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Sexy Liar

Page 4

by Stacey Kennedy

  “Goddamn it.” He groaned, tortured by her closeness. “Yes. Fuck me.”

  A second later, she was all around him, and he tossed his head back at the pleasure, releasing a groan at how tight and perfect she was. Even better than he remembered. He fisted his hands, straining against the bindings, knowing they wouldn’t break. She took his mouth and kissed him fiercely, cupping his face and riding his cock like she’d been starved of him.

  And, fuck, he felt starved of her.

  Every grind of her hips drove his pleasure higher. He’d never been bound or blindfolded, and his senses were heightened. Everything felt alive. His skin tingled. He felt her harsh breathy moans against his lips. He felt the quivers of her heat in her building pleasure. He smelled her, their sex, and the intensity was drawing his balls up close to his body, ready to explode.

  She pulled ragged grunts deep from his chest with every thrust of her hips. He ached to blow at each moan she gave. Until she moved harder, faster, threading her fingers into his bound hands and holding onto him like she owned him. Like she’d been craving him for the last five years and finally let herself go again now that she’d had him close.

  And damn, he felt that too.

  “Alex,” he grunted, as heat flooded his lower half, stealing his control. Beneath the blindfold, he went cross-eyed from the pleasure.

  She froze.

  “Fucking hell.” He dropped his head back and gritted his teeth as his dick pulsed, no doubt pre-cum leaking out, right on the very edge of his climax.

  She removed the blindfold, and then he was lost in her gorgeous eyes. This blindingly breathtaking, dark-haired beauty that only made the pause in the pleasure torturous. “Let there be no misunderstanding, Hawke,” she said firmly, pink dusting her cheeks. “I own this show. Clear?”

  He’d say anything to ensure she moved again. “Yeah, McCoy, we’re clear.” He meant those words for the few seconds before she locked her hooded eyes on him and thrust her hips until they were both bucking and jerking their pleasure, free-falling into the place they were so beautiful together.

  Tomorrow, though, it’d be another story.


  “HAVE YOU LOST your fucking mind?”

  “Good morning to you too.” Alex smiled at Ryder’s near-snarl through her computer monitor. She sat on her bed cross-legged, watching her programs continue to comb through SiR’s databases searching out possible suspects. After having more sex than she’d had in the past five years, she was sore in all the right places from a wild night with Rowan. “Do you have anything to report?

  Ryder’s frown only deepened. “You slept with Hawke.”

  “Wait…what? How did you…?” Her eyes slowly narrowed as Ryder began looking everywhere but at her. “You know I hate when you have anyone watch me,” she snapped.

  His gaze flicked by hers. “I was concerned for your safety and have had eyes on you ever since we talked last night.”

  “Whose eyes?” She jumped off the bed, leaving her laptop there, hearing Ryder’s heavy sigh. She shoved the curtain aside and peered out the window, only finding another building across the street. One of Ryder’s men could be anywhere. They were like ghosts. Always there, but you could never see them. The only place they wouldn’t find her was on her laptop. No one could hack her. She’d be alerted before anyone got close.

  “It’s someone I trust,” Ryder called. She returned to the bed, pulling her laptop onto her lap again, ready to rip into him, when he interjected in his firm voice, “Now back to what really matters here. Have I taught you nothing?”

  This was her first assignment that wasn’t run by the FBI or CIA or Ryder, but she didn’t feel she’d taken too many missteps yet. Well, except for sleeping with the guy who tried to play her, but she had good reasons for that. One, she did actually believe what he told her. The FBI files on the case told her that much. Two, she couldn’t quite control herself either when it came to Rowan. Instead of fighting the lust burning between them, she went with it to make something of her vacation. At least she’d go home riding an orgasm high, and if she could help him find his sister, she would.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” she defended, the mattress bouncing beneath her as she settled her back against the pillows. “We just slept together. It’s not like I proposed marriage.” When Ryder’s expression only darkened, she added, “I’m safe and alive, as you can see.”

