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Single Daddy's Valentine: (A Small Town Fake Fiancee Romance)

Page 29

by Amanda Horton

  Tressa slowly nodded her head. “Alexi came to me almost a year later, upset that he would never be able to find a proper bride. He wouldn’t tell me why he was so concerned. Now it all makes perfect sense.”

  Vasil looked at his wife and then at the doctor. His face became stony. “You kept this from me?”

  The doctor adopted a neutral expression.“It was not my secret to share.”

  Everyone then looked to Leo as the truth became clear to all. If Alexi hadn’t fathered Damien, Leo had. He looked stunned. Gemma felt as if the floor had been taken out from under her once again.

  She’d been trying to come to terms both with her feelings for Leo and her guilt of sleeping with both brothers. Her guilt for having fallen for Leo while Damien was Alexi’s child had threatened to overwhelm her, but now she knew that was untrue…

  The full reality hit her. Leo deceived me not once, but twice. The only way he could be Damien’s father is if he was pretending to be Alexi in Paris two years ago. God, does the man ever tell the truth?!

  Gemma met his eyes. They needed to talk. Now. “Tressa, could you all leave Leo and me alone for a few minutes? I need to speak with him in private.”

  Tressa nodded. “Shall we take Damien with us?”

  Gemma looked down and saw that he was almost asleep. She shook her head, albeit very gingerly. “I’ll keep him here with me.”

  “Very well. Call if you need anything.” Tressa indicated the bedside telephone.

  “I will. Thank you.”

  Gemma waited until everyone but Leo had left. Only then did she meet his eyes. “Why did you lie to me?” She was trying not to jump to conclusions, but she needed to hear something that would help her deal with yet another of his deceptions.

  Leo stared at her. He walked slowly to the side of the bed and sat down. “I don’t have a good reason for my actions.”

  “Try,” she urged him. “What were you doing in Paris that night?”

  Leo explained about the art auction and how Alexi had been called away to deal with company business. He even shared with her what kind of man he’d been at that time. “But things have changed.”

  “But why didn’t you tell me who you really were that night?” She was so confused. Tell me something that makes this better. Please, Leo! Help me understand.

  Leo looked at her. “I would have but you disappeared on me. I had no way of looking for you without even a name to go on. I didn’t know if you were a bidder at the auction, an employee of the hotel, or just someone who’d attended to look at the paintings.”

  Gemma blushed, looking down at Damien. “I was so ashamed of my behavior the next morning. I had a flight to catch and I knew I’d been reckless…I’d never had unprotected sex until that night. I ran away, not thinking I would ever see you again.”

  “But Alexi found you?” he asked.

  She nodded. “He was given my card and the restoration estimate for the painting he…I mean, you…purchased for your mother at the auction. I thought he was you when he showed up and he never corrected me. He was different, but I just figured that night had been a one-time thing.”

  “Different? How?” Leo paused to pull a lightweight blanket over the now sleeping Damien. He looked at the sleeping child, a tender expression on his face. “I can’t believe he’s mine.”

  Gemma watched him softly caress their son’s head. Her heart twisted inside her chest. He loves him! I wonder if he recognizes the emotion for what it is?

  “Gemma?” he asked, bringing her eyes back to his.

  “Alexi was softer and not as aggressive. The chemistry between us was okay, but nothing like what you and I shared. I’d had too much champagne that night and chalked the difference up to my faulty recollection of how things had really been that night. And then you showed up in D.C. and the chemistry flared again. It was very confusing.”

  “I was just as confused. I’ve never felt this way about another woman and frankly, it scared me. I didn’t want to settle down, but after being with you…I can’t imagine myself with anyone else.”

  Gemma felt the same, but she had to know the answer to one more question. “Why did you sleep with me that first night you came back and I assumed you were Alexi?”

  Leo looked ashamed. “Because I needed you to sign the stock certificates over to me. And frankly, seeing you again started up a hunger inside of me I couldn’t resist.”

