Book Read Free


Page 7

by Rachael Wade

  Veering to the right, I hustle away from the elevator and down the hallway to exit the ship. I slide on my sunglasses and pray Tanner doesn’t spot me. Even if he does, I don’t doubt he’ll give me space. He could’ve been his stubborn, persistent self and barged his way into my cabin last night, but he didn’t. He knows I really do need space this time.

  I’m about to start down the ramp when a steady, confident clacking of heels echoes behind me. Her voice stops me in my tracks and I can’t help but cringe at the way she says my name.

  “Oh, Miss Banks,” Jade sing-songs, “just where do you think you’re going?”

  I take a deep breath and turn to face her, forcing myself to hold my head high. Here she stands in a suit just as black as her hair, just as sharp as her tongue. A cream, frilly blouse peeks out from the jacket. Flirty, but still professional. Her lips are glossed to high heaven and the smoky effect she’s applied to her eyes is alluring. Once again, she’s fierce, and I’m feeling all shades of vulnerable as I stand before her in a see-through teal sundress that barely conceals my bikini.

  “On my way to shore to work on the first piece for the magazine,” I reply curtly.

  “Ah. I take it that’s a very covert way of saying you’re headed to my beach house to see my fiancé.” Her lips twist into a scowl and her eyes are chips of ice. I fight not to roll mine, because that’s exactly what she wants. She wants me to argue, wants me to struggle to defend myself. I won’t give her the satisfaction.

  “Nothing covert about it, Miss Simmons. I was planning on exploring the island. So, if you’ll excuse me…” I turn and resume my stride toward the ramp, but once again, she stops me.

  “Hold it.” She stalks up to me and retrieves her phone with one elegant swish of her wrist. “Carlos? Change in plans. I’m spending the afternoon on Alvita. See to it that my swimsuit and spare bag is delivered to the house. Yes. Right away.” She hangs up and bumps past me, strolling down the ramp. “Well?” She calls over her shoulder. “Are you coming or not, Miss Banks?”

  The irritation gets caught in my throat. I try to choke it down, but it’s no use. My tone is laced with impatience. “I really don’t have time to—”

  “You’re on my clock. You have all the time I say you have. I’m joining you, and that’s final.” She doesn’t turn around, doesn’t look back, just keeps a steady pace down the ramp. She knows she has me. She knows I’m a prisoner on this ship. A prisoner on this island.

  My knuckles clench at my side, gripping the straps of my tote bag, while my shoulders stiffen. I follow quietly, wondering for the thousandth time since I boarded how I’m going to get out of this mess. I won’t last one afternoon with Jade. There’s no way in hell I’ll last the remainder of this cruise. Tanner’s words from last night only intensify the pressure, pushing down on my shoulders so heavily that they’re on the verge of crushing and splintering into a thousand pieces.

  You don’t have to say it back. I just think you should know. I do.


  My shoulders are still tight as I sit perched on the edge of the sofa. Ready to run, ready to scream. Just as I’d feared, Jade brought me straight to the beach house. My fingers fidget on my lap and my heartbeat pounds frantically in my chest. A new kind of panic seizes me. It’s unfamiliar and downright dreadful. I do not want to be here with this woman. I do not want to be on this island. I don’t want to be here at all.

  Fuming, I stand to my feet.

  “I need to use the telephone, please,” I call out to Jade. She’s rummaging around in the bedroom, changing out of her work attire. I really don’t want to see this woman flaunt her perfect body in a swimsuit. But I get the impression that is exactly what she intends to do.

  “Use your cell phone.”

  “I can’t. My reception is terrible here.”

  “The landline isn’t much better. You’ll have to wait.”

  “The landline will work. It’s only shaky when it storms.”

  Jade goes quiet. The bedroom door swings open. She stands there in a bright red string bikini, as comfortable as ever. Maybe more so. Her scowl is wound tightly as she levels her gaze with mine. “Of course. You would know.”

  “Look, I just need ten minutes to make a phone call. After that, you’re free to continue…whatever it is you’re trying to do here.”