  “You shouldn’t have done anything with him,” Ryder rebuked, his face drawing closer to the monitor. “What if he meant to hurt you?”

  “Then he would’ve hurt me the moment we got into the hotel room,” she countered. “Besides, I know him, remember? His sister is one of the victims, like I told you in my text message. He only wants to find her.” Alex gave him an easy smile, hoping that softened him up. “Not that I don’t appreciate the big brother act, but let’s stay focused on what actually matters here. Have you learned something about Rowan that poses a problem, and that’s where all this is coming from?”

  “First, tell me what he’s told you,” Ryder said.

  The ease in Ryder’s jawline told her she had nothing to worry about when it came to Rowan, so she gave Ryder what he wanted. “Here’s what I know so far…” She laid out all the facts that Rowan had explained to her about the case. They’d gone through the FBI files again last night after she untied him from the chair. Nothing appeared odd, but something didn’t feel right either. That was never a good sign.

  When she finished laying out all the facts, Ryder arched an eyebrow. “And that’s it?”

  “That’s it.” She nodded.

  Ryder’s mouth pinched—his classic move for when something felt off to him too—before he addressed her again. “Is Hawke still gone?”

  Alex drew in a long, deep breath to attempt not to yell at him, since apparently Ryder knew Rowan had left to grab them breakfast. Alex’s scripts were taking longer than usual, and when Rowan began pacing, obviously deeply concerned for his sister, Alex gave him a job. She needed food, and so did he. They both needed to stay sharp and energized to see this through. “Listen, I love you, I do, but get those eyes off me now or I’ll shut your system down and keep it down until you stop having me watched.”

  Ryder’s gaze searched hers for a long moment, and then he cursed and shook his head. “I don’t like this, Alex.” She wisely stayed silent as he sat back in his chair and crossed his arms, looking like the mighty solider he was. “Hawke has already misled you once.”

  “Yes, I know, but…” She hesitated then laid everything on the line. “If this were you, I would do everything I could to help you. Rowan is a sneaky CIA agent, yes, but he also just wants to find his sister. We both know I am the best one to help find this killer. Rowan and I…there’s history there, and it’s good history.” Especially considering she’d always thought in that moment of weakness where her heart felt all exposed, she’d run out on him. Apparently, she hadn’t been the only one shaken by their week together.

  Good to know.

  “Then why didn’t he just tell you that in the first place?”

  Because he thought I hated him for leaving me… “Because I’m so damn irresistible.” She grinned.

  Ryder scoffed, though the joke worked its magic and he gave a half smile. “Just be careful with this one. Hawke typically works deep undercover. Confirming his identity came at a price. Most files on him at the CIA have been buried.”

  Alex instantly cringed. “Do I want to know that price?”

  A hint of a grin lifted the corners of Ryder’s mouth. “You owe a favor.”

  To the CIA was what Ryder didn’t say. “I hope I don’t regret that.”

  “You and me both,” Ryder agreed. “I know why you’re doing this, Alex.” Yeah, Alex knew something about losing a sister, and she’d been on a mission to save as many people as she could to fill in that dark hole that came from the inability to save Lena, but Alex really didn’t want to talk about that as Ryder went on. “I also k
now that’s the only reason you didn’t kick Hawke’s stupid ass out for not being upfront right away. But this girl is not your sister.”

  Alex wouldn’t even pretend that a little part of her didn’t think of Lena now. Alex always tried to fix that wrong. “I’m not on a personal quest here. Besides, the way I see it, I’m the only way to find Hawke’s sister. I think that provides me some level of control here, don’t you?”

  “Just making sure you realize the stakes,” Ryder said.

  The door suddenly opened, and Rowan walked in. All man, jeans, and a leather jacket… Sweet Jesus, she nearly drooled. Rowan was danger and sex all rolled up into hard muscle. He carried a tray of coffees and a paper bag, and met her with a warm smile. Obviously not realizing she was on a call, he said, “You can’t come to New York City and not have a crème brûlée danish. Figured you probably wanted a coffee too. Still take it with one milk?”

