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Love Slave for Two: Reunions [Love Slave for Two 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Tymber Dalton

  “You, too, Dad.”

  “So, what is this that Tyler was saying about a caravan trip?”

  She smiled. “We call them ‘RVs’ here in the States, Dad.” She sighed. “And yes, he went out and bought one without talking to me or Tommy first.”

  “Can he drive it?”

  “Um, yeah. Sort of. He needs a lot of practice with it.”

  Andrew nodded. “Meaning we’ll need a lot of patience?”

  She laughed. “Exactly. Except, hopefully, Tommy and I will keep him from getting behind the wheel of the thing again.”

  She helped him get his luggage to the car. When they were on their way back to the house, he asked, “So what is our itinerary?”

  “We leave in less than two weeks. That gives Tommy and me time to learn how to run the damn thing.”

  “You don’t sound happy about all of this, love.”

  “It’s not that I’m not happy. It’s just I wish he’d discussed this with us first. I would have been happy flying out there and renting a car to drive around in. You know, stay at hotels. Yes, an RV has its advantages, but I don’t want this turning into Deliverance on wheels, either.”

  He looked confused.

  “You know,” she said, “the canoe movie from hell? Paddle faster, I hear banjoes and all that.”

  “Ah. Now I recall the movie.” He smiled. “I doubt it will be that bad.”

  “I wish I had as much confidence as you do.”

  * * * *

  Nevvie and Tom grew adept at giving Tyler lots of busywork while they took the RV out for practice runs. Nevvie learned how to maneuver the RV with and without the car hauler hooked to the back. The night before they were scheduled to leave, Tom and Nevvie were over at Pete and Eddie’s house, going over final details. Their friends were going to take care of their house for them while they were gone.

  Pete laughed and shook his head. “Tell me again how the hell you two let Tyler sucker you into an RV trip.”

  Tom rolled his eyes. “I didn’t. He showed up at the house with the damn thing.” He glanced at Nevvie.

  Nevvie poked him in the shoulder. “Don’t even try to blame this on me. I never told him to get an RV. I just suggested a family vacation.”

  Eddie brought them a bowl of dip and a bag of chips and sat at the table with them. “So where is your evil genius tonight?”

  “Home with Dad and the boys,” Nevvie said as she reached for a chip. “We needed a break. He’s finishing up packing the RV and prepping the house. He insisted he would handle all of that. I don’t even know how he’s had any time to write lately. We put out stuff we wanted to take, and he’s making sure it gets packed. He told us we wouldn’t have to lift a finger to get the RV or our stuff prepped since we’re doing most of the driving.”

  “All,” Tom added. “Seriously, unless it’s an emergency, I don’t want Ty driving that thing. Especially not with a loaded car hauler on the back.”

  “I do envy you guys,” Eddie said. “I’d love to see the country.”

  “Want to take my place?” Tom joked.

  Pete let out a snort. “Not on your life, buddy. You’ll be lucky if you don’t roll back into your driveway in a few weeks with Tyler strapped to the roof.”

  “Or locked in the car on the hauler,” Eddie added.

  “Aw, he’s not that bad,” Nevvie admitted. “He’s just…thorough.”

  “I thought that was usually called ‘obsessive,’” Eddie teased.

  “Cross-country trips are fucking hell,” Pete said. “I remember when my ex-wife and I took a drive across the country. We’d been married about two years. Decided to go visit her grandparents in Phoenix one year for Christmas.”

  “Did you have a good time?” Nevvie asked.

  A laugh bellowed out of his large body. “We nearly got divorced by the time we hit Missouri. It was amazing we didn’t kill each other by the time we hit the Arizona state line. Looking back on it in retrospect, divorcing then probably would have been a good idea and would have saved us both several years of our lives. Eh, but what are you gonna do. We were young and stupid and I hadn’t come outta the closet yet.”

  * * * *

  By the time Tom and Nevvie returned home, the boys had been fed, bathed, and tucked into bed. Andrew was asleep in the guest room, and Tyler was scurrying around, finishing up the last of the preparations for their departure.

