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The Ballad of Mitch and SoHee

Page 15

by Paul Ormond

  “You know what I’m gonna say,” Candace said.

  “Yeah, I know, you’re a girl and you're scared of the dark. I’m not sure why you get to play the girl power thing whenever you feel like it.” Sage said while looking into the depths.

  “It’s because I need a big strong man like you to help me through all the scary stuff,” Candace said, leaping into the air.

  “Very funny,” Sage said before he dropped down. “Game faces everybody. We’re going in.”

  Producing a light with his hand, Sage pushed deeper into the pit. At the edge of his light, he caught glimpses of wet stone while he descended further into the darkness. After several hundred feet, the tunnel sloped into a wide cave strewn with rubble.

  “What do you make of all this?” Candace asked as she caught up to Sage.

  “It looks like we’re in another cave,” Sage said before he pulled himself to a stop.

  “The beacon says we need to keep moving ahead,” Gareth said, glancing at his panel after he and Shaundra came to a halt a few feet behind.

  “Then we keep moving,” Sage said. “I guarantee something is down here with us, so don’t let your guard down.”

  “I don’t think I can handle this,” Shaundra said. “You guys go ahead. I’m going to go back.”

  “Like hell you are,” Candace snapped. “We’re all in this together. And we’re safer as a group.”

  “That’s right,” Gareth said. “We all know what happens when somebody tries to go it alone in a horror movie.”

  “They get impaled with a blunt instrument,” Sage said.

  “Stop scaring her,” Candace said. “It’ll be fine. We’ve been through worse before and we got through that because we stuck together.”

  “Fine, but I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Shaundra said as she followed after Candace.

  “You keep saying that and bad things are going to happen,” Gareth said, keeping pace with Sage.

  “Everybody be quiet,” Sage said. “It looks like the cave is opening up. I think I can see something up ahead.”

  “Are those pillars or something?” Candace asked.

  “Yeah, they’re like carved columns,” Gareth said as he reached out and touched the rock. “There’s writing here.”

  “What does it say?” Sage asked.

  “Fear not the dark, for the sun also rises,” Gareth said.

  “There’s more over here,” Candace said. “Beast in blackness lurking, burn, burn, burn the light of truth, a warning.”

  “So far I’ve heard dark and beast,” Sage said. “Be on the lookout for anything.”

  “I found another one,” Shaundra said. “Locked inside the tomb, no light shines brighter than the star of a mother’s womb.”

  “Shield yourself against the fires of Wralgon’s rage, the light of the sun will guide the way,” Gareth read from another pillar.

  “Uh, what are we getting ourselves into?” Candace asked.

  Before anyone could answer, a deep rumbling filled the tunnel and Sage spun around to see a thick stone slab seal off the passage out.

  “That’s not good,” Sage said, turning to face his friends.

  “You think,” Candace said before several deep guttural howls echoed down the hall.

  “Here we go,” Gareth said, gripping his ax.

  “We should’ve known,” Candace said. “Of course there would ghouls down here. Let’s slice these bloodsuckers open quick and figure a way out of here.”

  “Be careful,” Sage said, readying his claymore. “They could be over leveled.”

  “Over leveled ghouls?” Candace said as she manifested an orb on each fist. “I’ll show them over leveled.”

  Rocketing down the tunnel, Candace unloaded several blasts at the attacking creatures. Shrieks rang out in the darkness while flashes of light lit up the walls of the cave.

  “I guess we should follow after her,” Sage said before he holstered his sword and manifested orbs of his own.

  “Doesn’t seem like we have much of a choice,” Gareth said, rising into the air. “Stick behind me, Shaundra. I’ll keep you safe.”

  “This is nuts,” Shaundra said. “Just show me how to use those orbs.”

  “Just think it and they will come,” Gareth said.

  “Just think it?”

  “That’s all I can tell you,” Gareth said before a ghoul popped up in front of him. Swinging his fist, the ghoul disintegrated as he made contact.

