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Paradise Forgotten Trilogy

Page 3

by Mackenzie Morris

  Troy has been flittering around talking with every person he can about everything from politics to space travel and even his new favorite video game. And all of this time, Zodiac is forced to remain silent and obedient even though he entertains himself by coming up with creative ways to get revenge on Troy for putting him through this again. The only upside? Troy has to wear tights too.

  Just when Zodiac is about to snap because of the awful harp music that all sounds the same, he spots someone following a man with her head down respectfully just like Troy makes Zodiac do when they're in public. Is she a slave as well? She's beautiful. Her waist-length hair is wavy and a color that he can't exactly make out. Without white or black hair, she can't be a Nymph.

  "Zodiac?" Troy breaks off his conversation then smiles as he notices he's watching someone. "Oh? Are you checking out that android slave?"

  "She's an android?"

  "Yes. Her name is Nyx. She belongs to the headmaster of the wealthiest craft guild in Athens."

  "Nyx . . . beautiful."

  Troy laughs and pulls Zodiac along behind him. "You okay?"

  He can't stop trying to sneak a peek at her. "I think so. Yeah."

  "Want me to ask her owner if you can talk to her?"

  "No. No, no, no. I could never speak to her."

  "Why not?" Troy asks.

  Absolutely not. "No. Just no."

  "Fine. Never say I didn't try to hook you up with a woman."

  He has to know one thing, though. "What is the color of her hair?"


  "Oh. Maybe I'll be able to see that color someday."

  In the back of the room beside the fountain stand two men with elaborate masks carrying on what appears to be a very candid conversation. The first thing that draws Zodiac's attention to them is the large wings on their backs. The second thing is the ever-growing group of women exclaiming joyfully at the man with the dark skin and wings that Zodiac can barely make out as being the color gold. They are all over him, asking him questions and running their hands up his arms. He doesn't seem to mind, though and continues drinking his wine.

  Troy, never one to miss out on meeting someone interesting, goes up to them and smiles his always flashy smile. "Well met! I am Sir Troy Adonis, Royal Knight. And this is my best friend and android Zodiac Cunningham. It's a pleasure to meet you two fine gentlemen."

  The one with the white wings smiles and gives a short bow. "My name is Uriel and this lady magnet is Gabriel."

  He looks up and raises an eyebrow as he holds onto two women at one time. "Hello. It seems they like the way I look."

  "Most Nymphs have never seen anyone with dark skin so you are a rarity." Troy says. "Do you mind me asking where you're from?"

  Uriel sets down his empty martini glass and eats the olives off of the toothpick. "Not at all. We are both originally from Earth, but there's nothing there anymore. That was an ordeal to live through. So we've been working on some nanobot research on different IGR planets."

  Troy eyes them curiously. "You two look very young to have been from Earth."

  "We get that a lot."

  "Well, nice costumes. Are you two supposed to be angels like your names?"

  The two men look at each other and laugh. Gabriel sighs and strokes the long hair of the Nymph woman in his arms. "How soon history is forgotten. I'm amazed no one here has recognized us."

  "We are wearing masks." Uriel says.

  "True, but I would have thought the wings would be a dead giveaway. I was kind of looking forward to be the celebrated heroes returning after so long away, but this is just a big letdown."

  Uriel picks up another martini from the table and drinks it all. "Well, to quote one of our dearly departed friends, C'est la vie."

  "Ah, yes. Qu'il repose en paix. May he rest in peace." Gabriel smiles at Zodiac. "So do you speak French, Zodiac?"

  So now they're talking directly to him? Most people at these parties just ignore him. "Uh . . . what?"

  "French. It's a language. Do you speak it?"

  "No. I've never heard of it. Should I speak it?"

  "If you knew anything about your family, you would be fluent." Gabriel says.

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Never mind. Forget it. I've been drinking too much."

  Zodiac turns around when someone taps him on his shoulder. The blonde man is muscular and his light eyes behind his black mask catch Zodiac off guard. Another human? "Can I help you?"

