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Dragon's Hoard

Page 12

by M. A. Church

  The muscles Warwick had were astounding. His legs were impressive, but that made sense considering the weight they had to uphold. Avery wondered if Warwick was capable of running in this form.

  He made a mental note to ask, although honestly he would bet Warwick didn’t unless he had to. He could see trees falling left and right as Warwick thundered across the ground, and snickered. They definitely wouldn’t be playing catch.

  Warwick raised his head and shot him a quick glance, but Avery shook his head. Yeah, he wasn’t sharing that. He looked at Warwick’s back foot, or paw, or whatever Warwick called it. The talons at the end were nearly as thick as his forearm. He shivered slightly, imagining Warwick picking up something like a cow right off the ground.

  Avery quickly walked around the back end and examined Warwick’s tail. Obviously it could move on its own, like his could in wolf form, and was also covered in scales. The arrowhead on the end was deadly sharp from the looks of it. Avery decided not to touch it. He walked up the other side of Warwick, following the spikes that ran the length of his spine.

  It was then he noticed the wings. Avery shook his head in amazement. By the gods, how had he missed those? They were set above Warwick’s muscular shoulder blades. Currently they were folded and lying flat against Warwick’s back, but before they left this field, Avery was determined to see them opened and stretched out.

  Avery drew closer to Warwick’s skull. The frill-like ears were more delicate than Avery would have thought. Warwick’s eyes were close to the same purple he had in human form, but the pupil was now slitted, like a reptile’s. There was no denying Warwick had many similarities with reptiles in this form.

  Warwick winked at him. Avery giggled, then was slightly mortified at the sound. Oh well, giggling might not be the most manly sound to make in such a moment, but at least he wasn’t screaming in terror. He wondered how many had done that.

  He paused before walking around in front of Warwick. For some reason that he couldn’t quite put his finger on, standing in front of Warwick unnerved him. Maybe it was the idea of what Warwick could do with such a mouth. Straightening his shoulders, Avery reminded himself there was nothing to be afraid of and walked toward Warwick’s snout. A warm breeze lifted his hair, and Avery jumped, realizing what he felt was Warwick’s breath. He also hadn’t realized until then how much heat Warwick put off in this form, which was interesting since Warwick always seemed to be cold in human form.

  Avery moved back around to where he could see one of Warwick’s eyes. Warwick must have recognized he was done exploring and slowly clambered back up to his feet.

  “Can I see your wings?”

  Warwick extended them, and Avery gasped. They wore enormous. They reminded Avery of batwings, only more leathery and a thousand times bigger. Of course, they had to be if they were going to support Warwick as he flew. And they were indeed monstrous.

  “Like I said, magnificent.”

  Warwick preened.

  Avery laughed softly. “Honestly, you’re terrifyingly beautiful.”

  Warwick flapped his wings, and the breeze practically pushed Avery off his feet.

  “Hey, now!”

  Warwick snorted as he looked down at Avery.

  “Who ever thought a dragon could snort?” Avery sighed as he looked at the superb creature standing in front of him. “I take it since you have wings, you’re capable of flight?”

  Warwick nodded.

  “That must be wonderful,” Avery whispered. “Soaring up there, looking down on all of us, nothing but the moon and stars around you. I can’t imagine.”

  Warwick crouched.

  Avery opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again. “I, ah… I… oh goddess. Are you asking me to get on?”

  Emphatically, Warwick nodded.

  “I wish we could communicate.” Avery scratched his head, then shuffled his feet. He wanted to climb aboard, but… yeah. But. How safe was it? But he really wanted to fly too. “Can I fall off?”

  Warwick squinted at him. Even Avery had to admit having a dragon squint at him was a little scary.

  “Don’t give me that look. I can’t fly, and falling to my death is not the way I want to go.”

  Warwick grumbled and nudged him with his wing.

  “Okay, okay! Stop before you knock me over. Jeez, I’ve lost my mind. There’s no other explanation.” Avery took a deep breath and released it. “Going to have to put your clothes down, as much as I hate to do that.” He laid the clothes on a patch of dead leaves. The thought of that expensive suit on the ground made him sick. Or maybe it was because he couldn’t believe what he was about to do. Nope. It was the clothes on the ground, all right. Riding a dragon was going to be freaking awesome.

