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Unchained Hearts (Baxter Family Saga)

Page 10

by Palessa

“Ha.” Kyle laughed. “We’re tied.”

  There was a sudden eruption of cheers and someone gave her the thumbs up.

  “What I meant to say is, my team’s winning.”

  “Ugh! Could this night get any worse?”

  “Well, with two minutes left in the last quarter, anything’s possible.”

  They went in to join their friends to see just who would have the worse night.


  Soraya stood outside Kyle’s door, fighting back tears.

  “Are you all right, miss?” a male voice asked from behind.

  Keeping her back to the stranger, she fumbled for a handkerchief and patted her face. With a sniffle she closed her eyes and faced him with the most dignified smile she could muster. “What can I tell you, break ups aren’t fun.”

  “Don’t I know it? I was seeing this girl and she just dumped me for this guy she met at work.”

  “That’s just positively awful.” Soraya sympathized.

  “What’s even worse is that I still see her every day,” he said and pointed to Kyle’s door.

  “You were dating her?”

  He nodded. “We had a real connection, but then she met some guy she tutored and that was that.”

  Soraya sniffed away the last of her tears and looked at Kyle’s door. She knew that bitch had designs on her man. From the first day she laid eyes on her, she had her number. Now Randy was free and she had the perfect opportunity to pounce. Like hell! Soraya looked at her new friend and stuck out her hand.



  “Well, Brian, as they say, misery loves company. Let’s chat.” His ho’s and hum’s were her cue as she went closer up to him. “I can be a really good listener.” She gently threaded her arm around his, and overly swayed her hips so they brushed against his. She could tell he got the clue as he led her to his door. He opened it and she stepped through, pulling him inside. If there was one thing she knew, it was that she was going to make Brian sing.


  After everyone had left, Randy helped KC clean up. At first she protested, but realized it would go a lot faster with another set of hands. When they were done they both sat down heavily on her couch.

  “So, how are you holding up?” she asked.

  Randy put up both his hands. “I’m fine. It just sucks that my guys couldn’t pull it out for me. And then they lost another tight wrong.”

  “I told you not to gloat.”

  Randy looked at her, eyes narrowed. He grabbed a pillow and gently bounced it on her face. Kyle slowly turned and then retaliated. They fought like little kids, disintegrating into chuckles in between attacks. Kyle couldn’t remember the last time she was in a pillow fight, but she knew she was not going to let Randy win.

  Randy tried to bob and weave, but it was no help. She was too fast. He quickly grabbed for her pillow and pulled her to him. He fell back, her on top of him. The smiles and laughter stopped. Randy’s heart raced as he gently moved a curly tendril from her face and reached up to kiss her.

  Before Kyle had time to think, Randy’s tongue was sensually caressing hers. She responded by opening her mouth for an even deeper kiss. His hands cupped her face and Kyle could feel that delicious bolt in the pit of her stomach travel to her hips. His hands moved to her waist, pressing her hips against his. His erection was pushing against his zipper and he wanted her to know just what she was doing to him, what she had been doing to him since the moment they met.

  Kyle’s nipples become so hard, she wanted nothing more than to feel his warm mouth on them. Having her nipples sucked was one of her favorite activities, but she had never found a man who knew how to do it just right. Realizing what she was doing, Kyle pulled away to catch her breath and looked at Randy. She quickly got up from the couch. Her mind crept in, reminding her he’d just broken up with his girlfriend and she was on his rebound path.

  “KC, please,” Brandon said. The need he felt for her defied all reason and he wanted nothing more than to show her just how much he wanted her.

  “Look, you’re hurt about what happened with Soraya.” Her back was still to him and he could see it sag slightly. “This isn’t real. It’s just a reflex.”

  Randy was off the couch quickly, with his hands around her waist and his head buried in her neck. “No, no,” he said. “For a long time, I fought my feelings for you. I realized that what I was feeling was not for Soraya. It was for you. I don’t want to fight this anymore.”

  She turned in his arms and looked at him. He could see the doubt in her eyes. He needed to earn her trust and as much as he wanted her, he wanted to do this right. For her.

  He put his forehead against hers and let out a deep sigh. “I know the timing is a little off,” he said. “But I want you for the right reasons. If I need to prove that to you, I’ll do so for as long as it takes.” He kissed her tenderly. “Come out with me, tomorrow night. Just you and me.”

  Kyle’s mind was in overdrive as she slowly nodded and gave him a big smile. She relished the fact that he wanted her, but this time, she needed to be sure with him. It had to be real.

  Randy smiled and gave her one final kiss, his hands settled on her waist. “Okay, be ready about seven and I’ll take care of everything else. I intend to woo you, Ms. Avery.”

  “I look forward to it, Mr. Hall.”

  He looked at his watch. He had to meet the guys in an hour, but he needed the mother of all cold showers first. He had never been so hard so quickly and all they did was kiss. This wooing thing was going to be tough, but if it meant he would have her in his arms, in his life, in his bed, he would do whatever it took.

  As Randy walked down the hall from Kyle’s apartment, he heard a distinct high pitched giggle come from behind a door. Soraya? He thought, but then quickly discarded it and headed home.