  "Forgive me. I couldn't help but come over here and say hello. Your name wouldn't happen to be Zodiac, would it?"

  "Yes, that's my name. Why?"

  "I . . . I uh . . . I have an interest in androids." The man says nervously. "I had heard that you were an android so I wanted to see one in person. You've grown up to be such a handsome man. I'm sure your parents are so proud of who you've become."

  Troy abruptly turns around and roughly pushes the man away. "Get back. He belongs to me."

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean him any harm."

  "Don't touch him." Troy insists. "No one touches my android without my permission. It's against the law for you to do so. I strongly suggest that you go somewhere else before I call the guards over here."

  "I only wanted to speak with your android."

  "I don't like shady characters poking around my extremely valuable possessions."

  "Possession?" The man crosses his arms. "Do you really treat him like a slave, Troy?"

  "How dare you address me in such a common way? I am a Royal Knight. You will address me properly, peasant!"

  The man only shakes his head and laughs as he turns away from them. "Zodiac, when you're ready to get away from this asshole, come find me at the tavern."

  "That's it." Troy storms up to the man and draws his gladius. "You do not insult me, knave. Guards, arrest this man."

  "You don't want to do that." The man warns.

  "And why not? Are you threatening me?"

  "Oh, Troy. You really don't know who you are dealing with. I've killed hundreds of people who had more skill with a sword than you. You're just a kid. If you can't use the one between your legs, then you're not man enough to wield the one in your hand." Troy swings at him, but the man reaches up and grabs the blade then throws him over his shoulder where he crashes to the floor and people scream. The man pins him down with his heavy boot on Troy's chest. "Don't mess with me, boy. I don't like being bossed around by pretentious nobles who think they're better than everyone else. I thought that you would have grown up to be better than the others, but it seems like once you're born into snobbery, you become a judgmental prick."

  The guards in power armor surround the man and secure him in handcuffs then pull him out of the room. A couple stay behind to help the visibly embarrassed Troy to his feet and hand him his gladius.

  "Thank you." Troy sheathes his gladius on his hip and runs his hand through his spiky hair. "Make sure that man is punished for his insolence."

  "Will do, Sir."

  "And I want his name." Troy calls after them.

  "We will find out everything as soon as we get him into the dungeon. We will break him and make him talk."

  Zodiac is still in complete shock over the fact that someone actually said those things to Troy. Not only that, but the man physically assaulted him. That simply doesn't happen to nobles like Troy. His thoughts are soon interrupted as everyone around him bows and all the gossiping stops. Then from across the room, he sees why. The queen is among them. He bows as well as he joins Troy's side and stands to his right and slightly behind him as he is technically supposed to.

  The tall, slender, soft-featured Nymph woman with long braids and Narcissus flowers woven into her white gleaming hair makes her way across the white marble floor towards them as her handmaidens hold up the train of her flowing blue gown. She stops in front of Troy and holds out her hand to him. "Will my knight accompany me out to the gardens? I fear I need a breath of fresh air."

  Troy bows again and gently kiss
es the back of her hand before snapping his fingers for Zodiac to follow him and going through the crowds of people and through the large glass doors to the balcony.

  Zodiac obeys like a good little slave. It's a bit sickening to him, actually, to be commanded like that, but what can he do? They're in the presence of the queen. He'll just have to get back at Troy later for that one. He follows them across the balcony to the small alcove surrounded by blossoming dogwood trees. The night is quiet as a cool breeze sends the leaves of the cherry trees rustling on the other side of the sparkling stream and thousands of cherry blossoms glide on the wind to land in the water.

  The queen sighs as she leans against the balcony railing and waits for Troy to return with two glasses of wine and shut the doors behind them before speaking. "You should learn to be slower to anger, Troy."

  He joins her side and hands her one of the glasses. "Forgive me. I don't take well to people messing with Zodiac."

  "Sometimes mercy is the best course of action when dealing with strangers."

  "You are absolutely right, Your Majesty."

