Twisted Love: A Dark Romance

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Twisted Love: A Dark Romance Page 8

by CM Wondrak

  Tear off those fishnets. Bite her shoulder. Claw at her dress and make her mewl for me.

  Fuck. I couldn’t wait until I had her. When recognition dawned in those eyes, when Tenley got to her knees before me and swore to me she’d always be my good girl. Never would she belong to anyone else.

  Mine. She would be mine.

  Even though I probably shouldn’t, even though I should take care of the steel in my pants, I found myself reaching for my phone and calling her up. It was late, and I knew she was in bed. Her bedroom was on the second floor of the house, but I couldn’t get close to it without alerting the cameras built into Kayla’s home. Always watching for me, though I would bet Kayla had kept me from her.

  Ridiculous, I knew. Fucking asinine, because I was the reason for all of this. Tenley didn’t remember me, but so help me God, I would open her eyes to the truth, make her remember every single memory her mind had forgotten all these years.

  My good girl would remember me, I’d make sure of it.

  Tenley must’ve been awake, for it wasn’t long before she answered my call. She said nothing, and all I heard was the sound of her breathing, just as I knew it was all she could hear from me. Knowing she was on the other line, knowing she could hear me… though she could not see me, though she wasn’t here witnessing it…

  It would be enough.

  Holding the phone against my ear, I unbuttoned my jeans. Within a moment, my cock was free, standing hard and straight, the tip glistening with precum in the darkness. I didn’t know whether I’d ever been this hungry before—desperately starved for another person. I’d been so fucking patient, waiting until the time was right, and now I could not wait anymore.

  Inch by inch, I would take, and I wouldn’t stop until I had her beneath me every single night.

  I sat, holding the phone in one hand and my cock in the other. I wondered if she would know what I was doing, if she would hear the hitch in my breathing, how my lungs started to work harder when I began to stroke my length. I wondered if she’d like it.

  And then, of course, I wondered about that party. About who she’d dressed up for. I needed to find out, so I could remove him from the equation. Tenley might not remember me, but I was back, and I refused to stand aside and let her give herself to someone else. To some fucking high school boy.

  No, she already belonged to a man. A real man, a man who wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. Through the blood and the pain, I would make sure she knew she belonged to me.

  I breathed out, knowing she was still listening, knowing Tenley would not hang up the phone before I would. She might not remember me, but she hung on everything I said, on my mere breathing. That told me she subconsciously still remembered. She might not be aware of it, but she knew, deep down, she was mine.

  My hand gripped my cock hard, tugging at the skin as I pumped my fist along my length. It would feel better with lotion, even better if I had the girl on the other line here beneath me, her cunt taking my cock and everything it gave her.

  Fuck. That was a beautiful picture to have in my head. Her naked body writhing beneath me, not a single flaw on her pale skin, those big, blue eyes staring up at me, all hazy and glazed over with lust. Her hands on my sides, nails digging in as her voice cried out my name. It was almost enough to push me over the edge immediately.

  I let out a small groan, leaning back on my bed, nothing but my legs dangling off the sides. I worked at myself, my balls feeling the familiar ache, the need to release, and my hips began to jerk along with my hand. I would give anything to have Tenley here with me, to not just hear her breathing on the phone and able to claim that young body as mine.

  But she wasn’t, so I had to work with what I had.

  “Tenley,” I whispered her name, hearing her inhale at the mention of it. I had no idea if she knew what I was doing or not, but after I said what I was about to say, surely she would be able to put the pieces together. She wasn’t an idiot. Tenley was a smart girl. “Do you know what I would do to you if you were here with me?”

  The hand running up and down my length began to move quicker as she spoke, “What?”

  “I’d pin you to the wall,” I said, “make you remember me, and once you did—” I had to pause to let out another moan. “—I would rip off all of your clothes and fuck you so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk the next day.” I felt myself edging closer to my release, and it was an amazing feeling.

