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Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel)

Page 10

by Susan JP Owens

  Kyle led then she’d eclipse him into the exotic territory of the untamed. When they climaxed, they met once again in the other plane. How, she didn’t know. Why, she couldn’t care less as long as they were together.

  With only short rests between their lovemaking, her sore muscles stretched to accommodate his amorous affections. She wasn’t used to this much sex. As if he understood, he held her under the sheet and used his body as a tranquil blanket of repose.

  He enveloped her in his arms, kissed the top of her head, speaking through her hair. “I noticed…your two children are Tim’s?”

  She nodded. “I’m learning, if you’re lucky enough, love transcends all boundaries.”

  He gently squeezed her. “Do you want children?”

  “Seriously? Wasn’t this just sex? Yes, we have something special, but we’re not there yet. To answer your question, I’m not in a position for that to be an issue. You?”

  “Just sex. I’m going to let you in on a little secret, it wasn’t for me, but we’ll come back to that. And yes, I’d like to have some. Right now, I’m ready to refuel my body. How about you?”

  “I’m famished. Let’s order in.”

  “You know, we need to talk…about us.”

  She buried her face into his neck. “What about?”

  “We have something extraordinary and I want to explore the possibilities.”

  Her gaze connected with his, a devilish smile spread across his face. She giggled and laid her head on his chest. “I feel it too, but I’m not sure if there’s anything to discuss.” Obviously, they shared an emotional experience together and making love to him had advanced to another level, beyond sex, physical attraction, and an ordinary release. But her roots were in Texas, his Wyoming.

  Their worlds collided because of a doll. What remained were spiritual ties and those could be severed as well. The bonds with Tim had been broken, twice. Could she handle another loss? She had enough gut-wrenching despair to last a lifetime. Would she be able to endure her heart ripped to shreds again? She didn’t think so.

  “How about I order some Chinese food?”

  She clung to the subject change. “Kung Pao chicken, if they have it.”

  He unlocked his arms and legs and climbed out of the bed. “One spicy poultry dish coming up.”

  He crossed the room and she admired the flex of muscle in his tight butt. She shivered in anticipation of having his ass under her hands.

  With the pangs of hunger gone and Annie taken care of too, Shelby relished the down time cradled in Kyle’s arm. The sheet drawn to cover her breasts while his beautiful body partially lay on top, she draped a leg over his. The crisp hair tickled her sensitized skin.

  “I wish you would’ve let me take you and Annie to my house. I don’t understand your reluctance.” Kyle bounced her against the mattress.

  How could she explain to him that by accepting his invitation she would’ve been making a commitment? She ignored his statement and his search for an answer. With the inside of her hand, she stroked his cheek. “I’m glad you keep your shaving kit and extra clothes in your truck.”

  “I always have to be ready to travel.” He gently cradled her hand in his and kissed her palm. “When do you have to leave?”


  His lips found hers and before he closed his eyes, desire radiated from his gaze along with something else. She refused to think about leaving him and departing this part of his world. He took his time making sweet love to her. With Kyle by her side, she’d make the night. Facing tomorrow would be no small task, but for now, she’d relish every minute and memorize every inch of his body.


  The next morning, Shelby handed Kyle her bags. He loaded them into her SUV, put Annie in the back seat and buckled her in with the doggie seatbelt while she scooted behind the wheel.

  He ambled to her door and placed his hands against the open window frame. “I want to see you again, Shel. We haven’t discussed how we can be together. I need to go back to work, but I want us to make plans to see each other.” He winked. “Remember I get visitation rights with Annie.”

  His comment erased her sad disposition. Would he really visit her and the canine she loved? “You can see Annie any time you want.”

  “What about us?” His palms grasped the door, and he waited for her answer.

  She sighed. “Kyle, what we had was wonderful, but this—” Shelby waved back and forth from her to Kyle. “Can’t work out, I just don’t see how.”