  “And that time on the beach?”

  Leo nodded once. “The same—or so I told myself. I couldn’t admit that my feelings for you were changing. It wasn’t until I learned what Petrina had done that I knew I couldn’t risk losing you. Gemma, I love you. I want you to stay here in Greece with me.”

  Gemma was stunned. Leo loves me! Joy burst inside her chest at hearing her own feelings expressed in his voice. She knew she loved him, but so much had happened...Is love enough?

  Leo slipped onto the bed, brushing the back of his fingers tenderly over her bruised cheek. “This all started because of those stock certificates, but I can’t and won’t force you to give them up.”

  “What will happen if I don’t sign them over?” Gemma asked him quietly, recognizing the extreme sacrifice he was preparing to make for her. She was overwhelmed with the knowledge that Leo was willing to give it all up. For her. Because he loves me! The reality of that knowledge staggered her.

  “The board of directors will expect me to either marry Petrina to secure her uncle’s stock, or give up my own. I would rather have you than the company.”

  What? Gemma’s cheeks flooded. The subject of marrying him was not something she was willing to discuss right this minute. Too much had happened and her head was still pounding away.“Is there any chance of getting them to change their mind?”

  Leo looked grim. “There’s one way to find out. They will be meeting in an hour. I plan to be there.” He stood up, looking down at her. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”

  Gemma gave him a small smile. “Once my head stops hurting, I believe I will be fine.” She watched him leave.

  Leo’s going to challenge the board! There has to be something else…some other way… Leo can’t give up everything his father has worked so hard for. What happens if he has to give up his stock?

  The more she thought about Leo and the path he was on, the more upset she became. There has to be another way.

  Gemma’s head throbbed, but for the first time since being rescued, her physical discomfort wasn’t the most important issue in her mind. She’d hoped to have some time to process everything that had happened the last few days, but circumstances made that impossible.

  Leo’s getting ready to give up everything for me. Am I willing to do the same? I already know I can trust him with my life. Gemma looked down at the sleeping child nestled against her. Can I trust him with my heart?

  Chapter 17

  The Moustakas Shipping Boardroom later that evening…

  Leo stood at the head of the table. His father had declined to attend this meeting. Leo couldn’t blame him. Witnessing the company he’d spent his life building fall into the wrong hands was simply too painful. All of the board members were in attendance, as well as Petrinaand Leo’scousin Timon.

  Timon was an unwelcome addition. He was his aunt’s son. Leo had never met a more irresponsible human being. The young man was recently released from his second rehab center, having developed a taste for drugs of all kinds in his late teens. At the age of twenty-six, he should have been a productive member of society. Instead he was nothing but a disappointment.

  His uncle, serving as the acting director in Vasil’s absence, called the meeting to order. “Gentleman and ladies, we have come to this special board meeting to decide the fate of Alexi Moustakas’ stock certificates. Leo, you were charged with getting them transferred back to the family. Please tell the board the status of this endeavor.”

  Leo glared at his uncle. The man knew full well what the status of the stock certificates was and had called this
special meeting hoping to force Leo to conform to his will. He took a breath and looked around the room. “As you are aware, Gemma Larsen received the stock certificates from Alexi upon the occasion of his death. She is currently recovering from a near fatal incident, brought on by Petrina Pappas.”

  Shocked expressions and muttered exclamations swarmed around the table.

  Petrina surged to her feet, her expression outraged. “Lies! He tells lies! I tried to befriend this American whore and this is how I am repaid?”

  Leo had endured enough. He pushed the intercom button in front of him. “You can come in now.”

  The doors to the boardroom opened and two security guards appeared. “Miss Pappas, you must come with us now.”

  As the guards advanced on Petrina, Leo’s uncle stood up, stunned. His face turned a deep purple color. “What is the meaning of this? Take your hands off of my goddaughter this very instant!”