  "You are just like your father." She shakes her head and sips her wine. "That's why he never joined the Royal Knights, though. Apollo thought that his anger could be better put to use as a guard where he could apprehend criminals. But you have chosen the most chivalric and gentlest form of service. Don't forget that you must embody all of the virtues that have been handed down for ages as guidelines for my knights."

  Troy holds his hand over his heart. "Duty, honor, compassion, poise, dignity, and mercy."

  "Precisely. All of those virtues hold the same value. Remember this. Duty and honor are barbaric without the dignity and mercy to keep them in balance."

  "Yes, Your Majesty."

  The queen picks up a cherry blossom that has landed on the railing next to her and holds it in the palm of her hand. "Now to the reason I need to speak with you. I fear for my life."

  "Your life? Well, I will protect you." Troy says with newfound courage in his voice. "The other nineteen knights and I are here to ensure that nothing happens to you, Your Majesty."

  "Yes, well . . . while I do not doubt the loyalty of my knights, I do doubt the loyalty of others."

  "Your Majesty?"

  "As you know, the knights are my personal guards and the most prestigious military division." She says. "You have been chosen to be one of my knights because of your talents and a steady head on your shoulders, not only because you are my sister's son. However, blood ties are good for some things. You are very young still, but I have great plans for you, Troy. I have been married to Menelaus for close to twenty-five years, ever since our dear King Augustus perished tragically from the plague. There is one thing we cannot fulfill and that is the security of my great bloodline. In short, I cannot have children. Because we cannot produce an heir, we must delegate this responsibility to the next closest relative of noble blood. The future king of Olympus will without a doubt be you, Troy, should you choose to accept the throne."

  Troy takes a step back as the abrupt confusion reflects on his face. "I . . . I don't know what to say, Your Majesty."

  "I was hoping you would graciously accept."

  "Yes. I will. I will."

  "That is comforting to hear, my dearest nephew." She places the tiny flower into his hand and smiles. "However, we must keep this agreement a secret." She turns to look at Zodiac. "Android?"

  Uh . . . now the queen herself is speaking to him? Zodiac's heart begins to race in his chest as he looks to Troy for instructions, but he doesn't receive any. Here goes nothing. "Yes, Your Majesty?"

  "I entrust Troy's safety to your hands. Will you keep our secret safe from those who would attempt to harm my chosen heir and our future king?"

  "I will do anything for Troy, Your Majesty." Zodiac says and he means it wholeheartedly.

  "You do not call him Master?" The queen asks. "Interesting. But I see that you mean no harm by that. You are loyal and harbor no ill intentions towards him. You are a good slave. I can tell that much. You have trained him well, Troy. He seems to be respectable enough. When will you breed him?"

  Troy chokes on his wine and sets the glass on the balcony railing. "I . . . I'm not going to breed him."

  "Why not? Come to me, android."

  He goes up to her as he starts to completely panic now.

  The queen's soft hands touch Zodiac's face as she looks him over closely and smoothes his hair. "I'm sure he would love to have a mate. There are three android females on Olympus. Surely one of them will be a pleasing mate for him. All he has to do is take his pick and they will have to comply to his wishes. We passed a law for the insurance of female android compliance in breeding. How does that sound to you?"

  "I will leave that decision up to Zodiac." Troy says as he finishes his wine.

  "Suit yourself. But don't forget about your own duty to our people, Troy. You must father a child in the next two years. Have you found a suitable mate for yourself, one with favorable traits?"

  "No, not yet."

  "Don't let us down." She says.

  "I won't. I swear I won't, Your Majesty."

  "Very well."

  A guard opens the door and calls out to them. "Your Majesty, the king wishes to address everyone inside."

  "So be it. Let us hear what Menelaus has to tell us all." She watches the guard go back inside then grabs tightly onto Troy's arm and whispers to him. "If things go poorly here, know this. My bedroom has six windows and each of those windows holds the rays of the sun. Where shadows are eternal, only pure blood can unlock our secrets."

  Troy shakes his head as the queen walks past him. "What?"

