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Broken Stars

Page 9

by L Bowers

  I pulled away and gazed into her large eyes smiling. “It’s good to see you again,” I said.

  “You just saw me a few hours ago,” Ariella said chuckling.

  “Was it just a few hours? It felt like a lifetime.”

  “I think that is enough for now, smooth operator,” Bridget said. “We should get to business and find out what the hell is on my ship.”

  I leaned in close and put my mouth next to Ariella’s ear. “Please tell me you’re free after this? I would really like to spend some quality time with you.”

  “I bet you say that to all the girls,” Ariella whispered.

  “Only the beautiful ones I find fascinating.” I pulled back and saw a bluish tint in her cheeks which I took to mean she was blushing. Ariella smiled and turned away. I had her.

  My attention turned to the cell where I expected to see my new friend, but it was empty. Francine was gone as were the blanket and pillow that she was using on the small bed. A man sat behind the desk in an Alliance uniform with a sidearm hanging from his belt.

  “Hey, Soldier,” I said to him. “What happened to Francine?”

  “I’m sorry, Sir, but I don’t know who that is.”

  “The prisoner that was in this cell.” I pointed to the empty space.

  “Oh, she was moved to a safe room. We thought she was going to hurt herself so she was put in a restraining harness and moved. I can show you the way?” He stood as he spoke.

  “Do you know when she started acting out?” I asked but I thought I already knew the answer.

  “No, Sir, I just took over my shift, but the previous watch said she put up one hell of a fight.”

  “I bet she did. Please lead the way,” I said.

  As we walked Bridget leaned in close to me. “The report I read said she was moved shortly before you brought the cube on board.”

  “I figured as much. Why didn’t …”

  “Here we are,” the soldier said interrupting me. “I don’t know if it is safe to enter, Sir.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I replied.

  “Very well, Sir.” The man held up his arm and tapped at the screen attached to his gauntlet.

  The door to the cell was solid metal unlike the clear wall of the other cells. It slid into a recess in the wall giving me a clear view of the room and it’s occupant. The walls ceiling and floor were a white padded material much like a padded room in a psych ward. Francine had on a harness that crisscrossed her body with her arms secured to the front by several straps. Her hair was a disheveled mess and her eyes were wild with fear.

  I stepped into the room and my foot sunk into the soft floor. “Francine?” I said.

  Her eyes snapped up to me and she growled. She pushed her back against the wall. If I didn’t know better I would have sworn I was looking at a corned animal.

  Chapter 14

  “Francine, it’s me Tom. You know me,” I said as I stepped closer with my hands held out in front of me.

  The feral woman growled at me. She lunged forward so quick I didn’t realize the danger until her teeth slammed shut with a click an inch from my nose.

  “Oh fuck this,” I snapped as I shoved Francine back. “Bridget! Have them remove the harness.”

  “I don’t know if that is a good idea,” Bridget said over an intercom system built into the room. “And there is no need to shout.”

  “Sorry. Do I need a key or something to release her?” I asked.

  “No, we can do that from here. Tom, I don’t like this,” Bridget said.

  “I get that, Bridget, I do. But we have an unknown quantity on your ship and she may have the answers we need. You brought me here, you chose me. Now let me do my job and get the answers we need. Let me keep this ship and her crew safe,” I said.

  “You’re right, Tom. I’m sorry. Unlocking the restraints now. Good luck, Tom.”

  “I don’t need luck. I’m that good,” I replied.

  A series of clicks and whirs came from the restraints holding Francine. The straps unfolded and the rig fell to the ground. My new friend grinned then rushed at me with her hands up claw style.

  I side stepped a swipe from her claws then jumped back to avoid a second swipe. Francine leapt up and kicked out with both feet. I slapped down on her toes blocking the attack. She landed in a crouch and pushed off hitting my gut with her shoulder.

