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Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel)

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by Susan JP Owens

  At first, the lack of control bothered him. He’d project when he hadn’t meant to do it. Through discipline and direction, astral projecting became manageable. By the time he’d mastered the power within, he’d kept the occurrences to himself. For the most part, people were good and decent. The evil ones…

  Not many people could withstand the horror. His gut clenched, then churned with revulsion. He had first-hand knowledge of the heinous people walking this earth, corrupt perceptions of life left little doubt about their sanity.

  During his military service, beyond enemy lines, he’d traveled into many adversarial minds. Appalled by the interrogation techniques inflicted upon prisoners of war, he’d sworn to help his fellow soldiers. Which he did with success, but his superiors used him unmercifully for other things. He’d saved lives, but many people benefited by prostituting his gift. After Dan died, he had kept his vow.

  Kyle’s insides roiled because he wanted to mind walk with Shelby. A woman he didn’t know, a lady in all practicality he wouldn’t see again, however, a soul he wished to visit.

  He wanted her company. The challenge to get her to agree to watch the fireworks with him became paramount. In the break room when their hands met, the unexpected jolt traveled from his fingers through his body and landed on his third leg. He was an instant believer in the saying stiff as a fencepost. His groin tightened, again. As the evening progressed with Shelby, he’d know whether he was acting like an addled teenager or if his instinct was correct. He voted for the last.

  Shelby stepped out of her room. He rose, and made modest adjustments. “Shall we go?” He gently tugged the leash. The sleeping dog yawned, then ambled to all fours and shook. “Little lady, you need to come with us.”

  “How do you think she’ll react to the fireworks?” Shelby pursed her lips.

  “We’re about to find out. But I think she’ll do fine.”

  At the town square, he led Shelby through a curved structure made of elk antlers held together by wire. Once past the noted arch entrance, he guided her by the small of her back to a great view of the night sky.


  The man glared into the lady’s eyes, hoping to intimidate her. “How much are ya’ talkin’ about?” He didn’t trust this one.

  “Enough so you can have a fresh start…somewhere else.”

  He peered over the spectators to see Kyle and Shelby. “What about her?”

  “If she gets in the way, deal with her.”

  He squinted, giving his evil look he practiced. “It’ll cost ya’ more.”

  “Just do the job correctly and you won’t have any problems. But I understand what you want and agree to double the amount.”

  “You can count on it bein’ done right.” He laughed inwardly. His luck was changin’. He fixed his gaze on his paying customer ploddin’ through the crowd. His tongue swiped across his lips. When he’d hesitated to take on Ms. Littleton, the ante upped immediately. He learnt that from his cousin playin’ poker and it worked. Sweet vengeance, he’d be paid twice for the same job.

  As for the wench on Kyle’s arm, he’d already accepted that assignment. She’d be an easy target, unless she continued to hang with the asshole from the multi-millionaire’s club. When the time was right, he’d play his hand.

  Pressley had bodyguards. Ha! People thought he was stupid. He’d show them. Soon, the high and mighty Pressleys would be mournin’. He rubbed his hands together. Yep, an eye for an eye, that’s what the good book says. A plum fact, hell is where he was headed, but he’d have plenty of money and fun getting there.


  The hairs on the back of Kyle’s neck rose. He shifted. Kyle widened his stance, balancing on the balls of his feet and searched the crowd noting first Shelby’s position, then each group and person. No one stood out. His Navy SEAL training took over. Senses on high alert, he zeroed in on anything suspicious. His gut instinct kicked into gear, adrenaline coursed through his veins, his hands curled into fists at his side. His taut muscles readied for action.

  He’d asked his two bodyguards to keep their distance so Shelby wouldn’t question the need. Shit, if anything happened, he’d have to wing it until they could get across the square.

  Hands grabbed his arm. Startled, he whirled to face his adversary, shoved his attacker back with one hand and cocked his arm to throw a haymaker. When he focused, Shelby stood in his grasp, her eyes rounded in horror. Anger gave way to relief. He captured her shoulder, tucked her to his side as he scanned the multitude of people. Not giving her a choice but to move with him, her arms wrapped around his waist while he circled, covering all three hundred and sixty degrees.