  “Let me worry about this.” Mocking her movements, his lips curled into a big smile, deepening his dimples, and he winked again. “I’ll call you. Be careful, I’ll be in touch. You’re special to me, Shelby Littleton, don’t you forget that.”

  Kyle kissed her one last time, a kiss she hoped would last her a lifetime.

  Not out of Jackson yet, her cell phone rang. The caller ID illuminated KP. “Hi.”

  “Baby, I miss you already. What we have is great and we’re going to make more memories together. Gotta’ run. Bye.”

  “Bye, Kyle.” Tears clouded her eyes. Damn. His goodbye shouldn’t hurt this bad. How did he think a long-distance relationship could work out? Someone always had to give up something, the hurt comes, then frustration, and finally anger.

  Ten-Blue-Sun was still in Kyle’s possession. Along with his spirit guide, they’d finish the quest. After all, the doll came from Rain and Garrett’s tribe. She wasn’t needed anymore and she had figured out, she and Tim had been used to get the doll to Wyoming.

  Kyle had his life in this beautiful state and she had hers in Texas. She’d made love to her cowboy and just like Tim, she had to let him go, lessons well learned from She-Who-Smiles but hard as hell to accept.

  Chapter Nine

  Kyle gazed out his kitchen window. The August breeze blew through the screens, cooling his skin. The weeks had passed at an agonizing slow pace and frustration had changed his normal easy going self into a near maniac. Jude threatened he had better get his head out of his ass before he personally made him a proctologist appointment. He admitted, at least in part, he had a rough time keeping his mind on work. As for the doctor, he reminded Jude, bad karma was a bitch.

  Finally after the last of his many requests, Shelby had said yes. He’d bet she’d enjoy a break from the relentless Texas heat. By the end of the week, she’d be here, and he wanted to have a plan. This is what he did for a living, find a win-win situation for all parties concerned. All he had to do was come up with…something.

  Just in case his strategy worked, he had contacted the attorney for a prenuptial agreement. He wanted to be upfront with Shel, put all the cards on the table. The time had come for him to tell her who he was, the intricacies of the trusts, including the one he’d set up for his future children. He scoffed. His estate alone would last for the next ten generations.

  Would she hightail it and run? Shelby’s independence would be a hurdle he’d have to overcome and that’s why he wanted to wait until she was here, to see her reactions. The next step would be a doozy; she’d have to take off her wedding band to accept his engagement ring.

  His fingers curled into his palms. What if she said no… He let out a ragged breath. She responded to slow and easy. He’d have her here for seven days and he’d make every moment count. In his bed, he’d take her unhurried, manifest a loving tribute even she couldn’t refute.

  When his fantasies considered the various places he would make love to her, inside and outside his home, his cock hardened. He moaned. Remember slow and easy.

  Even though they had a multitude of things in common, they still hadn’t shared all of them. She refused to exercise with him. Of course, he considered making love an excellent way to increase their heart rate and burn calories.

  He had kept in touch with Shelby, calling her twice a day, once in the morning to wake her and at night to wish her sweet dreams. At first, her voice held reluctance, but eventually, she’d dropped the fortified bulwark and war
med up to him. He had known the minute her wall tumbled down. After he had hung up that day, he was as high as a kite and shouted, “He makes the shot, cleared the rim, three points.”

  He slid his cell from his back pocket and tapped Garrett’s number. “Are you free to fly to Texas, then deadhead back here this Saturday?”

  “Sure, where and who?”

  “Waco. Shelby Littleton.”

  “Is that the same gal you brought to my ranch?”

  He paced around the island and eyed the orchid arrangement Hilda had placed on top of the granite counter. Damn, Shelby would look beautiful with those scattered throughout her hair. “I’m assuming Uncle Grey told you.”

  “He said she was a pretty filly.”

