Book Read Free


Page 9

by Rachael Wade

  My fingers deftly undo the top of my blouse, exposing my breasts. His blue eyes burn, leaving sparks in their wake as they travel south to feast on my bare skin. He digs at my hips and pivots his waist, bringing his cock tightly against me, pumping his fist back and forth. He’s working himself into a fury, and I can’t help but rock to match his rhythm, my energy fueled by the mixing of our breaths.

  “Don’t move.” He grabs my hip and presses down firmly, pinning me to the counter. My hips buck in protest, but give into his direction, reveling in the control he’s wielding. “I want to see the struggle.”

  I whimper as the ridge of his cock brushes against me, eyes flicking up to beg him for motion. But he’s determined, and there’s no changing his mind. “Please. I need to feel you.”

  “Not yet. I’m going to take good care of you, baby. You’ve told me how to please you.” He rocks forward and meets my gaze. “Patience.” He runs a finger over his glistening tip, then brings it to my lips, rubbing it along my bottom lip to give me a taste. There isn’t a bone in my body that isn’t trembling against his touch.

  I nod and let my eyes drift shut.

  He treats himself to a few more brisk pumps. “Move. Now, baby. Let me see it.”

  I don’t question him, just resume the rhythm of my hips, meeting his thrusts as he cups his hand over my quivering lips. “Please. Let me come.” My voice is muffled against his palm, but he understands me.

  “Not yet.”


  “No. Watch me.”

  His palm clamps down harder against my mouth and he ungulates against me, increasing the speed and intensity to the point of pain. I welcome the sharp stabs against my skin, allowing my cries to explode against him. He comes hard and fast, his wet, hot warmth spraying and coating my silky skin. He slides his thumb into my mouth and my eyes roll downward to enjoy the sight. It filters through me, reaching deeply and dragging me in, until the sensation is too much. I can’t look away, and I don’t want to. My nostrils flare as heavy breaths push through them. My teeth dig into his thumb and I relish the bite, drawing on its outlet to release the tension.

  “Do you see?” Tanner breathes, lazily removing his thumb from my mouth. “The high the visual brings?”


  He grasps my waist and swings me around, bending me over the counter. My cheek smashes against the cabinet as he positions himself behind me. “You’re soaking wet, aren’t you, Anya?” His hand wraps around and skims down my torso, delving into my panties. I gasp when his fingers make contact with their target. He delivers a sharp bite to my shoulder as he rolls his hips to enter me. “See, baby? Patience.”

  He’s still rock hard, ready for another round, and my body welcomes his warmth immediately. My hands come up, meeting the cabinet beside my head. I’m thankful for the traction, because the pace Tanner sets is so strong, it has the potential to knock me off my feet. A cream and sugar tray knocks around near my waist. The set of luxurious china shakes beside the coffee pot. Somewhere above me, an adjacent cabinet door squeaks and bangs as Tanner smashes against me. The jet glides graciously in the air as Tanner owns me, marking me as he’s marked his ship and its legacy. But this serving area is a volcano, erupting all around us.

  Tanner’s fingers squeeze the curve of my ass and he groans, surging forward, mixing his warmth and my slickness. He knows just what to do, knows how to move, and in this moment, I couldn’t be more grateful for his experience. It doesn’t matter that he played. It doesn’t matter who or what came before me, because right now, he’s all mine. And if I stick this out, if I give him a chance, maybe it’ll be worthwhile. Maybe he can show me something different.

  Maybe I can give him something different.

  Tanner finishes on a long shout and I come with him, panting against the cabinet door. He sags against my back, bringing us both down. We slump there on the counter top, limb matching limb, breath mirroring breath.

  “Well?” He huffs, lifting himself up and off my back.

  “Well, what?”

  “What’s your impression of flying on my private jet now?” He straightens himself and adjusts his tie, reaching for his fly, next.

  I rise from the countertop and pivot my hip. “I’ve had better service.”

  His baby blues widen and he pinches my ass. “This is top notch hospitality, Miss Banks. I’m insulted.” I grin and begin buttoning my blouse, lazily swinging around to face him. He puckers his lips and falls forward, letting his hands drop at my sides, along the edge of the counter. “Perhaps I’ll leave you to swim home.”

