Come on, babe,” Ty said, sliding an arm around Jodie’s shoulders. “It’s getting late. I’ll walk back with you.”

  * * * *

  When she reported for work the following morning, Jodie was walking on air. Although she’d only had a few hours’ sleep, not nearly enough, she felt rejuvenated, ready to take on the world. Consuela remarked upon the changes in her as they walked to Hadleigh’s.

  “You look lit up from the inside,” she said, touching her hand. “I told you he liked you.”

  Jodie pretended not to understand what she meant. Okay, so she’d guessed, and judging by the smiles the guys were sending her way, they had, too. But they weren’t actually saying so, and that was the way it needed to stay. Loose tongues, a word in the wrong place, could result in the entire team to being disqualified from the contest.

  “I know I can rely on you and Marcel to keep quiet,” she said, “but what about Hans?”

  “Oh, don’t worry about him.” Consuela flapped a hand. “He’s preoccupied with his own affairs. He’s getting up close and personal with a member on one of the other teams.”

  “Blimey, I didn’t know that.”

  Consuela smiled. “You’ve been preoccupied.”

  “I guess that’s a potentially more serious situation than mine, if he and the opposition start exchanging pillow talk, I mean. What’s her name? Do I know her?”


  “Ah, I see.” Jodie cast a speculative glance Hans’ way. “I didn’t realize that he’s gay.”

  “He doesn’t shout about it, but I’ve seen him in the hotel bar twice with the same guy, an Italian. I recognize him from the grueling knock-out rounds of the competition. I asked Hans about him and he ’fessed up.”

  “Well, just so long as he keeps his mouth shut about our culinary efforts.”

  “Don’t worry, he will.”

  They arrived at the restaurant and headed for the changing rooms to get into their chef’s whites. Ty winked at her when she walked into the kitchen and her insides instantly turned to mulch. He looked so disgustingly handsome, rested, and self-assured that Jodie with filled with doubts about her ability to hold his attention. Sure a prime piece of real estate couldn’t possibly have any interest in her. Only the slight soreness in her nipples and the devilish look in Ty’s eye whenever he glanced at her told her otherwise.

  But in spite of the shift in their relationship, he didn’t cut her any slack during prep, getting on her case just as much as he did everyone else’s. But there was a buzz between them now, and she loved it when he bumped against her or dropped his voice an octave or two as he made some outlandish comment
with sexy overtones meant only for her ears.

  She hoped he would invite her upstairs for the two-hour break they got after prep, but out of sight of the others, he patted her rear and told her to go back to the hotel and catch some sleep.

  “You’ll need to rest up and save some energy for what I have in mind for later,” he told her.

  “Give me a clue.”

  “Not a hope in hell,” he said, chuckling as he patted his rear and sent her on her way.

  And so they fell into a routine for the rest of the week. She caught up on lost sleep after prep but stayed behind after service finished. She and Ty visited the viewing gallery in the dungeon several times more, but Ty didn’t suggest joining the action. They went back to his rooms afterward and introduced her to increasingly wild stuff that blew her mind and made dents in her vulnerable heart. He dressed her up in all sorts of sexy gear, administered spankings with increasing ferocity, graduating from using his hand to a light paddle. All sorts of sex toys came into play. He even caught her alone one afternoon when she arrived for work, whipped into the changing room with her and inserted a small but fat vibrator into her pussy.

  “I wanna think of you working this evening with that inside you,” he said, nuzzling her neck. “It’ll make me crazy, knowing what it’s doing for you and how frustrated it’ll make you.”

  “It won’t do a lot for my concentration,” she warned him, hoping her flimsy panties would prevent it from falling out.

  She needn’t have worried. Ty pushed it in so deep and it was so wide that it didn’t budge. Ty looked at her frequently with such dark desire in his expression that it was all she could do to refrain from rubbing her thighs together and coming for him right there in the middle of the chaotic service.

  In spite of the change in their relationship, they still worked hard on their competition entry, fine-tuning as they went along. Ty made a point of touring the tables each evening, courting the diners with his relentless charm and asking their opinion on the team’s signature dishes. Thanks to their suggestions, they were able to make more refinements and Jodie was becoming increasingly more optimistic about their chances of doing Medina Valley proud.


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