  The lead security guard turned. “Sir, I’m sorry to inform you that your goddaughter has been summoned to the police station for further questioning about the incident that took place with Miss Larsen.”

  “This is ludicrous!” his uncle screamed.

  The entire room erupted.

  Leo slammed his hand down on the table to gain their attention. “Fine. Petrina may stay until this situation is resolved, but she will answer for her crimes.” He gestured towards a chair in the far corner. “Take her there and make sure she stays quiet.”

  He turned his attention back to the actual board members. “Miss Larsen is aware that the stock certificates now belong to her.”

  “Is she prepared to sign them over?” his uncle demanded.

  Leo shook his head. “No one has asked her to and no one will. They are hers as my brother wished.”

  Several senior board members looked ready to have heart attacks.

  One of them finally found his voice. “Leo, the original deal was that you would either recover the stock certificates or marry Petrina, securing her uncle’s stock as your own. We understand that Petrina is no longer suitable as a wife for you... But we feel that as the head of a company, we would be best served if you were forced to settle down.” The man looked at his fellow board members and then baldly stated, “Therefore, you shall either marry this American to secure her stock votes, or convince her to sign them over to you.”

  Leo was furious with their narrow-minded options. “Neither option is acceptable.”

  The man continued as if he hadn’t heard Leo speak. “You’ve had ample time to complete the task set before you. One of the two conditions must be met by the end of the week.”

  “Or what?” he challenged them.

  His uncle spoke up. “Or Timon will immediately receive my share of stock, giving him a controlling interest in the company.”

  Leo was aghast. “You would jeopardize the entire company to get your way?”

  “In a heartbeat.”

  Leo looked around the room, shaking his head. “I was hoping you all could see reason, but since you can’t…I request that you distribute my shares and hope like hell Timon doesn’t run this company into the ground before the year’s out. Theós!”

  His uncle stared at him. “You would give up all of your wealth and claim to your family fortune for a female?”

  Leo nodded. “I would. I will not be involved in coercing her to do anything. She is a Goddess among women, a true theá. I will not disrespect her any more than I already have.”

  The room grew silent. Leo waited to hear the board members respond to his statement. There was murmuring amongst them.

  The silence was pierced by a bloodthirsty scream from Petrina. “American whore! He’s mine!”

  Leo spun around.

  Gemma stood in the doorway, supported by the arms of his father and his mother. Leo’s cousin Kassi held Damien by the hand and from the look of pure joy on her face, she’d already fallen in love with his son. My son! Not Alexi’s. Mine. Leo felt his heart surge watching them, knowing the sacrifice he’d just made was completely worth it.

  He looked at Gemma. “What are you doing out of bed? The doctor said…”

  “The doctor is waiting downstairs. He felt that I was strong enough to come up here and save you from yourself. Now, gentlemen, if you will allow me…”

  She let go of his parents’ elbows, walking around the table until she was face-to-face with Petrina. “What you did to me should land you in prison for a very long time. However, because of your long-standing connection to this family, I have talked with Leo’s parents and we have come up with a solution.

  “It is clear that you need to figure some things out. The doctor has suggested a stay in a counseling center might help you and those around you.” Gemma paused and then added, “I will agree not to press charges against you for attempted murder, provided you leave now with the doctor and allow him to oversee your treatment.”

  “You think I’m insane?” Petrina sneered. Her face contorted into a very unbecoming mask of fury.

  “Insane? I don’t know. Unbalanced? Most definitely.” There was no hint of compassion on Gemma’s face. “Your answer, please.”

  Petrina tried unsuccessfully to pull herself away from the security guards’ hold. “I would never survive in prison.”

  Gemma directed the guards to escort her downstairs to the waiting vehicle, recommending place her in restraints before handing her over to the doctor. “I don’t want the man to get injured while playing the Good Samaritan.”

  She waited until they had left the room to return to walk to Leo’s side. She nudged him. “Close your mouth. It was high time someone put that woman in her place.”