  “Hey. Not nice.”

  “Kiss me.”

  “Is that an order?”

  “You know you want it, come on.” He taps his mouth, waiting.

  I smile slyly, shifting to the left as if I’m going to veer around and deny him, then quickly bounce up to peck him on the lips. Just as my mouth meets his, he encases me in his arms and tightens his hold on me, grabbing the back of my neck and running his thumb along the bottom of my earlobe. He presses me against him and kisses the living breath out of me, sliding his tongue against mine.

  He speaks against my lips. “Join me for some champagne?”

  “What is it we’re celebrating, exactly?” I look up at him with a frown, thinking of at least ten reasons we shouldn’t be celebrating. Like the fact that when we land, all of this goes away. The passion, the freedom, the heady sensation that comes with being alone, separate from the storm we left behind on Trident Voyager.

  “Me and you. And if that isn’t enough, we’re celebrating what awaits us when we land.”

  “Are you going to give me a hint?”

  “You know me better than that by now, Anya. I’ll never forfeit my love for the element of surprise.”

  “Fine.” I lightly tip my forehead to the bottom of his chin and wiggle around him, closing his hand in mine to lead him out of the serving area and back into the main cabin. He follows, and we settle back into our seats, sipping on champagne and basking in the afterglow of our tryst until the pilot informs us that we’re beginning our descent. I peek out the window, doing my best to snoop, but my investigative search does me no good. All I see is more turquoise water and miles of white sand.

  “Now for the fun part.” Tanner leans over, retrieving something from his pocket.

  “There’s more?”

  “I know.” He brushes my cheek with a smug grin. “This was pretty fun. But yes, baby. There’s much more. Here. Close your eyes.” He lifts a navy blindfold, holding it in front of me.

  “Do I have to wear it?”

  “Yes. Close your eyes. You’ll thank me soon enough.”

  A ripple of excitement tugs at my belly and I squirm in my seat, clasping my hands together like a giddy school girl. I shut my eyes and let him blindfold me, my stomach lurching when I feel the plane land.

  I’m quickly whisked off the jet and am directed outside into the hot sun. Tanner thanks the pilot and greets another man, guiding me into a car of some sort. Fifteen agonizing minutes later I’m escorted out of the car and into a cool, busy building. A lobby of some sort. The clack of heels surrounds me and the ding of an elevator chimes somewhere to my right.

  “Are we almost there?”

  “Patience, baby.”

  “Please let me take this thing off.”

  “Don’t challenge me, Anya. You won’t win.”

  “I’m too excited. I can’t stand it.”

  “We’re almost there. I promise.”

  After one final protest, I give in and let Tanner lead me up a flight of stairs. Tanner fiddles with something—a lock on a door, I think—and then I’m met with an overwhelming squeal of excitement.

  I’d recognize that squeal anywhere.

  Tanner quickly peels the blindfold from me and Lana barrels toward me, wrapping me in a huge hug. “You’re heeeeere!” Her voice nearly bursts my eardrums, and I immediately shriek as our bodies collide.

  “Lana! Oh my
God! What are you doing here? Wait, where is here?” I turn to Tanner in question, my eyes still adjusting to the brightness.

  “Welcome to Aruba, baby.” He kisses my forehead and strolls across the hotel room to the bar to bring me more champagne. Lana has already claimed the area. There are empty margarita glasses, sweets, and bread—so much bread—everywhere.


  Lana shimmies and squeezes my shoulders, her smile wide and devious. “Seriously. See? It pays to canoodle with a cruise ship owner, babe.”

  “Tanner, I can’t believe you—how did you set this up?”

  “Easily.” He smiles in satisfaction, casually draping his arm around my waist. He sips his champagne and watches in delight as Lana squeezes me to death. It doesn’t matter that she’s smothering me. He’s not letting me go. I feel like a rag doll being tugged in two different directions.

  “It gets better, girl!” Lana releases me and spins around. “Come on out, love! She’s here!”

  Brie peeks around the corner and her face lights up. She springs toward me and tackles me, and the three of us fall into a fit of laughter.

  Tanner chuckles. “I figured you could use some girl time. Aruba is within reasonable distance.”