  “Suck up,” Ryder muttered.

  Rowan froze, now aware they weren’t alone in the room before setting everything down on the coffee table.

  When Rowan handed her a coffee, Ryder said, “Let me talk to him.”

  Rowan smiled. The type of smile that was challenging, deadly, and screamed testosterone.

  “Play nice, boys,” Alex told them both before she turned the monitor to face Rowan.

  They both promptly ignored her.

  “You know who I am,” Ryder stated.

  Rowan inclined his head, his gaze turning harder than she’d seen before, making her realize he softened a lot when he looked at her. “You know who I am,” Rowan retorted.

  “I’m aware,” Ryder said. “No games, Hawke. Any sign that Alex is in danger, she’ll be pulled out.”

  Rowan’s hair fell down his jawline, and Alex tried desperately not to want to kiss along that sculpted line. She barely resisted, her lips twitching to press right there, when Rowan said, “The goal here is to save lives, not lose them.”

  A heavy pause. Then Ryder’s voice firmed. “Trick her again and you’ll regret it.”

  Rowan didn’t even hesitate. “If it were your sister…or your wife”—Alex flinched, picturing the intensity filling Ryder’s expression at the mention of wife—“you would stop at nothing to find them either.”

  “Which is the only reason you’re not dead.”

  At that, Rowan’s eyes narrowed into slits. “You could try, Blackwood.”

  Most times, Alex knew Ryder wasn’t serious when he threatened to take someone out, but sometimes she got the feeling that if pressed, he’d do so without hesitation.

  In some weird way, that made her feel safe, even though morally, to like such a thing felt terribly wrong.

  Ryder’s voice tightened. “One misstep and this is over.”

  Alex rolled her eyes and sighed heavily so they both heard her. “All right, that’s enough testosterone for one morning.” She didn’t need either man telling her what she could or couldn’t do. “I’ll reach out if I need anything,” she told Ryder.

  The hardness around Ryder’s mouth was indication enough that he hated the idea that he wasn’t involved. She quickly added, “I’ll be safe. Promise.”

  Ryder watched her a moment, his jaw muscles clenching. “I’d like to keep eyes on you—”

  “Goodbye, Ryder.” She ended the chat, hearing his curse as he faded away. Regardless of what she said, she knew Ryder would keep those eyes on her, even if she told him not to. Only he’d ensure she never found out about it. Not that she could really blame him. Hell, she’d probably do the same thing too.

  “He’s protective of you,” Rowan said, offering her the danish.

  She stared at the most delicious display of sugar and bread in one mouth-watering pastry. “We’ve been a team for a really long time. We’re like family.”

  Rowan grabbed the chair in the corner of the room and pulled it closer to the bed before sitting down. He rested his elbows on his knees and gave her a steady look. “I won’t let you get hurt, Alex. I hope you know that.”

  “For both our sakes, you better not.” She took a bite of the pastry and nearly melted as the sweetness lingered against her tongue. “Dear God, that is delicious,” she said after swallowing the bite. “Thank you.”

  He smiled. “You’re welcome.” Then he sipped his coffee.

  She licked her fingers then focused back onto her laptop. “While you were gone, I got us some names that stood out—names, by the way, that are not on the FBI’s suspect list.”

  “How many names?” he asked, eyebrows raised.

  “Two,” she answered, taking another bite of her danish. “One had direct contact with all the deceased women, plus the two other missing women and your sister.”

  “How about the other name?”

  “He didn’t talk directly to your sister. She ignored his message. But he’s ex-military, so it’s still good to check him out.”

  Rowan nodded. “I agree. And what of their tattoos? Any hits there?”

  “I scoured the internet,” she explained. “I couldn’t find a photograph of either man with their shirt off or a mention of the tattoo online.”

  “All right.” Rowan hesitated, looking down at the paper cup in his hand, the sunlight from the window creating a soft glow on his face.

  The silence grew daunting. “What is it?”