  The sigh she let out then told me my words intrigued her, entranced her, that she wanted it, too. Tenley might not remember me, but some things were instinctual. I wasn’t a firm believer in destiny or fate, but if I was, I’d say we were written in the stars. Nothing could keep me away from her, nothing at all. I just had to figure out the right time to make my presence known, without Kayla finding out.

  Kayla would send the police after me, no question about that, so I had to make sure, by the time it happened, Tenley and I were long gone, starting our life together somewhere far away from this place.

  “I’d make you get on your knees,” I went on, my voice husky and ragged. It grew harder to talk; my body felt like it floated on cloud nine, my release eminent. “Claim every hole on your body as mine.” My hand worked quicker at my cock, running up and down its hard length viciously. “No one else can have you, because you’re mine. Tell me, Tenley. Tell me what you are.” I bared my teeth in the darkness, needing her to say it.

  I could tell she hesitated, but not for long. The silence on the line was broken the moment Tenley said, “I’m yours.”

  That wasn’t enough. I needed more, so I said, “My what?” With every pump of my hand on my cock, I pushed myself closer and closer to the edge, my orgasm within reach.

  Tenley knew what I wanted her to say, and she murmured, “I’m your good girl.” Her words effectively pushed me over the edge I danced along.

  Pleasure erupted within me, hot and searing, flooding all of my senses. Cum shot out of my tip as my hand jerked along my length, a groan escaping my wide chest as my eyelids snapped shut of their own accord. God, what I wouldn’t give to be inside her right now, to feel that tight pussy wrapped around me, to fill her up with my hot, sticky cum and forever mark her as mine.

  Mine. My good girl. My Tenley.

  When my hand stopped, I let it slide off me and fall to the bed. I breathed hard, ragged. “One day very soon I’ll come for you, and when I do, you will run to me.” My body still tingled with the high of the orgasm, but I knew the level of pleasure this release had given me would be dwarfed by the pleasure I’d gain from her body.

  “And if I don’t?” Tenley asked, her voice airy and faint, and I wondered how she felt, if her body had reacted to hearing mine find its release.

  I smirked in the darkness of my place, itching to go to her right this very instant. I couldn’t, but it was a nice thought. A fucking perfect thought. “Good girls always listen to their masters.” I said nothing else, hanging up before she could say anything more.

  I had to get up and clean myself off, but I allowed myself the time, to just lay there and replay what just happened in my head, what I’d said to her, and what she’d said back.

  Tenley… I would figure out a way to see her soon enough.

  Chapter Eight – Tenley

  The next week at school, I was out of it, and I made no attempt to hide how out of my own mind I was. Aubree instantly noticed, though it wasn’t until lunch one day when she brought it up. Today her brown, curly hair was free of any ponytails, falling over her shoulders as she leaned forward. She’d already taken my lunch, since I never ate it, though she hadn’t touched it yet. Kayla had been trying to force me to eat.

  Yeah. Like that would work.

  Her hazel eyes were concerned. “What’s wrong?” She was no longer mopey about what had happened at the party; when you were in high school, time seemed to stretch on forever, even though the party had only been ten days ago.

  Everything had been happening so fast for me. Well,
fast and slow, depending on how you looked at it. I’d been having trouble sleeping, and when I did sleep, I often dreamed of a man whose face I couldn’t see but whose voice I knew in my heart of hearts. The same man who kept calling me.

  The same man who, only a few days ago, got me to tell him that I was his good girl.

  And that said nothing of the brief flashes of memories in my head. At least, I thought they were memories, because they sure didn’t feel like clips from a movie or a television show I’d forgotten until now. The smells, the feeling of being in the dark somewhere… I couldn’t shake it from my mind.

  “Nothing,” I said, even though it wasn’t nothing. It was so much more than nothing, but how could I explain any of it to Aubree without sounding absolutely nuts? She didn’t know what happened to my parents; she didn’t know I came from a family whose mental capacities weren’t quite all there. She would think I was crazy, I knew.

