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Super Chick

Page 8

by Amber R. Polk

  He took a deep breath and sipped his coffee before answering. “Yes and no. I’m trying to get a lead on who worked with Calvin Ripley. I think once I have their names, it’ll be over.”

  Nodding her head, Megan appreciated the fact that he didn’t fight her about information. As soon as she could figure out a way to help, she planned on doing just that, but she was no detective and didn’t have the first clue about finding someone. Maybe she should have watched more TV. There were always shows about crimes and how they found the bad guys.

  “Maybe it will be over soon.” Megan gave Drew a gloomy smile. She felt for him. She didn’t know what it was like to have any family, but if she did, she knew she would do anything and everything to keep them safe and out of harm’s way.

  Drew took a large bite and left a smudge of soup at the side of his mouth. Instinctively, Megan grabbed a napkin and began to wipe it off. The mood immediately changed. It seemed like the world stopped spinning. His eyes bore into hers and his hand found her thigh. There she sat, ready to fall off the barstool when he put his other hand on the back of her neck and pulled her to him. Briefly, and well, pathetically, she tried to pull back, but his hand only gripped tighter.

  His mouth crashed into hers, his lips firm and his mouth hungry. When his tongue touched hers, her nipples became erect with anticipation. Her mind went numb. All the feelings inside her were new and it frightened her that she wanted more, but the bells on the door chimed and she quickly pulled back, embarrassed of what had just transpired between them.

  “I… uh…” Megan just loved how intelligent she sounded around him. She avoided looking his way and concentrated on eating her food, which no longer had any flavor. The only thing she could taste was Drew. She stuffed her face and knew she looked like a pig, but if her mouth was full, then she couldn’t stay something stupid. What just happened? Why did he do that? And more importantly, why do I want him to do it again?

  In her peripheral vision, Megan watched Drew look at his watch then at her. Did he regret kissing her and was he checking to see if he could get away from her already? If he said it was a mistake, she was going to have no choice but to punch him in the face.

  “I better get back to work,” he said, his voice gravelly. Instead of him trying to explain his action like she fully expected he would, he stood and ran a hand down the back of her hair. She hoped he didn’t notice what his simple touch did to her entire body. “Call me if you need anything and don’t go anywhere until I get back.”

  Megan’s tongue felt swollen, so she nodded instead of speaking. Distance was the best thing for both of them. That way she didn’t take him to the stockroom, strip off his clothes, and have her way with him. It was a good thing he was walking out the door.

  How had everything between them changed so quickly? She shook her head. This would not work. She was a freak and Drew was Hope’s sexiest man alive. It would end horribly and she would end up alone and hurt.

  The rest of the day passed by in a blur. Her thoughts kept going back to the kiss and what it meant. More than likely, it meant nothing at all, to him at least. Drew was used to casual sex and one night stands (if the rumors were true) and she wasn’t. Her one and only time she had had sex she had been seventeen and naive.

  Having a popular boy ask her out blew her mind. Megan’s girlfriends told her she would be crazy not to and going out with him would give her instant popularity. Popularity didn’t interest her, but he did. When he took her out, he had been a perfect gentleman and so incredibly sweet, she thought she was in a fairytale. On the third date, he brought a bottle of cheap wine and took her to the make-out spot. Knowing exactly why he brought her there, she had been nervous. She wasn’t ready for the next step like all the other girls her age, but she also wasn’t ready to tell him no and risk losing him.

  It had been awkward, embarrassing, and painful, but thankfully hadn’t lasted long. Two days later, she wanted to surprise him at his place since she found out his parents were out of town. She was the one with the surprise when she used her ability to find out which room was his and found him having sex with the head cheerleader.

  The next day, she confronted him at his locker and instead of being ashamed, he asked how she knew and started telling everyone she was spying on him. By the end of the day, the entire popular crowd, cheerleaders included, called her a freak. Already being a shy girl, the experience shattered what little confidence she had when it came to men.