  He glanced up through his lashes. “Do you find it odd that you easily found two suspects the FBI overlooked?”

  She pondered that through a sip of her coffee then finally decided. “Sure, I’d like to think I’m just that good, but it is strange that the FBI’s cyber division didn’t pull these names. Of course, they didn’t know about the military angle, but they should have stood out.”

  Rowan gave a slow nod. “Which is exactly what I’ve been bumping up against time and time again. Something about this entire case feels…off. The work seems shoddy.”

  Alex stuffed another piece of danish into her mouth and murmured, “Any idea why?”

  “No,” Rowan said with obvious frustration. He ran his hand across his eyes then straightened up and asked, “What comes next?”

  “I’ll need your credit card.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “For?”

  “The first possible suspect is Brett Manning.” She explained what she’d learned before Ryder called. “He’s a pilot who owns a private airfield, which actually benefits us here because we can use him to fly us to Seattle to meet our second possible suspect, Heath Lennox. He’s a billionaire and puts on a snazzy charity masquerade ball every year that just so happens to be tonight.” She turned the laptop screen toward Rowan. “Here’s Brett’s schedule. All I need to do is rework things a bit and get us in there, and we’re a go.”

  “You can do that?” he asked.

  She smiled. “I can do anything, but it’s going to cost you. You’ve got savings you can dip into?”

  “Yeah, I got some. My father knew a thing or two about investing.” He reached for his pocket and pulled out his wallet. “All right, do it.”

  She tapped the enter button on her keyboard. “Done.”

  He slowly looked up, frowned. “I didn’t give you my credit card?”

  “Yeah, well, I got that this morning.” She avoided his slight scowl, and went on, “We’ll land in Seattle in six hours. That gives us three hours to shop and an hour for my hair and makeup.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you think you’re milking this a bit?”

  “It’s a formal affair,” she said with no hint of remorse. “You’ll need a tux too.” She continued typing, adding them onto the masquerade party’s guest list. “We need to pretend to belong with the top one percent. Besides, I must look my absolute best.”

  “You look just fine like this,” he said, his gaze raking over her.

  She squirmed against the heat his intense regard scorched through her. “Yeah, but we need to make me look spectacular.”

  His brow arched again. “And why is that?”

  She smiled
. “Because I need to be the only woman at the ball that Lennox sees.”


  AN HOUR LATER, Rowan followed Alex into a boutique shop on Fifth Avenue. The shop was tiny. The price tags on the dresses were not, but all that mattered was Mia. He hadn’t once let himself think about the fear his baby sister must be enduring, though his sister was tough, and he knew she’d keep her smarts about her until he got there. He only needed to keep moving forward, closing the gap between where she was kept and where he stood. Failure wasn’t an option. Their flight to Seattle was in an hour, and they needed to dress the part for the ball. Rowan had quickly rented a tux that fit him well enough. Alex had spent the last hour dress shopping, and when he found her, she looked more than frustrated.

  She reached for a long black dress, but Rowan knew that was all wrong. “Not that one.” He glanced around and spotted a slinky cherry-red gown. “This one is Lennox’s flavor.”

  “How do you know that?” Alex asked, taking the hanger from him, studying the dress intently.

  “After I picked up my tux, I looked into him,” Rowan explained, leaning a shoulder against the wall. The sales lady walked in their direction, but Rowan smiled and politely waved her off, wanting this conversation to stay private. When she moved along to another customer, he continued with Alex. “Every woman that I’ve seen Lennox photographed with is always wearing a red dress. Which tells me it’s his preference.”

  “Then let’s go with that.” Alex turned toward the dressing room, but Rowan reached for her arm.

  “Lennox won’t be the only one looking at you in that dress, Alex.” He caught the hitch of her breath and the dilation of her eyes, and his cock swiftly hardened.

  She gave a soft, sexy smile that belonged to him—that Lennox would not see tonight. “Let’s just hope he feels the same way you do.”

  “He’s a man,” Rowan stated. “He’ll notice you.”


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