  The hit was solid, but I felt no pain and wasn’t pushed back at all. Francine was fast and strong. If she hit me like that before the IED(Improvised Explosive Device) she would have crumpled me like a soda can. The thought of the explosive sent me into a spiral of negative emotions. I stumbled back as a torrent of despair cascaded through my mind.

  A slash across my face brought me back to the fight, to the present. My arms came up in time to take the brunt of a second claw strike. Francine poured on the attacks hitting my arms over and over with her fingers and tearing into my flesh. Pain danced up and down both of my forearms.

  The crazed woman pushed me back with her attacks until I bumped into the padded wall. She continued her slash attacks with wild abandon. Each strike brought her a little bit closer to me. When she was at the perfect spot my arms shot out. I grabbed Francine's wrist and spun slamming the woman against the wall.

  She stopped struggling and blinked. The move had her stunned but I wasn’t too worried about her being hurt considering how soft the wall was. I capitalized on her momentary lapse by throwing her to the floor on her back. Following her down I landed on her chest with my legs on her arms pinning them down. She struggled but was not able to move my considerable weight.

  I gripped her head between my hands. “Listen to me, Francine,” I growled as I moved my face to within an inch of hers. “You have to stop this. Come back to me and stop this now.”

  She stopped struggling under me. Her brow furrowed as her eyes focused for the first time since I entered the padded cell. “I need to go to it,” She hissed through clenched teeth.


  “I don’t know. I have to!”

  “I don’t know if letting you go is a good idea, Francine. You have to give me more than that,” I said.

  “I have to!” Francine’s voice went from rage to pleading. Tears began to run down her cheeks and onto my fingers. “Please, I have to go to it.”

  I stared into her eyes for a long time before responding. “If I let you go to it, will you stop trying to attack us?” I asked.

  “We cannot let her get near the box,” Bridget said over the intercom.

  Francine screamed. She kicked and bucked under me almost knocking me off. I adjusted my position and pressed my weight down to keep her from doing it again.

  “I really need you to work with me here, Bridget,” I said.

  “I’m sorry, Tom, but I… “

  “You said you trusted me, Bridget.” I let the accusation hang in the air for a moment then continued. “If that really is true then stand with me instead of against me.”

  “I’m … I’m sorry, Tom. I’ll follow your lead,” Bridget said.

  “Thanks, Bridget. I’ll make sure you don’t regret that decision. This next bit may go against what you think should happen, but I think this is the right move to make,” I said.

  “What makes you so sure,” Ariella’s voice came over the intercom.

  “It’s a gut feeling, I have.”

  “So we should risk this ship, her crew, and Titan on a gut feeling?” Ariella asked.

  “My gut feelings have saved my life and the lives of my Marines more than once. Trust me, Ariella. No way in hell would I die before we had a chance to spend some time together.”

  “Oh… “

  “Bridge. Ariella, I am going to get back to this now. Be ready to move us to the cargo hold on my word,” I said.

  “Okay, Tom,” Bridget said.

  “You are going to let me go to it?” Francine asked.

  I looked down at the wild woman and saw hope shining through her eyes. There was no way in hell
I was going to be the guy to shatter that hope by saying no. But I would do what I had too even if it went against my desire to be a hero to all.

  “Francine, promise me that you will not attack us and I will take you there myself.”

  “It makes me crazy,” Francine replied. “I don’t know why, but I think the closer I get to it the more of me I will be. I want to be me again, Tom. Please take me to it?” She pleaded.

  “Promise me, Francine. Say the words and mean them. Once you do, I’ll take you,” I replied.

  “Tom, I promise that I will not attack you or anyone else if you take me to it,” Francine said. “Please?” Her last word was full of need and sorrow.

  “Okay.” I rolled off of Francine and stood. Then I held out my hand to help her up. I pulled the woman close to my side keeping my arm wrapped around her waist as we walked to the door.