  It wasn’t that Megan hadn’t tried to get back out there. She desperately wanted to have a sex life again. She was older and realized Gavin didn’t know what the hell he was doing and it could be fantastic with someone who had a clue. Unfortunately, having sex would include meeting, talking, and kissing a man first. And now, all of a sudden, she could speak, flirt, and even kiss Drew. Her comfort level with him was a bit frightening.

  Maybe it was her guilt over his sister that made it easier? She wasn’t sure, but she did know she wasn’t going to back away like she had all of her life. In one weekend, she had made two real connections with people and wanted to keep them.

  As hard as that might be.

  After closing up shop, Megan impatiently waited inside the glass front door for Drew to show. She was ready to get home and relax, but didn’t want to start the night with him angry at her. He had enough to deal with, with Laura, he didn’t need to worry about her, too. By ten after six, she had her arms crossed over her chest and was tapping her foot on the hardwood floors. Patience wasn’t one of her virtues and the little she did possess was running very thin.

  Just as she was about to call Brandy for a ride, Drew’s car pulled into the parking spot in front of the shop. Before he was able to get out, Megan had already opened, walked out, and locked the door behind her. She stomped to his car and got in the passenger side. “We need to stop by the grocery store before we go home.”

  Drew yawned and tugged at the neckline of his shirt. He looked haggard. She could see the strain around his eyes and it made her feel like a jackass for acting like a bitch about him being ten minutes late.

  Without a word, they headed for the grocery store. Megan called Lillie and asked what she wanted to eat and sighed when she told her anything organic. When she asked Drew, he said he didn’t care. She hated when people said that. People cared. They just didn’t want to feel like they were the only one wanting whatever it was they wanted. They pulled in a parking spot in front of the grocery store and got out.

  “Everything okay with you?” Drew asked as he walked around the car to Megan.

  “Yeah, sorry. I’m just tired and hungry.”

  He rubbed his washboard stomach with as much enthusiasm as a man with a pot-belly. “Do you know what you’re making?”

  “Don’t know until I get in there and look around,” she said as they walked side by side toward the store. He retrieved a basket and she sat her purse where kids were supposed to sit and pushed it along.

  “You should keep your purse on your shoulder. All you have to do is turn your head for five seconds and someone could snatch it,” he lectured while walking beside her.

  “If anyone wants the unpaid bills I have in there, then can have them.” He snapped his head toward her and she brushed past him, smirking. She moved back and forth in the meat aisle. “How do you feel about salmon?”

  “Sounds good.”

  Drew walked off while Megan picked out a salmon, brown rice, and organic carrots. Looking down at her basket, she thought maybe having Lillie stay with her wasn’t going to be such a great thing. She was in the checkout lane when Drew caught up with her. When she saw his hands were full, she laughed. He stood behind her as she turned and took inventory. “Ice cream, popcorn, chips, and beer. Hmm, sounds good and very unhealthy. You’re my kind of man, Drew Calloway.”

  She hadn’t meant it the way it sounded, so she wasn’t surprised when her face felt hot and her hands felt clammy. Whipping around, she tried to zone in on the woman waiting to hand the cash
ier her money.

  It was impossible to tune him out when his breath came close to her ear. “And you’re my kind of woman, Megan McAlister.”

  Closing her eyes, she swallowed hard then felt immediate heat pool between her legs. Just the sound of him whispering in her ear made her think of him whispering other things in her ear and licking that ice cream he carried off his smooth chest.

  I am a pervert!

  Chapter Eight

  After a long, quiet car ride home Megan hurried into the house, bags in tow, and straight to the kitchen. She kept trying to forget how good Drew’s breath felt on her skin, but it ended up being the only thing she thought about. She looked through the ceiling to find Lillie doing some weird breathing exercise on the floor and sent mental screams to get her ass down there and supervise her. Lillie continued her odd stance, zoned out from the rest of the world.

  “Need me to do anything?” Drew asked, standing next to her by the stove, entirely invading her personal space. Megan seasoned the salmon and put it in the oven like it was the most important thing she had ever done in her life.

