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Paradise Forgotten Trilogy

Page 39

by Mackenzie Morris

  "Kirios Troy! We are ready when you are."

  Troy finishes carving the owl into his spear to honor Athena before joining Orion and the warriors at the edge of the camp. Even this close to their tents, the desert sand begins to shift to the dry grass of the savannah. Crickets fill the night with their soft chirping song. He takes a deep breath. "Let's do this. Thank you all for everything, especially speaking English for us."

  "No problem. We all know English, but we prefer our own language. You two should learn it as well. You never know when it will come in handy. My name is Alix. I am the head of the warriors. Well, why don't we let our new guardian take point? There has to be some kind of leadership inside you for the chief to give you orange. Let's go before the sun rises."

  Why do they want him to go first? He can't lead them doing something he doesn't know how to do. "I . . . I don't know what I'm doing. The only things I've ever hunted are . . . you know, humans."

  "Is this much different?" Alix asks. "To find a human, you analyze their movements, where they go during the day, and where they sleep at night. This is the same way we find the animals. You have to find where they hunt, eat, and a source of water. What animal do you want to wear? If you clothe yourself in their skins and furs, a part of their spirit merges with your own. Choose your animal wisely. Kirios Orion, do you know what animal you would like?"

  "A zebra."

  He already knows? "That was fast."

  "They work as a part of the herd and blend in together. They eat grass and are closely in tune with the planet. They embody both black and white, yet belong to neither."

  What a thoughtful choice. "I don't usually expect such eloquence from you, Orion."

  Alix nods his head. "And Troy?"

  "I don't know yet. Let's go after Orion's zebra and see if I think of something."

  * * *

  Atlas steps into Dax's room in the new Eremos Excavation Guild headquarters. The lights are off, but he can see the vague silhouette of a woman sitting on the edge of the bed. He pulls his dark green cardigan tighter around him. "Um, Miss Leto? You called for me?"

  "Why are you so nervous, young one?"

  "I . . . please don't hurt me. If you want to talk, we can do it in a civilized manner. Mistress and Silver are unnecessarily violent people."

  "Why are you so jumpy? Tell me. What is your name, pure Nymph?"

  He nervously plays with the thin gold chain of his pocket watch. "I'm Atlas."

  "I know that much. The rest. What is your last name?"

  "Why does that matter? Why do you want to know so badly?" He jumps when Leto quickly lunges at him and grabs his arms. She drags him to the bed. "What are you doing? Don't hurt me."

  Leto sits on his stomach, holding him there. "What is your name, boy? You look like my previous owner. I have to know why that is."

  "Adonis." Atlas manages to squeak out between struggling for breaths. "My last name is Adonis."

  "Do you have any brothers?"

  "Yes. One left. His name is Troy. He's the one Mistress sent out to Delphi with Orion. You're hurting me. Miss Leto, please let me go."

  "So you know him."

  "What are you talking about?" Atlas asks. "Troy never had any slaves."

  "He had two. He murdered my brother. Now I'm out for his blood. I will use Dax and manipulate him and anyone else to get close to Troy. Then I'll torture him like he tortured Xanthos. He will get what's coming to him. No one crosses me and lives to talk about it. Mark my words, Atlas. Your brother's blood will be mine to spill. And I will be careful to spill it all." She reaches into the bodice of her gown and slides out a silver dagger that she presses tightly against Atlas's throat. "And you will not tell a soul about my true purpose here. Is that understood?"

  How can he not try to warn someone? This woman isn't right in the head. Troy would never hurt anyone. But this femme fatale straddling him with her nails piercing the skin on his arm and her blade scratching his throat make him rethink his initial loyalties. "Yes, ma'am. No one will know. Please don't hurt me. I'm delicate. I'm just a simple scholar!"

  Leto rolls off of him and laughs. "A scholar, huh? Then use that intelligent brain of yours to make the right decision. If I find out that you tell anyone, I will impale that scrawny body of yours on a metal pole then stick you in the middle of the city for everyone to watch you slowly die an agonizing death. You will bleed out and the crows will rip your eyes out as the insects crawl up into your body, devouring your intestines. How does that sound, boy?"