  “That seemed easy enough,” Shaundra said after she came to Gareth’s side.

  “It looks like Candace did all the heavy lifting,” Gareth said, scanning the cave for anymore attackers.

  “You guys need to see this,” Candace said from further up ahead.

  “What is it?” Sage asked.

  “Just come look,” Candace said.

  Spotting Candace’s glowing silhouette in the distance, Sage came to a stop at her side while she hovered over a ledge.

  “I’m not going to lie to you. I definitely wasn’t expecting this,” Sage said, looking out over a vast cavern filled with pillars rising up into the darkness.

  “What the hell is all this?” Gareth said while he and Shaundra approached the edge.

  “I think we found what we were looking for,” Candace said as she pulled up her panel. “The map says our destination is three hundred feet ahead.”

  “What are we waiting for?” Gareth said.

  As he cleared the lip, a tremendous explosion occurred on the far side of the cavern, sending shockwaves in all directions. An enormous mound of rubble flew into the air, and a giant clawed paw slammed into the ground.

  “Is that what I think it is?” Gareth asked.

  “If you were thinking dragon then you would be correct,” Candace said before a torrent of flame lit up the cavern.


  A PLUMP CREATURE pulled a cart stuffed with sawn logs up the hill while cloaked figures lit torches on the pillars surrounding the altar. The sun hung low on the mountainous horizon, vibrant red burning through a thick blue haze.

  “It definitely looks like they’re going to have a party.” Mitch said after he dropped back down beside SoHee. “But I don’t know if taking these guys head on is the right idea.”

  “Who said anything about taking them head on?” SoHee said. “This whole ceremony is a spectacle to appease the gods, and we are going to show them that the gods are not pleased with the Masters’ presence on this planet.”

  “By Gods, you mean us?”

  “Don’t be silly, Mitch Mythic. I am fully aware of the outer facade I have presented to these people. And I recognize the danger of getting wrapped up in this role everyone seems intent to bestow upon me, but that does not mean I cannot use it to my advantage.”

  “But you already told those people that the goddess has arrived. You just announced our presence on the planet. There is no doubt that somebody will have been alerted.”

  “I highly doubt that. There are plenty of ways to make my presence known that would be more effective than scaring a few villagers. Subjected people have a way of keeping secrets from their overlords. I am certain that the word has spread among the commoners about this blessed malwut and the appearance of the goddess, but that was a risk we had to take in order to promote the spectacle.”

  “Sometimes I forget just how smart you are. I get this whole spectacle thing, but you do realize that we are supposedly the most wanted people in the multi-verse right now. Letting everyone know that we are here seems like a pretty big risk.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ve thought of everything. Although those hunters may have seen our faces, they didn’t recognize us and nobody is expecting us to show up tonight. I’ve come up with a little trick we can use to hide our appearance and it will tie right into the ceremony.”

  “What kind of trick?”

  “Tonight you’ll be playing the part of the bull.”

  “A bull? What are you talking about?”

bsp; “I was able to pull up an in-depth history of Thylocene using the orbs access to the network. They have a deep and storied past filled with legends and myths. These people have a great regard for the animal kingdom, and they believe the creatures on this planet are the living embodiment of the gods. A creature called a Horgo is said to represent the god of war. It has a long horn and a spike tail. It is normally docile, but it is quite aggressive when provoked.”

  “It looks like there is one down there pulling that cart.”

  “Yes, they are a common creature. Used as beasts of burden or slaughtered for their meat.”

  “So you want me to be a cow?”

  “Not any cow. When Wron, the god of war, aided the early Thylocenian people in an epic battle against an invading army he was said to have appeared as an enormous Horgo that routed the enemy's ranks and ensured a victory for Thylocene.”

  “I know you’ve got some super powers there, but I’m not sure how I feel about being turned into a giant bull.”