  He checked to make sure his scarf was secured and his coat was buttoned. “Don’t go too high, okay? Not for my first time.”

  Warwick huffed and extended his wing toward Avery.

  “Oh good. I was wondering how I would get on you.”

  Avery backed up a few feet, bounced on his toes, and tried to release the tension in his body. Even though Warwick had bent down for him, it was a good thing Avery had the strength of a werewolf. He was going to need it. Cautiously he climbed up the wing.

  Chapter Twelve

  AFTER a few slips, Avery managed to sit himself where Warwick’s neck and back met. Avery sat still, between two spikes, not moving. Warwick wasn’t entirely sure he was breathing. Craning his neck, he looked back, worried, but Avery let out an earsplitting whoop.

  “Holy crap, I’m sitting on a dragon!”

  Fortunately Avery couldn’t see Warwick smirk. Warwick glanced up at the sky and then back at the ground, Avery’s words echoing in his head about falling off. Now that he thought about it, Avery had a good point.

  “Is everything okay? Why are we still sitting here? Um, okay, I’m as ready as I’m going to be. Is that what you’re waiting on?”

  Problem was, Avery wasn’t secured. Warrick wished Avery was buckled in or something. Just holding on to a spike wasn’t safe enough in his mind. Then Warwick remembered Avery’s scarf. Well, it was better than nothing. When they did this again, they were going to have to rig up some sort of harness. Him and a harness. What had his world come to?

  He lifted two of the scales in front of Avery. He wished they could talk, and as soon as possible, he planned to remedy that.

  “Ah… what am I supposed to do here?”

  Dammit, how could he tell him? He raised and lowered those scales again, hoping Avery would catch on.

  “I’m not getting what you want me to do. Am I supposed to hold them?” Avery touched the two scales. “But they’re too… I mean, they’re rough, yeah, but how am I supposed to hold on? There’s no handholds. Not sure how safe that is. Why couldn’t you come with a seat belt? What I wouldn’t give for a length of rope right about now.” Avery paused. “Rope. Yeah, rope. Don’t have rope but… I got it!”

  Thank the goddess. Yes! Avery did understand.

  Avery quickly unwound the scarf from around his neck, then laid it down right under the scales Warwick held up. Warwick snapped the scales closed, trapping the scarf underneath them. The scales wouldn’t open unless he let them.

  “Yes, yes, I believe that’ll work. Brilliant idea.” Avery picked up the trailing ends of the scarf. Warwick admitted it wasn’t the greatest idea for a harness, but it would work for the time being. He wasn’t going up too high, and he certainly wasn’t going to do anything to throw Avery off.

  Once Avery had the scarf’s trailing lengths tied around his wrists, he smiled at Warwick. “Okay, I think I’m ready to—”

  Warwick stood, his legs bunching beneath him, and launched himself into the sky.

  “Oh shit!” Avery screamed.

  Wings pumping fiercely, Warwick rose steadily. Launching straight from the ground while standing still wasn’t the easiest thing to do, but he was strong enough to successfully pull it off.

  “Oh goddess, oh goddess,
oh goddess!” Avery yelled, followed by crazed laughter. “This is insane!”

  Warwick called upon his power, and a strong breeze lifted him higher. The air currents helped, and the furious flapping of his wings slowed into a more natural rhythm. The moon’s bright light shone down on them as Warwick soared through the skies.

  It’d been hundreds of years since he allowed anybody the privilege of riding him. There was a time, long ago, when he flew warriors on his back, but that time had passed. Riding a dragon was a treat very few earned.

  Avery grew quiet as Warwick lazily circled the field where he first shifted. Careful not to disrupt Avery’s precarious perch, Warwick banked right, heading back toward his castle. He wanted Avery to see it from the air.

  “That’s your place, right? It’s beautiful from up here. I didn’t realize how much land you have.” Avery patted Warwick’s neck. “Hey, I thought of something. You’re a dragon who lives in a castle. I thought it was the princess who lived there.”