  “It sure doesn’t seem like nothing,” she remarked. “You’ve been out of it all day.” When I only looked at her with my eyebrows raised, she added, “You get this far-off look in your eyes, like you’re stuck in your head or something. I know you don’t like sharing, but you know I’m here for you, right?”

  Aubree was just trying to be a friend to me. Just because I didn’t want her friendship didn’t mean anything. She was here, and she refused to go away; we were both outcasts at Banner High, stuck together like glue, for whatever reason.

  Still, I could not tell her the truth. I couldn’t. I couldn’t risk her going to her parents, or to Kayla. I needed to figure this out on my own.

  I needed to see him. To meet him. I needed to decide for myself what this was and how it made me feel. Don’t get me wrong, I already knew how I reacted when I heard his voice, but maybe seeing him would help clear things up for me.

  Or maybe being in his presence would only make things worse. I didn’t know.

  What I did know, though, was that I couldn’t get enough of him. That call Saturday night… it was anything but appropriate. I might not have experience when it came to guys, but I knew what they did. I knew they didn’t need another person to relieve their arousal. That man… he’d touched himself while on the phone with me, and I couldn’t get enough of it.

  Call me sick, call me twisted, but I’d wished I was there with him, wherever the hell he was. I wished I could’ve seen him, watched him do it, for surely it was a sight to behold.

  The way I talked about him, you’d think he was God or something, but he wasn’t. There was no way he was. Maybe the opposite, for no heavenly being would ever make me feel so lustful and wanting.

  Aubree stared at me, waiting for me to open up, as if I’d purposefully locked her out these past few years. And, okay, maybe I had, but it wasn’t just her. I didn’t let anyone in. I didn’t see the point, not when all of this was so temporary. High school was just a means to an end, and I could not wait for that end.

  Of course, then that meant I had to decide what the hell I wanted to do with the rest of my life, which college to go to… and I wasn’t quite ready for that, either.

  I guess, maybe, I could open up to her a little. Not tell her about the stranger and how he kept calling me, how he’d known I was dressed up out of my usual attire that Friday night at the party, but there was something else I could tell her. Something else no one knew. Hell, maybe Aubree would have some insight. Maybe she’d realize why I was so weird and not like everyone else.

  “Did I ever tell you what happened to my parents?” I asked. My hands were folded on my lap, the rest of the cafeteria loud around us. Aubree stared at me with those hazel eyes, hardly blinking as she looked at me, as if she could not believe I was actually going to tell her something.

  Me either, really.

  She shook her head once. “No, you never did.” Aubree had never asked, probably because everyone’s situation at home was different; she was smart enough to realize it. Asking outright might be considered rude, like someone asking about her and why she always wore long-sleeved shirts.

  “You know Kayla’s my aunt,” I said, shrugging, biting my lower lip as I paused and thought about how to proceed. I’d never brought up my parents before, not to anyone. It was better that I hardly could remember them; being unable to recall their faces offhand meant it was easier to go on living without them, without letting the grief of their loss drown me.

  I wasn’t the only one in this school who’d lost a parent. You always heard about the students whose mom or dad died of cancer or from a random car crash or something; gossip flew in these halls like no other. My truth was more hidden; all anyone knew here was that I’d been homeschooled before being enrolled in Banner Middle School.

  Aubree nodded, not touching my food still. She’d skipped her daily trip to the vending machine for candy, thinking she was too fat or something to get Kyle’s attention. Cue eye roll.

  “She became my guardian when my parents died,” I said. Saying they were dead earned me a sympathetic stare from her. For all she’d known, they’d simply abandoned me or maybe didn’t want me.

  No, I was an orphan.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said, shaking her head once.

  “It was just over ten years ago,” I went on, “so I don’t really have many memories of them. All I know is Kayla calls what happened an accident, but the police have a different story.” Letting out a sigh, I still grew annoyed when I thought about the disparity, how Kayla refused to see it for what it was, even after all these years.

  That earned myself a strange look from Aubree. “What do you mean?” She must have some ideas, but what happened to my parents, what my father did, it was something you saw on the news at night, not something you knew firsthand.