  "You heard me. Now be silent. We are needed inside."

  * * *

  The crowds go silent as King Menelaus in his long purple robes steps forward beside the queen and raises his hands. "Today, I have the immense pleasure of shattering all of the preconceived notions of Nymph false entitlement and clouded superiority in this galaxy. Nymphs have for far too long relied on coercion and hidden atrocities to control everyone else. You hide behind those covert actions underneath a veil of purity and aesthetic beauty. Well, today that veil is torn away to reveal the true face of Olympus." He holds up his arms and pushes back the sleeve of his robe to reveal a watch on his wrist. As he presses some buttons, his body begins to flicker and change until the person standing there is a completely different man. He's not even a Nymph.

  Gasps and frantic whispers fill the room as the guards move in closer to surround the crowd of people. Troy grabs Zodiac's wrist. "What is going on?"

  Before Zodiac can offer any kind of speculative explanation, the man begins speaking again. "My name is Vladimir Evans and this planet now belongs to me and my one true and chosen heir, my son."

  A thin black-haired man with deep purple eyes and pale skin steps out from behind the banners embroidered with the Nymph symbol and joins his side.

  Evans places his bony hand on the man's shoulder. "I present to you the future king of Olympus, Prince Blice McSage." He grins darkly and draws a Colt .45 revolver from his robe. "He will be a great leader for all of the Milky Way Galaxy and our colonies in the Andromeda Galaxy. Welcome to the Imperial Galactic Reich." Evans turns to the queen and without warning, unleashes a single shot directly into her skull.

  Troy runs to her as she falls and catches her in his arms as her blood splatters on his tunic and onto the marble floor below her. "No! How could you?"

  "She had to be executed. It's that simple." Evans says coldly.

  "Murderer!" Troy screams as the tears fill his eyes.

  "No. I only did what was best for Olympus. She was a spy seeking to destroy all of us. I am still one of you and everything I do, I do for you. If you have a problem with my decisions, then I will have you arrested."

  Troy lays the bleeding woman on the floor and leans over her, placing his mouth against hers in an attempt to resuscitate her. When it doesn't work, he looks up and pleads with everyon
e. "Help me! She's not breathing. I can't stop the bleeding on my own. Do something!"

  No one moves to help. They watch in defeated silence as Vladimir Evans chuckles and fires two more shots directly into the queen's chest. "That's enough of that, Troy. You and all other Royal Knights are to report immediately to the palace for your deployment orders."

  Troy shakily stands as he still stares down at his aunt and her bright red blood is smeared across his clothes and his arms. "Deployment?"

  "You are being sent to put down the riots that will inevitably result from this news. The normal guards will remain here. Go wash that traitor's blood off of you and change into your armor. I will have your father make sure you don't run off to be a deserter. Even nobles make hasty decisions they later regret when they are overcome by grief. But grieve not, young knight. You will have a grander purpose under the leadership of the IGR."


  Zodiac unties the ribbon from underneath his hair and tosses the black masquerade mask onto the table in Apollo's house. While Troy is getting a shower to remove Queen Helen's blood from his arms, chest, and face, Apollo is making tea silently as if he already knows everything that has happened. Troy had been stoic and detached from the events until they got to the house where he fell to his knees in the doorway and was hysterically crying until his mother helped him upstairs to get cleaned up. In all eighteen years of his life, Zodiac has known Troy and this is the very first time he's reacted that way towards anything. Even when they were little children, Troy was the one who wouldn't throw a fit about anything. It scares Zodiac to see this abrupt change in his dearest and only friend.

  Troy's mother comes back downstairs and sets Troy's gladius on the table. "Don't look so worried, Zodiac. Troy will be okay. I gave him some of his brother's anxiety medicine to help calm him down. He told me everything. My sister knew what was going to happen. She contacted me a week ago to say goodbye. I just don't know how this could have happened. She didn't want anyone to prevent it, not that anyone could. The guards were threatened with being forced to fight in the arena if they did anything. Apollo actually confronted the king, but he paid the price."


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