  Leo leaned down and kissed her in full view of the board members. “I couldn’t agree with you more. Now, can you go back home and get your rest?”

  Gemma started to shake her head. She grabbed his arm for support. “Not just yet. I have one more thing to do.”

  She looked at the board members. A folder appeared in front of her, slid there by Tressa. She murmured her thanks and then addressed the table of men, “Gentlemen…Kassi, would you mind translating for me?”

  Leo murmured, “I could do it.”

  Gemma smiled at him. “I’d rather you just listen, but thank you.” She squeezed his arm and then began again. “Gentlemen. I have thought long and hard about what I am about to do, and I do this not for you, but for the man standing beside me.

  “This man and I have had our share of problems. However, I know he is a good man and has changed over the last week for the better. He’s recently discovered he has a son, a child he thought was sired by his twin, but he was willing to raise as his own. Not many men would be willing to do such a thing.

  “I’ve also come to realize that he loves me. The first time he told me that I found it hard to believe, but I know it to be true. So, as for your ultimatum, consider it answered. I will be marrying Leo as soon as it can be arranged. Not because you demanded it of us, but because I love him and cannot imagine my life without him by my side.”

  Leo stared at her. She ignored him, focused on the task at hand. “As for the stock certificates…I have signed them all over to our son, Damien Moustakas. His name will be changed officially and I have designated Leo to act as his proxy vote until such time as he is old enough to do so himself.”

  Leo’s uncle surged to his feet, his expression livid. “She cannot do that! The bylaws state that she cannot transfer those shares—”

  “You didn’t object to the way Alexi transferred his shares and I won’t hear another word about this situation,” Vasil told his brother. He stepped forward, laying a hand on Gemma’s shoulder. “This is the finest woman I could have chosen for a daughter-in-law. Welcome to the family, Gemma.”

  She turned and allowed Vasil to hug her neck. Leo couldn’t wait any longer. He swept up his future wife. Leo looked around the room. “Any other questions?”

  When no one answered him, he grinned. “Meeting adjourned.”

bsp; Epilogue

  Two weeks later…

  Gemma stared at the large diamond on her left ring finger in awe. She and Leo had been married in a simple ceremony an hour earlier. She was happier than she could ever remember being. Leo was now carrying his son around and introducing him to one and all. He was a proud father. Gemma hoped that after she shared her secret with him that evening, he would be even prouder.

  Aimee and Tyler had flown over for the ceremony. She’d been elated to hear that Leo had taken the matter of her brother’s finances into his own hands and settled things in a very satisfactory manner. Tyler was looking forward to finishing his degree and taking a position with Moustakas Shipping, and she no longer had to worry about where his next tuition payment was going to come from.

  Aimee had come for an extended vacation and was not going to be returning to the States until the end of the summer. Three whole months to explore her new country and make memories with her best friend. It was a dream come true. Gemma pinched herself. “Ouch!”

  “Still think you’re dreaming?” Leo stood beside her, chuckling at the disgruntled look on her face.

  “Just a bit. You have to admit, this is all a lot to handle.”

  “Yes, but you’re doing so beautifully.” He snagged her around the waist and maneuvered her behind a large column.“Have I told you today how beautiful you are?”

  “Only fifty times.”

  “Well let’s go for fifty-one. Kanis tin zoi mou pio omorfi.”

  Gemma smiled. “Okay, I caught the word beautiful, but nothing else.” She’d been working with anyone and everyone who would teach her, determined to master the Greek language. Especially now that she was bringing another small life coming into the world. But that was a secret for another time.

  Leo kissed her forehead. “I said, you make my life more beautiful.”

  Gemma decided now was the perfect time to try out the new phrase she’d memorized. “Ise to alo mou miso.”

  The look he gave her more than justified the effort she’d put in to mastering the phrase. “And you are my other half. Together, we make a whole. Nothing can stop us or come between us.”


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