  Her voice wavered, “My God, what’s wrong?”

  How would he explain the ominous instinct? He couldn’t, but he understood something wasn’t right. One of the many lessons he learned in the military, you act because by the time you react, it was too late. Another factor that was innate as breathing, assess the situation, then decide a course of action.

  He glimpsed at the two men striding for him, taking note everything was in order, he gave the sign and his bodyguards backed off.

  As the youngest son of the Pressley empire, there were ups and downs living a privileged life. Money didn’t make him any better than anyone else. The majority of occasions he felt luckier and other times, it was downright harder.

  This was one of those instances. He didn’t go around telling people he was worth a fortune, and as a newfound friend, he hadn’t told Shelby. He expelled his breath and calmed.

  “Nothing, we’re good.”

  She hugged him and gazed into his eyes. The connection of her trust, coupled with his conviction to protect her, created an inconceivable force within him, producing a stimulus for something deeper, an impetus toward a commitment. He sucked in a breath and admitted there was more.

  A visceral reaction drew him to her—where no woman had taken him in a long time. He visualized his hands in her thick brown hair spread on his pillows, tangled in sheets after a night in bed…with him. Sweet Jesus, it’d been ages since he’d had this type of response.

  Her hazel eyes danced. Shelby tilted her head, and her silky hair cascaded down her back. The creamy skin of her neck invited him and his body answered in a primal way. His cock rose to the lure of her feminine appeal.

  Her lips transformed into a beautiful smile and her natural beauty smacked him on target, and blood rushed to his dick. He shifted minimally to relieve the pressure in his jeans but not to dislodge her from his thigh. Hot streaks of desire shot through his veins, while tiny sparks set his skin on fire. He shivered, recognizing the irony. Reining in his thoughts, drawing back his fervor, he blinked long, inhaled fully and released the air. “When you touched my arm, I responded. I didn’t mean to scare you.” And he hadn’t.

  With Shelby’s arms wrapped around his waist, their gazes still locked, her eyes were a window to her soul. He wanted to mind walk with Shelby. No. He intended to keep his vow. Damn, what was he thinking? What had this woman done to him? Or had he found a trustworthy lady? Everything was out of sync.

  He had learned to listen to his premonitions. His gut told him something big was going down, but he couldn’t tell if they were included. Shit, he had the ability to search, seek, and find what he needed to know, but with his oath, he closed the one path he could use to find answers to his questions.

  At this juncture, he’d placed the shift, if that’s what he could call it, in the back of his mind and chose to enjoy the rest of the evening.


  Shelby unfolded her arms from Kyle. “You didn’t, but I think I frightened you.” Very strange…The familiar hum of Tim’s presence echoed. The comforting sound changed into a horrible staccato rhythm she had never experienced. Her heart paced with the beat. Just as quick, the discordant pitch stopped. Then his spirit left again. Tim’s warning and Kyle’s response occurred at the same time, were they related? She didn’t know and retreated one step.

  When s
he touched Kyle, an unmistakable surreal contact melded their forces together, very close to a spiritual connection. The attraction between them could be attributed to yin and yang, male-female. Shadows don’t exist without light, but there was more relevance. She couldn’t attach a description to their bond…yet.

  “Did you lose your balance or want to tell me something?” His fingers lightly held on to her arm, then slid down to the inside of her wrist, gliding further, tickling her palm.

  Her heart rate accelerated, she opened her mouth and gasped. “I’ve…I named Annie.”

  “The dog? How did—?”

  “Orphaned…Red coat.”

  He let go and smiled. “Annie, I like it.”

  She enjoyed his company and his handsome features attracted her too. The tailored western shirt outlined his broad shoulders and molded to each ripple of his sinewy chest. Her gaze marched on to his slim waist and glanced lower. He emitted sex appeal. She reacted like any other woman. Every time he chuckled, her insides twirled, sending erotic flames, building a wild fire she didn’t want to put out.