  Her chin lifts. “My goal isn’t simply to make you miserable, Miss Banks.” She takes a slow, careful, deliberate step toward me. Inch by inch, she gets closer to the living room sofa. Step by step, my skin prickles.

  I hold her stare. “Right.”

  “Mmmm.” She stops in front of me, peering down at my body as if she’s about to strike prey. “Not that seeing you squirm isn’t enjoyable. What I’m really after, though, is revenge. Naturally. What kind of woman would I be if I didn’t want revenge on my fiancé’s mistress?”

  “I’m only one of them,” I correct her, crossing my arms. “And you could be the bigger woman in all of this, if you really wanted to. Revenge is fickle and short-sighted.”

  Animosity crackles between us, her breath hot on my face. “Oh, but it feels damn good.”

  “Do you want me to do my job or not, Miss Simmons? If so, I need to make a phone call. Now.”

  She backs up slightly, but ignores my question. “You’re going to pay for meddling in my business. You’ll be lucky if you walk away with your career, much less your dignity when you leave this ship.” She laughs haughtily and turns for the patio doors. “You certainly won’t walk away with Tanner. But you’ll try, won’t you?” She swipes a towel from the edge of the dining room table and locks gazes with me once more. “You’re a masochist. It’s why you’re here, after all. Why else would a woman keep herself stranded at sea with an unavailable, soon-to-be married man?” Another pious laugh slips past her lips. “So very sad.”

  She disappears and I charge toward the phone. I pluck it up and pound at the numbers, wandering into the bedroom to plop on the bed. I close the door behind me first, making sure to lock it so the wicked witch doesn’t enter without permission. As soon as my head hits the pillows, I’m engulfed by Tanner’s scent. It surrounds me, seducing my senses so intensely I can’t think straight. Why did he have to go and drop a bomb on me last night? I want nothing more right now than to have my way with him.

  Jade’s right. Revenge does feel damn good.

  My call to Ted goes straight to voicemail. I try again and again, but still no luck. I take my frustration out on a pillow, beating it to a pulp. Once I’m somewhat satisfied, I pick up the phone again.

  “Anya?” Tanner answers right away, voice filled with concern. “How are you? Are you okay?”

  “How’d you know it was me?”

  “What century are you living in?” He chuckles lightly, and the sound is warm and husky, travelling straight to my toes. “There is this fantastic thing called Caller ID…”


  “I’m so happy to hear you’re at the beach house. Are you enjoying yourself?”

  “It could have been Jade calling you.”

  “I told you. She hates that house. She never spends time there.”

  “Well, she’s here now.”

  The line goes quiet for a moment. “Tell me what happened. I’m coming over there.”

  “No. Don’t.”

  “Anya, this has gone too far. All of it. I’m going to have her call Ted immediately. This has to stop.”

  “She’s not holding me hostage, Tanner.”

  “Isn’t she?”

  “I could walk out that door at any time.”

  “Why aren’t you?”

  The line goes quiet again.

  “Any word from Lana?” he asks.

  “Yes. She’s not having any luck. Apparently the Crown Jewel staff loves Jade, and there’s no dirt to dig up because she’s perfect—the perfect boss, running the perfect ship. I told Lana to forget the whole thing and to just write the piece and go the hell home.”

might be a smart idea.”

  “How about you? Any word on getting around the merger?”

  “I spoke to my lawyer this morning. There’s nothing to be done. The cost for backing out is too great. I’d lose everything.”

  “Not everything.”

  “No. Not everything.”

  “I better go.”

  “What? Wait, why?”

  “I’m trying to get a hold of Ted, and Jade is outside waiting for me.”

  “Why did you call me? Was there something you wanted to talk about?”

  “No. I just…wanted to hear your voice.” My eyes squeeze shut and I smack my forehead.

  “Where are you right now?”

  “I told you, at the beach house.”

  “I mean where in the beach house?”

  “In the bedroom.”

  “In the bed?”


  “What are you wearing?”

  “Tanner, stop.”

  “I’m coming over there.”

  “Your fiancée is here!”

  “For the hundredth time, please stop calling her that.”

  “That’s what she is!”

  “I’m hanging up, Anya. And when I get there, I’ll see to it you’re satisfied.”