  “The police ruled it a murder-suicide,” I stated matter-of-factly, never once taking my eyes off her. Aubree shifted in her seat, uncomfortable, but it was too late. I was already in the middle of what some might call oversharing, and I wasn’t about to stop. “My father took a gun and shot my mother. He then turned the gun on himself, or at least that’s what the police say. Kayla still swears up and down that my father never would’ve done that, but if the facts are there…” I trailed off.

  “Oh, my God,” Aubree muttered, a look of sheer panic and shock on her face. “I can’t—I just can’t believe that. I’m so sorry, Tenley. I had no idea—”

  I shrugged again, as if it was fine. And it was. I didn’t lose sleep over what happened to my parents all those years ago. Now, when it came to the stranger, it was a different story altogether. “It’s okay.”

  Aubree said nothing, but she couldn’t stop staring at me, and I didn’t know if she was staring at me like that because she felt bad or because she was finally realizing why I was the way I was. My childhood hadn’t been the most normal one around, and odds were, if it had been a sliver more normal, I wouldn’t be the weird, closed-off girl I was today.

  “That’s why your aunt never lets you go out,” Aubree said, putting it all together now. “That’s why she always wants you home, why she picks you up every day.”

  I nodded. “Yeah. Having a helicopter aunt sucks.” I bet Kayla was the only reason the stranger who kept calling me didn’t make himself known. Fucking Kayla. If I had my way, I’d have met the guy already, discovered the truth behind the mystery of who he was to me, but no, dear Kayla would flip her shit.

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me? I feel so bad for getting on your case so much,” Aubree said. “It’s not your fault your aunt keeps you on a leash. She just doesn’t want what happened to your parents to happen to you.”

  I had no idea why I would ever end up like my parents, dead, but then the stranger and his deep voice came to mind. I was willing to jump off a cliff to meet that man and see his face, so maybe my death wasn’t quite as far-fetched as I thought.

  “I don’t like talking about it, for obvious reasons.”

  Aubree took that as a sign to drop it. “Right. Of course. I’m sorry.”

/>   I said nothing else during lunch, sticking to my silence, wondering if my little story would cause Aubree to back off a bit. Lately she’d been insufferable when it came to Kyle and her huge crush on him, so I could use a bit of a break from that.

  Unfortunately for me, the moment I stepped into Mrs. Johnson’s classroom, I was ambushed by none other than Kyle. Aubree was still reeling from what I’d told her at lunch, so she didn’t stare at me and Kyle, didn’t watch our interaction with interest. All she did was slump in her seat, leaving me to deal with Kyle in the back of the classroom.

  “Hey,” Kyle sounded almost too eager to talk to me, and I resisted the urge I had to run to my seat and get away from him. I was so not in the mood to deal with Kyle today. Actually, I never was. “I wanted to touch base with you. We haven’t gotten together outside of class to work on our project yet—”

  Since when the hell did Kyle fucking Sturgis care about classwork? I understood trying to keep his grades up for the last few months of the year since colleges could always retract their scholarship offers if you suddenly bomb everything, but this? This was too much.

  “I can handle it all, don’t worry about it” was what I decided on telling him, and I prayed he would leave it at that.

  He didn’t, though. As the other students funneled into class, he said, “You can’t do it all.”

  I blinked. Uh, sure I could. Ninety-nine percent of the time, it’s what happened in group projects anyway. It’s why most kids dreaded them. Seriously, there was nothing worse than being forced to work with people you didn’t like.

  “I want to help,” he went on when it was clear I wasn’t impressed by anything he was saying. “I’m your partner. We both need to work on it.”

  What could I tell him to get him to shut up right now? I thought that by ignoring the majority of his texts the last few days he’d get the hint. I mean, he was popular. He had girls fawning over him left and right—including Aubree. Why couldn’t he occupy his time with them? Why couldn’t he put all of his attention onto them and not me and our stupid project?


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