  Kyle stopped. “Yeah.” His stomach tightened, jealousy speared into his gut. This was a foreign reaction to him. He had never met a woman he thought of his own, not that he considered Shelby a possession. He wanted her with every fiber of his being, that’s why he’d called his attorney. The barbaric feeling had hit him hard. He needed to get a grip. This was family, and his elder.

  Garrett chuckled. “Earth to Pressley?”

  “I’m here.”

  “It’s normal for men to appreciate the female form.”

  Kyle harrumphed. “Let’s get back to my question.”

  Garrett whistled. “You got it bad. I already said I was free.”

  He ignored his brother’s jibe. “I’ll need to handle a few last minute things at work so I won’t be going with you, but I’ll meet you at the airport.”

  This time Garrett laughed out loud. “See you then.”

  Kyle cleared his throat. “Wait. This deal with the doll, you know we’re going to have hell in the next few years.” Only silence greeted his statement. “Garrett?”

  “Even though you refuse to use your gift, you’re still Mind-Walker.”

  Kyle didn’t want to go there. “Gotta’ run, call me if something comes up.”


  Kyle pocketed his phone. Garrett’s words rang true. He’d always have his ability. Inherent with any oath, obstacles arise to question the validity of the promise. Case in point, during the Fourth of July celebration, he knew something wasn’t right. He could have searched for the problem and handled it.

  The more he thought about it, he could count off several other times. When Shelby called him Mind-Walker, he wanted to jump in to see how she knew. She had been in a trance, not cognizant of what she had said and he could’ve been in and out in a matter of seconds with the answer.

  Hell yeah, he wanted to walk in her mind. When the intense desire rose, it scared the shit out of him. No situation or person prior to Shelby had tempted him to the extent she had. He could’ve had said, this time would be okay because and click off the numerous reasons, justifying his actions. His word meant everything to him so there would be no excuses, none. He would not succumb and break his vow.

  He sighed. Garrett was a good man and Kyle trusted him with his life. His blood brother’s gift of visions helped many of their people. Kyle thought highly of him, proud as hell to call him family.

  In their previous life, they were cousins, had the same Hopi grandfather. He remembered the day he had accepted the concept of reincarnation, but prior to that, he’d thought he was losing his mind.

  At the age of nine, his ability had scared the bejesus out of him. Jude, who was eleven and even then, only believed in what could be scientifically proven, had made fun of him. The many months after the collision of beliefs between them, he slipped in and out of people’s minds. Terrified of what was happening to him, he developed introverted tendencies. As time passed, he’d gained finesse with his ability and transformed into a secure young man.

  Two years later, the fearsome foursome, Jude, Lisa, and Garrett had played kick the can and he was it. He had found the first two. However, Garrett had been a tough nut to crack. He knelt and concentrated, he’d find him.

  Garrett grasped him by the shoulder. “Get out, now.”

  Kyle smirked. All he could think about was that he had won and laughed. Garrett didn’t get the humor.

  Garrett grabbed the front of his shirt and lifted him to meet his face. “We need to talk.”

  Uncle Grey and Rain had helped him with his gift, taught him the ways of their people, his people. He overcame his fear, learned customs, language, created intrinsic bonds and acknowledged he was a part of a larger history.

  This was his life and he wanted to share it with the one woman who understood.


  Shelby placed the phone in the cradle, conjuring a picture of the company airplane picking her up and couldn’t. God, she missed Kyle. Could they make a go at a relationship or was it doomed from the beginning? Her stomach churned. She preferred to think of the former, but if the latter proved correct, she’d leave, take her heart, and store the broken pieces to mend later.

  Much later.

  She speed dialed her sister. “Alessa.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Can you watch Annie for a week and handle my things at the office.”

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  Her youngest sister had a boundless source of energy. “I’m going to Jackson for a week.”

  “No problem. Wyoming? Sounds a bit more serious than you led me to believe.”

  Shelby balked. They’re scouting the possibilities, not acting on them…Right? “To be honest, I don’t know. I’m not sure…”

  “Go and have a good time. Besides, he sounds like fun and his voice is erotic.” Alessa giggled.

