Book Read Free

Broken Stars

Page 13

by L Bowers

  “I do not think this is a good idea,” Titan said.

  “It’s only a bad idea if it doesn’t work,” I said.

  A green glow came from above us then the weapon fired. A bolt shot out at the same time as the cannon exploded. We were slammed into the ground from the force of the explosion.

  “I’m going to feel that in the morning,” I grumbled.

  “You don’t feel it now?” Titan asked.

  “Yeah, that too.”

  Francine screamed! The sounds of her anguish reawakened the rage in me. I roared as the feet thrusters sparked to life. We pulled the sword free from the green disk in time to bury the glowing edged blade in the mess of tentacles. We slashed sidewall slicing free one tentacle and cutting halfway through another.

  The creature let loose a wet sounding bellow. “Get some!” I shouted in response.

  A tentacle whipped out and we caught it. The tip wriggled trying to get free. We removed a good portion of the tentacle and tossed it over our shoulder. We took a step and removed another tentacle. Each step was accompanied by dismemberment for our new friend.

  The creature had so many tentacles it took a good ten minutes to reach the center. By the time we did the ground was littered up to Titan’s knees in tentacles. The center was a large eye over a beak of a mouth. The rest of the sphere was a mass of stumps the writhed and thrashed.

  “How many licks does it take?" I mumbled. We slammed our blade down splitting the creature in half. Gelatinous eye goo splashed across our chest and head. Our large hand swiped down across our face clearing some of the goo from our primary visual sensors.

  We turned and went to Foe Hammer. The ship was a lot worse off than it had been before we were thrown back against the wall. Dents and gashed coved the metal outer skin of the ship. A purple fluid leaked from under the left side forming a large puddle.

  “Any chance of salvaging Foe Hammer,” I asked Titan.

  “I believe so. I still need to run scans, but I believe I can handle repairs.”

  “Okay. I’m getting out and check on Francine.”

  Titan ejected me. The connection to his systems were broken and I was n the pilot’s chamber deep in the giant robot. The front opened up and I rushed down a corridor to another hatch that unfolded as I got close. This hatch opened up to the outside of Titan right about where a belly button would be on a human. I jumped and Titan’s hand moved so that I landed in his palm. He set me down on Foe Hammer next to a hatch I hadn’t noticed.

  “I have control of Foe Hammer’s systems. Opening the airlock now,” Titan said through our personal comms.

  The hatch opened with a hiss and I dropped in. I landed just behind the pilot’s seat. The cockpit was dark and the pale pilot didn’t acknowledge my presence.

  “Francine?” I said as I climbed over her seat. “Can you hear me?”

  I lowered myself onto the arm rests straddling her. She was out, but her chest rose and fell under the scrutiny of my suit’s lights. I removed her crash harness and pulled her up. Playing the craziest game of twister ever, I maneuvered both of us out of the cockpit and into the small living space.

  I set Francine down on her bunk and brushed a lock of hair out of her face. I sighed in frustration. If she didn’t wake up soon the mission might be a lot harder than I was planning for.

  “Titan, can you keep an eye on Francine while you fix the ship?” I asked.

  “That I can do, Tom. You should go now. The sooner this is done the sooner we get to leave,” Titan said.

  “Yeah, buddy. Not a bad idea. You can reach me as long as I have this bracelet on right?” I asked.

  “Correct, Tom. Only because there are enough signals for me to piggyback off of to maintain a connection. If not for that, we would not have communications. Safe journey and come back in one piece.”

  I went to the exit but paused and looked back. For the first time since knowing the woman she wore a look of peace. As much as I wanted to see her like that I hoped she would wake soon, even if it meant disrupting her temporary Zen moment. Maybe bringing back her sister would help to bring her closer to the normalcy that most others live. Maybe.

  The hatch slid open and I jumped out to the cavern floor. As soon as my feet touched down I was off running at a full sprint. My enhanced body could handle the pace for a lot longer than I would have ever been able too before the explosion. It was time to see how far I could go and how long I could keep up the pace.