  He rubs his neck where the knife was. "Unpleasant."

  "You're damn right it will be unpleasant. Now, go back to your little computer friend and forget we had this conversation. If you're as smart as you claim, then you'll learn to respect a woman with a thirst for vengeance."

  Atlas shakily stands and pushes his glasses back up his nose. "Yes, ma'am."

  "Oh, and Atlas?"

  "Y-yes, ma'am?"

  "Be a dear and bring me some of that chamomile tea of yours, will you? I'm having the most dreadful time trying to get to sleep."

  * * *

  Orion ducks down behind the thorn bush and watches the herd of zebras in the moonlight by the riverbank. There must be fifty or more of them. He needs only one. That will be enough to make his clothes and provide some food for the tribe. Plus, the sooner he gets done with this, the sooner he will get to perform his duties with the tribe ladies. Poor Troy. He doesn't get to have a wife. Only the tribe breeders, the green men, get the women. But Troy has never expressed much interest in women other than Nova. Maybe he's gay? Nah.

  Orion looks up as he hears the slight whistle from across the river. That's the signal. It's time to strike. Orion holds up his spear, feeling the weight of it in his hand. It is balanced and heavy, good for penetrating the thick skin.

  The zebras bleat and run out of sight as the giant male lion cases after them.

  The tribe warriors emerge from their hiding places and gather around Orion. Alix sighs. "Good work, everyone. We'll have to try again."

  "Why would a male lion be hunting?" Troy asks. "Don't the females of the pride do the hunting?"

  "Excellent observation. That is why you are the guardian. As for the lion, perhaps he's the last of his pride. If he's alone, he has no one to hunt for him and he must hunt to survive."

  Troy places his hand over his heart. "That's the animal I want."

  "The lion? You can't kill a lion."

  "Not a lion. That lion. You told me to find the animal I feel a connection with. I pick the lone lion. He is a king cast down from his position of power, forced to roam alone and find his own way in life. That's the animal I want. I will wear his mane around my neck."

  Crazy. He's crazy. That's all there is to it. Orion follows the warriors for what feels like hours as he contemplates Troy's growing insanity and the warriors search for signs of a zebra herd. The sky begins to lighten to the north as the moons set low on the opposite horizon. Just when he begins to lose hope, Alix points towards an acacia tree where a small herd has gathered to eat the fresh grass.

  Alix places his hand on Orion's shoulder. "Now's your chance. They're distracted. You attack first. Then we will finish it off. We work together, remember?"

  "All right."

  "Throw your spear at your chosen target when you're ready. Same game plan as last time."

  Orion fixates his eyes on the strongest and tallest zebra there. He watches the flicking ears and sweeping tail. That is his target. Slowing his breathing, he lifts the spear high in the air. With a short whistle to signal the others, he throws it as hard as he can. The spear clips the zebra's left haunch, slicing through the black and white hair, leaving a trail of bright red blood. At once, eight more spears fly at the zebra, knocking it to the ground as the other zebras flee. They got one! He runs to the downed zebra and runs his hand through the bristly mane. "Thank you, friend."

  "Good work, men." Alix pulls his spear from the animal and pushes it over with his foot. "You
chose a large one. There's plenty here to make your clothes. Now, we just need to talk Troy out of going after that lion."

  Orion looks around at everyone and his heart jumps in his chest. "Troy? Where's Troy?"

  "He's not here." Alix counts the spears. "His spear isn't here either. How long has he been gone? Orion, you were charged with keeping an eye on him."

  "He's the guardian. Why do I have to guard a guardian?"

  "Because each of us has a partner we are responsible for. There's no point in staying out here. Let's head back to camp and see if Troy got separated and returned home."

  After binding the zebra's legs to a wooden pole to be carried between Orion and Alix, they make their way back to the village, keeping an eye out for any sign of Troy. As soon as they cross through the shallow point in the river, a group of children runs up to them. They pet the dead zebra and pat Orion's arms like he is some kind of hero returning home after a battle.