  “Aren’t you working aboard the Crown Jewel?” I ask Lana, locking arms with Brie.

  “Yep. But when we docked, Tanner called and insisted we meet up. He even flew Brie in. Just like that!” She snaps her fingers and Brie grins cheekily, leaning up to peck Tanner on the cheek.

  “Thank you so much, Mr. Christensen,” she laughs, clapping her hands.

  “Please. Tanner.” He gently touches her shoulder and his eyes smolder as he assesses me. I must be lit up like a Christmas tree, because the energy in the room is contagious. I can’t believe he’s done this. Most of all, I can’t believe he’s done this in the midst of everything going down back on Trident Voyager. Jade will no doubt have his head for this one.

  I choke on my words, the emotion causing them to snag in my throat. “I don’t know what to say.”

  Tanner brushes the hair back from my face. “It was the least I could do for stranding you on a cruise ship with Jade Simmons and immersing you in this mess.”

  “Girl, just say thank you!” Lana laughs, pulling me from Tanner’s hold. “And hurry up and change into something sexy. We’re going out!”

  “But I don’t have anything else to wear.” I stumble in her wake as she drags me into the bedroom. Brie is on our trail, hopping behind us like a bunny on a sugar high.

  “You have plenty, courtesy of Tanner. Look!” She stops short in front of the bedroom closet and swings open the doors, revealing a lavish wardrobe. Lana slides the garments on the rack, one by one, showcasing the goods. Everything from formal wear and bright, colorful sundresses line the closet, complete with dinner jackets and chic scarves.

  I gawk at the selection. “Tanner…oh my God. How did you set this up on such short notice?”

  “It was nothing, baby. Go on. Take your pick. I’ll leave you ladies to it. Meet you in the lobby in thirty minutes?”

  “Yes, sir!” Lana salutes him and goes straight to work, thumbing through the clothes. “We’ll have her ready. See you down there.”

  He leans in and presses his lips to my temple, speaking softly. “Choose the red one.” He gestures to the flash of red stashed between two formal gowns. “You’re stunning in red.”

  I melt into his touch and shrug, more than willing to take him up on his offer. “Sure. Okay!”

  He bids us farewell and exits the hotel room, leaving us in a fit of laughter. I’m so bowled over by the gesture, the trip, Lana and Brie’s presence—all of it. All I can manage is a radiant smile and incoherent sentences.

  I step up to the wardrobe selection and reach for the red halter sundress. It flares out just above the knee and boasts a sweetheart neckline. Its retro vibe is fun and fresh and perfect for this time of day. It’s too early for any of the formal wear. Besides, Tanner picked it, and all I want in this moment is to look just as vibrant as he makes me feel. I’m ready for Aruba. I’m ready to be free. Free with Tanner.

  Ready for paradise.


  “Holy biscuits smothered in gravy.” Brie’s eyes light up like she’s just discovered a new world wonder. In her mind, I guess she kind of has uncovered one. The hotel lobby is lined with buffet tables, and Lana is already beating her to the line, plate and napkin in hand. “Aruba’s gorgeous and all, but I swear this is the most beautiful sight I’ve seen since I landed.” I giggle, pushing her forward. She tumbles into Lana and grabs a plate, wasting no time digging in.

  Tanner watches from the entrance, leaning casually near the doorway. When he spots me from across the lobby, he makes his move, striding confidently and determinedly in my direction. “You chose the red one.”

  “I did.”

  His eyes drop then travel back up, a pleased grin spreading his lips. “Beautiful, Miss Banks.”

  “Thank you. I love it.”

  He twirls his finger in the air, gesturing for me to give him a little spin. I oblige, watching as the dress fans around me. “Very nice, indeed. My work of art.” He takes another second to admire his masterpiece, then glances over at the buffet table. “I was hoping we’d make it past the lobby and out of the main doors before they began serving. Now I’m afraid there will be no getting us out of here.”

  “Not until Lana and Brie wear out their welcome,” I laugh, eyeing my crazy friends as they attack the dessert section. “This place certainly goes all out. I’m impressed. Dinner is included in the stay?”