  He grinned as they walked in. “Well, loves, we are almost completely ready.” He pointed to a list on the counter. “I have a few things to do in the morning, but other than that, we should be able to leave here on schedule.”

  Tom grabbed Tyler and pulled him close, encircling him with his arms to hold him in place. “Listen, Evil Genius. I know how you get. I don’t want you panicking if things aren’t perfect on this trip, all right?”

  “Love, I’ll be fine, I assure you. I want this trip to be memorable.”

  Nevvie snorted as she laid her purse on the counter. It’ll be that, all right.”

  “It’s almost as if you’re expecting trouble,” Tyler said, a slightly hurt tone in his voice.

  Nevvie joined her men and they formed their group hug. “Ty, it’s not that I’m expecting trouble or doubting your skills as a travel planner. It’s just…that’s a lot of freaking country, literally, we’re going to be driving through. The six of us, cooped up together. Usually we adults get a little alone time. It’ll be pretty much impossible in that thing.”

  “Yeah,” Tom added. “Not to mention it’ll make getting wild and woolly a little tricky, too.”

  “Well, we can’t play around in the shower like we can here at home,” Tyler admitted. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t do other things.” He smiled. “We’ll just have to keep our voices down.”

  Nevvie snuggled in closer and bumped her hips against both men. “Well, let’s have one last wild romp before our wings get clipped.” She leaned in and nibbled on Tyler’s ear. She spotted the bulges that formed in both his and Tom’s pants.

  “Mmm, that does sound lovely, pet,” Tyler said. “Let me make sure the door is locked.” He kissed her, then Tom. “I’ll be right there.”

  Nevvie headed down the hall with Tom close on her heels. He was having a good day pain-wise and had acted frisky most of the evening. She clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle her giggles when he goosed her halfway to their bedroom.

  “Stop!” she whispered. “You’ll wake up the kids or Dad.”

  “Ask me if I care, baby girl,” he said, a devilishly sly grin on his face. He grabbed her and pulled her to him so he could kiss her. Refusing to release her, he backed her down the hall toward their bedroom. “I’m gonna fuck your brains out tonight,” he hoarsely whispered in her ear.

  They made it through the bedroom door. He bumped it closed with his foot before scooping her up over his shoulder. He carried her over to the bed and dropped her onto the center of it as she once again tried to stay quiet.

  He lifted her T-shirt and kissed her belly. “Do you know how much I love you?”

  She ran her fingers through his hair. With a will of their own, they traced the scar from his motorcycle accident. She couldn’t help herself. “I love you, too.”

  The bedroom door opened. Tyler entered, closing it behind him. “And how about me, loves?” he asked, faking a pout. “Do you love me, too?”

  Tom grinned as he rolled onto his side so he could look at Tyler. “Yeah, of course I love you. But how much I like you might have to wait until we get home from the trip.”

  Tyler laughed and joined them on the bed. “We’re going to have so much fun. And guess what? I talked to our CPA today. I will be able to write part of the trip off for research expenses.”

  “Really?” Nevvie, ever the thrifty one as a result of years of having to scrimp to get by, sat up. “Seriously?”

  Tyler started unbuttoning his shirt. “Absolutely. And I already have several ideas jotted down that I want to research while on our travels.”

  That put a new spin to it that Nevvie hadn’t previously considered. She’d already told the men she wanted to use the trip as an opportunity to teach Adam about the country and the history of the various sites they visited. The precocious child was already reading far above his age.

  “I need to keep good records, however. Mileage logs, fuel receipts, food, and other expenses. And any books I purchase along the way about the various sites we visit.”

  “Cool,” Tom said. “Now can we get back to the fucking? Because you sort of interrupted me in the process of getting Nevvie nekkid.” He threw his arms around Nevvie, making her laugh as he tackled her back down onto the bed.

  Tyler stood and let his pants and underwear join his shirt on the floor. “Don’t let me stop you, Thomas,” he joked. “In fact, that sounds like a rather good idea.” He joined them on the bed.

  Tom pulled Nevvie’s shirt off her. “When is getting Nevvie nekkid not a good idea?”

