Book Read Free

Defending Donovan

Page 6

by Jillian Quinn

  I tap my fingers on the top of his hand, tracing a circle on his smooth skin. “I still don’t get why you send girls those pics.”

  He shrugs, his big body moving me in the process. “Because I figure if they know ahead of time, then it gives them the chance to walk away. That maybe if I’m lucky, the same thing won’t happen the next time. But anytime I’ve tried to do it since then, it’s like that bad memory comes back to me, making it impossible to, you know… I just can’t do it. I don’t know why.”

  “You must go home with blue balls a lot, huh?”

  He bobs his head. “You have no idea. It fucking sucks.”

  I squeeze his hand. “I won’t say anything to anyone, not even Bex.”

  “Thanks.” He forces a smile, his eyes pointed to the floor.

  “Drake Donovan, the virgin,” I say, still in disbelief. “I honestly don’t believe it. So, why tell me, of all people? You don’t know me well enough to trust that I won’t open my mouth.”

  “I meant what I said earlier, Taylor.” When his eyes meet mine, I can’t breathe. “I really like you. I want to see you again.”

  “I have a rule,” I tell him.

  “What kind of rule? Please don’t tell me it’s like the ones Bex has?”

  “I’m saving my virginity for someone I love. So, you either have to make me fall in love with you or be content with just messing around.”

  “My friends don’t even know,” he confesses. “You’re the only person I’ve ever told. I don’t know why I did. But there must be a reason.”

  “You should probably maintain your dirtball image with your friends, or they’ll think something’s up. And since we can’t be together, I think that’s for the best, don’t you?” He doesn’t react, so I keep going. “We can be friends with partial benefits, but definitely no sex.”

  “So, we can’t be seen together in public,” he growls. “Got it.”

  “Hey,” I say, rubbing his thick bicep. His skin is so smooth I could massage him all day. “I didn’t mean it like that. I want to see you again, too. Knowing the truth only makes me feel more comfortable around you. Honestly, I was terrified when I thought you had sex with every girl on campus. I was afraid to let you in because of it.”

  “And now that you know?”

  “It changes everything.”

  At that, he smiles, a real one this time. “I want to kiss you again.”

  I climb onto his lap, straddling him with my thighs. He’s so big, his body long and toned. I’ve never met anyone built like Drake before. Mounting him is a real challenge, my legs trembling as I hook them around his back.

  “Kiss me,” I whisper against his lips. “As long as you keep it in your pants.”

  Laughing, he brushes a strand of hair from my forehead and pushes it behind my ear. “You sure you don’t want to see it?” His tone sounds like he’s joking, but who knows with Drake.

  “Yes, I’m sure.” I drag my tongue along his bottom lip, and he opens his mouth for me with a deep groan rising from the back of his throat. “At least until I’m ready. Now, shut up and kiss me.”

  And Drake does just that… until I fall asleep in his arms.

  Chapter Seven


  When I open my eyes, Taylor’s head is on my chest, a soft purr escaping from her lips. She looks so fucking beautiful when she sleeps. Last night was one of the best I’ve had in a long time. I never intended to tell her my secret, but I knew there was no way she would let me in if I didn’t give her something.

  My walls come crashing down when I’m with Taylor. She has this way of being so blunt and crass that somehow I become more at ease with her. A weight feels as though it’s been lifted off my chest. She’s the only person on the planet who knows I’m still a virgin.

  My God, it was so embarrassing telling her the truth. But the sense of relief I now feel makes it all worth it. At least with one person, I can be myself. I doubt my friends and teammates will actually care, but still, they look at me like I’m a fucking sex god. Like I can have any girl on campus because of my cock. And I probably can. Which is what makes the entire situation so bizarre.

  I’ve had my share of women throw themselves at me over the years. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to lose my virginity, and yet here I am going into the last stretch of college and still can’t get out of my head long enough to pull the trigger.

  My dad had issues with overcoming stress from his past. It even affected his hockey career in his earlier years. Not until he met my mom did he finally tell anyone other than my Uncle Tyler. She has a way of pulling information out of people. So does Taylor. In a weird way, she reminds me of my mom. I know that’s strange, but I also think it’s why I can be myself around her.

  In high school, when I was having trouble with my game, my dad told me all about my abusive asshole of a grandfather. To this day, I’ve never met him because of how he treated my dad and aunt. I could talk to my dad. He would know how to snap me out of this mental prison I’ve trapped myself inside. But I’ve never wanted to talk to anyone about my issues—that is until I met Taylor.

  She stirs in my arms, her lips slightly parted as she backs her ass into my morning wood. I’m rock hard, and with this position, it’s painful to be this close to her. I stare at her, swiping a strand of dark brown hair from her forehead. Her cheeks have a touch of pink to them, her skin a little warm as I brush the back of my hand against her cheek.

  I really fucking like her, and that scares the shit out of me. She has balls on her, never backs down from a challenge, or even puts up with my shit. I love the fight in her. Every snarky comment from her mouth makes my cock so damn hard. But it’s not even our sexual attraction that has me so interested.

  “Hey,” she whispers, peeking at me with one eye open.