  Titan sent me the path and a glowing blue line appeared before me. I followed it out of the large cavern and into a short and narrow passage way. Behind me I heard the heavy foot steps of my giant robot as he moved around Foe Hammer.

  “How far do I have to go, Titan?” I asked my robot. I wondered if the bracelet would let our communications function through the stone of this planet.

  “It is approximately twenty three miles through the network of underground caverns. From there you will ascend to ground level and travel another six point two eight miles to the city. This is where things become difficult. You will have to sneak through the city to the pleasure den where Francine’s sister is being held.”

  “So, easy as cake and pie. Got it. I’ll be in touch if I need anything, Titan.”

  A mile went by in a blur. Three miles were gone in a flash. My new body was a work of art. At full speed I fell into a rhythm and my legs just moved on their own. Even at my speed which I guessed to be close to thirty miles an hour, I had time on my hands. Contemplating the situation I found myself in, took up most of that time.

  Not only had I become a fucking space-man, but I was the pilot of a giant space-robot. Oh, and I got more space booty in the short time I’ve been off earth than I did since I was destroyed a few years previous. Life as a space-Marine was pretty amazing.

  The blue line came to a dead end and went straight up the wall. I slowed and stopped looking up to see where the line continued. A tunnel was cut into the rock leading straight up approximately two hundred feet. A disc of light at the top was the only light source I had seen since leaving Titan and Francine. The blue line did a great job of giving me a path that was smooth enough to travel without breaking an ankle.

  I followed the line to the wall and felt around trusting in my large metal buddy. My hand brushed something rough and rounded. I grabbed it and felt the length discovering a cylindrical shape that was a foot long and bent at a ninety degree angle on both ends. It ended in the rock and I knew I had just found the rung of a ladder. Above it was another and there was one below it. I placed my foot on one and started my slow climb in the dark.

  The higher I climbed the bigger the disc of light grew. Roughly halfway up the murmur of voices caught my attention. I paused to see if I could make them out but the echo in the tube was horrible. I continued but kept my pace slow to reduce the noise I made.

  “... ya kidding me? We gave you a week, Tevor. A fucking week to get our fucking money!” One of the voices shouted.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t have it. I have no way to get that much money, you know that, Greb. You know that,” The second voice squealed.

  I knew what it sounded like when someone was in trouble, as would anyone that heard what I heard. I rushed up the ladder and leapt out of the tube landing in a crouching fighting stance just beyond the lip. Then I saw the thirty or so people standing in a semi-circle behind the two closest figure. They all pulled weapons and pointed them at me.

  “Ah shit.”

  Chapter 21

  “You might want to put those hands up,” said the voice I assumed belonged to Greb.

  Being an amicable guy I stood and slowly raised my arms up so my hands were even with my head. While I waited I took in the situation. Greb was taller than me by a couple feet and looked like an orc wearing clothes from back to the future two. Behind him the guys with guns were an assortment of skin colors and textures, including one fellow with bone spikes sticking out of his arms and shoulders. In front of Greb was a wiry guy with a pai
r of shorts on and a torn tank top. His skin was green and blue scales and his eyes shown with an inner green light. I assumed he was Tevor.

  “Good,” Greb said. My assessment had only taken a second so the delay between me raising my hands and him talking was just a few seconds. “Now why don’t you tell me why the fuck you think it’s okay to butt into our business, Peck?”

  “Peck?” I asked.

  “It’s a derogatory term,” Tevor said which earned him a kick from Greb.

  “Answer or I will have my boys open fire on your sorry ass,” Greb said.

  “Since you put it that way,” I said. “I was out for a stroll when I happened upon you fine gentlemen. That’s all.”

  “Uh huh,” Greb nodded but his tone of voice had me thinking he didn’t believe me.

  “Walking is good for you?” I added.

  “And you always walk around in battle armor?” Greb asked.