  Chief Seri emerges from his tent and waves to them. "I see you've been successful in your hunt, Kirios Orion. Well done!"

  Alix goes up to Chief Seri and bows. "Chief Seri, we lost Troy."

  "Lost him? Wording it like that could make others think he was dead."

  "Well, he might be."

  "Because of that lion?" Chief Seri asks.

  "Yes. How did you know?"

  Chief Seri grins and holds out a small clay bowl filled with water. "I thought I would keep an eye on you. Plus, I heard the lion roar and knew that my new guardian wouldn't be able to resist its perilous call."

  "You've been scrying?" Alix asks. "Can you use that to find Troy?"

  "There's no reason to look for Troy."

  "What are your thoughts about him, Chief?"

  "Reckless. Ambitious and reckless. Kirios Orion?"

  Orion sets the zebra down. "Yes?"

  "Come closer so I can speak with you in private." He waits until Orion is near. "Troy insists that he doesn't want to be king, yet his choice in animals shows differently. Few choose to hunt a lion. Even fewer have the impassioned idiocy to do it alone. Troy is the only man I've met who would hunt a lion with a single spear, at night, in a strange place, and just for the fun of it."

  "You think he's having fun?"

  "I know he is. He has something to prove."

  "What does he have to prove?" Orion asks.

  "That he can accomplish something without relying on those around him. He wants to define himself, not have other people label him as something he feels isn't right. You watch. Troy will not return until he has killed that lion."

  * * *

  Orion is lying by the river, watching all the tribe women who haven't been claimed by the other two breeders. They are bathing together in the hot afternoon sunlight. The water drips down their tanned bodies and dark hair. They are all equally beautiful in their own ways. Which one will be his first wife? As he drinks his cup of warm goat milk, he assess the women until a curvy woman with wide inviting hips and a soft stomach smiles and playfully winks at him. That one! He wants that one. He motions for her to join him on the blanket. Time to get to work.

  The woman sits next to him. "Ave, Kirios Orion."

  Orion sets his wooden cup down in the sand and sits up to touch her cheeks. "What is your name, lovely?"

  Her voice is smooth and gentle. "Aurora."

  "Heavenly. Everything about you is heavenly." He spots the clear beads around her wrists. "What does clear mean?"

  "I'm a storyteller. Our beads are clear because we write our own paths."

  "Nice. Tell me, Aurora. Are you of marrying age?" Orion asks.

  "I'm twenty."

  "Perfect. Will you accompany me to my tent and become my fist wife?"

  "It would be an honor, Kirios Orion. We must inform Chief Seri first."

  Just as Orion helps the woman to her feet, an incredibly loud scream fills the air from far off in the savannah. He immediately recognizes that voice. Troy.

  The warriors who are still in the village drop what they are doing and rally at the edge of the camp. Alix tosses Orion a spear. "Normally you would never be expected to fight, but because Troy is your partner, you're coming with us." He holds his hand in the air. "Move out!"

  Orion moves with the group of warriors through the tall grass that reaches up above his knees. Tiny black birds fly up in the sky where dark clouds loom on the horizon. A veil of rain trails to the ground. That rain won't stretch this far, but it is somehow comforting to know it does exist somewhere in this arid place.

  They continue for nearly half an hour before Alix holds up his hand to stop them at the edge of a fire-burned field. The ground is blackened from the recent flames, except for in the middle where the scorched dirt has been flooded with blood. The patterns of a lightning strike trailing down the round trunk of a baobab tree explains the fire. But what about the blood? Then Orion spots what the other warriors are staring at.

  Troy is sprawled out face down on the ground. The lion is motionless as well, his mane matted with blood. Troy's spear is broken in two pieces, one still in his hand and the other sticking out of the lion's back between its shoulder blades.

  When Orion steps closer, he sees the deep bloody claw marks that have severed Troy's back. The skin has been ripped down through the muscles to his ribs.

  "Get Troy back to camp and summon the healers." Alix orders. "What an idiot. But in the end, he got his lion."