  Tyler laughed. “I think we’re delving into the realm of double negatives.” He started working on her bra. She propped herself up on one elbow and kissed him as he curled an arm around her to unhook the clasp.

  Tom pulled one strap off her shoulder and cupped her breast with his hand.

  Nevvie fell back to the bed, a soft moan escaping her. She felt the warmth of his palm against her flesh throughout her entire body. Her nipple hardened as he kneaded her breast, the rough pad of his thumb teasing her, drawing the pink bud into a tight peak.

  Tyler worked on her shorts. “Let’s get these off you, too.” She arched her back so he could pull them and her underwear off her. “Mmm, that’s such a lovely sight.” Tyler pushed her thighs apart and dove between them. Tom’s mouth took over for Tyler’s hand on her breast, while Tom captured her other breast with his hand.

  Nevvie closed her eyes and tried to be quiet. Unfortunately, that wasn’t easy with Tyler’s skilled mouth latched onto her clit and Tom’s mouth pulling at her one nipple while his hand teased her other nipple into a tight, aching peak.

  Sometimes she liked long and slow lovemaking with lots of foreplay. Tonight, she wanted fast and hard sex.

  “Do it, Ty,” she begged. “Please, make me come.”

  He chuckled, the rumble pleasantly washing through her entire body and making her shiver. Tom picked up his efforts, getting a little rougher with her breasts and driving her closer to the brink.

  Tyler inserted two, then three fingers into her dripping cunt. When he started finger-fucking her, hard, in addition to the delicious things he was already doing to her with his mouth, she thought she’d fly off the bed. Tom read her body and covered her mouth with his. She dug her fingers into his hair and let his mouth muffle her scream as the muscles of her pussy contracted around Tyler’s fingers.

  Tyler wasn’t happy to stop there. With Tom pinning her down on the bed despite her efforts to squirm away, Tyler kept up his oral ministrations. He hooked his fingers inside her, finding the sweet spot and pressing firmly against it.

  Nevvie felt explosions going off inside her, an orgasm so strong it felt nearly painful in its intensity. When she finally twisted her mouth free from Tom’s and started begging for mercy, Tyler sat up and smiled.

  “How was that, love? Will that keep you sated for a little while?”


  He grabbed her ankles and put them over his shoulders. Then he lined his stiff cock up with her wet hole. “Then it’s my turn.”

  His moan echoed hers as his cock sank home inside her. As he started fucking her, his balls slapping against her with each stroke, he turned and kissed her ankle. “I love having you like this, love. Ready and wet and open and perfectly…fuckable.” He said the last word with a grunt and a final, hard thrust. She felt his cock explode inside her and he fell still, propping himself up with his arms.

  “Exquisite,” he whispered before leaning in to kiss her.

  “Fine, good, you got off,” Tom groused. “Now move, dammit. I’m horny!”

  Nevvie giggled. “You’re always horny.”

  “That’s not the point.” Tyler rolled out of the way as Tom climbed between her legs. Without any delay, he plunged his cock inside her. “Oh, baby girl. That’s what I like.” He kissed her as he fucked her, hard and fast. She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he picked up speed until every stroke drove her a little farther up the bed.

  She nuzzled his ear. “That’s it, Tommy. Fuck your little slave girl.”

  “Yes!” His cock hardened, swelled, and pumped streams of cum deep inside her as his body stiffened.

  It wasn’t until he started catching his breath that he relaxed on top of her. “You know just what I like. You’re nearly as scary as the Evil Genius sometimes.”

  “I just know what you like.”

  He kissed her before he withdrew. “Yeah, well I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Tyler cleared his throat. They looked at him and in unison said, “We love you, too, Evil Genius.”

  He grinned. “I should hope so.”

  Chapter Three

  It took them five hours to make it from Tampa to Jacksonville. At the Georgia state line, Tom pulled into a truck stop to top off the tank and check the toad. Nevvie welcomed the chance to stretch her legs. Mikey was asleep, so she let Adam go into the store with Andrew to pick out a snack. Since Tom had started out driving, Nevvie was going to relieve him. But when they were all gathered in the RV and the boys were once again secured in their car seats, Nevvie found Tyler in the driver seat, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Move,” she said. “My turn to drive.”