  Did Avery call me a princess? He stuck close to the area, circling around and around. He truly wished he could hear what Avery was thinking. He continued to fly, taking extreme care not to startle Avery in any way.

  Warwick always loved flying, and having Avery on his back only increased the pleasure. There was no doubt in his mind that they’d do this again, and often. Avery didn’t seem to be frightened, although Warwick could hear his heart pounding. He was certain it was from excitement.

  They continued their lazy flight, enjoying the night and each other’s company. Warwick had no idea how much time had passed until he felt Avery pat his neck again.

  “My arms are getting tired, and so are my legs. My thigh muscles are burning. And it’s cold as hell out here, even with the heat you’re putting off. As much as I hate to, we need to land.”

  Warwick hadn’t stopped to think how wearing it would be for Avery to maintain his seat. A harness for Avery was now at the top of the list. He circled back toward the field to land, his wings pumping strongly as he touched down as gently as he could for a dragon.

  After he landed, Avery picked at the scarf until he untied it, then scrambled down, landing lightly on his feet. He staggered a bit, and braced a hand on Warwick’s side. “Wow, and here I thought I was in excellent shape.”

  Warwick craned his neck to look at Avery. He didn’t think he’d seen Avery look more beautiful. His hair was wind-tossed and cheeks red.

  “That was magnificent. I’ve never felt anything like that. When can we do it again? Yeah, we’re going to do that again, most definitely.” Avery ran his hands through his hair, then laughed. “I flew on the back of a dragon. A dragon! I never thought…. Never in a million years did I ever think…. Fuck! That was the best thing ever. Ever!”

  Warwick was certainly glad to hear that. It would’ve been tragic if Avery had been afraid. They wouldn’t have been able to share the gift of flight, and that would have been sad beyond words. He lifted his scales and the trapped scarf fluttered free. The wind caught it and blew it around, before it finally landed on the ground. Avery walked over to it, and Warwick noticed his stride was a little stiff. Riding him was certainly going to work those thigh muscles.

  He couldn’t wait to see the benefits of that in bed.

  Since Avery had stepped away, Warwick decided now was as good a time as any to shift. He cleared his mind, closed his eyes, and focused on his human body. A few seconds later, he stood on human feet. He opened his eyes to see Avery hurrying toward him, clothes in hand.

  “Here you go. Let’s get you dressed. I hate shifting back when it’s cold outside, don’t you?”

  “Yes, particularly in winter,” Warwick said, his voice more raspy than usual. It always was after he changed between forms.

  Avery shivered.

  Warwick flashed him a quick glance. “Everything okay?”

  Avery blushed. “Oh, I’m fine, fine. You, ah… sound kind of growly.”

  Warwick tilted his head and caught the barest hint of summer on the wind. Since it was the dead of winter, it had to be Avery’s desire he smelled. Apparently growly was a good thing.

  Now that he was no longer in his dragon form, the chilly winter air had his balls hollering to retreat. He dressed and shrugged into his overcoat. After he was clothed, Avery returned his hair tie, and Warwick tried to restrain his wild mane of hair. “So, what did you—” Warwick staggered as Avery launched himself at him.

  Avery covered his face with kisses. “What did I think? I think that was the coolest, neatest, most breath-stealing, craziest adventure ever. I’d love to go again soon.”

  Warwick threaded his fingers through Avery’s hair. “Anytime you want. Why don’t we return home? I don’t know about you, but I want something hot to drink.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Hand in hand, they walked back. A servant greeted them as soon as they opened the door. Unfortunately Warwick had to release Avery’s hand so they could remove their coats, which the servant whisked away.

  “About that hot drink. We can go into my study—it has a lovely fireplace and numerous bookshelves, or….”


  “Or we can have a private drink in my bedroom. There’s also a fireplace, which I’m sure is lit. It also has a small seating area. It’s up to you.”

  Avery nibbled his bottom lip. “Well, the study sounds great, but I’d like to see your bedroom.”

  “Perfect. Where is—? Oh, there you are. LeMoyne, I’d like to introduce you to the Omega Avery Montgomery, who’s soon to be my mate.” An odd thrill swept through him at the words. “Avery? This is LeMoyne Vanderfield, my butler and a good friend.”