  Once he can breathe again from having the air knocked out of him due to the impact of the bullet, Zodiac rolls over and coughs a few times. His chest aches and he reaches up to touch the shredded fabric. He pries the bullet from the vest and tosses it down as he bleeds a bit onto his hand. "What the hell? You shot me!"

  Silver laughs. "Nice bullet proof vest."

  "You didn't know I was wearing one."

  "Yeah, I did. I felt it on you when I had you pinned down. Why don't you take that thing off and go into combat like a real man? Stop hiding behind it. If you get shot, you've done something wrong."

  "Shut up." Zodiac manages to stand up as he holds his chest. "Nova, can you believe this guy? He shot his own son."

  "Just stop, Zodiac." Nova says.

  "Call me Dax. I'm undercover."

  "Or dumbass works." Silver quips.

  "What is with you two?"

  Silver replaces the bullet that was fired then slips the revolver into the holster on his thigh. "My son needs to be knocked down a few notches. His arrogance is clearly clouding his judgment."

  "You're fine, right Zodiac?" Nova asks.

  "Oh, he'll have a big pretty bruise and some bleeding, but he's fine."

  Enough of this. Zodiac storms up to Silver and pushes on his chest. "How about I shoot you in the chest and see how you like it? You think you're Mister Tough Guy? Let's see you take a bullet. Then we'll talk."

  "I've been shot plenty of times without body armor, thank you very much. You're a pansy man who would sit there and cry like a baby."

  "Me? I'm the pansy man? I slept with a woman earlier."

  Silver laughs. "Do you want me to applaud you, son? Is that the biggest accomplishment of your life? You had sex. Congratulations. Welcome to being an adult."

  "Shut up! Don't mock me. I was trying to make a point about being more of a man than you are."

  Silver rolls his eyes. "Okay."

  Why is he laughing? "Be insulted, damn it! You've never slept with a woman."

  "You're right. I haven't. You think stating facts like that are going to insult me? Try again, boy."

  Zodiac takes Silver's shirt in his hands as he shouts. "Boy? Boy! Listen here, you. I've been the man of this family ever since you ran off. Maybe if you had given me and Nova a traditional family, we would have turned out better. You only care about yourself and how many men you can-"

  Silver pushes him roughly away. "Stop right there. Don't talk about things you have no clue about. First off, it has nothing to do with me liking men. And if you must know, I've
only ever slept with one man in my entire life. That man was your father. Now, stop. This kind of hatred isn't getting the world anywhere."

  "Ugh! I can't stand you!" Zodiac's anger only grows. "You think you're better than everyone else? Do you? Because you're different, you think you should be commended for that?"

  "When have I ever said anything like that?"

  "You . . . you . . . I hate you."

  "It keeps coming back to that, doesn't it?" Silver asks. "Then just state it outright. Don't try to pick apart aspects of my life to hate. You hate me, not my choices. Under it all, you don't have a problem with people like me. You weren't raised that way. No. Look me in the eyes and tell me the truth."

  Zodiac clenches his fists as he looks into his father's eyes. "I hate you with every cell in my body. I hate everything you stand for, everything you've done. If it has to do with you in any way, then I hate it."

  "So you hate yourself. I'm not surprised."

  "The only reason I hate myself is because I carry your blood in me."

  Nova pushes them apart. "Guys, come on. We have to get out of the streets before the guards show up. They've heard the gunshot."

  Zodiac ignores her as he continues to shout at Silver. He will win this argument. Who shoots their own son?

  "Guys! Stop arguing and come with me. Fine. If you two want to be arrested, then be my guest. I'm out of here." Nova replaces her helmet on her head then flies off above the city.

  Zodiac looks up in the sky. "Nova! Come back. Don't leave us here."

  "We have bigger problems." Silver points to the end of the street where a group of guards in power armor aims their machine guns at them.

  A man with white hair that Zodiac recognizes as Royal Knight Captain Pathos steps forward. "On your knees, both of you. Put your hands in the air. Make one wrong move and we will gun you down. King Evans will want you in one piece, though. So obey our orders and no one gets hurt."


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