  The hatch opened as we approached so we didn’t have to slow our walk. Instead we picked up the pace as a guard took up position in front of us and Ariella and Bridge moved into position behind us. No one spoke, but I felt the heat of the stares from Ariella and Bridget. I understood their apprehension. Trust was not something easily earned and I imagined a universe where your heroes become your evil dictators made trusting infinitely harder.

  When the elevator doors opened on to the cargo hold deck Francie darted forward. Fear of betrayal swept through me. I pictured the woman rushing to the box and activating an uber weapon that vaporized us all. I sprinted after her and grabbed her hand. She looked back and smiled a me. The fear that she had lied passed at seeing the spark in her lovely eyes. My fingers tightened around hers and I allowed her to lead me at a fast run.

  We slowed as we got within the electrical field of the black box. The current seemed to pass through my arm into Francine and back. It was followed by a pleasant tingling sensation before the process would start over.

  “We are connected to this woman and whatever is contained in that box,” Titan said to me. Francine didn’t react to his comment so I figured she couldn’t hear him. Since I didn’t want to spook her, I didn’t respond.

  Francine’s pace slowed and she stopped in front of the box. I stood next to her with her hand in mine, waiting. “What now?” I asked.

  “I don’t know,” Francine said.

  “Well, I don’t think we should touch it,” I said. “I tried that …”

  “Touch?” Francine interrupted.

  “Yeah, when I tired …”

  Her slender arm shot up and Francine placed her palm against the box. I cringed waiting for the explosive force to knock us back. Nothing happened. I cracked an eye open and saw the unchanged box. I shifted my gaze to Francine and she was looking back with a grin on her face.

  “Do you feel it?” She asked me.

  “It doesn’t feel any different to me,” I said.

  I looked back at Ariella and Bridget. Ariella shrugged but Bridget wore a look of concern. She would have to be concerned until either we died or she learned to trust me. Repeating myself was not something I was a fan of doing.

  “Touch it,” Francine said.

  “I don’t know,” I replied.

  “I promised I would not hurt you, Tom. I do not intend to break that promise now. Go ahead and touch it.”

  I placed my hand against the Box. Trust should be a two way street in my opinion. How could you ask someone to trust you if you were not willing to do the same. The feeling of standing in a strong electromagnetic field vanished. White light flared under both of our palms. A garbled audio message I couldn’t understand came from the box.

  Francine jumped back tugging on my arm. “Get back!” She shouted.

  I didn’t need to be told twice. Both of us ran away from the box and Bridget, Ariella, and the guard ran ahead of us. We stopped when we were a couple of crates in and turned. The box slowly opened up with the top lifting up and away. The sides we could see folded out and split in half with the top dropping back toward the center.

  “What is that?” Ariella asked.

  “It’s a ship,” Francine replied.

  “It’s a weapon, “ I said. Somehow I knew the device in front of us was connected to Titan and I. It was a ship, that was plain to see by the long body that grew thicker at the rear where I imagined the engines were. It also sported a set of wings that stuck out from close to the rear and were folded up. The nose of the craft was also folded up and resting on top of the craft. Whatever the machine was it was all black with red piping running down the sides and red accents around the back end.

  “We must get the woman inside and join with it,” Titan said.

  “Titan says she should get in,” I said.

  “Out of the question,” Ariella snarled.

  “It’s okay,” Bridget said. “If Tom thinks it is a good idea then we will stand by him.” Hearing Bridget was on Team Tom warmed my heart.

  “Come on, Francine. It’s time to get acquainted with this new ship.”

  With her hand in mine I lead her around the ship looking for a way in. We both gawked at the smooth mat black hull as we walked it’s length. When we reached the underside of the wing a ramp hissed as it descended.

  “Be careful,” Bridget called out from where she waited among the crates and pallets.

  I waved at Bridge acknowledging her comment as Francine lead the way up the ramp. Under normal circumstances I might have insisted on going first, but this was not normal. The ramp lead to a small living area to the left complete with a bunk, kitchenette, washroom and screen across from the bunk. We continued forward up another ramp.