  I looked down and realized that I was indeed in battle armor. It made sense since I came prepared for battle. The armor felt so light I forgot it was there, and I forgot about the upgrades. A devious grin split my face.

  “Okay, you caught me. I was looking for trouble and found it. Now I’m going to fuck your shit up.”

  The semicircle of thugs looked around unsure what to do. Greb though, he broke out into laughter which prompted his goons to do the same. I let them have their moment and even joined in. Only my laughter was for a different reason.

  “Okay, okay,” Greb said as he slapped his knee. “Just how do you expect to do that? I mean, have you looked around? There is a shit-ton of us and just one of you. If we all pulled the trigger once it would be serious overkill.” He waved his sidearm around before continuing. “I tell you what, Peck. I will let you make the first move before we slaughter your sorry ass. Just cause I’m in a good mood and your are one funny dude.”

  “That was a mistake,” I said.

  I activated my armor’s new ability and took a step. At the same time I designated Tevor as a friendly so he would still be alive if this played out like I knew it would. The metal covering me thickened as I stepped forward. To my surprise Greb was not the first person to shoot. Bone spikes took the honor and fired his weapon followed quickly by most of Greb’s goon squad.

  The rounds that did hit me, which weren’t near as many as were fired, activated the reactive armor skill upon impact. The projectiles were forced back where they came from by an explosion of force that sent bits of the thickened armor back as well. The result was a scattershot of broken metal shard slamming into the thugs that managed to get a hit on me. To my surprise most of the semicircle of goons fell over while I hardly felt anything.

  The barrage of shots ended as abruptly as it had started. I smiled at Greb. “That all you got?”

  “Why you …”

  That was as far as I was willing to let the man get. I jumped forward and willed my arm to morph. Greb squealed but still managed to miss getting decapitated. My feet hit the ground and I spun swinging the blade in an arc at gut level. Greb parried with his pistol and half the barrel sheared off. He looked at the defunct gun dumbfounded. Taking advantage of the distracted man I slammed the point of my blade into his throat. Greb slid of the blade leaving behind an orange smear of blood.

  The blood flew free from my weapon as I flung my arm out and turned to face the last of Greb’s goons. Three goons remained, and they turned tail and ran. Watching them run I waited till they were out of sight. There was no telling if one of them would grow a set and come back.

  “You alright?” I asked as I offered Tevor a hand up.

  “Yes, thank you for your assistance, stranger,” Tevor said as he took the proffered hand. “I was lucky you happened by when you did.”

  “I don’t mean to pry, Tevor, but what exactly did I get myself involved in?” I asked.

  “That is a fair question, friend. I have to return to my home. Would you walk with me so that I may explain?”

  Time was not on my side but I wanted to know and I needed some concealment. What better way to hide than in plain sight?” Well, I need to go that way,” I said pointing toward the city close by.

  “Excellent,” Tevor said and smacked his lips. “That is the direction I am going as well. Come and I will explain.”

  “Lead on,” I said.

  “Yes. So my family has had dealings with a man known as The Unseen. He’s called such for obvious reasons. We needed to expand our facility and the bank turned us down for a loan. Our business is growing and the expansion will result in more profits than the cost. It was a good business decision, but there were complications,” Tevor said as we walked.

  “Let me guess, there were Unseen problems?” I asked.

  “Indeed. The Unseen was interested in buying our facility so we think he arranged to have the bank deny us. Then his men scared away our business so we ultimately failed.”

  “That blows,” I said.

  “I don't understand.” Tevor gave me a puzzled look.

  “It’s a saying from home. Not important,” I said.

  “Ah, I see. May I ask why you are here?”

  “I’ve come to uh … to collect a friend.”

  “I see. I am assuming this is not a standard taxi service situation considering where you popped up from and the armor you wear.” He held up a hand stopping the words that were forming on my tongue. “I will not be telling anyone anything, Friend,” Tevor said. “Is there a name I may call you?”

  “Oh yes, of course. Sorry. My name is Tom.”