  “What? No, no, no. That’s not why I called you.”

  “Yes it is,” he responds way too quickly. “What have I told you, Miss Banks? I’m only able to please you when you speak up. You just called me to come fuck you.”

  “You arrogant bastard!”

  “Why else would you call me from my bed? Don’t play innocent, baby.”

  “Um…to say hello?” A grin pops up, because he has me.

  His voice is closer now, stretching out to me through the receiver. A smooth, seductive lilt seizes his tone. “Liar.” The line clicks and he’s gone, leaving me a flustered mess. I drop the phone and eye the bedroom door, unable to help the smile that curls my lips. Jade is outside, and Tanner is on his way over to fuck me. In their bed. Since when did I become so brazen?

  I grab a pillow and cover my head, smothering my smile.

  If Jade wants to play with fire, then I’ll give her exactly what she wants. Screw being the bigger woman. To hell with holding back. She might be stomping all over my career, but I have something she wants—Tanner’s heart. She can deny it all she wants; she can pretend that all she cares about is this merger and her business, but I know the truth.

  She wants Tanner.

  Why else would she go to such extremes? She may be fierce and powerful, but she’s revealed her biggest flaw, a weakness that once exposed, can’t be hidden again. With this realization, I crawl out of bed and stroll for the bedroom door, the smile still lingering as I unlock it to step out and search for Jade.

  I wander to the patio doors and make my way outside onto the white sand. I find her swimming close to the shore, floating on her back as she soaks up the sun. The clear, teal water laps at her bronze skin, while oversized sunglasses cover her intimidating eyes. As I approach the shoreline, her head tilts slightly.

  “Well?” she calls out, glancing in my direction. “Are you going to get to work on the first feature, or not?”

  “Already working on it.”

  She lifts her sunglasses. “You know, you could just resign now and put an end to the humiliation. I’m sure there’s a fast food establishment in your area that would be happy to hire such a hardworking, accomplished candidate such as yourself.”

  “Why would I resign when you’ve offered me such a fantastic opportunity?” I place a hand on my hip and roll my head to the side, smiling brightly. “It’s going to take a lot more than this to get me to quit my job, Jade.”

  She squints beneath the sun as it glares over her, but I know the narrowing of her eyes is intentional. “We’ll see if you feel the same when Tanner walks me down the aisle. What then, Miss Banks? Will you continue to pine away over a man you can’t have? Surely, working for his wife will be punishment enough for someone so hellbent on inflicting self-torture.”

  “You know,” I laugh and glance to the left, out over the ocean’s horizon, admiring the Trident Voyager’s stoic presence as it looms in the distance, “I have to say, I’m looking forward to working for you. Being your bitch has its perks. Endless cruises in the Caribbean, gourmet dining, and I get to play mistress to boot. Hhhmm. Mistress,” I repeat, letting the word play on my tongue, “I’m kind of liking that new title. It’s growing on me.” I slide a glance in her direction and with a snap of my hip, turn and walk back into the house. I can’t contain the giggle that creeps up as I close the patio doors behind me. I inwardly rejoice at embracing this newfound spite and start for the bedroom. I hurry into the master bath to brush my teeth and freshen up, growing nervous. Tanner is on his way, and while I love the idea of getting underneath Jade’s skin, I really do have no clue how I’ll possibly be able to have sex with her fiancé while she’s in the next room. What is Tanner thinking? What am I thinking?

  I shake off the reflection, instead focusing on brushing my hair next. Once my breath is fresh and my locks are silky smooth, I slip out of my clothes and into Tanner’s bathrobe, then head back into the bedroom. Minutes pass as I wait.

  No sign of Tanner.

  I slide beneath the covers and pop open my laptop, opening a blank word document. I toss around some feature ideas, tapping away at the keyboard until my mind goes blank. I can’t concentrate. It’s too quiet. Glancing at the phone, I pick it up to try Ted once more. Once again, I’m sent straight to voicemail. I’m about to give up and take a nap, just to escape my restlessness, but I hear the front door open and close. I hop out of bed and hurry to the living room to meet Tanner, anxious to drag him away. All I want is some uninterrupted alone time—time away from Jade, time away from agonizing over this magazine feature.