  “No, why don’t you go relax. I’ll call you when it’s done.” She kept her eyes on the measuring cup she held under the water for the rice and tried to ignore the constant waves of electricity between them. It would really help if Drew would stop watching her. She could feel his constant gaze and it was unnerving.

  Finally, she heard the fridge open and the sound of the cap being pulled off a beer. “Okay, if you need me for anything let me know,” he said, walking out of the room.

  “Uh huh.” If he only knew what she really needed was for him to lay her down and take his time getting to know all her sensitive areas, he would probably be shocked. She opened the fridge and opened a beer for herself, taking a long pull. Resting the cold bottle on her neck, she hoped it would help cool her down but at that point she doubted taking a dip in the Arctic Ocean would help.

  The food was almost finished by the time Lillie came into the kitchen with twisted clothes and her hair wild. “I take it they didn’t find your van?”

  “No,” she huffed and stretched her arms over her head, showing off her itsy bitsy waist. Damn her! Megan’s waist wasn’t big by any means, but where Lillie’s gently tapered to slim hips and long legs, Megan’s jumped to hills of hips. “Stop it.”

  Megan innocently looked at her. “What?”

  “I wish I had your body.” Lillie waved her hand up and down toward her, then picked up a carrot and popped it into her mouth. “You have a great hourglass shape that men love. I just have a few bumps on a board.”

  “Please. You have a ballerina figure.”

  “I’ve been told that before.” She wiggled her eyebrows up and down. “You should see my rendition of The Nutcracker.”

  Megan laughed and pulled the salmon out of the oven. The aroma filled the air, making her mouth water and stomach growl.

  “Man, I’m starving,” Lillie said, popping another carrot in her mouth. “I’ll get the plates.”

  While Megan deposited the food into serving dishes, Lillie set the small table. They made small talk since they couldn’t talk about their special talents with Drew in the next room. They decided they would talk more about everything later that night while Drew was deep into a game and oblivious to anything else.

  “Dinner time!” Lillie yelled loud enough for the entire state of Oklahoma to come to dinner.

  Drew sauntered in looking unbelievably sexy in just a white t-shirt and gray jogging pants. The t-shirt was tight enough to make out his perfectly sculpted chest beneath. Megan was beginning to wonder if he would look sexy in a potato sack. “Smells good,” Drew said with an appreciative smile.

  “Thanks. Let’s just hope it tastes good, too.” Megan still couldn’t make herself look him in the eyes. She had to figure out a way to get over it since he obviously had.

  The three of them ate and talked about nothing in particular. Every time either Lillie or Megan brought up anything about Laura, Drew would quickly change the subject. He ate in record speed since the pre-game show was going off and the game would be starting at any moment. Both Lillie and Megan watched him in awe as he shoved food into his mouth as only a man on a mission could. Megan found it completely bizarre the way a man’s behavior could change when it came to sports. It was like they turned into primitive cavemen.

  To each their own, she guessed as he put his plate in the sink and grabbed another beer on his way out. To his credit, he did thank her for the wonderful meal before he disappeared. And wonderful was a stretch, edible was more like it. But before Drew walked out of the room, he hesitated beside her, glanced at Lillie, then patted Megan’s shoulder before walking away. By the way he looked at her, she thought for sure he was going to bend down and kiss her again.

  “Kiss you, again?” Lillie asked between bites.

  “If you’re going to stay here, you have to stay out of my head,” Megan scolded in a harsh whisper. “Is nothing sacred when you’re around?”

  “First, let’s talk about the kiss, then we can talk about mind barriers.” She tapped her fingers on the table, waiting on Megan to spill her guts.

  “It wasn’t anything big, just a kiss.” Megan took a big bite, wishing that would be the end of it, but knew otherwise. She was sure what the kiss had meant so she didn’t know how to explain it.

  “What are you going to do with him when you get him in bed tonight?” Lillie leaned over and asked low enough so only Megan could hear.