  As Soraya put on her clothes and smoothed her hair, she took one last look at Brian. That was probably the best sex he would ever have and for her, it wasn’t even close to decent. She sauntered out of his room early.

  Soraya was never one to buy that whole “walk of shame” nonsense. There was no shame in getting laid, even if it was barely decent sex. What Kyle had seen in Brian, she didn’t know, but the story he told her was just what she needed to hear. She wanted her man back and the only way she was going to get him was to bring Brian back into the picture. As Soraya walked past the gawking freshman, she turned the plan over in her head.

  If this was going to work, she was going to have to kill KC with kindness.


  Kyle and Randy could barely get through their tutoring session the next day. His midterm was coming up and she needed to make sure he was ready. In between the suggestive stares, brushes of the hand and near kisses, she kicked herself for using her apartment as a study zone.

  After their ninety minute session, Randy rewarded himself by nibbling on her neck. It was so smooth and warm and he loved the moan which escaped her lips as he kissed her. It took all the strength he had to stop and leave, but he was not about to blow his chance by rushing her.

  “I plan to do a lot more of this tonight,” he promised.

  “I hope so.” She smiled. He gave her a final kiss as he quickly grabbed his bag and went back to his apartment. As Kyle cleaned up, she saw his phone under the stack of papers on the table. She ran out to find him, but he was already gone. She came back and put the phone on the coffee table in front of the couch and did some studying of her own.


  Soraya remembered him rattling on about his upcoming midterm and decided to stake out KC’s apartment. She’d discretely asked around the tutoring office and found out that Kyle wasn’t going to be working there tonight, but she did have a booked session with one of her students. And so she waited. Her pati
ence paid off when she saw Randy show up.

  She watched as Randy left and knew it was her time. She straightened her hair and grabbed her bags. “Showtime,” she muttered to herself and knocked on the door.

  Kyle expected to see a winded Randy come looking for his phone, but when she opened the door, she couldn’t hide her surprise.

  “May I come in?” Soraya asked.

  Not waiting for Kyle’s response, Soraya walked in, her face pasted with a sweet smile. “I just wanted to come by and apologize for the way I left yesterday.”

  “No need. It’s understandable. Breakups can be hard.”

  “No excuses. I should have at least thanked you for your hospitality. So, I thought I would make up for it with these.”

  She pulled a pastry box from her bag and handed it to Kyle. She opened it and found a stack of brownies. “Soraya, you shouldn’t have.”

  “I know you didn’t get a chance to have some the day of the football game, so I thought I would whip up a quick batch just for you.” Soraya handed Kyle the box. “This is a family recipe from my great-great-great-grandmother, passed down to the daughters. Each generation adds its own unique ingredient to make it her own. I added a touch of coconut extract. I hope you like them.”

  Seeing the expectant look on Soraya’s face, Kyle opened the box and bit into one and was pleasantly shocked. She wasn’t sure what she expected, but Soraya’s brownies tasted amazing. “These are absolutely wonderful Soraya, thank you.”

  “Well, like I said, I just wanted to apologize. I had no idea Randy would blind side me like he did, and well, it hurt.”

  They chatted for a bit and despite herself, she had sympathy for Soraya. She must have really liked him.

  Soraya saw that Kyle had fought back a sudden yawn.

  “I’m sorry about that,” Kyle stated. That study session must have been more intense than she thought. She unsuccessfully tried to stifle another.

  “Looks like you’ve had a long day already,” Soraya uttered sweetly. “Well, “I’d better get going.” she said, as she walked to the door. “Thanks again for letting me bend your ear. Enjoy the brownies.”

  “Thanks, I will,” she said as Soraya waved good night.

  Kyle took a step and her head spun like slow moving twister. Her vision became fuzzy and jumbled. “Whaaa—” She tried to walk to the couch, but it seemed farther than she remembered. Her legs were wobbly and her eyes felt like they were going to melt out of their sockets. Her body weakened and grew heavy. Shaking her head, she tried to fight the sudden dizziness overtaking her. Her living room looked dreamy and liquid as she tried to walk a steady path to her couch. What was happening to her? She lay down on the couch and tried to still herself. It wasn’t working. With a trembling hand, she tried to reach for the phone next to her, but it seemed so far away. She was sweating and her mouth was dry. Fear filled her brain and she wondered if she was going to die.

  Soraya walked to Brian’s door and knocked. When Brian opened the door, he gave Soraya a knowing smile and reached for her. Soraya gently patted his hand away. “Uh-uh. Last night was just a one-time deal. Your true love is waiting for you, and I think you’ll find her more than agreeable.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so. So you two have fun. I’m going to find my man and make him an offer he can’t refuse.”

  As she walked away, Brian went back into his apartment. Humming, he took a quick shower, shaved, and got himself ready. He went into his bedroom and moved the dark curtains that covered the wall behind his headboard. On it were pictures of his love, Kyle. There she was walking to class, there she was leaving her apartment, there she was eating ice cream with some other girls, oh and his favorite, working out in the gym. Her legs were so strong and her body just glowed. He’d first met her in the dining hall. They were going for the salad spoon, when their hands touched. He felt their instant chemistry and knew she was the one. All those others were just girls compared to her. She was his and he was hers—tonight it would be official.