  “I’m not going to turn you into a horgo. You just need to look like one. I’m going to install an upgrade to your suit that will allow you to project an exterior that will give you the appearance of an enormous Horgo. The orb has already prepared the program we just need to insert it in your device.”

  “Wait a minute. If I’m going to be this giant horgo, what are you going to be?”

  “A beautiful goddess, of course. Surna was the ruler of the festival and the queen of night. She and Wron were lovers in the ancient texts. It makes sense that they would appear together.”

  “That is just typical. How come I’ve got to go dressed up as some dumb beast and you are the beautiful goddess.”

  “You can be the beautiful Goddess if you want.”

  “I don’t want to be a beautiful Goddess. I want to be something cool.”

  “A bull is cool.”

  “You are dressing me up as a giant cow and trying to convince me that it’s impressive.”

  “We’ll be like Beauty and the Beast. It will be a fun date.”

  “So this is a date now?”

  “I thought you Americans all like getting dressed up.”

  “I only put on costumes on Halloween, but that was years ago.”

  “You come up with a better plan then.”

  “It’s a good plan and I’m going along with it. I just wasn’t prepared to be turned into a bull is all. Just tell me what you want to do,” Mitch said. “It’s getting dark, and it looks like there is a crowd starting to gather down there.”

  “Ok, just stand still and I’ll install the upgrade,” SoHee said, rising to her feet.

  Pounding drums filled the air before the gates of the great palace opened. Under torch light, a beaming King Prontus strode forward as the crowd cheered and hollered. Raising his hands in the air, he looked up to the night sky while a hush came over the audience.

  “My people, it is always an honor to stand before you on Ancestral day. To look out and see your hopeful faces ready to give thanks to those who gave us all that we have and prepare ourselves for another stunning year,” Prontus said.

  “We have so much to give thanks for and so much to look forward to in the coming year, therefore it is important that we take this day to make our special offering to the gods,” Prontus said after an enormous metal figure stepped to his side. “I am very proud to stand beside Master Brogun. Let us show him our gratitude for keeping Thylocene safe for all these years. Without the Masters watching over us, there is no telling what would have become of our great civilization. Praise for Master Brogun and the Emperor.”

  “Praise Master Brogun. Praise the Emperor,” the crowd called back.

  “Your Emperor hears your admiration, and he sends his love,” Master Brogun said. “I too am honored to stand here beside your King as a representative of the Emperor on this special day. It is true that we owe all that we have to our Ancestors. Without the ancient one’s we would not have the network linking us all, nor would we have our great and glorious Emperor to guide us through these difficult times. As we speak, the enemies of the Emperor plot to undo his will. But the people of Thylocene are not foolish enough to think they could possibly resist the Emperor’s great plan. Those that block the Emperor’s love from entering into their heart have chosen oblivion and they will be destroyed. Standing together with the Emperor means you favor truth and justice over darkness and evil. This is what the Ancestors wanted for us when they built the network at the dawn of the multi-verse.”

  “Yes, the ancestors wanted peace for us all. It is through peace that we prosper. And we have much to offer the gods in our prosperity. I am told that we have a special offering on this ancestral day. The rumor is that Surna herself, the goddess of the festival, presented our hunting party with a malwut perfect for this occasion. Bring it forth now and allow Master Brogun, our great protector, to give it his blessing.”

  The crowd parted as two priests wearing long white robes stepped forward, holding ropes attached to the malwut’s neck. The creature squealed and kicked while it was dragged forward, but a priest holding a long metal rod prodded it forward from behind.

  Coming to a stop before the King and Master Brogun, the priests did their best to hold the animal in place.

  “Master Brogun, would you do us the honor of blessing this creature before we offer it as tribute to the ancestors at the great Constronominum,” the King said, looking toward the imposing Master.

  “It is my great pleasure to stand before you wonderful servants of the Emperor and bless this creature in honor of the ancestors. I look up to the heavens, to the deep reaches of the multi-verse, and thank the gods themselves and our ancestors for providing us with all we have. By the power granted to me by our Emperor, I bless this creature.”