  “Nothing.” Megan gasped, shocked at Lillie’s bluntness.

  “Yeah, right,” she simpered.

  “Seriously, nothing.” Megan shook her head feverishly.

  Lillie held up her hands. “Okay, if you say so, but I could think of at least ten things to do with him and I haven’t even so much as held hands with him.”

  Megan felt her face burn but refused to be goaded into saying something she would never really do. It didn’t meant she didn’t want to, she could think of plenty to do with him if she had the nerve, but nerve was just one of the things she lacked when it came to men. Especially Drew Calloway.

  They cleaned the kitchen then bypassed the couch zombie, also known as Drew, and moved upstairs. As soon as the door closed behind them, Megan turned to Lillie. “Can you tell me about the mind barrier now?”

  Lillie sat on top of the bed and crossed her legs over each other. “Sure. What you need to do is mentally think about silencing yourself.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.” Megan crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Come here,” Lillie said, patting the bed. Megan walked to her and sat on the bed. “Now, close your eyes and try to turn everything you’re thinking right now into a whisper. Then once you have it as a whisper, put it in an imaginary box to keep it quiet.”

  Closing her eyes, she thought about the shop and the things she needed to do the next day. She pretended she was alone in a room with echoes of her thoughts, then tried to whisper until the echoes quieted. Once the whispers were barely a sound, she stepped out and shut the door behind her. Opening her eyes, she found Lillie slack-jawed and wide-eyed, staring at her.

  Rolling her shoulders, Megan asked, “Did I do something wrong?”

  She worried she had thought something in her mind Lillie shouldn’t have heard. She tried to remember everything, but wasn’t sure if her mind slipped to Drew again. It was likely.

  “You’re unbelievable. I don’t know what it was you were doing, but I pushed and still couldn’t hear what you were thinking.” Lillie shook her head and stared a moment longer.

  Megan couldn’t help but smile. “Really?”

  “Yes. I’ve never had trouble listening, especially when I pushed to find something.” Lillie patted her upper arm. “You are truly gifted.”

  “Thanks.” Megan stood and looked around the rearranged room for the first time. It did feel calmer in a weird way. “You are the gifted one.”

  “And don’t forget, I c
an kick ass, too!” Lillie said, positioning herself in a karate pose.


  By ten o’clock that night, Megan was completely exhausted and ready to get in bed. Lillie ended up treating her like a human pretzel and though it hurt at the time, her body was languid. She had to admit, Lillie knew what she was doing. Megan just had to figure out how to convince her to open shop in Hope and let her come in for free massage sessions.

  Taking a long, candlelit bath, Megan self-indulged by lathering in lotions and potions smelling of jasmine. Fearing what could happen once she left the bathroom, she chose to wear pajamas instead of the ‘lady of the night’ outfit she wore the night before.

  Drew was still watching football and by his occasional yells of profanity, she guessed his team wasn’t doing so great. Maybe he would end up in a bad mood and sleep on the couch.

  She doubted it, but it did sound nice… kind of.

  Lying awake, Megan listened to the sound of the TV and thought about Laura. She wondered where she could be and if they were feeding her. She felt a pit of guilt in her stomach for going on about her life instead of doing more. Maybe that was part of Drew’s distance at dinner? He had to be going crazy inside. There had to be something more she could do to help move this along and get the poor girl home.

  What good were super powers if she couldn’t use them for good?

  Looking through the wall to Drew, she doubted he had told her everything he knew about the case or he would undoubtedly be panicked not knowing what was happening to his sister. Then again, maybe he figured they would keep her safe and sound if they wanted to get the diamonds they thought he had.

  The wheels in her head began to spin. Where were the diamonds? Drew said the man didn’t have the diamonds on him when he arrested him. Where exactly did he arrest him and could the diamonds still be there? Was there a deadline with the ransom note and could the police put costume jewelry in a bag and say it’s the real thing to get her back? Heck, for all she knew, they were already planning on doing just that.


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