  I touch her cheek again, this time with the pad of my thumb. “Morning, beautiful.”

  “Morning.” She smiles. “Are you not wearing any pants?”

  I narrow my eyes at her. “No, just my boxers. I hate sleeping in jeans. Why?”

  “Because your dick is digging into my ass,” she says with laughter in her voice. “Jeez, Drake. That thing needs its own zip code.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “And here I always thought girls like big dicks.”

  “They do. Well, I can’t say from personal experience, but yours is more than big. I think they need to come up with a new name for yours.”

  I have to move around to adjust myself and give Taylor some space in the process. Keeping my dick in my boxers isn’t that easy. It really does have a mind of its own. Also, I don’t want to freak Taylor out by showing it to her by accident. Not like she hasn’t seen it before, thanks to Becky Big Tits.

  I reach for my pants on the floor and fish out my cell phone, sighing at the dozen text messages from Trent.

  “What’s wrong?” Taylor asks, sitting up with her legs crossed on the bed next to me.

  “Trent. He sent me a bunch of texts asking where I am. I don’t usually stay out all night.”

  “Don’t tell him you stayed here.”

  “Why? Are you that afraid to have anyone know you were with me?”

  She grips her knees, rocking herself back and forth on the bed as she bites her lip. “No, it’s not that. I’m not embarrassed by you. I just don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea about us. Your situation is complicated. People think you have sex with every girl on campus, and I don’t want them to add me to that list.”

  “What if I could change that?”

  I have no idea how I could erase all of the dumb shit I’ve done over the years. No one will ever believe I didn’t fuck Taylor if I tell them we were together. Then, she’ll be labeled a puck bunny or another one of Drake’s whores.

  “How would you do that? It’s hard to change someone’s opinion once it’s formed.”

  “You sound like a therapist,” I point out.

  She lifts her hands and shrugs. “Probably because I’m going to be
one someday.”

  “That must be why it’s so easy for me to talk to you,” I confess. “Even though you’re mean to me when we’re in public.”

  She snorts at my comment. “I’m not mean to you, Drake. I just didn’t like you at first. Do you blame me? I thought you were a walking STD, only to find out that couldn’t be further from the truth.”

  I type out a quick message to Trent, telling him I’ll be home in time for the Greek Fair. Every year the sororities and fraternities host a fair in the Quad to raise money for charity. Since Tucker is practically an honorary member of Delta Sigma Phi, and Trent is worried about his twin, I have to keep an eye on Tucker.

  “Are you going to the fair?” I ask Taylor.

  She unhooks one leg from the other and stretches them out on the floor, her arms raised above her head. “Bex mentioned it. But we have to get to practice first. Actually, Bex should’ve been home by now. I guess Parker is holding her captive.”

  Taylor slides off the bed, still dressed in the spandex shorts from last night that ride up her long, toned legs. She has basketball player legs, every curve sculpted to perfection. I can’t stop staring at her body from her toned thighs to her full lips and perky tits.

  She snaps her fingers in front of my face. “Hey, buddy, up here.” Taylor points at her eyes, and I have to laugh at the bossy look on her beautiful face.

  “Stop calling me buddy.”

  “What should I call you instead?”

  “How about my name?”

  “You know what I started calling you last night in my head?” A devious look crosses her face.

  The corner of my mouth pulls up into a crooked grin. “No, but please, do share.”

  She moves in front of me, her hands on her hips as she stares me down. “My gentle giant.”

  I laugh so hard, I snort. “Oh my God… you sound like my mom. Please don’t start calling me that.”

  “What?” She cocks an eyebrow at me. “You’re a giant… and not as rough as I was expecting. The name kinda fits.”

  “I guess anything is better than Big Guy.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Because that’s what my mom calls my dad.”

  “So, does that make you Little Big Guy?” She tilts her head back and laughs. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that, but that would be pretty damn funny.”

  “No, she calls me Drakey. I hate it. But I also kinda like it because it’s her name for me.”

  Standing in front of me, she makes room for herself between my legs and grips my shoulders. “Sounds like you’re close with your mom.”

  “Yeah. She’s awesome. A little different but definitely one of the cooler parents. All of my friends have a crush on her. And it doesn’t hurt that she writes really nasty romance books that now all of them have read and imagine her in them.”

  Taylor’s laughter shakes through me. “What’s her name?”

  “Sydney Donovan but she writes under Sydney Carroway, her maiden name.”

  Taylor covers her mouth with her hand and gasps. “Holy shit, your mom is Sydney Carroway.” When she squeals, I cringe. “I love her books. They’re so hot and funny. Damn, so your dad is the guy in all of her books then, huh?”

  I turn my head away from her and sigh. “Yeah, unfortunately. The whole thing grosses me out. Sometimes, I even hear them talking about things they need to try for her books.”

  She makes a sound that’s a mixture of laughter and gagging. “That’s awesome.”

  I look up at her, shaking my head. “No, not even close. You have no idea what it’s like to live with them. She even recruited my sister to help her plot and write books. They do it together now.”

  “Well, that’s kinda weird if she’s writing about your dad.”

  “She’s not writing about him… just inspired by him.”