  “Let the procession begin,” the King shouted before the thundering drumbeat returned.

  Stepping in front of the malwut, a priest wearing a towering hat and a long robe held a torch high over his head while marching up the wide road. The crowd parted to let him pass and followed in behind after the malwut passed through a wide set of gates.

  Leading the march, the priest cried out prayers and praise in rhythm with the drums and the crowd chimed his calls in unison as the parade passed through the gates of the Constronominum. While the priests approached the altar, the crowd filed into the open circle, filling the area with a sea of moving bodies.

  Cutting through the procession, an open-decked vehicle bearing King Prontus and Master Brogun entered the stone circle. The crowd parted to let the two leaders pass, and a host of soldiers took up positions around the Constronominum while the priest holding the torch climbed the steps of the altar and raised his hands in the air.

  “Great people of Thylocene, we have gathered together on Ancestral day in this holy place, the Constronominum, to honor the great beings of the past that crossed the gateway from worlds beyond to seed this planet we call home with the life we hold so precious,” the priest said, gesturing toward the large stone towering overhead. “Let us close our eyes and pray together in silence and heap praise upon the ancestors for all they have blessed us with.”

  “Praise for the ancestors,” the crowd said before a deep hush fell over the Constronominum. Bowing their heads in prayer, the gathering of people stood still for several moments until a slow and steady drum beat broke the silence.

  “The ancestors hear our praise and their hearts are filled with joy, but no ancestral day is complete without an offering made on behalf of all of us,” the priest said while the malwut was dragged up the steps, squealing and kicking. “I am honored to ask Master Brogun if he would be willing to use his blade to let the blood of the malwut fill this altar and activate the stone.”

  “I am sure the great Master would be willing to lend his blade for this special occasion,” King Prontus said, turning to look at the hulking master.

  “My spear acts as the Emperor’s will. In using it to slay the malwut, we can say that the
Emperor has played his part in this special ceremony,” Master Brogun said before he stepped forward and pounded the butt of his spear into the ground.

  “Then it is settled,” the priest said. “Master Brogun, if you would join me at my side, I will clean your blade and bless it before we begin the ceremony.”

  “As you wish,” Master Brogun said, mounting the stairs. “I offer the Emperor’s blade in service to the ancestors.”

  “They are honored to have it,” the priest said before he pulled out a white cloth and wiped the blade clean. “Bless this blade and let it strike pure and clean. Allow the sacred blood to flow forth and open the gateway to the ancestors.”

  Handing the cloth off to an aid, the priest turned back to the crowd and raised his hands in the air again.

  “The blade has been blessed and prepared,” the priest said as his assistants held the malwut in place. “Master Brogun, the moment has come for you to strike. The malwut is waiting to return to the great pasture in the beyond.”

  “In the name of the Emperor I strike down this creature to honor the ancestors,” Master Brogun said before he stepped forward and thrust his spear down the throat of the unsuspecting animal.

  The crowd gasped in astonishment as the blood of the animal spilled forth from its neck after Master Brogun pulled out his spear. Stepping forward, Master Brogun raised his spear and sliced its throat, causing a great wave of plasma to spill down the staircase.

  The crowd gasped while the creature's life force flowed out of the large gash in its throat. Gathering at the base of the stairs, the blood pooled together into a whirling vortex. Pulsing and vibrating as it expanded, a green light emerged from the center of the swirling liquid, casting a glow upon the shocked spectators.

  “What is this madness?” Master Brogun shouted, watching the light grew stronger.

  “It is a message from the ancestors,” the priest shouted without looking away from the glowing mass rising into the sky.

  “Whatever it is, we cannot allow this spectacle to carry on any longer,” Master Brogun shouted after raising his spear. “We’re taking care of this before it gets out of hand.”


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