  The cockpit was big enough for one. “Go ahead and take a seat, I’ll stay on the ramp,” I said.

  Francine’s ass rose to eye level giving me a nice view as she wiggled forward across the controls. She dripped into the seat and gave the instrument panel a once over. Her hands hovered over the left and right sticks and she looked at me with a question in her eyes.

  “Go ahead,” I said.

  Francine smiled then wrapped her hands around the control sticks. The cockpit lit up and a thrum vibrated through the ship. Francine let out a heady giggle.

  “Do you feel that?” Titan asked.

  “Yeah, buddy,” I replied.

  I felt a thread of joy connecting me to Francine. There was also a connection to something bigger, to the ship, Foe Hammer.

  Chapter 15

  “Ho. Ly. Shit.” I said as a torrent of data slammed into my skull and my back went rigid. Not only did I know the name of the ship I knew why it was connected to Titan. There was also knowledge of why Francine could feel the ship, and why I would be keeping her close to me.

  Francine was not a normal person, which I thought I knew already. Unlike most people, she was grown in a lab. Her entire purpose was to serve as a pilot for Foe Hammer. I assumed her being in charge of an assault squad was a way of getting her battle hardened until Titan was ready.

  “Hey, Francine,” I said. The wide eyed woman turned her head to look at me. “Are you going to come back down with me?”

  Instead of answering she removed her hands from the controls. The vibration died and the controls went dark. She crawled over the controls and looked down at me.

  “I’ll catch you,” I said as I held up my arms.

  Francine dropped head first and I caught her pulling her close to my chest. Setting her feet down on the deck I looked into her eyes and smiled. This woman was my own personal force multiplier. I had found her to be hot before, but now she was irresistible.

  I sensed fear and trepidation from her, so I didn’t act on my urge to kiss her. Fighting the need to take her there and make her mine I touched my lips to her forehead.

  I pulled back and looked into her large eyes. “Do I have to go back into a cell now?” She asked.

  I placed my right hand on her cheek and slid my thumb up and down. “Make me another promise,” I said. “Promise to fight by my side. Promise to be my partner in war and I promise that you will
never have to go back to a cell on this ship or any ship.”

  “Why would you want me? We were enemies. How do you know you can trust me?” She asked.

  “Can you feel it?” I asked. “The connection between us? I know you have a purpose and as long as you are with me your purpose will be fulfilled. What’s more, that purpose will be a good one. We will liberate everyone and make this galaxy a better place. With your help I know we can succeed.”

  “I … I don’t think I’m that important.”

  I smiled at her then. I was a big fan of humility. “I know we can.”

  Neither of us moved as we stood there. I felt her emotions as they changed and spiraled back and forth. I knew the moment she decided as her resolve become a bright beacon plain to see through our connection and her expression. Before she answered I leaned forward and planted another kiss on her forehead. “Welcome to Team Titan,” I said.

  We left the ship to find Ariella, Bridget, and the guard standing at the bottom of the ramp. If we were in different circumstances I was sure the guard would end up being our red shirt. I wondered if it would be best to keep a red shirt around so I wouldn’t risk losing Bridget or Ariella, or Francine now.

  “What is your name, soldier?” I asked having decided I would be better than Kirk.

  The man snapped to attention and saluted. I returned the salute and he dropped his. “I’m Private Cobbs, sir.”

  “Thanks for the escort, Private. I appreciate your dedication to your duties. Everything is under my control now so you may return to your duty station,” I said.

  “Aye-aye, sir,” he said as he saluted once more. He then stepped back, spun on his heels and ran off.

  I watched until he disappeared from sight. Once he was gone I addressed my women. “This bird is going to give Team Titan an edge.”

  “How so?” Ariella asked. Her expression was all business and curiosity.

  “That is going to be a surprise. For now here is what is going to happen. Francine is now a member of Team Titan. We need to give her a room and some new gear,” I said as I looked at the torn and dirty body suit she still wore from when she attacked us.


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