  Randy practically ripped apart his place looking for his phone. He needed to call Josh and cancel their guy’s night out, but he couldn’t find his phone. He retraced his steps and realized that the last time he was sure he had his phone was at Kyle’s apartment. He remembered checking the time and that was all. The idea of seeing her even before their date made him smile and just as he opened the door, he caught Soraya about to knock. Just what I need, he thought.

  “Going somewhere?”

  “Yes,” he said tersely. “Can I help you with something?”

  She walked in and started unbuttoning her blouse.

  “Soraya, I don’t have time for this.” Randy was so annoyed, he practically shouted at her, but she was undeterred.

  Soraya quickly undressed down to her bra and lace thong. She walked up to him and unhooked her bra, revealing proud, full breasts. Despite himself, Randy’s dick hardened as he remembered sucking her nipples until she was crying for him. He looked into her brown eyes and was saddened at the desperation they reflected. Separating himself from her had really hurt her and she was only doing what she thought she needed to make things right. She smelled unbelievable, but what he shared with Kyle in the last twenty-four hours had changed him. For the first time in a long while, he knew what he wanted.

  Soraya could see she had gotten his attention, but this time it was different. He wasn’t reaching for her and the crotch of his jeans was far too loose. What was going on? That was when she saw the look in his eyes and felt the sting in the backs of her own. He was rejecting her. Backing up quickly, she turned her back to him, picking up her discarded clothing. It only took a moment for her hurt to turn to anger. She wasn’t used to losing and didn’t like the feeling at all. She had invested so much time and energy and he was just going to throw her out like yesterday’s garbage. No. Her mind was made up.

  “I’m going to make you pay for this, Randy.”

  “Soraya, look, I’m sorry I hurt you, but—”

  “No!” she yelled. “You will reap what you sow long after you sow it. And I’ll make sure you know who is behind it all.”

  She stalked off and her words sent a chill down his spine. He had heard about a woman scorned, but this was not what he imagined. He did his best to shake her off, but something about her lingered with him. He gathered himself, locked up his apartment and headed out.

  Soraya watched him walk off. She reached in her purse and took out a key. It was a good thing she’d made a copy of it a while back, wasn’t it?


  Brian opened Kyle’s door and found her on the couch. She seemed to be asleep, a few of her curly ringlets draped across her face. She looked like an angel. He walked over and gently whispered her name. She seemed to stir a bit as her shirt opened to reveal a lacy bra. Brian could feel himself harden as he approached her. He gently reached down and opened another button on her shirt and then another. Kyle moaned and he took that as a sign of approval to continue. She squirmed as he opened her shirt even more.

  “Shh,” he said. “I always dreamed of what it would feel like to undress you slowly.”

  At the sound of his voice, she stirred and tried to raise her hands. Brian pushed them back and held them down. She moaned again, but this time it was a little louder.

  Kyle could feel his cold hands and even though she couldn’t really open her eyes, she knew something was wrong. She mustered whatever strength she had and tried to fight, but her body wouldn’t cooperate. She stopped, gathering her strength. Panic coursed through her as she heard sharp jangling, like a belt buckle. His weight pushed down the couch and Kyle used her legs and pushed him back.

  Her unexpected burst of strength made him knock over the books on her coffee table.

  She’s a fighter, he thought and got even more exc
ited as he stood up.

  As Randy approached, he heard some commotion coming from Kyle’s apartment. Seeing the door slightly opened, he stopped. He could still hear movement and he opened the door fully, calling for her.

  Randy saw Kyle on the couch with her shirt opened and Brian standing over her with his dick hanging out.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  “She’s my—”

  Before he could finish, Randy ran and grabbed him by the collar. Without thinking he rammed his fist against Brian’s face and he fell against the side chairs. Not stopping there, he threw Brian against the rim of the glass sliding doors, which shook from the force. Brian gasped and was stunned.

  Hearing the noise, one of Kyle’s neighbors came in to see what was going on.

  “Call 911,” Randy yelled. “Tell them attempted rape and bring an ambulance.”

  The girl looked stunned, but quickly snapped out of it when Randy yelled, “GO!”

  “KC,” he called, quickly covering her up with a throw which hung over the back of her couch. “Can you hear me?”

  “Ran-dy,” she said as her eyes fluttered. Kyle could hear other voices. His was the one she tried to focus on, but it was no use. Her lids were too heavy and she desperately wanted to sleep.

  “KC, stay with me.” Randy feared what would happen if she fell asleep. She moaned and turned. He held her hand and waited for the police to arrive, keeping one eye on Brian. Randy was tempted to continue his rampage on the intruder’s face, and if it weren’t for the fact that Kyle needed him, he would have.

  The police came, followed by the EMTs as Kyle was taken by stretcher and Brian was taken into custody, ranting that he was just getting romantic with his girlfriend. The police questioned Randy and he told them how he found her. The police taped off her apartment while they took pictures and dusted for prints. The police ruled Randy out as a suspect since a few students had seen him come in just a few moments before the raucous.


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