  “What took you so long?” I say, rushing into the living room. My face pales.

  “My, my,” Margaret sneers at me, eyeing her son’s bathrobe, “this feels terribly familiar.”

  I tighten the belt of the robe, glancing nervously toward the patio doors. “Mrs. Christensen. Good to see you again.”

  “How I wish I could say the same, dear. Please tell me where to find my son. Is he here?”

  “He’s on the ship. I believe he’s on his way here.”

  “Hhhmm. Well, I suppose I have no choice but to wait.” She trots over to the sofa and sits down, plucking a magazine from the coffee table. “Carry on with…whatever it is you’re doing here.”

  “I’m working, actually. Well, trying to. I’ve been hired by Simmons International to write exclusively for the Trident Voyager and Crown Jewel.”

  Margaret snaps the magazine shut and looks up at me. “By Jade? Oh for heaven’s sake, is she here?” She grins widely and stands to her feet, nearly knocking me over with her enthusiasm.

  “Yes, she is. She’s outside.” I point half-heartedly to the patio doors. Margaret’s two steps ahead of me. She’s already leaping for them, peeking outside in hopes of catching a glimpse of her soon-to-be daughter-in-law.

  Jade is drying off with a towel, approaching the doors as Margaret goes barreling in her direction. “Jade, darling! You’re here!”

  Jade’s face lights up, and the faux radiance is sickening. They air kiss one another and Margaret tugs Jade inside, leading her inside to the sofa. “I didn’t know you were on the island, Margaret. When did you get in?”

  “Oh, just flew in about an hour ago. I decided to come aboard for this sailing, too. I have some business to attend to in Nassau, and I do love the Bahamas this time of year, as you know. I can’t seem to stay away.”

  “Oh, it’s far too touristy for me. The market is just horrid!” They launch into chatter about hired help, unnecessary tips, and wedding gowns, and I slink away, moving back toward the bedroom.

  “Miss Banks,” Jade stops me, catching me from the corner of her eye, “I see you’ve met Margaret?”

  “Yes. I have.” I
crack a smile.

  Margaret’s gaze shuffles between Jade and me. “I didn’t realize you two were acquainted.”

  Jade’s smile is blinding. “Miss Banks is working for Tanner and me now.”

  Margaret flits her finger between us. “You, working for Simmons International? Oh, well…how lovely.”

  “Isn’t it?” Jade gaily claps her hands. “I’ve hired Anya to write exclusively for our ships. She’s a writer for Four Corners Elite magazine. We’re very excited about the partnership.”

  “Yes,” I reply half-heartedly, “very.”

  Jade’s tone jumps gears. “So, Miss Banks, what are your plans for the day?”

  “Plans? I uh…I have a feature to write,” I bump the corner of the coffee table, “so, I’d better get busy.”

  “Don’t be silly.” She grins sweetly, and Margaret watches the interaction curiously. “The feature can wait. You can work after lunch. I’ll arrange for the car to pick us up and take us all into town. This will give you the opportunity to get to know Margaret personally. I think the piece would greatly benefit from getting to know our family. After all, this is a family business, and we take pride in that, don’t we, Margaret?”

  “I’m afraid I’m already running behind on the outline.” My eyes dart between both women, who are both looking down at me like I’m gum stuck to their shoe. “I really should stay behind and work. But I do appreciate the offer.”

  “That’s okay, we understand,” Margaret says. “We can chat and get to know one another later. We don’t want to pull from your valuable writing time, Miss Banks.”

  Jade looks mildly disappointed, but decides to give in. “Yes, I suppose that’s right,” she says. “I’d hate to get in the way of you producing a quality piece. I’ll just slip into the bedroom and change.” She gently taps Margaret’s shoulder. “I’ll be ready in just a moment.”

  “Certainly, dear.”

  Jade breezes past me and I take the opportunity to zip around the sofa toward the kitchen, but Margaret is just as fast. As soon as Jade is out of sight, she grasps my elbow and brings me to a dead stop. “Hold it.”


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