  “Yes. This is the hotel’s tradition. Instead of a typical breakfast buffet, they choose to serve everyone dinner, instead. They like to make it an occasion—an event of sorts. The idea is to create an intimate, family-centric environment that encourages guests to mix and mingle.”

  “Ah, okay. I really like that idea.”

  “I do, too. The owner is much more interested in creating opportunities for guests to get to know one another on a personal level, to help establish long-term acquaintances—which almost always equal repeat business—than simply throwing everyone in the same room for a meal and rushing them out.”

  “Wow, listen to you. Maybe it’s time you invest in the hotel business as well.” I wink and touch his arm, falling victim to his magnetic charisma. It’s no doubt the same pull that’s lured so many women before me into his web.

  “I’m already invested by association.”

  “Wait. Don’t tell me. Jade?” I’m tempted to roll my eyes like an annoyed teenage girl but hold back. I can’t deny that the woman’s success is admirable, even if it is manipulative and cutthroat.

  “No. My mother.”

  My brows rise. “This is your mother’s hotel?”

  “One of them, yes. She owns a few others in the West Indies. They’re her pride and joy.”

  “I thought the Trident Voyager was her pride and joy.”

  “My ship is an obligation. A project she’s obsessed with finishing. In her eyes, it will never quite be complete. There’s no pulling her away from the Voyager. Now or ever. But these hotels are what distinguish her from the other trophy wives in her social realm. My father was a cheater. His actions ostracized her—publically and shamefully. When he died, she became even more of an outcast. But her hotels did well. Very well. She took pride in their success and threw herself into work, dedicated her life to managing them.”

  “I’m noticing a trend here.”

  There’s a glint in Tanner’s eyes as he watches me, waiting for me to share my observation. “Enlighten me.”

  “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but there’s a strong work-a-holic streak in your family.” I smile playfully, intent on lightening the mood. Tanner’s earnest tone and the brooding, pensive expression that’s seized his features tell me I have my work cut out for me.

  “I’ve most definitely noticed.”

  I tap his shoulder good natu
redly and tip my chin in Lana and Brie’s direction. “Shall we attempt to pry them away?”

  Tanner’s face lightens and the tension around his lips drifts away like a cloud. “We can try, but I admit I don’t have much confidence in the mission.” He offers me his arm like the suave gentleman he is and I accept, allowing him to lead us toward the buffet.

  After some persistent poking and prodding, we manage to steer Lana and Brie away from the food and out the lobby doors. Their cheeks are stuffed and their hands are sticky with pastry residue as they duck into the town car Tanner’s called for us.

  Lana wipes her hands on a napkin and runs her tongue over her teeth. “Okay. So. Where to, Tanner? Are you going to tell us where your butler is taking us?”

  I snort next to Tanner. “Lan, Tanner doesn’t have a butler. And butlers don’t drive.”

  Tanner shifts next to me and clears his throat.

  “Oh my God.” My eyes roll toward him. “You have a butler?”

  “Not on the Voyager, no.” He looks out the window, avoiding my questioning gaze. “And sometimes they drive. It depends on their duties.”

  Lana laughs, and it’s a loud, in-your-face laugh. “Let me guess. His name is Jeeves.”

  Tanner slowly swings his gaze forward. “Jeeves? What kind of name is Jeeves?”

  “It’s a butler name.” She lifts her chin and snaps her fingers to the left, then to the right, giving us her best snooty expression. “Take me to the barber shop at once, Jeeves!”

  My eyes narrow. “Wait. Aren’t chauffeurs supposed to drive?”

  “Okay,” Tanner puffs out his chest and fiddles with his tie, “how about we change the subject. Would you ladies really like to know where we’re going?”

  Brie pops her gum. Lana slumps back into the seat like a teacher just told her she has to sit out recess.

  “Yes,” I say, snuggling closer to Tanner. “Tell us.”

  “I thought women loved surprises.”

  “Don’t tease us, Mr. Christensen. If you said you’d tell us, then tell us!”

  “Very well.” He kisses my hair and gestures over my shoulder, out the window. “See for yourselves.” We all look, searching for whatever it is Tanner’s pointing at, but there’s nothing but rows and rows of colorful, charming shops and endless sidewalks.


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