  Avery held out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  LeMoyne shook Avery’s hand. “The pleasure is mine, Omega Montgomery.”

  “Oh. Oh no, please, call me Avery.”

  “Very well, Master Avery.”

  “Ah… you don’t have to—”

  “Don’t even bother,” Warwick interrupted. “I’ve been trying to get him to address me without silly titles for a long time, with no success.”

  LeMoyne sniffed. “Indeed not, Master Warwick. Now, I believe I heard the two of you are in need of hot beverages?”

  Warwick turned to Avery. “What would you like to drink? Coffee? Hot chocolate? Adult beverage? Cider, maybe? Or something else?” Me, silken sheets, and a big bottle of lube?

  “Hot chocolate, if you wouldn’t mind,” Avery said. “Do you happen to have those miniature marshmallows too?”

  “No household should be without them.” LeMoyne smiled. “Excellent choice. Nothing will set you up righter than a perfectly made cup of hot chocolate. Well, except maybe tea. Anyhow, I shall attend to it.”

  LeMoyne hurried off, and Avery grinned at Warwick. “I think I’m going to like him.”

  “LeMoyne has been with me for a long time. I adore the man. But don’t let him fool you. He has standards and runs a tight ship. The man could probably have owned a Fortune 500 company by now, if he so desired.”

  Avery stepped closer to Warwick. “Don’t get on the wrong side of him. Check. So, you’re going to show me your bedroom?”

  “Our bedroom. It’s soon to be our bedroom.”

  Avery sighed happily. “In a castle. Do you have any idea how awesome that is? It’s like a fairy tale come true, dragon and all.”

  Warwick took Avery’s hand once more and led him to the stone stairwell that hugged the castle wall. “If I’m the dragon, that must make you my prince.”

  Avery blushed. “And what a fine dragon you are.”

  “I am most pleased you think so. And might I add that I think my prince is spectacular also?” Warwick held up his arm. “Shall we?”

  Avery smirked at the old-fashioned gesture and curled his fingers around Warwick’s muscle. “Following you, Master Warwick.”

  “Careful. You certainly don’t want to give me ideas.”

  A startled laugh escaped Avery. “You have a con
voluted and devious mind, don’t you?”

  “I’m a dragon. What can I say?”

  As they walked up the magnificent stone stairs, Warwick pointed out the artwork hung on the walls. When they arrived at their bedroom, Warwick debated shutting the door but decided against it. As much as he would love to have Avery naked and spread out on the bed, he also didn’t want to make Avery uncomfortable.

  His dragon grumbled, not understanding what the problem was. Mating ritual or not, Avery was his. He agreed with his dragon, but Avery was a virgin and he didn’t want to overwhelm him. Avery’s virginity inflamed both him and his dragon, and his dragon was pushing hard to claim what was his before someone else tried to poach. Warwick reminded his dragon that no one would dare.

  Plus, there was nothing about Avery that hinted at a deceitful personality. Warwick would bet his hoard—and that was saying a lot—that Avery wouldn’t betray him in such a way. Warwick had lived in this modern world long enough to know if Avery truly wanted to lose his virginity before now, no matter how strict or protective his parents were, nothing would’ve stopped him. If there was a will, there was a way. That saying existed for a reason.

  Unlike his dragon, Warwick understood how important Avery’s first time was. He wanted to make it memorable. Romantic. Something they’d remember through the years. There would be enough time later for them to indulge their animalistic side.

  “Please feel free to make any changes you want. There are two walk-in closets, one of which is yours now, and a master bath.”

  “This is…. This is….” Avery stood in the middle of the room, turning slowly. “I got nothing. There aren’t words to describe the beauty of this place.” He glanced up. “That chandelier… I’ve never seen anything like it. Did you decorate this? Because I have to say, it fits the room perfectly. This whole place is a perfect blend of medieval and modern. I love it.”

  “Thank you. Having lived in a medieval castle, I can tell you it is sheer torture.”

  Avery chuckled. “Torture and medieval kind of go hand in hand, don’t you think? Anyway, I can only imagine how tough life was then. On second thought, never mind. I don’t think I’d have done well in that time period.”


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