  The hissing rockets streamed into the ink black sky, detonated and twinkled down to the earth with phosphorescent colors and a montage of patterns. Shelby joined the cacophony of oohs and ahhs.

  Shelby angled toward Kyle. “This is great.” She pointed at the ball of red fur. “I can’t believe she’s sleeping through this.”

  Kyle closed the space between them and lightly touched her with his arm and shoulder. “Annie has a full belly and she knows we’ll keep her safe.”

  Shelby turned. Their gazes met. Her heart hammered inside her chest. There were two sets of fireworks, one in the sky and one between them.

  Boom. The pyrotechnic exploded and the profound sound waves broke the spell. To ease the mind numbing, searing impact of his touch, she mentally scanned over her to-do list. Damn. She struggled to collect her thoughts. First, she’d try to figure out who killed Tim and why his spirit disappeared. The doll had to be the connection to his death.

  Kyle grinned and amplified his voice over the continual barrage of noise. “This is my favorite part.”

  Shelby kept her vigil, watching the display, the night sky bright with painted colors. “On the account of it being so beautiful or because it’s the climax?” She glanced at Kyle and winced when he smiled at her double entendre.

  “They never seem to have enough to satisfy me.” She rolled her eyes, clamped her lips together, maybe that would keep her mouth shut.

  Kyle chuckled, drifted close, placing his mouth near her ear. “I would have to lie down. My neck would get a crick in it if I had to watch the fireworks like this for very long.”

  His moist, heated breath danced across her skin sending waves of delight to every nerve ending. She swore they were all connected to her clit. Her eyes closed. Did the fairies spread pixie dust over her? When she opened them and pivoted to face Kyle, his gaze met hers.

  He winked, his regard eased into a gentle caress. His intent shifted. Entranced, she sank into the liquid brown depths of his eyes fully aware she’d give herself willingly to him, right now.

  Awareness detonated, discharging an electrical storm within her. Bolts of lightning shattered the involuntary response to breathe. Finally, her lungs expanded and her vertigo disappeared. This nexus between them was mind bending and soul altering.

  As though in another world, she sensed rather than saw people shuffling around her. Someone bumped into Kyle and all the fireworks ended.

  Protectively, he drew her to his side and led her through the crowd. Kyle guided her to an empty bench. After they sat, Annie maneuvered between their feet and curled underneath them.

  Her nerves settled and she listened to the music drifting from across the street. She grinned as the patrons’ voices buzzed with the night celebrations high up on a balcony. “This reminds me of Bourbon Street, on a smaller scale of course. People are having fun and enjoying the evening.”

  Kyle arched his eyebrows. “You’ve been to Mardi Gras?”

  “No, especially not during the celebration. I visited under more sedate times. Mardi Gras is a little wild for me. You?”

  Kyle smiled. “Ah, the Big Easy. On several occasions.”

  For the first time, she noticed his dimples. He had two on each side. Kyle’s focus drew her in and held her captive. His gaze radiated an emotion she couldn’t quite place. She cleared her throat. “So tell me, what other fun things do you do for entertainment? I know you’ve been to Mardi Gras and the Fourth of July celebration here in Jackson.”

  A huge smile lit his face and he laughed out loud. “I’ve been to a few places over the years. But my favorite place is right here.” His baritone carried a warm sound.

  “Really, I would never have taken you for a man who lets dust gather on his boots.”

  “If the dust gets a chance to settle, I’d prefer to be at home. What about you?” He draped his arm along the back of the bench resting his hand near Shelby’s shoulder but not touching her.

  “I like to get away.” Vacations were always fun, but this trip was purely for answers. “Do you do a lot of traveling?”

  He crossed his legs. “Yeah, guess I do. That’s why I like being at home.”

  “Me too.” Shelby’s voice trailed off thinking of her ranch and family. She stopped her woolgathering and rose. “I should call it a night. Thank you for your help with Annie. I enjoyed your company and the lovely evening.” Not waiting for an answer, she called, “Annie, time to go.”