  “It is an honor to make your acquaintance, Tom. Know that I am here to help you should you need assistance. I do owe you a debt now as those thugs were no doubt going to kill me.”

  “I could use help if you’re sure you are willing to put yourself in danger?” I asked.

  Tevor stopped and faced me. He dropped to a knee and looked down. “I pledge to keep your secrets as if they were my own. I pledge to assist you in anyway I can until your task is finished. I pledge upon my honor and the honor of my house, house Everdantles Tir Helphern.” He rose and looked me in the eyes. “If I break my vow I am honor bound to end my life and pass on everything I own to you.”

  “That seems a bit over the top, but okay,” I said. “Alright, Tevor, I’ll tell you why I’m here and see if you might be able to help.”

  As we walked I filled Tevor in on the parts of my mission I thought he should know. Namely that I was here to rescue a woman from the pleasure houses. It occurred to me that I may be too trusting, but that was who I am. It bitten me on the ass more than once, but it has also paid off a lot more than not. I was banking on the payoff this time.

  “I see. May I ask a few questions?” Tevor asked.

  “Yes, please do.”

  “Do you know which house this woman is in?”

  “No,” I replied feeling a little dumb for not having all the intel.

  “I see. Do you have a name and description of the woman in question?”

  “No,” I said with a lot less certain and twice as dumb.

  “It is clear to me that the goddess has put us in each other's path,” Tevor said. “We were meant to help each other. If not for your might I would be dead. And now I am in a position to help you. This is most fortuitous indeed,” Tevor said as he smiled at me.

  “How do think we should proceed?” I asked.

  “It’s simple really, we have to gain access to employee records and find your person. Then we use that data to compile a plan to break your friend free. I do love me a good heist,” Tevor said while rubbing his hands together and grinning maniacally.

  “You pull off heists?” I asked.

  Tevor laughed. “No my friend, but I watch a lot of heist vid dramas. I think I have seen enough to come up with a solid plan.”

  “Is that so?” Suddenly my faith in Tevor was not as high as it had been.

  “Oh yes,” he cackled. “We are about to rouse the riest, as my people say.”

  I let
that last statement hang while we walked. Soon we came to a scattering of buildings with larger buildings in the background. A large sign bore undecipherable script I took to be the name of this run down suburb.

  Tevor lead me a couple miles in then to a three story building with a shop on the first floor. We entered the shop and I understood Tevor’s love of movies. His shop was a video rental place. I was going to go back to earth as soon as I could and get Netflix to partner with me for an intergalactic arm of the company. We would make a killing.

  My new friend lead me to the back and up a set of stairs to a hallway the length of the building. Doors with symbols on them ran the length and I figured I was looking at the apartments for Tevor’s family.

  Then I found out I was wrong, at least about the room he lead me into. It was a small office with a desk and a chair on each side. Tevor took a seat behind the desk and waved me to the other chair.

  “The first part is hard,” he said. A holographic display jumped to life above the smooth surface of the desk. “I have a contact in government that should make this part of the plan easy, actually, so maybe not hard.”

  A few gestures later and a face appeared among the boxes and lines hovering over the desk. “Jelosh,” Tevor said with a big smile.

  “Hey, Tevor, my movies available?” The face asked.

  “No, Jelosh, I am sorry to say they are not. I am calling to ask a favor.”

  “Oh? I was wondering when you were going to cash in on the one I owe you. What is it you need from the likes of a lonely civil servant?”

  “This is going to be a lot to ask, but I wouldn’t ask if it were not important,” Tevor said.

  “I didn’t think you would ask a favor unless it were important, Tevor. What would you like from me?”

  Tevor let out a sigh and rubbed his left nostril. “I need access to the pleasure house’s employee records,” Tevor said.

  Jelosh’s eyes narrowed and he remained quiet for a long minute. “I trust you, old friend, so I will grant this request, but I want something in return.”

  “But you already owe me a favor,” Tevor argued.


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