  “So, I guess that’s where you get your monster cock from. She talks about that a lot in her books.”

  “You have no filter,” I shoot back. “Ugh, you’re talking about my parents. This shit makes me want to puke.”

  Taylor runs her hands down my arms, sending an electric pulse through them.

  “Keep doing that. It feels good.”

  I close my eyes, and she continues to rub my skin with hers, eventually dipping down to press her lips to mine. She climbs onto my lap and rocks her hips as she sweeps her tongue into my mouth. I wasn’t hard but now I am. After last night, and now this morning, I’m gonna be hurting like a motherfucker later.

  Gripping her hair with my hand, I pull her closer, so fucking greedy when it comes to her I can’t get enough. She grinds on me, my dick painfully hard. I’m like an animal when it comes to Taylor—fisting handfuls of her hair, my hands traveling over every surface of her body.

  My head spins when she separates her lips from mine, her lips parted and chapped. She’s gasping for air and panting like she’s in heat. Taylor licks her lips, and then she lowers her head. Her eyes widen when she takes in the sight of my cock poking through the slit in my boxers. I reach down to fix myself, but she clutches my wrist before I get the chance.

  “I want to touch it,” she says against my lips.

  “It’s not a toy, Taylor.”

  “I can take that pain away for you… if you want me to.”

  Her hand falls from my wrist to wrap around the base of my cock. Sliding her hand up and down my shaft, she moans into my mouth as she slips her tongue inside. I never expected Taylor to want to touch my dick, let alone make me come. It seems like the more I lower my guard and let her in, her resolve fades.

  “I want to touch you, too,” I confess, breaking the kiss.

  With Taylor, I don’t want to take anything too far or do anything without her permission.

  Still jerking my dick, she nods, lifting her hips to give me better access. Moving her spandex shorts to the side, I’m surprised to find she’s not wearing any underwear.

  “Bad girl,” I growl, and her eyes flicker with acknowledgment.

  “Underwear didn’t exactly go with the outfit.” She raises her hips higher, giving me the perfect view of her shaved pussy. She’s so wet when I drag my finger along her slit it plunges straight inside her.

  “Fuck, Taylor,” I say, my movements perfectly in sync with hers. I lean back just enough to give her some room to stroke my cock while I slide another finger into her pussy.

  With her free hand, she wets her fingers with her juices and then rubs them down the length of my cock. And when she does that, I let out a hiss, unable to control myself. She’s driving me fucking insane right now. If only I could fuck her. Something tells me I could let go with her, no problem, but the fear lingers in the back of my mind. It never fully goes away, not even with the one girl I think could cure me of this curse.

  Using more of her juices to lubricate my cock, Taylor wraps both of her hands around me, sliding them up and down my shaft. For a virgin, she sure as hell acts like she’s had some experience. Well, I have too, so I guess that logic is somewhat flawed.

  “Drake,” she moans as her pussy tightens around my fingers. “Oh, yeah… keep doing that.” She bites her bottom lip, her hands now working me harder.

  My gaze flickers between my fingers sliding out of her soaking wet pussy and Taylor working my dick like a pro. I don’t want to come yet, but fuck if I don’t need to right now. Every muscle in my body clenches, heat spreading down my arms with each stroke of her hands. I’m about to come, but the awkwardness of our positions doesn’t make this easy.

  Quickly, I push up my shirt with my free hand. Taylor’s icy blue eyes are fixed on mine, her entire body trembling as she comes on my fingers. And it’s not long after that I do too, forced to come on my stomach.

  Out of breath and with her forehead and chest covered in sweat, Taylor releases her hold on me. She stares down at my stomach as I watch her juices drip onto my thigh while I pull my fingers out of her.

  “Looks like we both made a mess,” I say with a smirk.

bsp; She glances down at my thigh, the blush creeping up to her cheeks. “That’s from me?” Her tone has a hint of confusion to it.

  I nod and look around her room for a tissue or something to clean myself with. “Yeah, girl. That was all you.”

  “Wow! That was…” She doesn’t finish her sentence and hops off my lap to retrieve a bath towel hanging on the back of her door. Leaning over in front of me, she gives me a nice view of her rack as she wipes my cum from my stomach.

  I like that she feels the need to take care of me. It kills me how much I like her because I’m so afraid she’ll walk away. They all do. It’s hard to think she might be different.

  Clutching Taylor’s wrist, I help her, eventually taking the towel from her hand, so I can wipe the rest from my cock. She moves her shorts back into place. The material is so wet from her pussy I can’t help but stare.

  Sliding her hand beneath my chin, she forces me to look up at her. A wicked grin crosses her lips. “If you want to do this again, no one can know about us. Okay?”

  I hate that my past is now impacting my future. If I’d have known all those dick pics would lead me here, I would have taken more than a second to consider what I was doing. The only girl I want can’t even tell anyone she’s with me. This fucking sucks balls.

  I nod. “Yeah, sure. Whatever you want, babe.”

  She smiles, though it seems forced. “I wish it didn’t have to be like this, Drake. But what choice have you left me? With that crazy blogger bitch, The Queen, on the loose, I don’t want to get caught up in whatever drama she’s cooking up for you and your teammates.”


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