  Kyle stood and hoped. “Wait, I’ll walk you back to your room.”

  She bent down and picked up the leash. “You don’t have to, thanks.” When Shelby straightened, her eyes journeyed from his face down to his chest and then traveled lower to his midsection.

  He didn’t want her to leave. Her bright smile put sunshine in his drab life. With his extensive travel schedule, he met professional women all the time. Hard and fast rule number one, he never dated them. When he did meet ladies, they usually knew his background and their intentions were clear, they wanted his money, not him.

  But Shelby was different. The few hours of making her acquaintance, he had learned she was educated, writing a book, gained strength to continue after losing her husband, and a genuinely gracious woman.

  He didn’t refute the sexual attraction and wanted her in every way a red-blooded man desired a woman. But there was a difference. He wanted to caress every inch of her with his hands, tongue, and body. From their reactions when they brushed against one another, he discerned their releases would be erotic and on a different level than any he’d ever experienced.

  When he saw where Shelby’s gaze landed, his heart raced and his ego soared to new heights. Her cheeks blushed to crimson. Blood rushed to his groin. His hustler reacted and he adjusted his jeans. He wouldn’t let her wiggle out of the few minutes they had left to share. Plus, he couldn’t shake the dark foreboding he had earlier.

  Her safety was his responsibility. The guard he had placed at Shelby’s room kept him updated via texts. He could delegate the task, but he didn’t want to. He wanted to escort her.

  She lifted her long, fixed stare to connect with his. He wanted a few more minutes with her. “Dance with me?”

  “On the sidewalk?” She rolled her shoulders. “I’d like that.” Her lips drifted up at each corner.

  He noted her “tells” as a signal for a positive outcome. She wouldn’t be good in a poker game. He had to remember, if she ever partnered up with him, make sure she wore sunglasses and loose clothing. Nope, the lift of her mouth would be a dead giveaway.

  Patsy Cline’s song “Crazy” drifted from the bar. In several paces, he stood in front of her. He gathered her right hand in his left and the other rested on Shelby’s hip, letting her chose the distance between them. As he shifted his weight, she closed the space and laid her cheek against his shoulder. When the music ended, his palm slid to her lower back, holding her responsive body,
willing her to continue dancing.

  Vince Gill’s “Go Rest High on That Mountain” played and she hadn’t stepped away. With each sway, she leaned against him in full contact. Pleasure scuttled down from his head to his balls because her position showed trust. Yes, there was a connection. The summer night’s breeze wasn’t enough to cool the heat of their movement. Shelby’s face burrowed into the crook of his neck and her breath skimmed across his skin. The heat glazed his flesh. His heart pounded, raising his temperature. Beads of sweat trickled down his back and he grasped her tighter.

  Drops of moisture rolled down his chest. Shelby sniffed, her gaze found his. Tears dripped off her chin and he froze. “Shelby?”

  “Sorry…I should go.”

  He nodded and draped his arm over her shoulder. The sidewalk narrowed, people milled about and he didn’t get a chance to talk.

  At the hotel, she used her keycard, opened the door and crossed the threshold.

  “Let me check your room.”

  She turned to him. “No, I’m fine. Nice meeting you and thanks again for everything.”

  “It was my pleasure. You take care, Shelby...what’s your last name?”

  “Littleton. And yours is Pressley? Did I remember correctly?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “You too, Kyle Pressley.”

  “Can I help you with Annie? I could take her home with me tonight and bring her back in the morning?”

  “No, she’ll be fine. I’ll tell the front desk about her tomorrow.”

  “Then have a good night, Shelby Littleton.”

  “You too.”

  He spun and headed toward his bodyguard. “Hey, Sam, thanks for watching.”

  Sam nodded. “Never seen you like this before.”

  Kyle kept walking past the man who waited for his response. “What are you talking about?”

  Sam caught up to him and smirked. “Son, I’ve known you since you were a teenager and you’re taken with the lady. Don’t try and deny it.”


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