  “When did you hear—?”

  “At work, you answer your extension with the speaker phone.” Alessa clicked her tongue.

  “Oh.” Shelby made a mental note to stop using the hands free option.

  “Give the guy a chance….allow yourself the opportunity to have a good time.”

  Shelby softened her big sister tone she had a tendency to use with Alessa. “He calls me every morning and then the evening…to say goodnight. Oh hell, this has disaster written all over it.”

  “You still look for the negative in everything.”

  “That’s been my job, Alessa. All because of…Never mind, will you take care of Annie and the business?”

  “Of course.” The catch in Alessa’s expression caught her attention.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone there. It’s been ingrained since…Al, we’ve talked about this, they’re my problems, not yours.”

  “When do you want me to come by?” Alessa’s usual vigor changed to resignation.

  “I’ll drop her off at your house on the way to the airport tomorrow morning. Alessa, thanks.”


  She’d give her little sister an extra big hug in the morning. Shelby would remind Al that she had chosen to put both of her sisters first many years ago.


  Garrett had met her at the designated place. Along with the escort of the Fixed Base Operator, he led her to the plane and boarded. Cleared for take-off, the jet didn’t take long to reach altitude.

  Garrett angled over the harness like seatbelt, peering out of the cockpit. “Would you like to join me?”

  Shelby jumped at the chance. “Love to, feels strange to be the only one in the cabin.”

  Once settled in the right seat, she kept her hands folded in her lap for fear she’d bump the wrong knob.

  When Garrett introduced himself, she immediately noticed his aura shined like Kyle’s, his Indian ancestry apparent with his onyx eyes and coal-black hair. The immediate camaraderie created an irreversible bond. At the same time, her nerves jangled because they all shared the knowledge of the First Realm and what was to come.

  She didn’t have to wonder if he knew about Ten-Blue-Sun, the blessings that were forthcoming and the eventual battles. A strange phenomenon, the unsaid acquaintance of truth forged a strong link between them.

  However, the puppet syndrome kept popping in her mind. Had sh
e been used to transport the life-bringer to their people? Either way, being exploited rubbed her the wrong way.

  Garrett had given her a headset. “You’re Kyle’s blood brother, who owns the ranch called Pogonip?”

  “Yep, heard you were there.” He nodded.

  “Does Pogonip mean anything and how did you come up with the name?”

  “My mother is Shoshone and depending on which words you use, the meaning can be thunder fog, ice fog, or valley fog. The literal translation is the fog that settles in the mountains and valleys.”

  “Shoshone must be a beautiful language to know.” Shelby fiddled with the dangling wire from the headset.

  “Excuse me a minute, I need to speak to D/FW. I’m switching you off.” Garrett flipped a toggle then adjusted his headset.

  She waited for him to finish. Garrett’s voice resonated through her receiver, but not the other person. Pilot talk was another language all its own.

  “I’m back.”

  “How did you two meet?” Her curiosity peaked, wanting to get to know more about Kyle.

  “We grew up together and now his family’s company, Pressley International, is a customer of mine. But this particular aircraft is Kyle’s.”

  Shelby angled in her seat to see if he was joking. His raven eyes focused and settled on hers. “Kyle belongs to ‘the’ Pressley empire?”

  Her tummy jerked into a tight knot. The name Pressley ran synonymously with Rockefeller and the Hunts. How she could have missed the signs? She had assumed this ride was a company perk, not his private jet.

  Small business my ass, she moaned under her breath. “I think I need to go back.”

  “Sure, help yourself to anything in the galley, and I’ll let you know when we are about to land.”

  “No…I mean…I need you to turn around and take me to Texas.”

  “Can’t do that, I’m paid to get you to Wyoming. You didn’t know who Kyle was?”

  “I thought I knew.” She disconnected from his potent stare and looked out the side window. “No, I guess not.”


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