  He shook his head. “No, love. I shall do my fair share of driving. This was my idea, after all.”

  “You need to work, Tyler. That was the deal. Tommy and I would drive and you can work.”

  “Nev,” Tom said, with a tip of his head indicating he wanted to talk to her. She leaned in. “Let him drive, baby girl. Just this leg. Less than two hours and we’re at Momma’s. It’s an easy stretch. It’s okay.”

  She looked at him. “You sure? I thought we agreed not to let him drive.”

  “It’s okay. I’m too tired to fight him.”

  She let out a sigh and turned to Tyler. “All right, fine. This time.” As Tom climbed into the passenger seat and she went back to sit with Andrew and the boys, she hoped she wouldn’t regret giving in.

  * * * *

  With less than two miles left in their journey, Adam bounced up and down in his seat. “I can’t wait to see Grandma Peggy!”

  Nevvie corralled him with a laugh. “I know, sweetie, but you need to sit down. You shouldn’t be bouncing around.” Technically, he should be securely strapped in his car seat, like Mikey, but Nevvie doubted the country road would produce much in the way of traffic hazards this late in their journey to her mother-in-law’s house. And he had spent most of the trip secured in his car seat for his safety and her sanity. She’d let him out of his car seat when they’d turned onto the last road, a quiet, two-lane country road leading to the private dirt road Peggy Kinsey lived on.

  Hell, as slow as Tyler’s driving, we could walk the rest of the way to Mom’s faster than we’d make it in the Land Yacht.

  Nevvie didn’t know who was more relieved, her or Tom, by the time they finally pulled in to Peggy Kinsey’s front yard and Tyler shifted the rig into park. Peggy walked out onto the front porch, sending Adam into a frenzy.

  Nevvie opened the side door and set him down on the ground. “There. Go.” Adam went flying across the yard and up the porch steps, where he threw his arms around Peggy’s legs and nearly knocked her off-balance.

  Tyler climbed from behind the steering wheel and stretched. He’d left the engine running until they got the rig plugged into the house’s electrical system so the refrigerator and air-conditioner would keep running. “Well, here we are, loves.”

  “Yeah, here we are,” Nevvie said from where she was getting Mikey out of his car seat.
  “Dad,” Tyler said, “let’s go introduce you to Peggy.” He led Andrew out of the RV.

  Nevvie looked at Tom. “Holy. Crap,” she said, keeping her voice low. “That was freaking scary.”

  “Yeah, no shit.”

  “You were the one who let him drive,” Nevvie scolded. “I was all for him not driving, if you’ll recall.”

  “Yeah. I won’t forget that again.”

  “Thank god we’re here for several days. I’ll need that long to recover from his driving.” She checked Mikey’s diaper, found he was okay, and slung him on her hip. “Well, let’s go.” They made their way up the steps.

  “There’s Grandma’s other big boy!” Peggy said, smiling and reaching for him.

  Nevvie kissed her before handing Mikey over. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hi, sugar. How you doing?”

  “Tired,” she truthfully said. “But the past few months have been nice and quiet.”

  “That thing sure is…big.”

  “You know how Tyler is, Mom.”



  Tom leaned in to hug and kiss Peggy, too. “Hi, Momma.”

  “Hello, son. You behaving yourself?”

  He grinned. “Yes, Momma.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Nevvie caught a glimpse of Andrew looking back at Peggy as Tyler led him into the house. She noticed he wore an odd smile.

  Tom followed Tyler and Andrew. Nevvie hung back with Peggy, who was trying to get Adam to let go of her legs so she could walk. “Andrew certainly seems like a very nice man,” Peggy said.

  Nevvie fought to keep the grin off her face. “I think you and Dad will get along great,” Nevvie said. “He’s a sweetheart.” Duh! Why hadn’t she ever thought about that before, of introducing the two of them? Of course, this was the first time the two of them had met.

  “I can’t believe how much he and Tyler look alike. I mean, you showed me the pictures and all, but I still can’t believe it.”

  Nevvie nodded. “The first time I saw him it almost freaked me out.”


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